The Pink House of Femerica
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I thought this was funny. [14 Sep 2005|08:37pm]

[ mood | DONT ASK!!!!! ]


y = Yes n = No

No "maybe"'s or "i don't know"'s, you either would or you wouldn't.

Would you? Will you?
[_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _
[_] kiss me?
[_] let me kiss you?
[_] want to get in my pants?
[_] make out with me?
[_] watch a movie with me?
[_] take me out to dinner?
[_] let me drive you somewhere
[_] take a shower with me?
[_] have sex with me?
[_] have a fling with me?
[_] let me buy you a drink?
[_] buy me a drink?
[_] take me home for the night?
[_] let me sleep in your bed?
[_] Sing car karaoke w/ me?
[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[_] give me a piggyback ride?
[_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere
[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] lick my cheek?
[_] dance with me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] help me with homework?
[_] tickle me?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] play strip poker with me?
[_] get wasted with me?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?
[_] roll with me?
[_] use me like a little bitch?

D0 Y0U...
[_] think im cute?
[_] think im hot?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to neck with me?
[_] want to cuddle wit me?
[_] want to hook up with me?
[_] want to have sex with me?

AM I...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] hot?
[_] sexy?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] loveable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?

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Decided to answer Gina's Question [05 Sep 2005|02:31pm]

[ mood | blank ]

Academic goals---

hmmm. Well I've never been one to actually care about my grades and stuff. I guess I just want to pass everything and make it through the year.

Social goals---

I don't set goals for anything. So I'm not really sure what to put. I guess to join more clubs and stuff. I might actually attempt to talk to the pretty much braindead people in my classes..but I know i'll end up insulted by their stupidity like every other year and give up lol. And my parents want me to get a job..but I don't want one, i just need money.

Personal goals---

I actually have one for this! I will get my permit. My parents keep putting it off b/c basically they're scared of the thought that I'm old enough to drive. I don't know why that would scare them. I am also determined to find a pair of jeans that actually fit. All my life my jeans have never fit, always bunching up in the front and when I sit down they magically appear about 4 inches above my ankles. I also want my parents to actually let me out of the house once in a while and see my friends, but that will never happen. My guitar playing is one of the most pitiful things anyone has heard, so I'm going to try and get better at it.

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[03 Sep 2005|04:49pm]

Since people havent posted in a while lets try writting something.

How about goals for the year whether its academic, social, or personal * that ur willing to share *

Didnt someone mention this in their livejournal a bit ago ( something similar, i believe it was more long term though )

I know i want to do more homework (b/c i never do it)...honor roll once...look more seriously at future possibilities and my permit.

how bout the rest of ya?
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Took from Kristin and filled out over a long period of time. [16 Aug 2005|08:06pm]

Y 0 U
first name: Gina
nickname(s): G,GiGi,Ginabean-thumbalena, midgit
gender: female
height: 5 feet 3/4 of an inch ”
hair color: Brunette
eye color: Brown but some agrue Hazel...
do you wear glasses or contacts: contacts when i feel like it
do you have braces: nope
is your hair long or short: longish
where were you born: in the back alley in a hospital, riddle actaully
zodiac sign: aquarius :)
how many languages do you know: Some English and less Spanish
what laungage do you want to learn: Spanish. Italian, but only cuz i wanna go there on vacation and be able to speak to all the crazy guys that think its cool to flirt with us in italian. And French, b/c its pretty.
bad habits: cursing. being too harsh on myself. laziness.
piercing you have: ears.
piercing you want: could follow and get belly button but i dont show it off that much and it get infected with softball...but it would be an awesome lizard or butterfly..or heart or something like Deana has she always finds the cutest rings.
tattoos you have: None...but they look really good on someppl. shitty on others.
today: Sunday.
today's date: July 31st
the time: 6 25 pm
ready for a bunch more questions: nothing else to do.

F A M i L Y
mother's name: Brenda Elizabeth
father's name: Gary Paul
brother's name: Paul Andrew ( funny how my parents got their middle names involved aint it?)
sister's name: I don’t have a sister…
favorite aunt: Well, i only have one reg Aunt. KK. aka Karen. shes awesome.
favorite uncle: hmm... that i have too many of to choose.
best relative: my poppop....but hes not living. but he was cool. i wish i coulda had him around more he had so many good stories and experiences he coulda shared.
do you get along with your parents: Ya, and no.
does anyone in your family understand you?: My mom does. in a way. My dad too. to a point.

do you have any pets: Rusty!Angel!Friskie! and of course Max. Cats,dog.
what are their names: o.i did that already.
what kind of animals are they: ditto.

S C H 0 0 L
are you still in school: Yes
did you drop out: No
current gpa: I have no idea…but i bet it sux
favorite grade: 10th and 7th and 8th
least favorite grade: 9th i hated it. and prob had minor depression. and 6th everyday i came home crying for various reasons. something about those transitions.
favorite teacher:* not favs ones i like* Mrs. Dambrosio 2nd and 5th, Mr.R he was funny as was Figuria, Ms.Pascal had interesting views, Mrs Rhoads ( 4th) excepted nothing but the best, Ms Deprenzio.. had interesting lessons, Ms Wirstad made math understandable....and although i hated him in the beginning Mr stull.
least favorite teacher: Hellrung. probally a reason i hated 9th grade...weekly calls on how much i sucked in his class....although a nice man....and she wasnt mine but Ms Irving in 2nd grade friggin hated me....oh god the fights we would have. bitch. i was 8. shouldnt a picked on me.
favorite subject: even though i suck at it...English. and Science sometimes. * photography if that counts*
least favorite subject: Social Studies...specially that geography shit we had this yr and in 7th grade...ahhh.... and math of course.
do/did you buy lunch or bring it: depends what i feel like doing.
play any sports on the school's team: mom wants me to tryout for cheerleading...
do/did you do any extracurricular activities: Newspaper, and...nothing but i really wanted to do more
favorite dance: wow, i dont think ive went to a dance i havent liked. well, ya but no.
winter 8th grade formal.... i was happy showed up late and still had a good time...and made fun of the decorations.
Spring: again a game...vs Springton ha ha that was the bball game too! ha ha! had fun... with randomness! & i really didnt know paul was with Courtney at the
9th grade homecoming- i went alone and late...again at a softball game. found some friends and kinda danced left early cuz well that one really did suck.
9th grade winterball- meet up with Brit Mccunney crew. That was actaully pretty fun that night. frist time i got my hair did.haha
freshman dance- so much fun..... prob the best night of my freshman yr. honestly. and coming to school on Monday, so Gina i ve heard u are a crazy girl...haha
10th SV grade homecoming- started off kinda slow but got better. met up with Amy and just kinda danced till we didnt know wat was going on...they said i dance like a slut...thats so not tru..haha
St Joes Prep hc- with Drew, it was fun...i asked him if it was really formal and told him wat i could wear and he was thats fine. wore the HC was more formal....i had something i coulda worn. lol so i felt slightly outta place..he knew and made sure i felt comfortable by telling me i looked great anyway. But it was pretty fun. nothing too crazy.
SJP Sophhop- coulda wore wat i wore to his HC and fit in better but there was a least a dozen girls like me. i totally didnt care though this time. It was fun... not totally crazy but still fun.
Oharas Jr. Prom- With Ted. What a night. lots of fun...craziness fun...decorations were gorgeous i didnt even recognize the place. he had to teach me to dance cuz we all know i have no sense of beat. everyone looked so nice too! ha ha i can swingdance now too! ha ha!
Sophhop- ha ha my date was awesome, and for a split second thought he forgot the tickets. Again wearing a dress too dressy but didnt give a fluff...couldnt buy another and mom wouldnt i was being punished lol and i love that dress anyway. But it was so much fun Dancing with Amy,Beth,Jess and Kristin and Dena and Joey for a lil bit here and there. Finally after i dont know how many months getting Nick to dance with me...and a year of trying to get Nick to dance at all. that was fun too. jus a night of craziness and what not.
favorite memory: Recently? districts and states i guess... for sports at least...but i have so many more i dont feel like listing or because they are so wierd some wouldnt understand.
favorite memory you want to have: what?
least favorite memory: Ha, lets not talk about it.
most humiliating moment: @ least 2 a day.

F A V 0 R i T E S
number: four bitches 4
letter: G its my name duh
shoes: my ones from homecoming b4 they died...and prob the goldish ones i got now.
saying(s): go hard or go home bitches! smile cuz lifes too short to waste time on tears.
TV show: I dont watch a lot of tv to have a fav.
sport: fastpitch softball. fieldhockey. and for guys...lacrosse... I DO NOT ORGASM OVER LACROSSE PLAYERS....for like the hunderth time.
vegetable: romaine lettuce. cucumbers
fruit: watermelon, peach, apple,strawberry,blueberry,plum...etc.
movies: @ the moment??? Dirty Dancing, M and M smith....Hitch,Wizard of Oz, Titanic,Harold and Kumor, Friday night lights * do not watch on way to state semi final game it is so not a good idea!!!*
magazine: Cosmo.
actor: Johnny Depp < hes crazy Orlando...eyecandy duh.
actress: Julia Roberts....Julia Stiles... um..... theres more i cant think at the moment.
candy: lolipops...and chewy those gummy frogs!!!
gum: bubble yum for crazy flavor. Orbit or eclispe for mintness
scent: after the rain, summer nights, winter mornings, grass, flowers, spring, snow, lilu,pretty in pink,enchanted apple,tru star, some stuff bye axe, etc.
candy bar: twix
ice cream flavor: black rasberry, and tin roof and rocky road ( bryers)
color: shade of blue and some shades of pink...haha like my room!
season: Summer
holiday: Christmas
band: Killers,yellowcard, Dashboard,fallout boy...half way there......
group: Spice girls

rapper: hmm....missy elliot...does that count?
type of music: Alt Rock i guess and whatever u can quilfy stuff like Michell Branch under
thing in your room: My pink walls ..i love em. and maybe honey Joe and my journals.
place to be: on a softball field, my room, outside, with my friends.
tv channel: i dont like to watch it
junk food: french fries prob!
overall food: salad with grilled chicken and ranch dressing, mashed potatoes, icecream,chicken sandwiches, steak, etc.
designer: i dont have one
hangout: ha ha there is none we live in a boring nieghbor hood.
fast food: Chick Fil A , Tacobell, Arbys, wendys
restaurant: Outback,Smokey bones, Nifty Fifties, Tom jones, ruby tuesdays,
shape: i guess the cross too.
time of day: Dusk in the summer.oohhh thats a pretty time. i like when the sunsets any time too.
country: Besides America? Italy.
state: besides PA? i guess Virgina.
boys name: I dont have em anymore i changed my mind from all of them and now i cant make it up.
girls name: same as above.
mall: Granite Run, KOP, and the one in NC.
video game: i dont have one. oh wait...ddr although i suck
shampoo: Herbal essence fruityness, pantine prov, Aussie
board game: twister and monolopy
computer game: none
car: VW convertible buggys and reg ones
music video: ha ha i like the mr brightside one and my imortal
swear word: bitch(es) and fuck.
word: biddie
month: July
cartoon character: .....spongebob? and pussy foot. run kitty run! lol .... i used to love sailor moon too.... like watched it about it...etc.
scary movie: Amityville horror and finaldestion 2 ( although not scary) oh and gothitka or however u spell it.
team: um.
possession: anything in my softball bag. and my few fav fav skirts my fav undies

eminem: Sara Scott
dog: needs a bath.
hot: Guys.
britney spears: where are her clothes..and Nick of course.
nsync: bsb were better
real world: drama wich includes sex and drunkness
orange: juicy.
choice: life
fuck: me ...that works. as does" you " and "face"
bisexual: some of my friends.
black: cat and sexy
jack: in the box
rainbow: gay
lifehouse: full house
bat: batman!
leather: couch at smokey bones
whip: oneside thinks: kinkyness the other side thinks cool whip * the one that makes the noise lol* and then ends up with that being kinkyness still.
america: home
water: 5 bottles of it bitches...dont bother me and my bathroom trips BRIAN!
volcano: island and ive been on one! cool
rock or rap: rock
rock or pop: both
rock or r&b: both
rock or metal:rock
rap or pop: both
rap or r&b: both
rap or metal: rap
pop or r&b: both
pop or metal: pop
r&b or metal:r and b
linkin park or limp bizkit: Linkin Park
tool or korn: wat?
selena or jlo: J lo
hot or cold: Hot !
winter or summer: summer
spring or fall: spring and fall
shakira or britney: Shakira
icp or eminem: wat?
marilyn manson or rob zombie: niether?
kittie or garbage: Garbage
mtv or vh1: mtv
buffy or angel: tough choice. buffy
dawson's creek or gilmore girls: gilmore girls
football or basketball: Bball
summer olympics or winter olympics: Summer it has softball
skiing or snowboarding: Snowboarding
rollerblading or skateboarding: skateboarding
black or white: both but not mixed
orange or red: Red
yellow or green: yellow
purple or pink: Pink!
slipknot or mudvayne: wat?
hot topic or pac sun: Pac sun and hot topic both have totally dif stuff making them both desirable.
inside or outside: Outside
weed or alcohol: alcohol to a degree
cell phone or pager: cell
pen or pencil: Pencil
powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: chralies angles
scooby doo or dino: scooby doo
dragon ball z or pokemon: pokemon
star wars or star trek: star wars
tattoos or piercings: depends. as long as its not to an excessive amount
prep or punk: a good mix inbetween.
slut or whore: wats the diff. ... slut sounds funner

P R i V A T E L i F E ( if this is "private life" why are they asking it? jus a thought)
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: yup
do you have a crush: nope
do you love anyone right now: sure
have you ever been in love: good question.
how many people have you liked: between 7 or 8 including like Kindergarten
first crush: go ahead and laugh : David Bliassard ( or however u spell it) kindergarten...young, and naive
how many hearts of have you broken: a handful.
How many have broken yours: a few
best quote to sum up love: You cant sum up love in a quote its almost impossible. but i do know its not something to be careless about...
so what is your bf/gf/crush like: ....hes a just kidding.
do you have a picture of him/her: yup.
please post it if you do: iam too lazy its on my myspace i guess. * besides u guys know who he is.*
do you have a picture of yourself: No, i burnt them all. of course i do.
please post it if you do: dnt feel like it
do you go by looks or personality: for a relationship looks dont get you too far b/c then its strictly lust. so, personality is def important.
ever kiss a friend: not untill he was a "boyfriend".
are you still friends: um. ya.
so moving you smoke: nope...its not very attractive
do you smoke weed: Nope
ever trip on acid: nope
how about a little x: nah
crack, heroin, anything else: not my thing
beer good or beer bad: i think it smells nasty so i cant imagine drinking it for anything but getting drunk and that leads to shitfaceddumbdescions.
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: ha ha i prob would be. @ least they taste better
prefer beer or liquor: wouldnt know.
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: none, thanx.

W 0 U L D Y 0 U EVER..
bungee jump: hm. maybe.
sky dive: no.
swim with dolphins: that would be so much fun!
scuba dive: i wish! ive always wanted to.
go rock climbing: eh, maybe...that doesnt appeal to me much.
eat shit for $1,000,000: ew. .
turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no.
steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: nope.
cross-dress: ha ha dresslike a guy? i have before.
lie to the police: um. maybe.
run from the police: ha ha wat a good story that would be.
lie to your parents: haha...ya.
walk up to a stranger and kiss them: ha ha...i d k. is he really hot and single?
be an exotic dancer:....sure, y not?
walk out of a restaurant without paying: Nah, that sux for the workers.
streak: haha! no.

best friends: I have friends i spend more time with but um.ya.whatever.
known longest: um. Jenn. i think.
wish you talked to more: pretty much all my friends.
wish you saw more: Janean, Ted, Erica, Jess, Jackie...well anyone on the softball teams really, Annie, Erik, Drew, Laura,Dave,Josh w., well the list jus goes on.
how many friends do you think you have: i guess u can say i have quite a few.
who drives you insane after a while: thats not a very nice question.
who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: Nick Janean too prob. possibly more ppl but i jus dont hang around them as much as i wish i did.
ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': i never really took it to the next level with a lot of guys. and if we ""tried"" and one of us wasnt into it it would either be akward or whatever.didnt loose good friends...w/e next question
craziest: um.Amy and Janean. Nick.... and Ted....def Ted.
loudest: Amy.
shyest: Drew.
best hair: Jess's hair color is awesome. i also love Janean's its really pretty.
can always make you laugh: Nick,Amy,Janean, and Ted.
best eyes: Dena and Janean
best body: um. for girls or guys? or overall? next question.
most athletic: Janean
sex symbol: hmmm....
hot tempered: Kristin can get angry and Ted can get pushy.
most impatient: Kristin.Ted.
shortest: hm. i think i am the shortest. :(
tallest: Ted.
talented: everybodies got something going for them.
best singer: Dave.
skinniest: Kristin. Erica. Nick.
best personality: hm... everybody has something good about thier personalitly.
biggest drug user: ha ha well, iam not gonna say anything here.
flashed someone: not really.
told a person how you felt bout them: yup.
been to michigan: Nope.
gone to jail or juvi: nope.
skateboarded: ha ha it resulted in me falling on my ass. good times.
skinny dipped: not yet.
stolen anything: yeah when I was little and didn’t know any better.. and felt bad about it later in life.
wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: yup.
kicked someone's ass: Yes. Literally that is
pegged someone in the head with a snowball: ha ha yah. than i got tackled. then i bit him.
broke a beer bottle: hm. it wasnt mine but ya.
gotten into a bar, under-aged: yup...but i didnt get anything illegal.
kissed someone of the same sex: nope
gone on a road trip: kinda?
gone on vacation without adult supervision: kinda.
been to a concert: yup :)
been to another country: Yup.
talked back to an adult: of course.
got pulled over: i was in the car when we would.
got in a car accident: not a real one
broke a law: ha ha yup
given money to a homeless person: yup
tried to kill yourself: ya, not like hardcore seriously either like some ppl but ya......not in like 3 yrs, though.....prob wont bother again.
cried to get out of trouble: yup. it worked.
kissed a friend's brother or sister: ya. were not friends anymore, she was a bitch anyway.
kissed a brother or sister's friend: No, they’re all like 12
dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: ha ha poor paul.

0 P I N I 0 N S
what do you think...about pop music: i listen to it.
about boy bands: BSB were one.
about flag burning: its....a weird way of protesting
of the war on terrorists: @ least they are doing something...yet it seems slightly pointless at times but still ppl are dedicating their life to it so that is imporantant
suicide: an early escape from their life and although their life may be hard its something they need to overcome themselves or get help with
about people who try to force their opinions on you: Annoying. Dont force opionions....theres a difference between forcing and gently persuading
about abortion: I used to be a dead against but i thought about it a lil more latly. i dont think its right, but i do believe that its the persons descion, it is after all her body and child growing inside of it. i think the chick should take responsiblitly for her action...but like Kristin mentioned if u get raped...its not ur fault.
about rock/metal music: listen to some of it.
where do you think you'll be in 10 years: i'll be 26. only God knows cuz i sure hell dont.
who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: i know some ties will be lost but iam hoping not to loose most of my friends...they are a good part of my life
how do u feel bout gay marriage: My religious beliefs and what not are supposed to be like heck no. i havent formed an opinion on this... but i know u cant chose who u love and not being able to be legally with them is a horrible thing.

W H A T D I D Y 0 0 H D 0
last birthday: take a spanish midterm and a math midterm spend...lunch with Amy @ Tom Jones * singing*...talked to some ppls....went to privates with Court...ate cake and uh...slept? best of all no punishment that day

yesterday: Preseaon, pitch, walk,sleep,crazy softball
last weekend: Fridaynight...JorgesSat...went bowling with Amy and Sunday i went to Stephs bday party

christmas: had family over...
thanksgiving: ditto
new year's: Everyone at my house....
halloween: Went with Virge and some of her friends...why not, u know?0
easter: Florida baby!
valentine's day: um. School. Late bus. Nick came over. And then Amy called and had to come over... Then Nick went home... so i walked around in brookhaven in the rain with Amy as venting was in progress...oh and i was wearing white pants...dumbass i was

thing you ate: Tuna sandwich with lettuce...on 12 grain bread...with carrots and ranch dressing on the side * my lunch*
thing you drank: tea cooler
thing you wore: as in what iam wearing now...or last thing i took off? last thing i took off was my tshirt...cuz it was soaked... from praticing in the rain
place you went: fieldhockey pratice at SV
thing you got pierced/tattooed: my ears in kidergarten...
person you saw: Nicole Pantle and her dad ( gave me a ride home)
person you kissed: some random football boy...... no, not really.... Jorge.
person you fxcked: .virgin.
person you talked to: in person? Nicole P and Mr. P.... On phone: mom On here: Nick and Beth
song you heard: yellowcard.... only one... or some dashboard song
what are you eating: same thing i ate for lunch minus the carrots and add mac and cheese
what are you drinking: tea cooler
what are you wearing: socks, shorts, undies, sports bra, cami and long sleeved shirt...
any shoes on: sneakers
hat: nah
listening to: the rain
talking to anyone: online? ya
are you pissed i made this so long: kinda

are you a vegetarian: nah
do you like cows: seacows... and sad ones in magazines
are you a bxtch: i hope not...mayb to my brother or Jay haha.
are you artistic: not really
do you write poetry: yup.
are you a fast runner: hell no
can you ski: never tried
are you british: hm....
do you want to spear britney: she pregnant now i could get introuble for that
do the voices talk to you: um. no.
did you ever give barbie a haircut: pretty sure i did ..and i curled it occasionally too.
would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: i would do it on my own... but if someone put it infront of me and was like eat this...i prob would
do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland: beats me...stephen king was drunk and on drugs when he wrote some of his out there why cant they?
are you straight: ya
are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: um. maybe.
are you nice: i guess so
are you naughty: not really, but go ask Santa for the answers to the last two questions i guess
are you short: ya...i have stand on my tiptoes to reach pretty much everything
are you tall: no
pink shirt: on guys...some can pull it off most cant...
how about orange pants: just no.
can you see the flying monkeys: on the Wizard of Oz
are you evil: if i want to be but rarely
did you ever know someone who had a mullet: 3ish
is britney a whore: she dresses like she? i d k i dont follow her...thats Nicks obsession...not mine.
are you a teenage zombie: no.
am i annoying you?: yup
do you like marilyn manson: not really. one song kinda. and the video was weird had bunnies and stuff on a bed... that were ppl i dont remember though.
are you secretly from another planet: if it was a secret would i tell u?
did you ever touch someone else's private parts: When i get bored i open up my lil "lemonade stand" on my corner @ night and offer hand jobs to all the guys on my street...they pay by the minute in advance( make some good $ this way lol)....if they cum earlier sux for them good for me...if they take too long...i guess thats a case of blue balls.... but, shh dont tell my mom she doesnt know about my night job. LOL.
this is over are you happy now: yes!
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Wow It died here! [27 Jul 2005|02:43pm]

[ mood | bored ]

I stole this from from Erica…

Y 0 U
first name: Kristin
nickname(s): i don’t have any
gender: female
height: 5'1 ¼”
hair color: Brunette
eye color: Brown
do you wear glasses or contacts: neither
do you have braces: yeah
is your hair long or short: long
where were you born: crozer
zodiac sign: cancer…the crab…the bitchy one
how many languages do you know: english…and some spanish
what laungage do you want to learn: french, german, and gaelic
bad habits: pulling apart my split ends, cursing, being a mizer
piercing you have: none
piercing you want: he he wouldn’t you like to know
tattoos you have: None…but they look really awesome
today: Wednesday
today's date: July 27th
the time: 12:51 pm
ready for a bunch more questions: why not?

F A M i L Y
mother's name: Elaine
father's name: Bill
brother's name:Billy
sister's name: I don’t have a sister…
favorite aunt: I like all of my aunts!!!don’t make me pick!!!!
favorite uncle: same as before!!!!!
best relative: Bentley!!!That’s right the dog!!!!
do you get along with your parents: I guess
does anyone in your family understand you?: I don’t know…

do you have any pets:not technically.
what are their names: they’re dead now
what kind of animals are they: they were fish

S C H 0 0 L
are you still in school: Yes
did you drop out: No
current gpa: I have no idea…I think its 4 point something
favorite grade: 10th
least favorite grade: I’ll give you 3, 6th, 7th, and 8th.
favorite teacher: MR FINN!! And Mrs. Dalton, the duso the dolphin lady!!!!!
least favorite teacher: Mrs. Faddis. What a bitch. She should not have taught 2nd grade.
favorite subject: History was the easiest…but I’d have to say English was the best
least favorite subject: Math and Science and Gym
do/did you buy lunch or bring it: brought
play any sports on the school's team: me? Play sports? What?
do/did you do any extracurricular activities: Newspaper, and motif for a day
favorite dance: Soph Hop I guess.
favorite memory: ROMAN AND DUNCAN!!!!!
favorite memory you want to have: ummm…
least favorite memory: I don’t want to bring it up again…..
most humiliating moment: lost count forever ago

F A V 0 R i T E S
number: 28, 4, 7, and 16
letter: K
shoes: my green converse
saying(s): "I’m too awesome for death!” –Me
And “ You’re all Street Tramps!!!!” the British guy in the hat told us that.
TV show: LOST,Rock Countdown, Kept
sport: Absailing!!!!So much fun!!! Oh and Football, hockey, and fmx
vegetable: cucumbers, carrots, potatoes
fruit: watermelon, apples, oranges
movies: Edward Scissorhands, Almost Famous, A Christmas Story, Nightmare Before Christmas, Breakfast Club….and so many more
magazine: Vogue, Elle, Guitar Legends
actor: Johnny Depp, Jake Gyllenhaal, Gail Garcia Bernal*sigh*
actress: Winona Ryder, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman
candy: Belgian Chocolate…so good…*runs to eat some*
gum: Any.
scent: vanilla, flowers, cinnamon, burbary brit, this perfume called I love love.
candy bar: 5th Avenue
ice cream flavor: peanut butter cream
color: Green, Black, Silver, Purple, and Red
season: Summer
holiday: Christmas and Halloween
band: well today it is Bloc Party, yesterday was Muse, and who knows for tomorrow? It frequently changes
singer: Kele from Bloc Party, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Burt from the Used
group: isn’t this the same as band?
rapper: Kanye West
type of music: Alt Rock
thing in your room: My bed. My pillow. My guitar. My teddy. My mirror.
place to be: my bed chamber
tv channel: VH1, MTV2, E!, and HBO
junk food: andy capp’s cheddar fries!!!
overall food: chocolate, filet mignon, canolies, eclairs
designer: Burbarry, Chanel, Dior, Anna Sui, Betsy Johnson
hangout: hmm..i don’t know…
fast food: Wendy’s, Arbys, Chick’Fil’A
restaurant: Olive Garden, Nifty Fifties, and may Chi Chis R.I.P.
shape: its more of a symbol really…the cross
time of day: Dusk in the summer.
country: England, France, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Carribean Islands, Jamaica!!
state: PA, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Jersey, Florida
boys name: Evan, and Roman(but I liked the name Roman before I met him), and Jeremy
girls name: Juliette, and Emily, and Ciara(pronounced KEE-Rah, its Gaelic)
mall: Granite Run, Springfield, Concord
video game: Supersmashbrothers Mele, b/c I kick ass at it.
shampoo: brilliant brunette by John Frieda. It smells like cocoa!
board game: CANDYLAND!!!!
computer game: The Sims. Yes my brother got me semi-addicted to it at one time in my life.
car: ’67 Mustang, BMW Z-4 convertible, Jeep Wranglar, VW convertible buggys, and corvettes of course
music video: The one for I’m not Okay, Keane’s video for Somewhere Only We Know, Alkaline Trio’s Time to Waste, and the new one by Bloc Party that I saw in Germany on MTV
swear word: Fuck. And Bloody Hell has worn on me. And the spanish version of shit. Wow I’m such a potty-mouth. I need to be spanked lmfao
word: AWESOME!!! And rhapsody, and enchanted, and brick-a-brack!
month: June
cartoon character: Stewie!!!
scary movie: It wasn’t really a “scary” movie, but its about a guy and his demented hand.
team: Eagles, Flyers, and the original Jamaican Bobsled Team!
possession: my dress from when I was a baby made out of my scottish clan’s Davidson Plaid.

eminem: lose yourself
dog: Bentley and Max!
hot: white shirt guy
britney spears: Nick
nsync: pain
real world: getting drunk and arrested
orange: popsicles
choice: food
fuck: me
bisexual: bri’s son on Desperite Housewives
black: halloween
jack: that’s my pop-pop’s name!
rainbow: leprechauns
lifehouse: some band
bat: batman!
leather: jacket
whip: chains
america: *sings* I want to be in America
water: my swiss mineral water
volcano: lava
rock or rap: rock
rock or pop: rock
rock or r&b: rock
rock or metal:rock
rap or pop: rap
rap or r&b: rap
rap or metal: Metal
pop or r&b: r&b
pop or metal: Metal
r&b or metal: Metal
linkin park or limp bizkit: Linkin Park
tool or korn: Tool
selena or jlo: Selena
hot or cold: Hot
winter or summer: summer
spring or fall: autumn
shakira or britney: Shakira
icp or eminem: Eminem
marilyn manson or rob zombie: Marilyn Manson
kittie or garbage: Garbage
mtv or vh1: VH1
buffy or angel: Never watched it
dawson's creek or gilmore girls: gilmore girls
football or basketball: Football
summer olympics or winter olympics: Winter
skiing or snowboarding: Snowboarding
rollerblading or skateboarding: skateboarding
black or white: black
orange or red: Red
yellow or green:Green
purple or pink: Purple
slipknot or mudvayne: Mudvayne
hot topic or pac sun: Pac Sun is cool, but I've gotta say Hot Topic bc/ of the cute boys. I agree w/Erica
inside or outside: Outside
weed or alcohol: ...
cell phone or pager: cell
pen or pencil: Pen
powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: powerpuff girls
scooby doo or dino: Dino!!!
dragon ball z or pokemon: neither
star wars or star trek: star wars, b/c of Han Solo and Anakin circa episodes 2&3
tattoos or piercings: both
prep or punk: depends
slut or whore: STREET-TRAMPS

P R i V A T E L i F E
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: nope
do you have a crush: no
do you love anyone right now: me!lol
have you ever been in love: no
how many people have you liked: I don’t know
first crush: my boyfriend in Kindergarden. Now I want to shoot my 5 year self. What was I thinking?
how many hearts of have you broken: no one
How many have broken yours: nobody
best quote to sum up love: You can love anybody, but be in love with only one person. Yeah I made that up myself!
so what is your bf/gf/crush like: I don’t have any of those
do you have a picture of him/her: they don’t exist
please post it if you do: its non-existent
do you have a picture of yourself: Yes
please post it if you do: no
do you go by looks or personality: At first its looks, but the personality overrules it
ever kiss a friend: no
are you still friends: uh…I’ve never kissed any of em
so moving you smoke: eww, never!
do you smoke weed: No
ever trip on acid: no
how about a little x: No.
crack, heroin, anything else: sugar pills lol
beer good or beer bad: depends
are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: no
prefer beer or liquor: Hard Liquor.
what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: none. Smoking is for people who want to slowly commit suicide. Suicide is pointless.

W 0 U L D Y 0 U EVER..
bungee jump: YES, TAKE ME NOW!
sky dive: YES, can't wait!!
swim with dolphins: Yes
scuba dive: Yes!
go rock climbing: I prefer repelling, which I’ve done
eat shit for $1,000,000: No.
turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no
steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no
cross-dress: No.
lie to the police: maybe…it depends
run from the police: yeah
lie to your parents: already have
walk up to a stranger and kiss them: Depends how hot they are
be an exotic dancer: I’m a cage dancer. Get it right. lmao
walk out of a restaurant without paying: No.
streak: no.

best friends: don’t like the term. It ain’t fair to everyone else
known longest: Dena
wish you talked to more: everyone
wish you saw more: Joey and Alicia who moved in second grade
how many friends do you think you have: lots and lots
who drives you insane after a while: ummm..not gonna say
who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: probly everyone
ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': No
craziest: we’re all the craziest
loudest: The collective group together.
shyest: Erica, well sometimes anyway
best hair: Jess b/c its so rare, and Sarah’s b/c it never tangles
can always make you laugh: everyone
best eyes: Erica and Dena
best body: uh….I don’t look at my friends in that way. eww
most athletic: Gina since she plays like a trillion sports
sex symbol: We all are
hot tempered: Me when its that special time of the month, or I’m hungry
most impatient: Sarah
shortest: Jess and Olivia
tallest: Liz
talented: Everyone
best singer: Joey can actually sing.
skinniest: Me, Erica, Caron, Sarah, Olivia, and Alex
best personality: All of you
biggest drug user: well if chocolate counts than me…

flashed someone: no
told a person how you felt bout them: huh?
been to michigan: No.
gone to jail or juvi: no
skateboarded: Yeah, I fell right away.
skinny dipped: no
stolen anything: yeah when I was little and didn’t know any better
wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: yeah
kicked someone's ass: Yes. Literally that is
pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes!!Good times.
broke a beer bottle: no
gotten into a bar, under-aged: no
kissed someone of the same sex: no
gone on a road trip: YES!
gone on vacation without adult supervision: not technically but the nights in Paris count!
been to a concert: I’m not allowed to*tear*.
been to another country: Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and England
talked back to an adult: that’s like what I do best
got pulled over: no
got in a car accident: no
broke a law: yeah but I’m not saying which ones
given money to a homeless person: I don’t know
tried to kill yourself:no. I don’t believe in Suicide.
cried to get out of trouble: it only got me in more trouble
kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
kissed a brother or sister's friend: No, they’re all like 12
dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: No

0 P I N I 0 N S
what do you think...about pop music: some is tolerable
about boy bands: waste of life
about flag burning: only fun if it’s a bonfire.
of the war on terrorists: its just a bunch of assinine decisions
suicide: like I said before, I don’t agree w/it b/c it accomplishes nothing and its just saying that everyone else beat you. And yet for some reason people think I’m suicidal. Morons.
about people who try to force their opinions on you: I’m too stubborn to change
about abortion: it’s the person’s choice. I wouldn’t do it unless I was raped or something like that. No I still wouldn’t do it.
about rock/metal music: BEST MUSIC EVER!!!!!!!
where do you think you'll be in 10 years: I have no clue. All I know is that whereever I am I’ll be happy, and that’s what really counts.
who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: hopefully everybody
how do u feel bout gay marriage: I think if 2 people love each other they should get married.

W H A T D I D Y 0 0 H D 0
last birthday: termites invaded my house so I had to spend my sweet 16 locked in my room while the bugman came over. Yeah I’m pissed about it still
yesterday: recovered from Jet Lag
last weekend: I was in London. We saw a crappy musical and I made Winston Buckley laugh.
christmas: I went to my mom-mom and pop-pop’s house
thanksgiving: same as abovve
new year's: I was alone in Cape May while everyone else had fun here.
halloween: we didn’t do anything this year. I’m still pissed about that too.
easter: we had it here.
valentine's day: I was sick like every other valentine’s day.
thing you ate: chocolate chip cookies from belgium
thing you drank: water
thing you wore: my pajamas. It’s a Cape May shirt. Yes I only sleep in a shirt, but it comes down to almost my knees.
place you went: to visit pop-pop at his house
thing you got pierced/tattooed: nothing
person you saw: Billy
person you kissed: I don’t kiss and tell
person you fxcked: I’m waiting til I’m married for that one.
person you talked to: Billy
song you heard: “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul
what are you eating: chocolate chip raisin cookies
what are you drinking: Water
what are you wearing: denim shorts, occ shirt, my necklace from London
any shoes on: no
hat: no
listening to: radio on aol, top alt
talking to anyone: no
are you pissed i made this so long: kind of, but its better than doing nothing

are you a vegetarian: no, but I know 3
do you like cows: Yes
are you a bxtch: I’ve made people cry before. Intentionally.
are you artistic: no
do you write poetry: yes
are you a fast runner: no
can you ski: no
are you british: I have scottish, irish, and english ancestry if that counts. brit guys are hot…well except for hat guy that called us street tramps, he was fugly. Yes I just used fugly in a sentence.
do you want to spear britney: sometimes
do the voices talk to you: no
did you ever give barbie a haircut: ha ha ha I did!!!like all the time!!!!
would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: no
do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland: no, the Queen is my hero!!!
are you straight: yes. I love looking at guys to much not to be.
are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: probly insane.
are you nice: unless you piss me off or take my sarcasm the wrong way.
are you naughty: I can be
are you short: yes
are you tall: ha ha no
pink shirt: no
how about orange pants: no
can you see the flying monkeys: yes!
are you evil: people say I look it.
did you ever know someone who had a mullet: 2 people. But I was like 4 when they cut them off, thankfully
is britney a whore: No
are you a teenage zombie: I wouldn’t be surprised
am i annoying you?: No
do you like marilyn manson: yeah. Beautiful People and his cover of Personal Jesus are awesome songs
are you secretly from another planet: No
did you ever touch someone else's private parts: LMFAO
this is over are you happy now hahah: Yes. Thank You.

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[27 Jul 2005|02:42am]


I got bored, so I decided to make a new layout. I still hate pink. But as it's the 'pink' house, I figured the signature colour should be added into the design.

We really need to post here more often. Even if it is just quizzes.

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hey ya'll [07 Jun 2005|09:21pm]

[ mood | is it wavin? nope its bored~ ]

lol well i was stupid and didnt know about this until a while ago. then i didnt feel like posting until now. today was the trip to dorney. i didnt get to stay home, but it was okay cuz it wasnt nearly as lonely as i expected it to be. each of my classes had at least 4 ppl. the 4 were in framptons class... lol he walked away so we left. went to the computer lab. he probably didnt even notice lol... umm... i just texted kristin's cell 2 c wats up nd got no response so im just bein bored. la la la la... lunch was lonely cuz g was all pissed cuz she couldnt go. and shes not goin in 2morrow cuz she deserves a day off apparently cuz she didnt get to go on the trip... watever if it makes sense to her... umm omg its only tuesday.. blah. hyatt promised to talk to the ss department to make sure ppl goin into AP english nd Honors ss wont hav 2 read like 5 or 6 books instead of 4. lol i hope she does cuz that would suck... umm i dont have anything to say... i think ill go... idk read or something? idk byes
<3 Jenn

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Stole form Jess b/c I'm avoiding hamlet essays. [24 Apr 2005|01:03pm]

[ mood | weird ]

14 random things you love:
01) Lovesong by the Cure
02) spinning in circles
03) traveling
04) watching good movies
05) doing absolutely nothing
06) going to the beach
07) french fries
08) how my family makes me look sane
09) pianoes
10) guitars
11) violins
12) being outside
13) dancing in the rain
14) escaping to my dreamland

14 movies I love:
01) lotr...but not obsessive cult like(same for star wars too)
02) Legally Blonde
03) Saved!
04) Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
05) A Little Princess (every girl is a princess dammit!!!)
06) The Craft
07) West Side Story
08) Princess Diaries
09) Sleeping Beauty
10) Beauty & the Beast
11) Spinal Tap
12) Coming to America
13) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
14) Nightmare before Christmas

14 good bands/artists:
01) Sum41
02) No Doubt
03) Muse
04) Snow Patrol
05) Nirvana
06) Alice in Chains
07) Aerosmith
08) Green Day
09) A Perfect Circle
10) The Doors
11) the Killers
12) U2(pre-how to dismantle an atomic bomb)
13) Evanescence
14) Pearl Jam

14: favorite songs from the artists listed above
01) We're All to Blame
02) Hellagood
03) Time is Running Out
04) Somewhere a Clock is Ticking
05) You Know You're Right
06) I Stay Away
07) Love in an Elevator
08) Insomniac
09) The Outsider
10) Light my Fire
11) Midnight Show
12) Sunday Bloody Sunday
13) Hello
14) Jeremy

14 things about you... physically:
01) Brown eyes
02) long eyelashes
03) Brown hair
04) natural red highlights in my hair
05) i'm tiny
06) i'm a girl
07) Paleish
08) Freckles on my Face
09) Long fingers
10) Long Hair
11) My feet are a size 6
12) somewhat skeletal looking
13) Roll my tongue
14) Turn my tongue on left and right sides.

14 favorite foods/drinks:
01) Pizza
02) Chocolate
03) Cheesecake
04) Cookies
05) French Fries
06) Hamburgers
07) Peanut Butter
08) Cinnamon Grahmm Crackers
09) Lemonade
10) Icecream
11) Funnel Cake
12) Mozzerella Cheese
13) Milk
14) Lollypops

14 things you wear daily: (I felt that that was boring so I'm going to write my 14 fave things in my wardrob)I agree w/Jess
01) My white eyelet tank-top(wearing it now
02) My jeans
03) Monkey pajamas
04) Winnie the Pooh Pajama bottoms
05) Pink Bohemian print tanktop...long enough to be a dress if I didn't mind my ass hanging out all day lol
06) green tankini w/pink and yellow rhinestones
07) my leather jacket
08) Brown suede slippers
09) grey slippers
10) silver shoes(the slides w/the flowers bought in Cape May...not the wicker store surprisingly though)
11) Red sweatshirt
12) orange county choppers t-shirt
13) my converse
14) The flowery skirt i wore on easter.

14 things that annoy you:
01) seeing people cry
02) stupid actions by people
03) Getting up Early
04) Shaving
05) Prejudice or bigoted people
06) Stupid People
07) MTV2 for taking away all that is rock...bastards
08) family on thier bad days
09) Anything school-related
10) When its really hot out and you want to rip your clothes off and jump in a pool but can't.
11) When its really freezing out
12) When clothes don't fit me...which is like everyday
13) The news. it's always about murder. murder sucks
14) When we run out of good food

14 Places You'd like to visit:
01) London, England
02) Paris, France
03) New York City
04) Rome, Italy
05) Australia
06) LA
07) Hawaii
08) New Zealand
09) Japan
10) Monaco
11) see the northern lights... in Alaska I think
12) Scotland
13) Ireland
14) Caribean Islands

14 TV shows you like.
01) Family Guy(stewie is my hero)
02) South Park
03) Simpsons
04) Wondershowzen(It's like Sesame Street on crack)
05) The Osbournes
06) Lost
07) Desperite Housewives(no idea why though)
08) That 70's Show
09) Sex and the City
10) those standup shows are pretty funny
11) SNL
12) Mad TV
13) Veronica Mars
14) MTV2 Rock Countdown

14 People that you admire:
01) Mom
02) Dad
03) Mom-Mom
04) Pop-pop
05) Great-Grandmom(you should've heard her talking about the pope being an ex-nazi lmfao)
06) Survivors of the Holocaust
07) Audrey Hepburn
08) Oprah
09) Princess Diana
10) Grace Kelly
11) Janis Joplin
12) Jimmy Hendrix
13) everyone else in my family and my friends
14) Kurt Cobain

Two people on lj that you have kissed:
01) Ewwww
02) Never

One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01) they haven't come into my life yet.

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[23 Apr 2005|02:55pm]


Wow, it died herre, anybody got any ideas?


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Truths and Lies [13 Apr 2005|07:13pm]

[ mood | full ]

State 2 Truths and 3 Lies in random order and see who can guess which are which: ok then....

1 I have a birthmark on my ass.

2 I am prone to sleepwalking.

3 I'm allergic to mayonnaise.

4 Bentley barfed on me one day riding to Cape May.

5 I can't play a single song on the piano.

Oh this is going to be so hard for you guys to figure out ha ha no.

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[10 Apr 2005|09:15pm]


Actually I'll just do it now ::

About Me

What is your name? Nicholas Richard Alexei Laird
What is your age? 16
Birthday? October 8, 1988
Parents names? Christopher and Joanne
Your job ? Don’t have one
Your height? 5’7
Your school and grade? Sun Valley High School, 10th grade


Who is your fave female actress? Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst, Kate Winslet
Who is your fave male actor? Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Leo DiCaprio
What is your fave movie? Cruel Intentions, Titanic, Marie Antoinette, The Wedding Singer, Mean Girls
What is your fave band? Don’t really have one
Who is your fave female singer? Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Shakira
Your fave male singer? Probably Usher
What is your fave mall? King of Prussia
Your fave store? Barnes and Noble, FYE, A/X, Abercrombie
Fave person in the world to hang out with? Gina
What is the song that you think describes you best and why? Mona Lisa by Britney Spears. I just like how it tells the story of someone who’s basically grown up and has changed and people have to let that person’s old ways go and move on too. I thought it kind of fit into how we as teenagers are changing and we have to accept each other’s differences and likes//dislikes.
Crush [only pick one]? Gina, obviously lol
Your fave color? Blue, black, and white. Gray too.
Your fave food? Italian food.
Your fave thing about yourself? Umm…I would change mostly everything appearance-wise, I guess my eyes, since they don’t really have a designated colour and change a lot.

If you had to chose

Glasses or Braces? Glasses, since I live with them already and they actually aren’t that bad. Whereas braces, yeah I lived with them too and there’s nothing worse than waking up to a fence plastered across your teeth every morning. So I’ll take glasses.
Zits or being fat? Zits, because they don’t take quite as long to remove as being fat, which would take a lot more effort and exercise. Whereas removing zits just involves putting something on your skin. And trying to cover your face out of embarrassment for those obsessed with that kind of thing.
Phone or Internet? The Internet.
Cooking show or Game show? Game show, I don’t see the fun in watching someone cook.
Your fave conditioner or fave lip gloss? Ummm…I don’t wear lip gloss and I don’t even remember what conditioners I use lol.
Fave best friend? I don’t like the term! I just think it makes your other friends feel bad when you call someone your best friend. I’ve seen it happen.
Fave school subject? Either European History or French. I would like English a lot better if we read more of the kind of books I like to read. Many of which would fit into the curriculum. But no, it’s all about Gandhi!
Fave candy? Don’t have a favourite, I’ll eat most any of them.
Being a model or an actress/actor? Last time I said actor, and I think I’ll keep to it. Although being just a model could be fun, you don’t get paid as much, you don’t get the same fame, and as I said before, a model crossing to being an actor/actress is usually unsuccessful but vice-versa usually works out well, so I’m gonna pick actor so I can be both an actor and a model.
Getting run over by a cement truck or jumping off a building? Jumping off a building, it’ll be quicker and probably funner too.
Backstreet Boys or Nsync? NSYNC. BSB sucked worse.
Long or short? Are we referring to the penis?
Having your parents really mad at you or having a teach in school really hate you? A teacher. They can’t really do anything except give you a detention or something. Then you can go bitch to the parents and they can complain and in the end make a worse ass out of the teacher in question. Damn Kristin we should do that to Stull.
Grind up your false teeth in the garbage disposal or losing your engagement ring? The last I checked guys don’t wear engagement rings so I’ll have to go with the other one.
Pretty or smart? I guess pretty…in a guy way…just because it can do more for you. And pretty people have more fun. I mean, examples. Pretty :: Paris Hilton. Smart :: Bill Gates. Who’s life would you rather have? A fashionable, famous, party-hopping celebrity with billions of dollars or a loser whose only fame comes from his money, which he spends on boring electronic stuff?
Getting a sports car or your dream house? My dream house.
Going to Hawaii or Paris? Paris, France J
Would you rather break your arm or leg? Arm. If you break your leg you need them braces and crutches and all that shit whereas with your arm all you need is one cast. You can do so much more if you break your arm.
Going to Survivor or the Real World? The Real World.
Getting your period while wearing white pants or throwing up on your crush? I don’t get periods, sorry girls that you have to suffer. So I guess I HAVE to go with the other L

Questions that take thinking

What is the thing you most regret in life and why? Giving up on sports, I wish I stayed with them in middle school. But I didn’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t have the same friends as I do now nor the same life. I wonder how things could have been different. For the good or the better?

If you could have any of name what would it be? Like I said before, I’m all into Greek names, or more widely, eastern names. Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian names. I said Nikolas before but I’d also like something like Giovanni ( short form :: Gianni ) or Niccoló

When was the last time you laughed really hard? Probably when we were pushing Dena in the shopping cart.

If you could be famous for anything what would you be famous for? Something in the entertainment world. Whether a writer or a music artist or a model or an actor. Preferably an actor or a music artist.

If you could look like anybody who would you look like? Niarchos. And no, not the old guy you seem to be finding online Erica lol.

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? Um…I’m not sure on that one. Even if I’m a guy I still think being Spears for a day would be fun. Or maybe Federline, ‘cause he gets to bang her. But he’s all trashy. Forget that. Maybe one of Victoria‘s kids…John. I’ll go with John.

If you could have any hair style what would you have? Actually probably John’s again. Not the stupid gelled hair, his normal hair.

Have you ever been jealous of anyone non famous and why? Yeah, but over stupid things like their grades or their clothes or their friends or something gay like that.

What is your horoscope sign? Libra. I hate it. So boring.

What kind of car would you most want, if you could have any? Porsche.

If you could have any of hair color what would you have? A lighter brown, more natural blonde highlights in it too.

What is your fave talk show? Maury. Love it. Love the pregnant 16-year-olds who bring 20 guys on to see who their baby daddy and none of them are it. And Oprah. Oprah’s the queen of afternoon television.

If you could dig threw anyone's closet and have their clothes whose's would you take? I’ll say it again….I sound like Erica….John’s. All the Armani Exchange, Versace, Burberry, Gucci, Kenneth Cole, etc.

What is your fave CD? In the Zone ( Britney Spears ) // Donde Estan Los Ladrones? ( Shakira )

Do/Did you have a New Year's resolution and what is it? Nope. Who made up the whole New Year’s Resolution thing anyways?

What was the best day of your life? Don’t really have a best day. Probably going to NYC for the first time. Or that whole crazy week in Chincoteague without the parentals. And of course seeing Britney in concert last year.

What was the worst day of your life? Probably when we lost Bette L . Me and Dena still feel the constant empty space to this day. She was just another 16-year-old trapped in a parent’s body.

What is you bad habit? Talking too much sometimes. I don’t think it’s a bad habit but I know some people think me talking too much, and very loud at that, is a little annoying. And the fact that I don’t know how to control money-spending. I actually do save money. But whenever I bring money somewhere I have to spend most of it. I have to.

What is the thing you hate most in the world? Hypocrites, conservatives, sexists, racists. Let people live how they want to and have some fun.

Fave perfume? Don’t wear perfume, obviously. I wear AXE and a few of those popular-among-teens sprays, if that counts

Fave insult to call people? Bitch or whore. I’ve come to use them so much that people should take them almost as compliments now.

Best friends? Hate the term. I’ll just say all of my friends.

Fave thing about your best friends?

Dena - We’ve been friends for nearly 6 years and we can basically talk to each other about anything and act like total asses when we’re together…but never in public! Gots to keep my image lol. Yea, we’ve been through a lot together, lots of drama, sometimes I wonder if we should adapt your story to a soap opera or a Lifetime movie. But hey, it’s life, and we seem to get through it all right in the end, as we’ve gone through major losses and major gains over the years.

Laura - Anything I don’t tell Dena goes to you. And I love when we talk because my more intelligent side comes out and we don’t talk about Britney’s latest single or what clothes we’re gonna wear tomorrow. Instead, we talk about books, history, people, events, etc. I wish we got to talk more, I definitely think I’m a better person around you and my better side comes out.

Christine - We’ve only been friends for about 3 years but as I’ve said before, you and I can talk until midnight about the most unusual, random, and often boring things. But we always make it fun. And make up the most memorable stories about our favourite people. Except they may not like us down there in El Salvador after the fall of ‘02 lol. And like Laura, we can also have our intelligent conversations. Whether it be religion, politics, or history, it’s always fun when we get to talk.

Liz // Catie - Not even a full year we’ve been friends but I think we’ve connected more than I have with some of the people I’ve hung out with for years. We have a lot of the same interests and talk about some of the craziest things and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder than when I’m with you guys.

Jess - Your sex jokes are always entertaining and I love how we can never have a completely normal conversation…there’s always something to laugh about. Plus your fashion expertise is always helpful and handy. And you seem to be very helpful when we get into issues, and I think you might know what I mean.

Gina - We can make the most boring things fun and entertaining somehow and you’re a very good listener and story teller and I admire your determination and your outlooks on life. I always enjoy our conversations and when we’re together.

Erica - We don’t get to talk as much as I’d like to but when we do, we are either all fun and adventurous or very serious and talk about books or politics. Whether getting attacked by thorns or talking French literature, I think you’re one of the most unique people I’ve met in a while.

Kristin - I rely on you everyday to get through Stull’s class and I could never stand it without our random conversations and you putting up with my sexual activations at 8 30 a.m. Plus we always seem to talk about Disney…

Jess L. - We haven’t been friends for a long time but you’re like the other Jess. Very sexual and never a normal conversation. I like your individuality and enjoy our talks.

Jenn - It seems we never get to talk but you always have something funny to say and are very intelligent and whenever you’re around there’s always something interesting and humorous to discuss.

What is the wildest thing you ever did? Not sure. Actually, I am. But I won’t say it lol.

What would you want as a future career? Something to make me famous. But not in a bad way. Something in entertainment, something more sophisticated. But still fun. Like a mix of Hilton and LaChapelle, only fitted into music and writing and maybe even something to do with clothes.

Who do you tell most of your problems too? Laura, but not lately. Yet, I also haven’t had as many problems lately as I used to. Those that I do, I deal with them on my own.

Fave magazine? Rolling Stone and GQ. Or whatever Britney, Christina, or Shakira is on the cover of this month.

If you were on Survivor and you could only bring 3 things [You can't bring food, water and clothes does not count] what would you bring? CDs, something to play them on, and friends. Can I bring 4 things? Books too.

If you could go to any concert which would you go to? Britney Spears’ concert. Yet I’ve already been to it so I guess I’ll say Christina’s or Shakira’s this time. Probably Christina’s. ’Cause I was supposed to see her last June but she cancelled the tour and I’d like to see what I missed. It seemed kind of interesting what it was based around - the 20s and 30s era.

Who is the person in life you can not stand? You all know who I can’t stand.

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Ummm…probably my nose.

Did you enjoy this survey? Yeah, I usually like taking them, you discover more about yourself I think.

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Designed two times over [10 Apr 2005|08:54pm]


Hey guys,

Re-designed the place. Hope y'all like. I'm up for suggestions, since this a group effort after all. Just leave a comment.

My survey...died. I'll re-post tomorrow. Not in a rush, just a simple survey.


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hm. dont remeber who started this...Jess??? [08 Apr 2005|11:57pm]

Got Bored before pratice, and finished it now.

About yourself

What is your name? Gina Elizabeth
What is your age? 16
Birthday? Jan 27 1989
Parents names? Brenda Elizabeth and Gary Paul
Your job [if you have one]? not yet.
Your height? 5 foot
Your school and grade? Sun Valley , 10th grade


Who is your fave female actress? Julie Stiles
Who is your fave male actor? hm...shane west ,maybe.
What is your fave movie? A walk to remember, titanic, pretty woman
What is your fave band? Dashboard confessional,the Killers
Who is your fave female singer? Kelly Clarkson, Vannessa, Jessica Simpson etc.
Your fave male singer? hm... i dont think i have one.
What is your fave mall? KOP b/c its amazes me.

Your fave store? ... Wetseal, Mandees, Victorias Secret, Deb, etc.
Fave person in the world to hang out with? Amykins and Nick
What is the song that you think describes you best and why? It really depends on my mood. but i would like that "i hope u dance" song to decribe me after i ve lived out my life.
Who is your crush [only pick one]? That hot guy in my science class. Joke. i promise. Nick,of course.
Your fave color? blues and bold pinks....
Your fave food? hm. i love home made mashed potatoes....and icecream...not together though. ew.
Your fave thing about yourself? ...that iam breathing.

If you had to chose

Glasses or Braces? glasses
Zits or being fat? um. taking care of zits takes much less will power then diet and excerise but they both suck ass either way.
Phone or Internet? phone
Cooking show or Game show? would be cool to have my own cooking show..... but i dont like watching either for more then 2 mins.
Your fave conditioner or fave lip gloss? dont wear lipgloss... but , chapstick...i couldnt live without. but i love my conditioner too ive been told by a handful of people that my hair smells good * kinda randomly* ... why the were smelling my hair i dont...prob cuz iam short .... ha ha but ya now i know my shampoo and conditioner kick ass.
Fave best friend? isnt ur best friend ur fave any way?
Fave school subject? enlgish even though iam like failing
Fave candy? tropical skittles,lollipops, but for chocolet....twix.
Being a model or an actress? dont u have to be pretty for a model? and i guess an actress, too? hm. But maybe i secretly think it would be awesome to be a Victoria's secret model...but i wasnt built that way.... and actress.... nah. how bout niether.
Getting run over by a cement truck or jumping off a building? building.
Backstreet Boys or Nsync? BSB
Long or short? .... wat is this making refrence to.
Having your parents really mad at you or having a teach in school really hate you? been through both. but Teacher.
Grind up your false teeth in the garbage disposal or losing your engagement ring?......maybe u could find ur engagement ring....
Pretty or smart? smart.
getting a sports car or your dream house? house
Going to Hawaii or Paris? Hawaii.
Would you rather break your arm or leg? arm * done it *
Going to Survivor or the Real World? i couldnt live without running water....RealWorld...they go out and have sex like everytime ive seen an episiode.
Getting your period while wearing white pants or throwing up on your crush? ....1st choice...

"Questions that take thinking"

What is the thing you most regret in life and why? too many to list.

If you could have any of name what would it be? I wouldnt keep my name. But, i would pick something out really cool. i'll think about...although i used to have one. Crystal. changed my mind.

When was the last time you laughed really hard? coming back from lunch w/ Amy cuz i always laugh with her and she compared human sex to animal sex in a way.

If you could be famous for anything what would you be famous for? finding a cure for something horrible like Cancer or AIDs , but u have to be smart for that.

If you could look like anybody who would you look like? someone pretty. . . .

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? Myself.

If you could have any hair style what would you have? this chick at my haircutting place...its amazing.

Have you ever been jealous of anyone non famous and why? Yeah. Everybody has their reasons.

What is your horoscope sign? Aquarius

What kind of car would you most want, if you could have any? one of those cute lil bugs.
if you could have any of hair color what would you have? the color i have no but only a lil blonder... it will be in the summer...thanks sun.

What is your fave talk show? Maury.

If you could dig threw anyone's closet and have there clothes whose's would you take? ....Hilary duff... dont shoot me hilary haters... i kinda like Lohans too but they are a little more on the slutty side.

What is your fave CD? Dashboard...a scar a mark a misson*or something like that* the killers Hot Fuss Kelly clarkson Breakaway, Autobiography etc.

Do/Did you have a New Year's resolution and what is it? Yes. Some were personal and some werent. Some ive achieved. Some ive given up and some iam working on still.

What was the best day of your life? my lifes not over yet.

What was the worst day of your life? .... ......

What is your bad habit? Not saying what i want to say. Procastination. Being too mean sometimes, being to shy, and the list goes on for about 100 more at least

What is the thing you hate most in the world? ppl who are too quick to judge and other naive beliefs.

Fave perfume? Curious, the one by Paris, Chanel something.... Happy, Love spell along with others from VS

Fave insult to call people? whore bitch etc
Best friends?

Fave thing about your best friends? Amy: I tell her everything and she listens, she tells me everything i listen, shes crazy and caring, always funny and always there to enlighten me and make me less dumb ( in several areas of my life lol) and were always laughing~ Nick: his funny, I can be myself around him and not really care, laugh together, he listens, talk on the phone for a while about pretty much nothing, it goes on but ill stop.~ Ted: would be so lost without him sometimes cuz he helps me with everything, he cares so much, his crazy and fun to be around.~Josh: Would be lost without him too, his crazy tries so hard to enlighten me funni as hell and helps me through everything with a diff point of view, one that i wouldnt view b/c...well.jus b/c . ~ Jenn: her honesty, guiding me make sure i dont do anything dumb, her sense of humor sometimes is so funni, and she help me survive Stull and Frampton. I die otherwise.~ Jess: always so helpful and caring , shes funni as hell and always fun to be around.~ Joey: Omg. Hes such a sweetheart. So caring and teaches me new things.~ Kristin: She listen to my pointless ramblings in Sach's class wich i couldnt survive w.o her, shes funni too her point of view is so different i like it.~Dena: shes funny and caring and has some amusing stuff to tell~Erica: Nice and always there to help, she also teaches me new interesting things and is always up for getting up and out into the outside world.~Jess L.: Def her randomness and her sexual humor

What is the wildest thing you ever did? Broke a cott with like 5 guys. lol jp. well, no but yes. Thats not wild. at all. hmm... i ll think about it ive done some dumb stuff cuz i didnt care, while all the girls i was with did.
What would you want as a future career? Something that makes my life fullfilled,gives time with my family or to have a life, and makes me happy
Who do you tell most of your problems to? Amy and Ted and Josh But mainly Amy.
Fave magazine? Seventeen,Cosmo,Cosmogirl
If you were on Survivor and you could only bring 3 things [You can't bring food, water and clothes does not count] what would you bring? The people i would miss most. my cellphone to keep in touch with the ones i didnt bring.
If you could go to any concert which would you go to? The Killers, Dashboard, maybe even Yellowcard
Who is the person in life you can not stand? Dont really have one of them...maybe Framptom lol.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I have a fucking list for like each topic. Appearence,Personalty,school,sports,common sense,habbits, prespective, health, etc.

Did you enjoy this survey? sure.
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Survey I Stole from Jess [26 Mar 2005|03:20pm]

[ mood | cold ]

~About yourself~

What is your name? Kristin Elaine Faulkner
What is your age? 15
Birthday? June 28, 1989
Parents names? Elaine and Bill
Your job [if you have one]? My job I feel is, like everyone elses, to live...oh I bet you didn't think I'd get all deep like did you?
Your height? 5' 1 and 1/4"....the 1/4 is important!!!!!!
Your school and grade? Sun Valley, 10th grade


Who is your fave female actress? Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Winslet
Who is your fave male actor? Johnny Depp, and Jake Gyllenhall
What is your fave movie? Edward Scissorhands, Princess Bride, Austin Powers Trilogy
What is your fave band?Too many to count!!!!!!!
Who is your fave female singer? Alannis Morrisette
Your fave male singer? Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vetter, Jim Morrison
What is your fave mall? don't know
Your fave store? Spencers lol actually the Virgin Records Megastore
Fave person in the world to hang out with? Friends and Family
What is the song that you think describes you best and why? Just A Girl by No Doubt. I think its b/c when I was little I only had guy cousins and they never let me do anything b/c I was a girl.
Who is your crush [only pick one]? No one.
Your fave color? Green
Your fave food? Peanut Butter Cream icecream
Your fave thing about yourself? My wonderful mind, even though it scares my brother and possibly the rest of the world

~If you had to chose~

Glasses or Braces? Braces b/c I already have them and they're only temporary
Zits or being fat? The only time I was 'fat' was when I had baby fat when I was a baby. I don't remember it. I'll say zits then
Phone or Internet? depends on my mood
Cooking show or Game show? hmmmm....I like the cooking shows when they're making pastries
Your fave conditioner or fave lip gloss? conditioner. Without it my hair wouldn't be shiny
Fave best friend? I don't like that phrase. It discriminates against your friends that aren't the "best". Then you're not being a good friend are you?
Fave school subject? Study Hall. KKK.....J power
Fave candy? these things my great grandmom gets called bulls-eyes. they're chocolate filled w/real peanut butter.
Being a model or an actress? Actress b/c you do different things and meet lots of people
Getting run over by a cement truck or jumping off a building? Bungee Jumping off a building. Ha that counts!!!Right? Right?
Backstreet Boys or Nsync? *shudders*
Long or short? Long
Having your parents really mad at you or having a teach in school really hate you? teacher b/c i hate them anyway
Grind up your false teeth in the garbage disposal or losing your engagement ring? false teeth b/c your old then anyway and can get new ones. I would never be able to part with my engagement ring if I had one.
Pretty or smart? Smart
getting a sports car or your dream house? Dream house complete w/sports car
Going to Hawaii or Paris? Hawaii. I love the beach. And the flowers. And the surfers.
Would you rather break your arm or leg? I don't know and never want to find out
Going to Survivor or the Real World? I'd never be on any reality show
Getting your period while wearing white pants or throwing up on your crush? throwing up on my crush b/c since i don't have one it will never happen. HA!!I win

"Questions that take thinking"

What is the thing you most regret in life and why? lots of things. I guess quitting soccer when I was like 7. I was really good at a sport!!!!I wish I could say that now.

If you could have any of name what would it be? The one that I already have. Kristin Elaine.

When was the last time you laughed really hard? The other night watching South Park. Chef was singing "Suck on my chocolate salty balls, you just put them in your mouth and suck them!" LMAO

If you could be famous for anything what would you be famous for? Being a rock star. Or being a Princess. Oh I know being a rock star princess. yeah.

If you could look like anybody who would you look like? Myself

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? Oprah. Must I say more?

If you could have any hair style what would you have? Well one time after we went to the beach my hair was curling at the ends. Oddly enough it looked pretty nice, minus the whole frizzyness. I guess that without the frizziness in my natural hair color.

Have you ever been jealous of anyone non famous and why? Yeah. I wanted their 67 sky blue mustang convertible.

What is your horoscope sign? Cancer the Crab....figures I get the one that sounds like a dieased bitch lol

What kind of car would you most want, if you could have any?That mustang. Janice Joplin's porche. Beach Buggy or a T-Bird. Or a corvette. Or a Jeep Wrangler

if you could have any of hair color what would you have? The one I was born with

What is your fave talk show? Oprah and Jerry Springer. Its the good and bad side of America.

If you could dig threw anyone's closet and have there clothes whose's would you take? Gwen Stefani, Emmy Rossum, or Audrey Hepburn's.

What is your fave CD? Tie between Evanescence Fallen, and Snow Patrol Final Straw

Do/Did you have a New Year's resolution and what is it? None whatsoever. I mean what's the point of saying you'll do something when you know you will never do it.
What was the best day of your life? Hasn't happened yet

What was the worst day of your life? Too many to count.

What is you bad habit? I tend to repeat things without realizing it. And I curse too.

What is the thing you hate most in the world? Stupid things that people do.
Fave perfume? Happy by Clinique or Chance by Chanel.Hey I like those too. I also like Rosewater even though it technically isn't a perfume.

Fave insult to call people? Why don't you just go off and fuck yourself since no one else will.

best friends? All my friends are the best

Fave thing about your best friends? I'm just gonna say about whoever I think will read this.
JessP:You tell some of the best stories ever. Plus you are very optimistic and can name fashion facts off the top of your head.
JessL:You have great taste in music and make study hall entertaining for everyone(well except for the banana man). Sharing the same birthday and unbirthdays is awesome too.
Joey:You are very creative and artistic. You have great taste in music too and are one of the nicest people I know.
Gina:You're always happy and are a good listener. You never hurt anyone's feelings either and everyone should be like that.
Nick:You are insanely smart. Also your funny and know just about as much about Disney as me, maybe even more. Surviving Stull with me is great too.
Dena:You have some great stories too. You're great at handling situations of any kind too. Besides I've known you the longest. We went through cheerleading and first grade together.
Erica:You taught me the importance of using big words. You also are one of the only people I know that actually enjoys rock climbing too. And we're going to Europe together!!!!
Jenn:You use sarcasm in such a way that it even rivals mine. And you are great at organizing things too. Spanish is great this year thanks to you lol.

What is the wildest thing you ever did? not exactly wild but when we went to Hershey Park we went on that rapid thing about 7 times in row in 50 degree weather, during the rain. Also the first time I went rock climbing was fun too(although I was 8 and it wasn't real rocks)

What would you want as a future career? Record Producer or a vintage store owner or just get paid for breathing.

Who do you tell most of your problems too? hmmmm...I don't really talk about my problems unless I'm trying to cheer someone else up so I don't really know.

Fave magazine? Alt press, vogue, elle, and entertainment weekly too

If you were on Survivor and you could only bring 3 things [You can't bring food, water and clothes does not count] what would you bring? sunscreen, my guitar, and toilet paper. Well would any of you want to live without toilet paper? Didn't think so.

If you could go to any concert which would you go to? Muse b/c I hear they go all out. And I like their songs...even though I don't know what they're talking about sometimes.

Who is the person in life you can not stand? Celebrities mostly. I.E. John Travolta and Kevin Costner.

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I'd rather wait until I was older to decide that one.

Did you enjoy this survey? Yeah it was okay. Although now i really want to be a rock star princess now....

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First Entry [23 Mar 2005|01:11pm]

Hey y'all

I figured we could try this out since the blog we all started last summer is virtually dead and we all stick to our Live Journals.

How's everyone's Spring Break going?
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