Universitas pasundan bandung
Fisip Komunikasi
The development of children's potential in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in the era of globalization is currently facing big challenges. In especial, the challenge of the entry of global culture or foreign culture into Indonesia... more
Online lectures at the college level due to the Covid-19 pandemic have had an impact and obstacle for students and lecturers, especially the decline in the learning quality, therefore is needed high learning motivation of students and... more
This study aims to find out the experience of interpersonal communication between parents and children 8-10 years old, to understanding the impact of playing online games and the impact on their achievement at the schools in Bandung. The... more
Pesatnya perkembangan internet sebagai bagian dari revolusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, berdampak pada meningkatnya penggunaan media sosial. Hal tersebut juga menghasilkan perubahan penggunaan media komunikasi dari masyarakat... more
Dalam buku karyanya, The World Is Flat, Friedman mengatakan bahwa dunia ini didatarkan oleh konvergensi 10 peristiwa utama yang berhubungan dengan politik, inovasi dan perusahan. Perkembangan cepat yang membuat manusia menjadi semakin... more