Papers by Katharina Ebner

Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
A large amount of the pollution of modern cities is caused by individual transportation. Hence, m... more A large amount of the pollution of modern cities is caused by individual transportation. Hence, many road users suffer from stress, emissions and noise. Smart mobility services can help improving the situation by distributing traffic more consistently across different routes, times, and transportation modes. These services comprise two dimensions, a technical and a socio-technical. The latter addresses the road user's role as data and knowledge provider and stresses the road user's role in actively contributing to relieved traffic. As such, road users display one of the strongest levers to sustainably relieve traffic both in terms of knowledge providers and traffic actors. Using a systematic analysis of 28 publications, we show that existing SMob services show several challenges related to the involvement of road users. We call for more research on SMob services that account for long-term user involvement e.g. by positively influences road users' practices and routines.

Crowdfunding enables project initiators to obtain money from unknown supporters worldwide to fina... more Crowdfunding enables project initiators to obtain money from unknown supporters worldwide to finance their business ideas. To receive funding, an adequate and effective communication between project initiators and supporters is very important. However, traditional marketing activities’ high costs are often unaffordable. Therefore, guerrilla marketing represents an unconventional and inexpensive way to gain reach and popularity, especially if done via social media. Research has largely neglected the ways different marketing activities and social media influence crowdfunding success. The contribution of our work-inprogress is that we provide a theoretical and integrative understanding of how guerrilla marketing has an influence on crowdfunding success via social media. We derive a preliminary model on crowdfunding success from literature and test it against seven cases of crowdfunding campaigns which employed guerrilla marketing in their social media campaigns. Subsequently, using ind...

Innovations do not emerge in isolation but are at least to some extent recombinations of previous... more Innovations do not emerge in isolation but are at least to some extent recombinations of previously existing building blocks. In this paper, we will build on the recombination processes feature set broadening and deepening to show how individuals innovate with IT. In our understanding, the out-comes of innovative use can be performative (improving existing task performance) or creative (leading to new deliverables). We build on a longitudinal case of stresstracking initially designed to improve meditation, but ultimately increasing work productivity by using the meditation tool in an innovative way. Using a theoretically grounded analysis framework, we were able to derive eight propositions on the attainment of performative and creative outcome of innovative IT use. We postulate that innovation only occurs through repeating cycles of recombination processes. Particularly, we propose that it is instrumental to run through a phase that does not benefit any task-related outcomes to tri...

Post-adoption use has gained considerable attention during the last ten years of IT acceptance re... more Post-adoption use has gained considerable attention during the last ten years of IT acceptance research. As of today, various types of post-adoption use have been proposed, researched and linked to different outcomes. Missing from the literature is a precise consideration of the impact of different types of use on specific outcomes. Consequently, questions of transition between use types and the resulting consequences for outcomes remain unanswered. In order to address this need, we have performed an intensive, conceptual literature study and propose a continuum of use types and mechanisms that foster an understanding of how post-adoption use not only leads to shortand mid-term IT-enabled outcomes such as efficiency and effectiveness, but also to long-term, complex outcomes such as innovativeness. We model these mechanisms as movements that occur along the continuum of use types and operate through the experiential learning cycle of knowledge acquisition and transformation. This cyc...

HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
ZusammenfassungDie digitale Transformation mit ihrer Komplexität und Vielfältigkeit stellt Lehren... more ZusammenfassungDie digitale Transformation mit ihrer Komplexität und Vielfältigkeit stellt Lehrende vor große Herausforderungen, geeignete Lehr‑/Lernkonzepte zu entwickeln. Zusätzlich ergeben sich durch Blended-Learning-Studienmodelle weitere Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die didaktische und organisatorische Umsetzung von Lehr‑/Lernkonzepten. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, ein Lehr‑/Lernkonzept vorzustellen, das die digitale Transformation sowohl inhaltlich als auch didaktisch auf Basis von problembasiertem Lernen, Gamification und virtueller Gruppenarbeit umsetzt. In der Gruppenarbeit setzen sich die Studierenden inhaltlich mit vielfältigen Konzepten der digitalen Transformation auseinander und werden darauf vorbereitet, die immer neuen und komplexen Aufgaben der digitalen Transformation bewältigen zu können. Es werden zudem die notwendigen Gestaltungsanforderungen dargelegt und die zugrundeliegenden Gestaltungszyklen kurz beschrieben.
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik

2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2016
A fundamental objective of IS research is the investigation of the dynamic interplay between the ... more A fundamental objective of IS research is the investigation of the dynamic interplay between the social and the material. As a consequence, the concept of sociomateriality has evolved to depict the interaction of the social and material in different environments, such as organizations. Although various definitions have emerged, sociomateriality remains a buzzword; however, its application in real world settings often remains unclear. Our study's objective is to assess the IS artifact in sociomaterial research and to clarify the intertwining of the social and material agencies. On the basis of the conceptualization of the IS artifact and the dominances of the agencies, we suggest a framework to systematically evaluate the artifact's role in sociomaterial research settings, and derive opportunities and potentials for future research on sociomateriality. Our approach will be helpful to focus greater attention on the dynamic interplay and the role of the IS artifact in sociomaterial inquiries.
Information & Management, 2015
IT organizations use strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) to revise IT strategies or perform interna... more IT organizations use strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) to revise IT strategies or perform internal marketing. Despite benchmarking’s long tradition, many SITBM initiatives do not reveal the desired outcomes. The vast body of knowledge on benchmarking and IT management does not help overcome the challenges of successful SITBM. We therefore synthesize existing research on IT management and benchmarking into a concept relationship map and derive future research avenues. We find that there is much literature on how to produce SITBM results. However, research does not explain how these results are transformed into outcome – essentially the problem many practitioners struggle with.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2016
In light of the continued economic pressure on IT organizations, the efficient delivery of IT/IS ... more In light of the continued economic pressure on IT organizations, the efficient delivery of IT/IS services remains a crucial issue. Hence, IT managers have to break down and justify their service delivery costs. For this purpose, many IT executives revert to comparative assessments like IT/IS benchmarking. In recent years, IT/IS benchmarking has been increasingly used to support IT/IS management on a strategic level. This approach has specific requirements for the data collection instrument. Hence, this paper introduces such ...

Kollaborationssysteme (KS) sind heute in der Unternehmenswelt unverzichtbar, jedoch scheitern vie... more Kollaborationssysteme (KS) sind heute in der Unternehmenswelt unverzichtbar, jedoch scheitern viele KS-Einführungsprojekte an dem Widerstand der Nutzer. Häufig wird Widerstand der Inflexibilität der Nutzer oder schlechten Schulungsmaßnahmen zugeschrieben; er kann aber auch auf andere Missstände hindeuten. Widerstand ist somit nicht notwendigerweise eine irrationale Antwort oder eine eigennützige Reaktion. Vielmehr dient er als Diagnosewerkzeug für die Analyse von gescheiterten KS-Projekten oder der Evaluation der Erfolgschancen solcher Projekte. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, zu untersuchen, warum Mitarbeiter KS nicht oder nur widerwillig benutzen und wie dem begegnet werden kann. Dazu wird auf Basis einer systematischen Literaturanalyse ein Forschungsmodell mit 13 Hypothesen entwickelt,
das Ursachen von und Maßnahmen gegen KS-Widerstand analysiert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass noch deutlicher Forschungsbedarf in Bezug auf die
Auswirkungen verschiedener Ursachen auf die Intensität und Arten von KS-Widerstand besteht. Die Forschungslücke im Bereich der Maßnahmen ist sogar noch größer – zwar werden in der Literatur Maßnahmen erwähnt, doch sind diese oft sehr generisch und die Übertragbarkeit auf KS fraglich.

Post-adoption use has gained considerable attention during the last ten years of IT acceptance re... more Post-adoption use has gained considerable attention during the last ten years of IT acceptance research. As of today, various types of post-adoption use have been proposed, researched and linked to different outcomes. Missing from the literature is a precise consideration of the impact of different types of use on specific outcomes. Consequently, questions of transition between use types and the resulting consequences for outcomes remain unanswered. In order to address this need, we have performed an intensive, conceptual literature study and propose a continuum of use types and mechanisms that foster an understanding of how post-adoption use not only leads to short- and mid-term IT-enabled outcomes such as efficiency and effectiveness, but also to long-term, complex outcomes such as innovativeness. We model these mechanisms as movements that occur along the continuum of use types and operate through the experiential learning cycle of knowledge acquisition and transformation. This cycle takes the form of a broadening and deepening of feature sets—a group of features that an individual has associated together and assigned to one or more tasks or tasks groups. To illustrate our research model, we provide an example based on a company from the auditing industry. Our research contributes to theory by 1) developing a typology of use in post-adoption and 2) explaining how a user moves between different post-adoption use types and arrives at different IT-enabled outcomes. We show how the notions of feature set deepening and broadening can be used to explain the attainment of short-term outcomes such as efficiency and effectiveness, and, beyond that, also to explain long-term outcomes such as innovativeness. We demonstrate that the achievement of outcomes is not a linear function as a user moves along the continuum, but a complex, non-linear process.

A fundamental objective of IS research is the investigation of the dynamic interplay between the ... more A fundamental objective of IS research is the investigation of the dynamic interplay between the social and the material. As a consequence, the concept of sociomateriality has evolved to depict the interaction of the social and material in different environments, such as organizations. Although various definitions have emerged, sociomateriality remains a buzzword; however, its application in real world settings often remains unclear. Our study’s objective is to assess the IS artifact in sociomaterial research and to clarify the intertwining of the social and material agencies. On the basis of the conceptualization of the IS artifact and the dominances of the agencies, we suggest a framework to systematically evaluate the artifact’s role in sociomaterial research settings, and derive opportunities and potentials for future research on sociomateriality. Our approach will be helpful to focus greater attention on the dynamic interplay and the role of the IS artifact in sociomaterial inquiries.
IT organizations use strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) to revise IT strategies or perform interna... more IT organizations use strategic IT benchmarking (SITBM) to revise IT strategies or perform internal marketing. Despite benchmarking’s long tradition, many SITBM initiatives do not reveal the desired outcomes. The vast body of knowledge on benchmarking and IT management does not help overcome the challenges of successful SITBM. We therefore synthesize existing research on IT management and benchmarking into a concept relationship map and derive future research avenues. We find that there is much literature on how to produce SITBM results. However, research does not explain how these results are transformed into outcome – essentially the problem many practitioners struggle with.

Crowdfunding enables project initiators to obtain money from unknown supporters worldwide to fina... more Crowdfunding enables project initiators to obtain money from unknown supporters worldwide to finance their business ideas. To receive funding, an adequate and effective communication between project initiators and supporters is very important. However, traditional marketing activities’ high costs are often unaffordable. Therefore, guerrilla marketing represents an unconventional and inexpensive way to gain reach and popularity, especially if done via social media. Research has largely neglected the ways different marketing activities and social media influence crowdfunding success. The contribution of our work-in- progress is that we provide a theoretical and integrative understanding of how guerrilla marketing has an influence on crowdfunding success via social media. We derive a preliminary model on crowdfunding success from literature and test it against seven cases of crowdfunding campaigns which employed guerrilla marketing in their social media campaigns. Subsequently, using inductive case analysis, we extend the current understanding of crowdfunding success to an initial research model.
In this paper, we review the primary theories from both the acceptance and post-acceptance stage ... more In this paper, we review the primary theories from both the acceptance and post-acceptance stage of IT adoption. In addition, we synthesize the different theories and their constructs in a reference framework for IT adoption. We conceptualize individual IT adoption as a dynamic process, in which use patterns, beliefs, and individual motivations change over time. Our framework provides an end-toend view of IT adoption, spanning the adoption process from acceptance antecedents to outcomes. Eventually, we suggest opportunities for future research based on the different stages of our framework. We believe that our framework will be helpful to develop more complete and actionable theories, and to provide clarity on the concepts and stages related to IT adoption.

2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014
Businesses increasingly attempt to learn more about their customers, suppliers, and operations by... more Businesses increasingly attempt to learn more about their customers, suppliers, and operations by using millions of networked sensors integrated, for example, in mobile phones, cashier systems, automobiles, or weather stations. This development raises the question of how companies manage to cope with these ever-increasing amounts of data, referred to as Big Data. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to identify different Big Data strategies a company may implement and provide a set of organizational contingency factors that influence strategy choice. In order to do so, we reviewed existing literature in the fields of Big Data analytics, data warehousing, and business intelligence and synthesized our findings into a contingency matrix that may support practitioners in choosing a suitable Big Data approach. We find that while every strategy can be beneficial under certain corporate circumstances, the hybrid approacha combination of traditional relational database structures and MapReduce techniquesis the strategy most often valuable for companies pursuing Big Data analytics.
Papers by Katharina Ebner
das Ursachen von und Maßnahmen gegen KS-Widerstand analysiert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass noch deutlicher Forschungsbedarf in Bezug auf die
Auswirkungen verschiedener Ursachen auf die Intensität und Arten von KS-Widerstand besteht. Die Forschungslücke im Bereich der Maßnahmen ist sogar noch größer – zwar werden in der Literatur Maßnahmen erwähnt, doch sind diese oft sehr generisch und die Übertragbarkeit auf KS fraglich.
das Ursachen von und Maßnahmen gegen KS-Widerstand analysiert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass noch deutlicher Forschungsbedarf in Bezug auf die
Auswirkungen verschiedener Ursachen auf die Intensität und Arten von KS-Widerstand besteht. Die Forschungslücke im Bereich der Maßnahmen ist sogar noch größer – zwar werden in der Literatur Maßnahmen erwähnt, doch sind diese oft sehr generisch und die Übertragbarkeit auf KS fraglich.