Books and Co-edited Books by Gabriella Ottone
Co-edited with F. Gazzano
Co-edited with F. Gazzano and L. Santi Amantini
Co-edited with E. Lanzillotta
Co-edited with V. Costa and E. Lanzillotta
Co-edited with F. Gazzano and L. Santi Amantini
Papers by Gabriella Ottone
People on the Move across the Greek World, 2022
Esta obra ha contado con la financiación de Motivo de cubierta: Attic black-figure cup depicting ... more Esta obra ha contado con la financiación de Motivo de cubierta: Attic black-figure cup depicting Greek sailing ships signed by Nicosthenes, c. 520 BC. Paris, Louvre Museum, inv. n. F123. Photo credits: photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée du Louvre) / Hervé Lewandowski
![Research paper thumbnail of G. OTTONE, L'antagonista "Tyrios" di Evagora a Salamina di Cipro. Nuove considerazioni su Diod. 14, 98, 1, in «Rationes Rerum» 12 (2018) [2019], pp. 69-85](
The paper focuses on the obscure figure of the ruler of Salamis of Cyprus known from the ancient ... more The paper focuses on the obscure figure of the ruler of Salamis of Cyprus known from the ancient tradition as the antagonist of Evagoras at the time of his seizure of power in the Cypriot city-kingdom. Despite the partiality and fragmentation of traditional data, a careful analysis of the few surviving sources, including the possibility of envisaging the validity of a different (from the accepted one) textual amendment to the corrupted ethnic form provided by the manuscripts at Diodorus 14, 98, 1, allows for a re-reading of all the information in the light of the contemporary historical and ideological context characterized both by the struggles between the Cypriot dynasties and the propagandistic strategies implemented at local level by Evagoras to legitimate his own imperialist policy. The related implications also concern the enhancement of the value of details derived from “parallel” sources previously considered less reliable or as being in contrast with Diodorus' version.

Table des matières
Avant-propos: p. 11
Avant-propos: p. 11
OLIVIER DEVILLERS - BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, Modalités et fonctions du recours aux historiens précédents. Remarques préliminaires: p. 13
ALAN SHEPPARD, From Autopsy to Anthology: Inscribed Epigram and Epigraphic Evidence in Classical Historiography: p. 23
CHRISTOPHE PÉBARTHE, Comment lire un collègue ? De la lecture de Thucydide: p. 37
BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, L’ironie de Thucydide: le cas de Nicias: p. 53
GABRIELLA OTTONE, Teopompo 'hyperephanos'. Incidenza dei modelli nei (pre)giudizi antichi sul progetto storiografico teopompeo: p. 65
ANTONIS TSAKMAKIS, Chance and Casuality in the Oxyrhyncus Historian and His Predecessors: A Holistic Approach of a Linguistic Phenomenon (τυγχάνω + Participle): p. 81
JOHN THORNTON, Un’intertestualità complessa: paralleli tucididei (e non solo) alla giustificazione dell’intervento romano in Sicilia (Pol. 1.10.5-9): p. 99
ANDREW WORLEY, A Percennian Problem: The Development of Vocalizationwithin the Mutiny Narrative in Roman Historiography: p. 111
PEDRO PAULO ABREU FUNARI - RENATA S. GARRAFFONI, Sallust: Between Present and Past: p. 125
GEORGIOS VASSILIADES, Le Catilina de Salluste : un projet historiographique d’aemulatio ?: p. 139
GIANPAOLO URSO, Catilina ‘avant Salluste’. Remarques sur deux fragments de Diodore de Sicile: p. 153
FRANCISCO EDI DE OLIVEIRA SOUSA, Tite-Live, Virgile et Bacchus : la figure du dieu entre historiographie et poésie: p. 167
DENNIS PAUSCH, Umkämpfte Erinnerungsorte. Auf der Suche nach Vorbildern für Livius ‘Schlacht auf dem Forum’ (1.11-13): p. 181
ELEONORA TOLA, La tempête de César ou la poétique de l’Histoire chez Lucain (5.476-721): p. 197
FÁBIO DUARTE JOLY, Tacitus’Milichus and Livy’s Vindicius: fides between domus and res publica: p. 211
THOMAS STRUNK, Deconstructing the Monuments: Tacitus on the Mausoleum and Res gestae of Augustus: p. 219
KELLY E. SHANNON, Livy and Tacitus on Floods:Intertextuality, Prodigies, and Cultural Memory: p. 233
PAULINE DUCHÊNE, Sources et composition narrative dans les récits de la mort d’Othon: p. 247
CHRISTOPHER BARON, The Great King and his Limits: Allusions to Herodotus in Book 7 of Arrian’s Anabasis: p. 259
CHIARA CARSANA, Asinio Pollione e Seneca padre nel libro 2 delle Guerre Civili di Appiano: p. 269
LUIS BALLESTEROS PASTOR, Salustio, Casio Dión y la tercera guerra mitridática: p. 281
MOISÉS ANTIQUEIRA, Festus the Epitomator? The ‘Historical Monograph’ of Festus: p. 295
ADAM M. KEMEZIS, The Fictions of Tradition in the Later Lives of the Historia Augusta: p. 307
ALAN ROSS, Ammianus and the Written Past: p. 319
GILVAN VENTURA DA SILVA, Memoria, storia e agiografia nella Tarda Antichità:alcuni commenti sull’Epitaphios Logos di Giovanni Crisostomo: p. 335
LUISE MARION FRENKEL, Mustering Sources and Vindication: Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ Sources and the Models of Greek Ecclesiastical Historiography: p. 349
CHRISTOPHER T. MALLAN, The Historian John Zonaras: Some Observations on his Sources and Methods: p. 359
GUILLAUME FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE, Florus comme modèle et source de trois abrégés du XVIIe s.: Florus Francicus, Florus Gallicus et Florus sanctus: p. 373
Bibliographie générale: p. 391
Index des passages cités: p. 429
Index des noms: p. 451
The paper focuses on the concept of “philaletheia” as ethical category belonging to the realm of ... more The paper focuses on the concept of “philaletheia” as ethical category belonging to the realm of historiography. In the case of Theopompus, one observes a tendency to merge this concept with the idea of meticulous and in-depth historical investigation: such a study is regarded as the exclusive preserve of the professional historian who, by virtue of the knowledge and skills acquired in the field, is also fully legitimized in stepping forward as a discussant and a political counsellor.The theme can be traced back to contexts involving a polemic against Plato and other intellectuals, plausibly in spheres of activity closely linked to the practice of political communication; its repercussions thus have both professional and ethical connotations.
The paper aims to show how a more careful consideration of the "cover text" containing the famous... more The paper aims to show how a more careful consideration of the "cover text" containing the famous quotation from Duris by Photius (F1) induces to dismiss the canonical theory that the criticism directed by the Samian to Ephorus and Theopompus had historiographical content; instead it should be recognized the character of stylistic comparison related to the earlier writers, with specific reference to technical connotations (and connected effects) of the phrasis. The aphorism from Kleochares of Myrlea quoted by Photius in the same context helps to read the passage from Duris in the light of the ancient stylistic diatribe on the ideal synkrisis between logoi of Demosthenes and those of Isocrates/his alleged pupils, and within the more general antithesis of ancestry peripatetic, between agonistic rhetoric and the one functional to the epideixis.
STORIA | RICERCHE Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere ... more STORIA | RICERCHE Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633. Le riproduzioni effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da AIDRO, Corso di Porta Romana n. 108, 20122 Milano, La pubblicazione di questo volume ha ricevuto il contributo finanziario dell'Università Cattolica. GABRIELLA OTTONE L' jΑττικη; ξυγγραφηv di Ellanico di Lesbo Una Lokalgeschichte in prospettiva eccentrica
Books and Co-edited Books by Gabriella Ottone
Papers by Gabriella Ottone
Avant-propos: p. 11
OLIVIER DEVILLERS - BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, Modalités et fonctions du recours aux historiens précédents. Remarques préliminaires: p. 13
ALAN SHEPPARD, From Autopsy to Anthology: Inscribed Epigram and Epigraphic Evidence in Classical Historiography: p. 23
CHRISTOPHE PÉBARTHE, Comment lire un collègue ? De la lecture de Thucydide: p. 37
BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, L’ironie de Thucydide: le cas de Nicias: p. 53
GABRIELLA OTTONE, Teopompo 'hyperephanos'. Incidenza dei modelli nei (pre)giudizi antichi sul progetto storiografico teopompeo: p. 65
ANTONIS TSAKMAKIS, Chance and Casuality in the Oxyrhyncus Historian and His Predecessors: A Holistic Approach of a Linguistic Phenomenon (τυγχάνω + Participle): p. 81
JOHN THORNTON, Un’intertestualità complessa: paralleli tucididei (e non solo) alla giustificazione dell’intervento romano in Sicilia (Pol. 1.10.5-9): p. 99
ANDREW WORLEY, A Percennian Problem: The Development of Vocalizationwithin the Mutiny Narrative in Roman Historiography: p. 111
PEDRO PAULO ABREU FUNARI - RENATA S. GARRAFFONI, Sallust: Between Present and Past: p. 125
GEORGIOS VASSILIADES, Le Catilina de Salluste : un projet historiographique d’aemulatio ?: p. 139
GIANPAOLO URSO, Catilina ‘avant Salluste’. Remarques sur deux fragments de Diodore de Sicile: p. 153
FRANCISCO EDI DE OLIVEIRA SOUSA, Tite-Live, Virgile et Bacchus : la figure du dieu entre historiographie et poésie: p. 167
DENNIS PAUSCH, Umkämpfte Erinnerungsorte. Auf der Suche nach Vorbildern für Livius ‘Schlacht auf dem Forum’ (1.11-13): p. 181
ELEONORA TOLA, La tempête de César ou la poétique de l’Histoire chez Lucain (5.476-721): p. 197
FÁBIO DUARTE JOLY, Tacitus’Milichus and Livy’s Vindicius: fides between domus and res publica: p. 211
THOMAS STRUNK, Deconstructing the Monuments: Tacitus on the Mausoleum and Res gestae of Augustus: p. 219
KELLY E. SHANNON, Livy and Tacitus on Floods:Intertextuality, Prodigies, and Cultural Memory: p. 233
PAULINE DUCHÊNE, Sources et composition narrative dans les récits de la mort d’Othon: p. 247
CHRISTOPHER BARON, The Great King and his Limits: Allusions to Herodotus in Book 7 of Arrian’s Anabasis: p. 259
CHIARA CARSANA, Asinio Pollione e Seneca padre nel libro 2 delle Guerre Civili di Appiano: p. 269
LUIS BALLESTEROS PASTOR, Salustio, Casio Dión y la tercera guerra mitridática: p. 281
MOISÉS ANTIQUEIRA, Festus the Epitomator? The ‘Historical Monograph’ of Festus: p. 295
ADAM M. KEMEZIS, The Fictions of Tradition in the Later Lives of the Historia Augusta: p. 307
ALAN ROSS, Ammianus and the Written Past: p. 319
GILVAN VENTURA DA SILVA, Memoria, storia e agiografia nella Tarda Antichità:alcuni commenti sull’Epitaphios Logos di Giovanni Crisostomo: p. 335
LUISE MARION FRENKEL, Mustering Sources and Vindication: Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ Sources and the Models of Greek Ecclesiastical Historiography: p. 349
CHRISTOPHER T. MALLAN, The Historian John Zonaras: Some Observations on his Sources and Methods: p. 359
GUILLAUME FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE, Florus comme modèle et source de trois abrégés du XVIIe s.: Florus Francicus, Florus Gallicus et Florus sanctus: p. 373
Bibliographie générale: p. 391
Index des passages cités: p. 429
Index des noms: p. 451
Avant-propos: p. 11
OLIVIER DEVILLERS - BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, Modalités et fonctions du recours aux historiens précédents. Remarques préliminaires: p. 13
ALAN SHEPPARD, From Autopsy to Anthology: Inscribed Epigram and Epigraphic Evidence in Classical Historiography: p. 23
CHRISTOPHE PÉBARTHE, Comment lire un collègue ? De la lecture de Thucydide: p. 37
BRENO BATTISTIN SEBASTIANI, L’ironie de Thucydide: le cas de Nicias: p. 53
GABRIELLA OTTONE, Teopompo 'hyperephanos'. Incidenza dei modelli nei (pre)giudizi antichi sul progetto storiografico teopompeo: p. 65
ANTONIS TSAKMAKIS, Chance and Casuality in the Oxyrhyncus Historian and His Predecessors: A Holistic Approach of a Linguistic Phenomenon (τυγχάνω + Participle): p. 81
JOHN THORNTON, Un’intertestualità complessa: paralleli tucididei (e non solo) alla giustificazione dell’intervento romano in Sicilia (Pol. 1.10.5-9): p. 99
ANDREW WORLEY, A Percennian Problem: The Development of Vocalizationwithin the Mutiny Narrative in Roman Historiography: p. 111
PEDRO PAULO ABREU FUNARI - RENATA S. GARRAFFONI, Sallust: Between Present and Past: p. 125
GEORGIOS VASSILIADES, Le Catilina de Salluste : un projet historiographique d’aemulatio ?: p. 139
GIANPAOLO URSO, Catilina ‘avant Salluste’. Remarques sur deux fragments de Diodore de Sicile: p. 153
FRANCISCO EDI DE OLIVEIRA SOUSA, Tite-Live, Virgile et Bacchus : la figure du dieu entre historiographie et poésie: p. 167
DENNIS PAUSCH, Umkämpfte Erinnerungsorte. Auf der Suche nach Vorbildern für Livius ‘Schlacht auf dem Forum’ (1.11-13): p. 181
ELEONORA TOLA, La tempête de César ou la poétique de l’Histoire chez Lucain (5.476-721): p. 197
FÁBIO DUARTE JOLY, Tacitus’Milichus and Livy’s Vindicius: fides between domus and res publica: p. 211
THOMAS STRUNK, Deconstructing the Monuments: Tacitus on the Mausoleum and Res gestae of Augustus: p. 219
KELLY E. SHANNON, Livy and Tacitus on Floods:Intertextuality, Prodigies, and Cultural Memory: p. 233
PAULINE DUCHÊNE, Sources et composition narrative dans les récits de la mort d’Othon: p. 247
CHRISTOPHER BARON, The Great King and his Limits: Allusions to Herodotus in Book 7 of Arrian’s Anabasis: p. 259
CHIARA CARSANA, Asinio Pollione e Seneca padre nel libro 2 delle Guerre Civili di Appiano: p. 269
LUIS BALLESTEROS PASTOR, Salustio, Casio Dión y la tercera guerra mitridática: p. 281
MOISÉS ANTIQUEIRA, Festus the Epitomator? The ‘Historical Monograph’ of Festus: p. 295
ADAM M. KEMEZIS, The Fictions of Tradition in the Later Lives of the Historia Augusta: p. 307
ALAN ROSS, Ammianus and the Written Past: p. 319
GILVAN VENTURA DA SILVA, Memoria, storia e agiografia nella Tarda Antichità:alcuni commenti sull’Epitaphios Logos di Giovanni Crisostomo: p. 335
LUISE MARION FRENKEL, Mustering Sources and Vindication: Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ Sources and the Models of Greek Ecclesiastical Historiography: p. 349
CHRISTOPHER T. MALLAN, The Historian John Zonaras: Some Observations on his Sources and Methods: p. 359
GUILLAUME FLAMERIE DE LACHAPELLE, Florus comme modèle et source de trois abrégés du XVIIe s.: Florus Francicus, Florus Gallicus et Florus sanctus: p. 373
Bibliographie générale: p. 391
Index des passages cités: p. 429
Index des noms: p. 451