Frack Off.
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So much for democracy...
According to the blurb that goes with this petition, 99% of people asked, said NO to the change of the trespass law that would allow fracking companies to extract shale gas from the rocks beneath their houses. I can easily believe this, since in the main, only those violently opposed or in favour would bother to respond in the first place. It seems to me, therefore, that what's required is to get word out to a much wider audience, and let people make informed decisions for themselves.
Here's the petition:
And here's a more balanced Wikipedia entry on what fracking actually is.
I live in coal mining territory. All the deep mines in the Rhondda are now long gone, but there are plenty of people here who either worked underground or played as children amongst the remnants of already closed mines. Even allowing for nostalgia, the general feeling is that the whole area looks and feels a lot better without the constant pall of coal dust and the ever-present fear of injury or death. We recently remembered the appalling day the slag heap fell on Aberfan. No one here wants more underground disruption, and I've added my name to that list.