Ute Fischer
1977 Abitur1981 Abschluss Luftverkehrskaufmann bei Deutsche Lufthansa AG1987 Abschluss Diplom-Ökonom an der Fernuniversität in Hagen1978-1988 beschäftigt bei Deutsche Lufthansa AG, zuletzt Projekt- Mitarbeiter Fracht-EDV Informationslogistik1988-1993 Auslandsaufenthalte Belgrad und Cairo, Geburt der Kinder1997-2003 Buchhaltung/Controlling in mehreren Firmen, Dozentin an der VHS Metzingen in Buchhaltung/Finanzwirtschaftca. 2002 Beginn einer Ausbildung zur Schreibwerkstättenleiterin 2004 Leitung von Schreibwerkstätten in Metzingen/BaWü2009 - 2013 Master-Studium KSW Europäische Moderne an der Fernuniversität in Hagen2015 Beginn der Promotion am Institut für neuere deutsche Literatur und Medientheorie, Fernuniversität in Hagenseit 2006 bis heute : Unternehmensberaterin/Projekte bei der WCG AG, Reutlingen
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Papers by Ute Fischer
Abstract in English:
The novel The land of all evil by Thomas Körner can be read online only. It consists of nine fragments. There is no requirement to start reading the novel at a special first page or a first chapter. There is also no closed end, each of the nine fragments has an open end. The writer Thomas Körner has chosen the language of the GDR, which was influenced by the ideology of socialism / Marxism and therefore you can say it was a restricted language. As well as Körner says the system of GDR was like a vacuole, a closed shop. Two narrative voices, one of the commentless realist klr, the second one of the barbaric cabaret artist brk, have their say and dissect the language of the party SED and the media of the GDR such as television, radio and journal press. In theater scenes, word and reading games, Körner tries to seduce the reader into an attentive, in-depth reading. Körner develops his own poetics for his readers. He adds new meanings to specified concepts in order to show the reader how easy it is to remove old meaning and replace it by new meaning. This work will first introduce the author and his novel project in its full amount of more than 9.000 pages, of which more than 7.000 pages are online. Beside this, main theme of this work is the act of reading on screen. How does Körner succeed in using innovative methods like “reading games” and “manuscript models” to get the reader into an attentive reading? The dissertation tries to find the answer.
Abstract in English:
The novel The land of all evil by Thomas Körner can be read online only. It consists of nine fragments. There is no requirement to start reading the novel at a special first page or a first chapter. There is also no closed end, each of the nine fragments has an open end. The writer Thomas Körner has chosen the language of the GDR, which was influenced by the ideology of socialism / Marxism and therefore you can say it was a restricted language. As well as Körner says the system of GDR was like a vacuole, a closed shop. Two narrative voices, one of the commentless realist klr, the second one of the barbaric cabaret artist brk, have their say and dissect the language of the party SED and the media of the GDR such as television, radio and journal press. In theater scenes, word and reading games, Körner tries to seduce the reader into an attentive, in-depth reading. Körner develops his own poetics for his readers. He adds new meanings to specified concepts in order to show the reader how easy it is to remove old meaning and replace it by new meaning. This work will first introduce the author and his novel project in its full amount of more than 9.000 pages, of which more than 7.000 pages are online. Beside this, main theme of this work is the act of reading on screen. How does Körner succeed in using innovative methods like “reading games” and “manuscript models” to get the reader into an attentive reading? The dissertation tries to find the answer.