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      OSCEArms Control and DisarmamentConventional Arms Control
More active policy is needed by Brussels, especially in the sphere of security and defence. But this would only work in a more united EU, argues this report of FES ROCPE.
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      European Security and Defence PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyEuropean Union Politics
Seit der Einführung der Dekommunisierungsgesetze im Jahr 2015 berichten die ukrainischen Medien regelmäßig über politische Auseinandersetzungen um die Umbenennung von Straßen, die an die Zeit des Kommunismus bzw. an einzelne... more
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Aus dem Fazit: "Für die politische Praxis hält diese Analyse die Erkenntnis bereit, dass es sich bei der russischen Außenpolitik in der Ukrainekrise um eine aktive und an innerstaatlichen Normen orientierte Verhinderungspolitik... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisRussian Foreign PolicyUkraine conflict
Security Radar 2022 is the second edition of an FES survey first conducted in 2019. It includes fourteen states from across the OSCE region: Armenia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Turkey,... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisNATOPublic Opinion (Political Science)Opinion polls
Der »Security Radar 2022. Navigating the Disarray of European Security« ist eine Studie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, die auf einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage in 14 OSZE-Staaten basiert und kurz vor Kriegsausbruch erschienen ist.... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyOpinion pollsEuropean Security
Limits of European engagement in Russiaʿs war against Ukraine
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisGerman Foreign PolicyPolitics of UkraineEuropean Security
Eine Umfrage in Deutschland, Frankreich, Lettland und Polen
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      Public OpinionEuropean Security and Defence PolicyPublic Opinion (Political Science)SIcherheitspolitik
Public perceptions before and after Russia's invasion of Ukraine
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      European Foreign PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyPolitics of Ukraine
Change and continuity of public attitudes in Germany
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      German StudiesStrategic CultureForeign Policy ChangeDeutsche Außenpolitik
This paper provides an overview of acceptance of possible political compromises in Ukrainian and Russian society. On the one hand, this is an indicator of the capacity for political mobilisation; on the other hand, it is important for... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyInternational NegotiationsInternational political sociology
Since Ursula von der Leyen assumed the role of President of the European Commission, the European Union has shown stronger aspirations in security policy. The EU wants to take on a larger share of global responsibility. However, this will... more
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      European Security and Defence PolicyGerman Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security PolicyEuropean Union Politics