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Feral Animal Discussion
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Feral Animal Discussion's LiveJournal:

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Thursday, April 24th, 2008
1:32 pm
 Hey, if anyone's on this community anymore, I was wondering if I could get some opinions on Feral Cats. I'm a Wildlife Ecology major in my last semester of schooling and am curious to peoples' opinions. I'm personally of the opinion that Feral Cats should be eradicated, but understand that it may not be an option. From what I've researched, eradication programs haven't been working, mostly due to the massive amounts of feral cats. This is a dilema in my mind, because the trap-neuter-release programs simply aren't addressing the problem. They'll create a managable population, but the problem is that they're out there in the first place. Feral cats are an invasive species that's damaging the native (and in some cases threatened) bird and mammal species. In my opinion, we should be protecting those native species of wild animals, not a population of cats that we brought in to roam around a new habitat... Anyway, that's my opinion, I was hoping to hear some more from both sides from you guys. If anyone's visiting here, let me know what you think.
Tuesday, May 1st, 2007
9:09 pm
Does anyone here have an aggresive dog? The dog in my user pic has become aggressive.HE's been aggressive towards my mothers pug and a few times my other dalmation mix dog dooby. They would usually cool it off , but tonight he jumped on dooby and fought him because he had a piece of wood he wanted in the yard. It was a serious fight not just playing. My mom said that I should take him back to the humane society because I'm not too attached and it would be too hard later. I would feel like I'm abandoning him though. I never wanted to be one of those people contributing to the homeless animal problem , but I"m not sure what to do, because dog training places usuallly won't take aggressive dogs. I don't want him hurting my other dogs though. IF I took him back it wouldn't be for lack of being able to take care of him it would be for not being able to have an aggressive dog. Anyone have suggestions?
Tuesday, March 13th, 2007
5:48 pm
CA kitty update
This is a c/p from my friend - she was put in contact with a rescuer in the San Diego CA area that is able to find foster homes for all 3 of her kitties.

Thanks for the help - well wishes- thoughts- links- any and everything. I hope my "THANK YOU" expresses my gratitude enough. :)

Current Mood: thankful
Saturday, March 10th, 2007
10:22 am
Need some advice
I have been feeding a stray cat for the past six months. He is so adorable, but has been stray for a while. I am moving this summer and unsure of what to do. I am moving out of state. He has gotten so much better in the last few months. He used to run away when I would try to pet him, now he lets me pet him. Also, he will wait at my door when he is hungry. I have had him in my apartment, but you would tell he was very uncomftorable. What are the steps I should take before I move out of state, since taking him is not an option?
Friday, January 26th, 2007
3:33 pm
seeking advice for relocating a stray cat
I'm posting in the community because although it seems a bit dead, its members seem really smart, so I'm hoping I'll get some good advice despite the paucity of posts.

There are quite a few feral cats where I live, and I think I've gotten them all sterilized. However, EvilCat, the one who I thought was the feralest of them all, turned out to be a big tame pussycat. His friendliness came out of nowhere -- I trapped his beta-male rival, and EvilCat kept watch over the cage and would even hide under the car and meow at me incessantly. I had never heard him meow before. Within a few minutes he approached me -- a first -- and followed me around the yard, walking so close to my feet that I'd almost trip over him, meowing all the way. It was such a complete personality change that for a few days I entertained the notion that it was a different cat.

On the first or second night of this friendliness, I gave him some tuna, and he's been devoted to me since. He purrs loudly, loves to be scratched, and even presents his belly when he wants it to be rubbed.

I anguished over what to do with him at this point -- find him a home or take him into mine. Without going into the details of the decision, I felt it was best to take care of him but keep him outside. I can't really keep him inside, but I don't want a shelter cat to be put to sleep because EvilCat displaced their adoption. He's a 15.5-pound giant (probably a Maine Coon or part) and does exceptionally well outside, so I figure that by taking care of him and keeping him in my yard (he never leaves!) his situation is 1000% better than it was before.

Here's where I'd like advice: I'm going to be moving next month. I'm very attached to the guy and would like to take him with me, but am worried that by keeping him in the yard he might try to leave and find his old territory. And he is VERY territorial. Any male cat that walks into the yard gets yowled and swiped at. I am wondering if this is indicative of a potential to leave the new yard and become lost. Is there anything you'd recommend?
Sunday, October 8th, 2006
5:10 pm

I am new to this community. I need some help. I started to leave water and food for a cat who lived in my complex. I found out it does have a home. Then I found out I was feeding the cutest little black cat ever. I could not figure out how all the food was disappearing so fast outside my door. I would imagine it is feral. Everytime I get too close the poor little cat runs away. I have been feeding it and leaving it water for the last month or so. It is used to being fed twice a day at regular times. I am allergic so keeping it is not an option. I think I am making progress since now it doesn't mind if I am around outside when I feed it. I even poke my head out the door and it looks up and then continues to eat. I am not sure if it has been spayed or neutered. I do not see a collar on it's neck. I am really wanting to make sure if it can find a good home it does. It just is really scared. Any help would be appreciated. Debbie
Thursday, October 5th, 2006
3:02 am

*If this is off-topic feel free to delete. But this is important for anyone interested in animals to know about.


H.R. 4239, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), is a bill that could make it a crime punishable by imprisonment to cause any business classified as an "animal enterprise" to suffer a loss of profit—even if the company's financial decline is the result of legal activities, such as peaceful protests, consumer boycotts or media campaigns. The term “animal enterprise” would include manufacturers, distributors and sellers of animals or animal products, research facilities, pet stores, breeders, zoos, rodeos, circuses, and animal shelters and the like.

While the ASPCA strongly opposes acts of violence, including vandalism, property damage and trespass, this bill threatens to criminalize as “terrorism” otherwise lawful, constitutionally protected acts often utilized by citizens and organizations to effect change. Lawful and peaceful protests that, for example, urge a consumer boycott of a company that does not use humane procedures, could be the target of this provision if the activity resulted in economic damage to the company.

The bill would also make it illegal to expose cruel conditions at facilities such as puppy mills and research labs, if exposure of such conditions—even if done lawfully—would result in economic damage to the animal enterprise. There is no exemption in the bill to exclude “economic damage” that results from the disclosure of information about a company’s treatment of animals, which is disclosed through public information.

The AETA has already been passed in the Senate, and a vote in the House is expected very soon. It is critical that you contact your representative immediately to show your opposition to H.R. 4239 and urge him or her to protect our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech by opposing H.R. 4239.
Take Action Now! 


Also go to for more information and talking points.


Never have our freedoms been so threaten. Read what they are trying to do: makes protesting illegal. That's right, take away our first amendments right. This isn't about animals, this is about terrorism, this isn't about eating meat. This is about every American's right to oppose ideas and institutions. This is about our right to disagree with our government, what our country was founded on. This is about animal abusers trying to take that right away from us because they are worried about loosing money. Loosing money, because we make a choice not to buy their product, and not to support their business, and to voice our opinion about this. Do not let them take your ability to voice your opinion away.


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”

-John F. Kennedy

Monday, February 6th, 2006
9:18 am
Issues with anesthesia?
I took several kittens into a local feral cat organization to get spay/neutered yesterday. And one of them seems to be having some trouble coming out of the anesthesia. I had to wait an hour and a half past pick up time yesterday for her to wake up. Thankfully she did, but this morning she still doesn't look with it, and her one eye is all glazed over.

I've put in a call to the number they gave in the take home instructions and am waiting to hear back. But I'm worried, and wondered if any one else has had a similar experience: what to look for, what to worry about or not worry about, etc.

And good kitty vibes her direction would be good, too.


Current Mood: worried
Tuesday, December 13th, 2005
2:16 am
Greetings from Portland
I just found ya'll. It seems no one from my area has joined this group. I volunteer with the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon ( FCCO is a TNR organization which is based in Portland but has a mobile van for surgeries and a network of volunteer veterinarians, technicians and cat lovers in cities across the state. They hold a clinic every week in various cities and at least once a month in Portland. FCCO spayed/neutered it's 20,000th cat last year.

Right now I'm working with a couple of ferals from the October clinic. These will be the 5th and 6th truly feral cats I've tamed. I only rehomed 3 of the previous 4. I kept Felicia, not because she couldn't adapt to a new home, but because I couldn't bear to part with her. And she's the one who bit me through a leather glove. :)

I fear it is only a matter of time before I encounter an insurmountable obstacle. I accept that there are some cats who simply don't have the temperament to make the transition. I've been both lucky and intuitive in the cats I've chosen to work with. One of the kittens I'm working with now was foisted upon me by the caretaker along with her brother (whom I chose). They are both making great progress, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about her eventual disposition.

I'm glad I've found this community.

Current Mood: hopeful
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
5:01 pm
Feral related Xmas gift...
I want to get someone I know a book about feral cat management for Xmas.

My sister has trapped a couple of ferals (not friendly) ferals in her neighborhood and gotten them speutered, and she's bugged me for info. My sister works full time and has two kids.. she's quit the PTA because she 'has no time'. I live 500 miles away, so I can't assist her... so I thought this might make a decent gift.

I've looked @ Community Approaches to Feral Cats: Problems, Alternatives, and Recommendations and The Stray Cat Handbook.

I know, most people I ask say 'oh just trap 'em and tip 'em and fix 'em'.. which is obvious and what she's been doing, but my sister and I are programmers and we need methodology (we're crazy for documentation). I know Neighborhood Cats in NYC has a great tape, but its VHS and neither of us has a player. :(

I've referred her to lots of websites but the last thing she wants to do is sit in front of a computer when she gets home.. ^^

Has anyone read these books? Have you seen any good ones on the topic that you can share? Suggestions? Thx!

xposted to stupidpetowners

Current Mood: awake
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
10:47 am
Intro/Question re: early neuters
Hi. First time posting/reading. My name is Jesse and I run a group called Slope Street Cats in Bklyn ( doing TNR, have a 10 trap bank, co-hosting workshops with NC, etc.

We've done feral s/n as of 3.5/4 months in the past. I think the A's rule is 2 lbs or 2 months.

I have a little boy from one of our colonies who the vet said is 6-8 weeks but I know he's been around longer (10-11 would be my guess) and is over 2 lbs. A transient female had a litter next to our colony and brought him over to the feeding station. We'd just fixed a nursing mom (inadvertantly - no one knew there were kittens but when the unit told us she had an extended uterus we got her back out ASAP) who had 2 kittens who passed within a week due to URIs. She and the other female adopted this kitten because his mom either took off or was chased off by them. (These girls were always really good about sharing kitten-rearing responsibilities so this makes sense.)

Basically he's borderline and not really coming around:

He hisses any time I approach him. He's handleable but only resigned to it, not enjoying it, and only if I let him burrow in my arm/lap. Even though the bathroom is small he doesn't like to be "out in the open" - only behind the toilet or in his carrier. He shivers out of anxiety sometimes when I hold him -- so regularly I thought they were purrs at first.

I am having some people come over to handle him as well this weekend to see if that helps. I've started feeding him in the center of the floor to get him used to "being out" but he eats at breakneck speed, constantly checking behind him so no one can sneak attack him. Saturday is his deadline because I can't risk him losing his winter coat.

I have no doubt that for the long haul, he will come around. I can touch him. He gives lowered-eyelids to verbal consoling. I am not certain he will be able to come around to others though - I think there's a huge chance he might just imprint on me and I can't risk having another cat. He is like my first cat was when he was younger and I had to work with him for years to get him to feel comfortable. It just breaks my heart because I look at him and he is so happy now...and to know that this little guy would probably come around but we don't really have the resources to let him is heartbreaking. He pretends he is so tough because he is so miserable inside right now. That is the part that gets me really glum and weepy.

A volunteer with a lot of cat socialization/rescue experience was over last night picking up traps and visited him and she confirmed my fears: she thinks he will probably have to go back outside from the 2 times she's interacted with him. Although she also thinks he will imprint on someone if they give him months.

If he doesn't become more social and willing be "be out" by Saturday (meaning: he needs to give me strong hope that he will be adoptable within a month) I'm going to have to consider whether I want him fixed this early (at least he's a boy) and released. Or if I want to risk having him released and then fixed at 4 months, if I can get him...and hopefully before he becomes a "man", leaves his colony, and starts spraying and trying to do it with girls. I am leaning towards early-neuter if I have to put him back out because I don't trust that we'll get him again and at least he'll live in a managed colony with shelter and food.

**** MY QUESTION: Experiences with early s/n?
Monday, October 10th, 2005
8:52 pm
My Outside Cats
Last June the local "cat lady" died. She would let cats in and out of her house. Once my family and I saw the cats living outside (including many kittens) we couldn't help but start feeding them. As of now, my neighbor adopted 2 kittens, we have one kitten (brings our total to 5), one friendly adult and kitten were brought to a no kill shelter where I volunteer (the adult was just adopted this weekend!), one FIV+/FELV+ cat lives on our porch(he's truly a special cat) and a couple kittens that we tried to help died of distemper. There are currently 3 white ladies (and one kitten that we just discovered) that need to be TNR. Unfortunatley one is pregnant, but hopefully we can trap her soon. The one kitten seems friendly but very young. I am happy that there are just a few left that need help but I still am worried about what will happen during the winter. I plan on getting a "cat igloo" because I know that the 3 ladies are not adoptable and will be released after being spayed (I'm pretty sure that the kitten will be adoptable). Does anyone have any tips on helping cats in the winter/snow?


Current Mood: determined
Monday, September 5th, 2005
10:38 am
hi, i'm new to this community.

i wanted to request to add some NYC links to the userinfo page. Neighborhood Cats is dedicated to TNR in the NYC area and they do free TNR workshops and have a trap bank. also, the ASPCA Cares program manages a trap bank and for the people who do mass trapping, we can book the spay/neuter mobile clinic to come to you.

Thursday, September 1st, 2005
2:41 am
Links to Donation Sites for Animal Disaster Relief Funds
For those wanting to give something to help animal victims of Hurricane Katrina, I've posted a listing of links in my LJ as a public entry.

Huge apologies if posts such as this are not allowed here!
Monday, June 20th, 2005
9:33 pm
Need advice... this is a bit easier...
Wow. It's June and I last posted about this case in April! There's good news though.

The pregnant kitty I rescued from my apartment complex had 6 kittens, all are in good homes now. My last hurdle is finding mom a home. I had her spayed a couple of weeks ago, so she's not a threat as far as getting pregnant again.

However, myself and the lady who fostered her have gotten offers to house this cat, but they've all fell through. She needs to be an outside cat because she's not litter trained and honestly that's what she's used to.

Here's my dilemma. I would love to relocate this cat to live at my parents' house. I think it would be better than letting her loose in the apartment complex again and feeding her (the inevitable part with that would be that once I graduate, either she'd stop eating or I'd have to take her with me anyway).

The hard part comes in because of my parents' neighbors. I just know that one night kitty will decide to walk on their cars. And I know from experience that certain neighbors go apeshit over a few little paw prints, and I know at least one has no qualms about killing animals for just about any reason.

So I guess what I'm asking is ... how should I go about finding someone to take an outside cat? It wouldn't require a lot... just feed her and get her rabies shots. It would basically be like feeding a feral, although she's not really that wild. (She can be at times though, lol.)

Ad in the newspaper? Flyers? Talking sense to the neighbors?

Thanks in advance.
Sunday, April 10th, 2005
10:21 pm
Need more advice.
Does anyone out there know how safe it would be to have a cat spayed when she is about 4-7 days from giving birth? It's a shame I'm leaning toward doing this, but I don't have a lot of options. My bf and I might be able to give the mother cat a home, but we can't do right by the kittens.

Thanks in advance.

Current Mood: sad
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
9:02 pm
Need advice about a stray kitty.
I'm so glad I found this community ... finally some people (besides my mom and bf) who won't think I'm crazy!

I live in a university-run apartment complex in Hammond, Louisiana. We have a pretty large feral colony... I see the cats roaming around here often. Well, Sunday night a sweet little kitty was in the stairwell... she actually came to me and I could pet her. She rubs all over us when we sit down and she rolls over to be scratched on her tummy. So I've been feeding her and giving her water. She's really a sweetheart. We coaxed her into the apartment for awhile tonight and while she cried for awhile to be let back outside, she eventually calmed down and started exploring (jumping on the couch, no less).

And she's really fat, apparently pregnant.

I don't want her to have her babies under a bush somewhere, because there are also stray dogs and who knows what else out there. I've called the shelter and as many humane societies and rescue places I can, and I either don't get a call back or get no assurances of whether she would live or not. What I'd really like to do is get her to a shelter where she can have her kittens in safety, have her fixed, and then set her loose again since that's what she's used to. But I don't think anyone around here has even heard of TNR. I feel as if I'm racing against the clock here, cause she is really pregnant.

If my apartment allowed cats and my roommate wasn't allergic, I'd take her in. This whole thing makes me so sad.

Can anyone give me any advice? Do you think it would be worth it to call a vet's office and ask for their advice? A lady at a rescue place said it'd be better off if she were at a shelter, but I feel like I can't trust them at all. If I had the money, I'd board her at the vet's until the kittens are born and get her fixed as if she were my own cat. How much would that cost, I wonder?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, March 26th, 2005
10:45 pm
Hello everyone!
I'm studying at the Veterinary Academy and soon I'm going to take part in the conference devoted to the problems and new developments in this field. I want to make a report about cruelty and senselessness of Experiments on Animals, especially for the educational purpose. I'm looking for any material, maybe articles or files devoted to this topic.
Could you tell me about your own experience? Is there a substitute for these terrible tests? Maybe computer simulators for such subjects as physiology etc.? I'd be very thankful for any information about the mistreatment of animals and the ways of its prevention. What do you also think about the use of animal while testing new pharmacological substances and chemical items? Like I wrote, I'd be very very thankful for any information or links.
Saturday, March 5th, 2005
3:29 pm
asking for help
Image hosted by

this is my boyfriend's dog tess. she has to have surgery on her back legs because she is having a very hard time moving around. ex-you have to pick her up to set her on the couch because she can't do it.

my boyfriend has given so much without asking for anything in return. so i'm trying to surprise him by raising as much money as i can for her surgery because it will cost over $1,000.

if you have it in your heart to help, you could send money to the shop address. just address it to
Sarah Miscik c/o Culture Shock
1502 Marsh ST
Valparaiso, IN 46383

God Bless, and thank you.

Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
9:17 pm
Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you all about the Grassroots Animal Rights Conference coming up next month. It's from March 31-April 3rd in Manhatten, New York. Now is the time to register. Check out info about the conference at garc and The Grassroots AR Conference.

Hope to see you there,

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