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Sejarah panjang perkembangan nuklir Iran dimulai dari Pahlevi yang diyakini AS sebagai pemimpin yang bersahabat dengannya. Kerjasama mengenai pengembangan nuklir Iran di lakukan, seperti kerjasama The US Atoms for Peace Program, yang... more
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    • International Relations
: 1110853005
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Jatuhnya rezim komunis pasca Cold War membawa perubahan yang begitu signifikan terhadap tatanan sistem internasional. Uni Soviet yang menjadi representasi dari negara super power dengan ideologi komunis harus mengakui kedigdayaan Amerika... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisEnvironment and natural resources conservationSocial and Environmental Issues
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      International RelationsPublic Policy
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Jatuhnya rezim komunis pasca Cold War membawa perubahan yang begitu signifikan terhadap tatanan sistem internasional. Uni Soviet yang menjadi representasi dari negara super power dengan ideologi komunis harus mengakui kedigdayaan Amerika... more
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      Social MovementsInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisAntiglobalization Social Movements
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      Indonesian Foreign PolicyBung Hatta
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      International SecurityIndonesiaSouth China SeaKebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia
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This research examines the adjournment of full liberalization of Indonesia aviation industry based on Multilateral Agreement on The Full Liberalization on Passenger Air Services (MAFLPAS) protocols due to ASEAN Open Sky. MAFLPAS is... more
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      Political EconomyIndonesiaAviationRegional Integration
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    • Philosophy
Rusia sebagai sebuah bangsa memiliki identitas yang terbangun dari kesejarahan yang panjang. Bangsa ini telah lama eksis sebagai salah satu suku Bangsa Slavia yang kemudian mengorganisir diri mereka secara politik ke dalam sebuah monarki... more
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Permasalahan utama di dalam penelitian ini adalah identitas Pan-Islam, yang mana Republik Islam Iran (RII) yang didirikan dari Revolusi Islam 1979, pada masa pemerintahan Khomeini (1979-1989) telah melakukan tindakan yang mencoba... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesConstructivismIranian Studies
This research aims to analyze maritime diplomacy of India in Southeast Asia from 2014 to 2017. This research utilizes the concept of maritime diplomacy by Christian Le Mière. Christian Le Mière that classified maritime diplomacy into... more
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This research aims to analyze maritime diplomacy of India in Southeast Asia from 2014 to 2017. This research utilizes the concept of maritime diplomacy by Christian Le Mière. Christian Le Mière that classified maritime diplomacy into... more
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Indonesia adalah negara maritim terbesar di dunia. Hampir 2/3 dari total wilayah adalah laut. Kondisi ini harus dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pengembangan kapasitas Indonesia baik dalam tatanan regional maupun internasional dalam semua aspek... more
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    • Tourism
Tourism in the ASEAN context is considered substantial in supporting the economic growth acceleration in each ASEAN country. Therefore, ASEAN has formed a joint strategy to support tourism development in each ASEAN member country through... more
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Establishment of ASEAN in the period 1967 to 2010, ASEAN as a regional organization undergone many changes, both in terms of the dynamics of the issues faced up to the stage of organizational structure. Globalization of trade... more
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    • Business
Tourism is one of the important sectors in the economic development of a country. This is evidenced by the revenue contribution of state revenues generated from the tourism sector. Indonesia under the leadership of President Joko Widodo... more
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      Political ScienceUniversitas Andalas
This research attempts to describe the role of UNICEF in preventing cases of trafficking of girls in India through the Country Program Action Plan (CPAP) 2013-2017. This is important because of the patriarchal culture in the social fabric... more
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    • Political Science