San Mateo | Early Psychosis Programs

Who we are:

The Felton (re)MIND® early psychosis program delivers comprehensive treatment grounded in wellness, recovery and resilience to people experiencing early signs and symptoms of a psychotic disorder, as well as providing families the tools to support their loved ones in their recovery process. Our mission is to transform the treatment and perception of psychosis – and by extension the lives of young people and their families – by intervening early with evidence-based, culturally responsive and rigorous diagnostic assessment and treatment, so that within five years of engaging in services most cases of psychosis are treated to remission.

Our Goals
  • Provide outreach and services to identify and treat early signs and symptoms of psychosis
  • Prevent psychotic disorders  from becoming severe and disabling
  • Assist clients to mitigate and cope with symptoms in a way that allows them to achieve their personal life goals
  • Reduce rates of suicide, school failure and dropout, emergency hospitalization, unemployment, and incarceration
  • Reduce the stigma associated with psychosis
  • Ensure that underserved populations have timely access to culturally responsive evidence-based treatment
Who We Serve

(re)MIND® is a coordinated specialty care model for early detection and treatment of psychosis.  Participants have begun experiencing signs and symptoms of psychosis within the past two years.

To be eligible for (re)MIND®, participants must:

  • Be a San Mateo County resident (regardless of insurance status)
  • Have experienced full psychosis for the first time in the past 2 years
  • Have experienced recent trouble with perception, thoughts, mood, or functioning
  • Be 14-35 years old

BEAM serves individuals with onset of Bipolar spectrum disorder or mood disorder with psychotic features in the past two years. The program is committed to transforming the treatment and perception of recent onset Bipolar spectrum disorder or other mood disorders, by intervening early with evidence-based, culturally competent assessment, diagnosis and interventions so that the teen or young adult and their family learn skills to manage the episodic nature of mood disorders.

To be eligible for BEAM, participants must:

  • Be a San Mateo County resident (regardless of insurance status)
  • Have experienced Bipolar I or mood disorder with psychotic features for the first time in the past 2 years
  • Be 14-35 years old

(re)MIND®Alumni promotes continuity of care and continuation of relationships during times when program graduates and families may need most to maintain treatment goals, prevent relapse and have adequate support in their lifelong management of a psychotic disorder.

Participants receive:

  • Access to specialized aftercare services for San Mateo County program graduates and their family members to support the maintenance of gains achieved in early psychosis treatment
  • Evidence-based supported employment and education services post-early psychosis treatment for maintenance of the same level of educational and vocational engagement after program graduation
  • Navigational support for families in educational and mental health systems
  • Development of a cohort of graduate ambassadors to support new program participants and their families


To talk with someone about a referral to (re)MIND® or BEAM San Mateo, please email [email protected] or call 650-458-0026; or 650-696-0872.

You can learn more about referrals – whether you are calling for yourself or are a clinician calling on behalf of a client – on our Intake Process Page.

Psychoeducational Presentations:
To talk with someone about scheduling a talk about early psychosis, please email [email protected] or call 650-458-0026.

If you or a family member are in immediate crisis contact 911 and ask for a Crisis Intervention Trained (CIT) Officer for a crisis evaluation or one of the resources listed below.

Crisis Evaluation:

  • Mobile Crisis StarVista: (650) 579-0350 (Youth and young adult mobile crisis evaluation by mental health staff)
  • Mobile Support Mateo Lodge: (650) 368-3178 (Adult mobile crisis evaluation by mental health staff)

San Mateo Emergency Locations:

  • San Mateo Medical Center, (650) 573-2662, 222 W. 39th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403 (Emergency Psychiatric)
  • Mills-Peninsula Medical Center, (650) 696-5915, 1501 Trousdale Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010 (Emergency Psychiatric)
  • Serenity House, (650) 204-9695, (Short-term adult residential)

Contact Information:

Felton Institute – (re)MIND® and BEAM San Mateo

For more information regarding the Felton Early Psychosis Programs in San Mateo, please email [email protected] or call 650-458-0026.

Location: 1108 El Camino Real, San Mateo CA 94402
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

For general questions regarding the Felton Institute Early Psychosis Programs, please email Adriana Furuzawa at [email protected] or call 415-474-7310, extension 314.


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