Papers by Denise Ferreira
Rbm Rev Bras Med, Apr 1, 2001
... 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. ALECRIN, ISRAEL NUNES. Marques, José Anto... more ... 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. ALECRIN, ISRAEL NUNES. Marques, José Antonio. ... Id: 311426. Autor: Ferreira, Denise Queiroz; Belotto, Renata A; Gonçalves, Maria Alice Guimaräes; Oyakawa, Nadir; Alecrin, Israel Nunes; Laginha, Fábio; Marques, José Antônio ...
Artigo recebido em 11 de Fevereiro de 2008. Artigo aprovado em 23 de Agosto de 2008.

Mycopathologia, 2006
Human infection by Cunninghamella bertholletiae occurs almost exclusively in immunocompromised pa... more Human infection by Cunninghamella bertholletiae occurs almost exclusively in immunocompromised patients. Infections due to this microorganism have been most frequently diagnosed in patients with hematological malignancies, with neutropenia and in diabetes mellitus patients. This work reports a case of fungal infection by Cunninghamella bertholletiae isolated from blood in a man with a complex clinical picture, involving diabetes and pharmacological immunosupression. Blood culture at room temperature and at 37°C on Sabouraud agar grew a single mold with characteristic properties of Cunninghamella. In the microscopic morphology, were found wide, non-septate, branching hyphae with erect sporangiophores terminated in swollen vesicles and sporangioles borne off the vesicles. C. bertholetiae was identified after subculture on Sabouraud dextrose agar at 45°C. The patient died 15 days after the beginning of amphotericin B therapy.

Food Control, 2014
ABSTRACT In this study the food-hygiene knowledge of food handlers working in nursing homes and k... more ABSTRACT In this study the food-hygiene knowledge of food handlers working in nursing homes and kindergartens was evaluated. From a global population of 1392 food handlers, a sample was selected of 335 participants from 155 institutions (kindergartens and nursing homes), in the region of Porto, Portugal. Data was collected through a self-administrated, multiple-choice questionnaire that was filled-in individually, in the presence of the researchers. The average score of correctly answered questions was13.9 (±3.65SD), corresponding to 60.7% of the questions. The level of knowledge shown was heterogeneous, varying according to the topics covered and the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, although some pattern could be discerned as to areas of strength and weakness. Knowledge relating to temperature control (44.2% of correct answers) and to risk associated to foods (50.2% of correct answers) was significantly lower (p<0.001) than the overall knowledge (60.7% of correct answers). Education and
Sociedade e Cultura, 2009
NOS ANOS MAIS RECENTES, os estudos sobre democracia assu-miram uma posição de centralidade na Ciê... more NOS ANOS MAIS RECENTES, os estudos sobre democracia assu-miram uma posição de centralidade na Ciência Política interna-cional e brasileira. Tal centralidade pode ser explicada, em primeiro lugar, pelo fato de essa forma de governo ter se tornado dominante nas sociedades ...
Journal of Composites for Construction, 2016

ABSTRACT Cracking is an inherent characteristic of RC structural behaviour and its control is an ... more ABSTRACT Cracking is an inherent characteristic of RC structural behaviour and its control is an important concern for durability and sustainability. The French national research program – ‘Behaviour and assessment of special construction works concerning cracking and shrinkage’ – has carried out an experimental campaign focused on cracking behaviour. An international benchmark (ConCrack) was organized with the goal of achieving a state of the art on cracking modelling of concrete structures. In this paper, the blind prediction of the RL1 test – large RC beam specimen loaded in bending after free shrinkage – by means of a thermo-mechanical filament beam model is presented. Numerical and experimental results are compared in terms of temperatures, strains, displacements and cracking. Predictions of other participating teams involving distinct formulations are also contrasted. Beam elements presented one of the most successful performances at blind stage, with good predictions at both early age and loading stages. At the feed-back stage, a postdiction analysis was performed with updated parameters. Strain fields developed at early ages affected the mechanical response at mature ages by increasing general damage. Due to its conceptual simplicity and accuracy, the presented model can be a very interesting option for design and assessment stages of complex structural behaviours.

Composite Structures, 2015
ABSTRACT Shear strains can become significant in the response of RC beams, especially in the case... more ABSTRACT Shear strains can become significant in the response of RC beams, especially in the case with longitudinal FRP reinforcement. The effect of the shear strains is studied in this paper through the numerical results of a 1D non-linear fibre model accounting for the axial–bending–shear interaction. Experimental data from FRP RC beams, tested by the authors, are compared with the numerical results determined with the shear-sensitive and with a pure flexural 1D model in order to evaluate the effect of shear. A good correlation in terms of ultimate loads, deflections, strains in the concrete and reinforcement was observed between the experimental and numerical results when considering the shear strains, which represent around 15% of the deflections. The load–deflection response has also been compared with the analytical values given by the JSCE guidelines, showing a good agreement. The numerical model is also able to reproduce the cracking widths and pattern when increasing the applied load. Finally, a parametric study has been performed to analyse the effects of different parameters, such as the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement ratio, the modulus of elasticity of the longitudinal reinforcement, and the shear-span to depth ratio, on the shear deflections.

Journal of Composites for Construction, 2013
ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the shear resisting... more ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the shear resisting mechanisms in RC beams shear-strengthened by externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets. For this purpose, a fiber beam model of RC frames subjected to combined normal and shear forces, previously developed by the authors, has been extended to include the response of externally bonded FRP shear reinforcement in a wrapped configuration. No FRP delamination phenomena or tensile strength reductions in the corner zones are taken into account in the model. The numerical results have been compared with eight existing experimental results and the influence of the FRP sheets on the shear strength of the beam has been studied. The effects of the contribution of FRP ratio on the concrete, on the transversal steel strains and stresses, on the longitudinal tensile steel stresses, and on the diagonal compression struts have been analyzed. It is concluded that the presence of FRP reinforcement modifies the inclinations of cracks and struts, the concrete confinement stresses, and other parameters related to the shear response, producing an interaction between the concrete, internal steel, and FRP components of the shear strength. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Papers by Denise Ferreira