Actually I'll just do it now ::
About Me
What is your name? Nicholas Richard Alexei Laird What is your age? 16 Birthday? October 8, 1988 Parents names? Christopher and Joanne Your job ? Don’t have one Your height? 5’7 Your school and grade? Sun Valley High School, 10th grade
Who is your fave female actress? Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst, Kate Winslet Who is your fave male actor? Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Leo DiCaprio What is your fave movie? Cruel Intentions, Titanic, Marie Antoinette, The Wedding Singer, Mean Girls What is your fave band? Don’t really have one Who is your fave female singer? Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Shakira Your fave male singer? Probably Usher What is your fave mall? King of Prussia Your fave store? Barnes and Noble, FYE, A/X, Abercrombie Fave person in the world to hang out with? Gina What is the song that you think describes you best and why? Mona Lisa by Britney Spears. I just like how it tells the story of someone who’s basically grown up and has changed and people have to let that person’s old ways go and move on too. I thought it kind of fit into how we as teenagers are changing and we have to accept each other’s differences and likes//dislikes. Crush [only pick one]? Gina, obviously lol Your fave color? Blue, black, and white. Gray too. Your fave food? Italian food. Your fave thing about yourself? Umm…I would change mostly everything appearance-wise, I guess my eyes, since they don’t really have a designated colour and change a lot.
If you had to chose
Glasses or Braces? Glasses, since I live with them already and they actually aren’t that bad. Whereas braces, yeah I lived with them too and there’s nothing worse than waking up to a fence plastered across your teeth every morning. So I’ll take glasses. Zits or being fat? Zits, because they don’t take quite as long to remove as being fat, which would take a lot more effort and exercise. Whereas removing zits just involves putting something on your skin. And trying to cover your face out of embarrassment for those obsessed with that kind of thing. Phone or Internet? The Internet. Cooking show or Game show? Game show, I don’t see the fun in watching someone cook. Your fave conditioner or fave lip gloss? Ummm…I don’t wear lip gloss and I don’t even remember what conditioners I use lol. Fave best friend? I don’t like the term! I just think it makes your other friends feel bad when you call someone your best friend. I’ve seen it happen. Fave school subject? Either European History or French. I would like English a lot better if we read more of the kind of books I like to read. Many of which would fit into the curriculum. But no, it’s all about Gandhi! Fave candy? Don’t have a favourite, I’ll eat most any of them. Being a model or an actress/actor? Last time I said actor, and I think I’ll keep to it. Although being just a model could be fun, you don’t get paid as much, you don’t get the same fame, and as I said before, a model crossing to being an actor/actress is usually unsuccessful but vice-versa usually works out well, so I’m gonna pick actor so I can be both an actor and a model. Getting run over by a cement truck or jumping off a building? Jumping off a building, it’ll be quicker and probably funner too. Backstreet Boys or Nsync? NSYNC. BSB sucked worse. Long or short? Are we referring to the penis? Having your parents really mad at you or having a teach in school really hate you? A teacher. They can’t really do anything except give you a detention or something. Then you can go bitch to the parents and they can complain and in the end make a worse ass out of the teacher in question. Damn Kristin we should do that to Stull. Grind up your false teeth in the garbage disposal or losing your engagement ring? The last I checked guys don’t wear engagement rings so I’ll have to go with the other one. Pretty or smart? I guess pretty…in a guy way…just because it can do more for you. And pretty people have more fun. I mean, examples. Pretty :: Paris Hilton. Smart :: Bill Gates. Who’s life would you rather have? A fashionable, famous, party-hopping celebrity with billions of dollars or a loser whose only fame comes from his money, which he spends on boring electronic stuff? Getting a sports car or your dream house? My dream house. Going to Hawaii or Paris? Paris, France J Would you rather break your arm or leg? Arm. If you break your leg you need them braces and crutches and all that shit whereas with your arm all you need is one cast. You can do so much more if you break your arm. Going to Survivor or the Real World? The Real World. Getting your period while wearing white pants or throwing up on your crush? I don’t get periods, sorry girls that you have to suffer. So I guess I HAVE to go with the other L
Questions that take thinking
What is the thing you most regret in life and why? Giving up on sports, I wish I stayed with them in middle school. But I didn’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t have the same friends as I do now nor the same life. I wonder how things could have been different. For the good or the better?
If you could have any of name what would it be? Like I said before, I’m all into Greek names, or more widely, eastern names. Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian names. I said Nikolas before but I’d also like something like Giovanni ( short form :: Gianni ) or Niccoló
When was the last time you laughed really hard? Probably when we were pushing Dena in the shopping cart.
If you could be famous for anything what would you be famous for? Something in the entertainment world. Whether a writer or a music artist or a model or an actor. Preferably an actor or a music artist.
If you could look like anybody who would you look like? Niarchos. And no, not the old guy you seem to be finding online Erica lol.
If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? Um…I’m not sure on that one. Even if I’m a guy I still think being Spears for a day would be fun. Or maybe Federline, ‘cause he gets to bang her. But he’s all trashy. Forget that. Maybe one of Victoria‘s kids…John. I’ll go with John.
If you could have any hair style what would you have? Actually probably John’s again. Not the stupid gelled hair, his normal hair.
Have you ever been jealous of anyone non famous and why? Yeah, but over stupid things like their grades or their clothes or their friends or something gay like that.
What is your horoscope sign? Libra. I hate it. So boring.
What kind of car would you most want, if you could have any? Porsche.
If you could have any of hair color what would you have? A lighter brown, more natural blonde highlights in it too.
What is your fave talk show? Maury. Love it. Love the pregnant 16-year-olds who bring 20 guys on to see who their baby daddy and none of them are it. And Oprah. Oprah’s the queen of afternoon television.
If you could dig threw anyone's closet and have their clothes whose's would you take? I’ll say it again….I sound like Erica….John’s. All the Armani Exchange, Versace, Burberry, Gucci, Kenneth Cole, etc.
What is your fave CD? In the Zone ( Britney Spears ) // Donde Estan Los Ladrones? ( Shakira )
Do/Did you have a New Year's resolution and what is it? Nope. Who made up the whole New Year’s Resolution thing anyways?
What was the best day of your life? Don’t really have a best day. Probably going to NYC for the first time. Or that whole crazy week in Chincoteague without the parentals. And of course seeing Britney in concert last year.
What was the worst day of your life? Probably when we lost Bette L . Me and Dena still feel the constant empty space to this day. She was just another 16-year-old trapped in a parent’s body.
What is you bad habit? Talking too much sometimes. I don’t think it’s a bad habit but I know some people think me talking too much, and very loud at that, is a little annoying. And the fact that I don’t know how to control money-spending. I actually do save money. But whenever I bring money somewhere I have to spend most of it. I have to.
What is the thing you hate most in the world? Hypocrites, conservatives, sexists, racists. Let people live how they want to and have some fun.
Fave perfume? Don’t wear perfume, obviously. I wear AXE and a few of those popular-among-teens sprays, if that counts
Fave insult to call people? Bitch or whore. I’ve come to use them so much that people should take them almost as compliments now.
Best friends? Hate the term. I’ll just say all of my friends.
Fave thing about your best friends?
Dena - We’ve been friends for nearly 6 years and we can basically talk to each other about anything and act like total asses when we’re together…but never in public! Gots to keep my image lol. Yea, we’ve been through a lot together, lots of drama, sometimes I wonder if we should adapt your story to a soap opera or a Lifetime movie. But hey, it’s life, and we seem to get through it all right in the end, as we’ve gone through major losses and major gains over the years.
Laura - Anything I don’t tell Dena goes to you. And I love when we talk because my more intelligent side comes out and we don’t talk about Britney’s latest single or what clothes we’re gonna wear tomorrow. Instead, we talk about books, history, people, events, etc. I wish we got to talk more, I definitely think I’m a better person around you and my better side comes out.
Christine - We’ve only been friends for about 3 years but as I’ve said before, you and I can talk until midnight about the most unusual, random, and often boring things. But we always make it fun. And make up the most memorable stories about our favourite people. Except they may not like us down there in El Salvador after the fall of ‘02 lol. And like Laura, we can also have our intelligent conversations. Whether it be religion, politics, or history, it’s always fun when we get to talk.
Liz // Catie - Not even a full year we’ve been friends but I think we’ve connected more than I have with some of the people I’ve hung out with for years. We have a lot of the same interests and talk about some of the craziest things and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder than when I’m with you guys.
Jess - Your sex jokes are always entertaining and I love how we can never have a completely normal conversation…there’s always something to laugh about. Plus your fashion expertise is always helpful and handy. And you seem to be very helpful when we get into issues, and I think you might know what I mean.
Gina - We can make the most boring things fun and entertaining somehow and you’re a very good listener and story teller and I admire your determination and your outlooks on life. I always enjoy our conversations and when we’re together.
Erica - We don’t get to talk as much as I’d like to but when we do, we are either all fun and adventurous or very serious and talk about books or politics. Whether getting attacked by thorns or talking French literature, I think you’re one of the most unique people I’ve met in a while.
Kristin - I rely on you everyday to get through Stull’s class and I could never stand it without our random conversations and you putting up with my sexual activations at 8 30 a.m. Plus we always seem to talk about Disney…
Jess L. - We haven’t been friends for a long time but you’re like the other Jess. Very sexual and never a normal conversation. I like your individuality and enjoy our talks.
Jenn - It seems we never get to talk but you always have something funny to say and are very intelligent and whenever you’re around there’s always something interesting and humorous to discuss.
What is the wildest thing you ever did? Not sure. Actually, I am. But I won’t say it lol.
What would you want as a future career? Something to make me famous. But not in a bad way. Something in entertainment, something more sophisticated. But still fun. Like a mix of Hilton and LaChapelle, only fitted into music and writing and maybe even something to do with clothes.
Who do you tell most of your problems too? Laura, but not lately. Yet, I also haven’t had as many problems lately as I used to. Those that I do, I deal with them on my own.
Fave magazine? Rolling Stone and GQ. Or whatever Britney, Christina, or Shakira is on the cover of this month.
If you were on Survivor and you could only bring 3 things [You can't bring food, water and clothes does not count] what would you bring? CDs, something to play them on, and friends. Can I bring 4 things? Books too.
If you could go to any concert which would you go to? Britney Spears’ concert. Yet I’ve already been to it so I guess I’ll say Christina’s or Shakira’s this time. Probably Christina’s. ’Cause I was supposed to see her last June but she cancelled the tour and I’d like to see what I missed. It seemed kind of interesting what it was based around - the 20s and 30s era.
Who is the person in life you can not stand? You all know who I can’t stand.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Ummm…probably my nose.
Did you enjoy this survey? Yeah, I usually like taking them, you discover more about yourself I think.