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A highly modular, loosely coupled soulslike game template/asset pack for the Godot Engine. It's driven heavily using signals and loose code, and the tree uses an animation library to drive it's animations. This allows you to swap in your own compatible models and animations quickly and not break the logic of the code. All you need is  a  model with a standard Godot/Unity/Mixamo etc, skeleton mapped into Godot at import.

All Creative Commons content free to be used as you wish without my attribution. Although I'll very gratefully be attributed in game credits and/or humbly accept your donations.

This template uses assets created entirely by myself, or from Kenney Assets. Nothing from Mixamo, etc to muddy up the licensing waters.


The accumulation of about a years worth of testing. It features a lot of the classic mechanics for soulslike games:

  • Root Motion based
  • Primary weapon
  • Offhand gadgets
  • Consumable items
  • Enemy targeting
  • Enemy knockback
  • Blocking / perfect parry
  • Dodge rolling
  • Sprinting
  • Ladder Movement
  • Lever activated intractables
  • Enemys with multiple states and pathfinding
  • Ragdoll death
  • Joystick and Keyboard controls based off Elden Ring/Bloodborne


  • Rigged Low poly male and female model
  • Low resolution textures
  • Lots of sound effects and music
  • 110+ animations
  • GridMap/Meshlibrary
  • Flexible nested animation state trees


Creative Commons, but be cool about it

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Made withGodot
TagsAsset Pack, Godot, Souls-like, Project template
Code licenseUnlicense
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


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Cat's Godot4 Souls-Like Template & Asset Pack v2.0.0

Development log


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(1 edit)

I hope the combat(melee trace), movement, inventory and camera etc can be modularized to make it possible to say make it possible to make any type of combat game with any camera angle, not just souls-like.
For example, RPG Builder on Unity allows any type of camera system as addon.

The whole thing needs a redo. When I go through it I'm annoyed how most of it is not easily reusable. Some snippets are handy but generally it's not as useful as I hoped it would be.

That said if you just want a gemeric camera system, just grab a different camera system from the asset library rather grab this full template/demo.

Any bigger template or demo has to make decisions for the dev making it less and less flexible for reuse. I'll do my best on a rewrite to make it properly modular, but still, it has to make decisions for the dev especially if it has any type of targeting going on.

Has a bug with the Axe. Filed the bug on Github.

I'm busy on a large project currently but I'll swing back around to fixing this template in a bit. The whole thing needs some rebuilding.

(2 edits)

Great man. Just great. I tried out your demos on my pc and they run well. I have a question, however. Do my mixamo characters NEED to have a root bone to be able to move around in your demos?

Basically, I replicated/duplicated your player character and scripts in my own project, and I set up all the animations and stuff. However, the dude wont move. I press W and the run animation plays, but he doesnt move forward. I have left AnimationStateTree's Root parameter empty as I am not using a root bone or root motion for that matter. I just want the running animation to play as my character runs forward using code. But right now, he stays on one spot and only the run animation plays whenever I press W. The only way to move forward seems to be jumping animation, in which I am moving forward in hops.

If you use the root version of the project, then yes, it'll need a root bone. You can pop your character into Blender, parent the skeleton to a new bone called root, and be good from there. You just need a root at the base of the whole skeleton.

Otherwise, download the older version of the project, it's non-root.
I strongly recommend using and learning root motion though. It's not difficult to pickup and makes life a million times easier. I was reluctant for a good year or so of game dev to try it out. Kept telling myself "i don't need it, i don't mind, non-root is good enough". And yeah, you can get by, but honestly it's like using a spoon when you could be using a knife. It's just so much easier to do just about everything when you use root motion instead.

Sermon over. Good luck!

Ah, thank you.

Hey, I have been looking into root motion for a little bit. So far I have come across mixed reactions from people. Pros and cons left and right. I wanna be sure if it really makes things that much easier. Cuz some people tell me that leaving majority of the movement and combat to animations alone is a bad idea because it will give you less control as a dev. Tell me something, do souls-like games use root motion often? Is it really that much easier or better to set up compared to the good old fashioned code motion? You seemed rather convinced in your comment where you said that it makes life a "million times easier". Just asking for another sermon, pastor. <3

It depends entirely on the type of game you want to make, and how accurate you want the movements to line up with the ground, or be in sync with other actions. But for the most part, root motion only makes life eaiser for almost all attacks and movement code, and for the small percent where you want full control..  just code as you would as if it weren't root motion. At any time you can forcfully move your character somewhere anytime you want. if you choose to include the root motion information, then you just fetch it from the animation tree, but if you don't want it, then just don't do that, and code it as if it weren't root motion.

For a soulslike, you 100% want to have root motion, it'll look a hell of a lot better and make adding most actions a lot easier, and for the actions where you don't want root motion, you just code it like a regular dev. Imagine a big ax swing where the player takes 2 steps forward to swing the big thing. It'll look MUCH better to animate that with a root bone, controlling how far the player moves with each swing during the animation. Blender is easier to animate that with, no doubt. But imagine trying to do that in code. Telling him to wait a half second, then move forward .25 a meter, then wait, for the next step, and another .36 of a meter, and then another .15m to straight out his feet again... That is hell (and what the non-root version uses... and it's like honestly double the code)!

So for souls-likes, yes, root motion is better. Period. I'm making a Metal Gear style game now, and using root motion is a million times easiser there as well. But if I were to do a RTS, starcraft, age of empires, etc etc style point and click. It'd be easier and preferable to ignore root motion since i'll be moving enemies around on a grid... but if i didn't have a grid system... i may even still there use root motion so their feet match perfectly their speed as they walk.

For me, swapping to root motion solved most of my movement code woes. Game dev got a lot easier after that point. I don't use root motion for rotation, i prefer to control that myself based off camera, and for vertical motion like jumping etc, i also leave it out. Easier to do that in pure code or based off math rather than an animation. But for regularly directional movement, root motion is a massive massive time saver, and headache reliever.

Do you have specific questions?

(6 edits)

I completely understood everything you just said. Thank you so much. As for specific questions, yes I do have some if you could answer.

1. I don't want to learn animating from scratch, as I like to focus on environment and level design (I love those reconnecting levels in souls-like games). I would rather my animations are straight from mixamo. Just some simple stuff like walking, running, rolling, blocking, climbing, a few different attacks, etc. If I use your RiGodotify addon to rig my custom character, will importing it to mixamo for animating it remove the root bone or mess up things in any way? As far as I know, Mixamo animations dont have a dedicated root bone as it has hips set as the base of the skeleton.

2. If I can't use Mixamo to animate rigodotify's armatures, what way do you recommend someone like me to get those animations for my character.

3. Also, I have root boned my character in blender using the mixamo-root addon and it seems to work in godot fine. But the roll animation causes the player to roll high above the ground. I asked around and found out that in root animations, the root should be treated as the floor. My head's spinning with this info. I compared my root-boned character with your template character, and apparently the root bone in your character literally never moves from the origin point during spawn or roll animations, it just slides forward or backward during running motions and during rolls. Mine seems to move all over the place during animations. Ugh.

EDIT: Hmm, I just got root bones to work properly with finepointcgi's version of the addon. Now root bones slide around only when they should, as they should. Honestly, there is very few tutorials on this kind of stuff, compared to how much there is for Unreal or Unity. I was surprised by that. But I am glad I gave it a shot. Now I just gotta understand the new method of coding the actual movement in root motion. Cuz the good old velocity.x/z code motion is not the way. I will look at your template again and restudy it, though I'd still like your input on my points above.

Thank you very much for your help, friend. Let me know if I can help you out in return, maybe playtesting your game, helping with design, or just a fresh pair of eyes to look at it to point out any issues that you might overlook as that happens when an artist looks at his painting for so long that he doesnt see flaws in it. I think it is called "perceptual adaptation" or "familiarity blindness".


So, the answer to most of your question are kind of linked to each other, even though you made it 3 different questions.

So your goal essentially is to be able to share animations and be able to tweak animations, while also doing as little full animating as possible. You want to mix and match across lots of places, and use root motion.

Cool cool. So, with Godot's retargeting, you can mix and match animations from Mixamo, from Rigodotify, from Stinty, from really anywhere that uses a standard skeleton that you can map into Godot. You can bring in as many animations as you like, save them into libraries, and share them across all your models. So whether to use Rigodotify, Mixamo, or some other skeleton as your base, depends on your needs.

If you just want to reuse animations, just rig a model in Mixamo, map it into Godot. You're done.

If you want create your own animations and have more control. Use Rigodotify for convenient control Rig, make the animations in there, you can always add Mixamo animations to it as libraries later in Godot. If you want some premade libraries, i have a few hundred animatins on my github i give away, some aren't great, but still, it's a massive free library so, have at it: https://github.com/catprisbrey/Godot4-OpenAnimationLibraries

Root bone should be on the floor, yes. And it should animate any velocity movement you want in your game. So forward and backward for walking, left and right for strafing. Etc etc. If a mixamo one is flying all over, it's probably thinking the hips are the root or something, and that's not what you want. Root is generally pretty steady. Some mixamo animations i believe are setup for root, they'll have a checkbox "in place" or not, and you want to have it NOT be in place, so that root drives it forward.

If you need videos on retargeting, and using libarries, my youtube channel is full of them. You'll probably want these ones relating to animation here:

I cover a lot on animation retargeting, using libaries, making your own, etc. Hope this answers your questions, and gives you places to find answers.

Really awesome! I saw this just as I was wondering if anyone tried making a soulslike in Godot. I'm still trying to figure out how to make animated characters lol...

My YouTube is packed with Godot Animation videos if that helps get you rolling there as well.

So cool man! I've been watching your content for a while now. Really cool to see how far you've come. Can't wait to reverse engineer this puppy and learn what I can from it!

It's funny how fast we can progress in game dev. I'm already upset with this template. It's still too complicated and long winded...

I may rebuild it again here soon. Honestly using root motion solves a LOT of the complexity.

It's all about forward progress man. I've actually been doing some work with root animations. I did some messing around and figured out how to run some python scripts to fix the root bone issues I was having with mixamo animations, but it has wider implications when making animations "root motion" compatible. I'll try and write something up on what I've found and share it soon. Do you use mixamo animations?
Do the animations you have already have a root bone? If not, I can probably figure a way to add it like the mixamo addon, then I can run my scripts to 0 out the root bone. It's a whole different world though haha I'm figuring it out bit by bit

I've already written a root motion controller for soul's likes already. I use my own Blender plugin Rigodotify for rigging, which creates a miximo/unity/Godot compatible skeleton from a Rigify base. And it includes root bone. So I'm good actually.

I used to use the mixable animations, but I don't like how they're commonly found everywhere, so I try to just make my own now.

Hey So nice of you to share this work ! it seems pretty well done and a good Starting point for an RPG.
I want to make a Top Down Isometric Game (Diablo Like) but I think I'll start from your framework specially cause you did a lot about Animations and attachement !
Because you shared this with Us If I'm satisfy with the result I get, them I will push the base as an Open Source Template too.
I plan to implement :

  • an Isometric Camera 
  • Controller Mouse (DiabloLike) or WASD (Hades Style)
  • basic Skill System as A State Machine driven with Signal
  • A Basic Inventory System

It should be done in May or June at Latest, I come back to you at this moment ^^

Thank you again! Long Live the Godot Community ^^

Love it. That sounds great! Skill systems and inventory systems can be very intimidating when folks are first starting off. I know I enjoy a good tutorial on them, so if you're making a template for Diablo-like games, I'll look forward to checking it out!

Hey this is very cool! Big thanks -- definitely going to use your model to learn from and improve my own. :)

Glad to hear it'll be useful to you! Be sure to share what you make with it, it's be cool to see!

Amazing, huge thank you! You're an amazing person for doing this


Haha thanks for saying so! hope it helps you make some cool 3rd person games!

thank you!!! I'm so grateful for this

You're very welcome. Keep an eye ball on the github's latest date though! These first few days are likely to lead to several bug fixes, so making sure you're on the current version may help avoid headaches