Papers by Mauro J de Oliveira

The recent changes in the business environment have led marketing researchers to pay ... more The recent changes in the business environment have led marketing researchers to pay particular
attention to sustainability as an interesting research topic. Despite progress in the study of sustainability, there is a lack of research on under the bias of marketing. In this context, the objective of this research was to analyze: i) the relationship between the dimensions (Economic, Social and Environmental) of a corporate strategy based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and consumer Purchase Intention (PI) after exposure two different stimuli communication (sustainable actions/unsustainable actions); ii) the moderating effect Consumer Type (Green/Not Green) in this relationship. We conducted an online survey with 1,703 individuals. Through Structural Equation Modeling and ANOVA tests it was shown there is a Relationship between the Economic and
Environmental dimensions of the TBL strategy and
PI as well as the moderating effect of consumer type. This research generates subsidies for incorporating sustainability into strategic corporate decisions, specifically those related to actions communication based on the TBL.

User engagement has recently been the focus of attention for marketing planners who want to captu... more User engagement has recently been the focus of attention for marketing planners who want to capture the enormous opportunities provided by social media. In this study, we investigate the drivers of social media user engagement by extending an existing model of social media participation by Cheung, Chiu and Lee (2011). We included in the model three social influence factors, five uses and gratifications factors, and one social presence factor. Results from an online survey with a sample of young Facebook users in Brazil (n = 1126) reveal four significant factors, i.e. a) subjective norm b) social identity, c) entertainment value, and d) maintaining interpersonal interconnectivity. Our empirical results also show an improved model fit over the existing model of user participation used by Cheung et al. (2011). This research adds significance to the literature by extending an existing theoretical model to study a new phenomenon in a different cultural context. We also provide practical recommendations for managing brand fan pages on how to foster user engagement with social media.
Esta investigação tem por objetivo identificar os fatores de empregabilidade que facilitam a conq... more Esta investigação tem por objetivo identificar os fatores de empregabilidade que facilitam a conquista de vagas de estágio por universitários. Dois estudos foram desenvolvidos. No primeiro, quantitativo, 302 candidatos a vagas de estágio de uma empresa recrutadora responderam a um questionário. E, dois meses depois, ao final do processo seletivo, obteve-se a informação sobre quais deles haviam sido aprovados ou não. No segundo, realizou-se um grupo focal com 10 universitários sobre o tema empregabilidade, esclarecendo os resultados da fase anterior. Os resultados mostram que a satisfação com a instituição de ensino e o curso são determinantes na conquista da vaga de estágio. Observou-se que os fatores que influenciam na satisfação são: reputação da instituição e oportunidades de carreira.

Several studies have investigated a variety of factors affecting use of social networking sites (... more Several studies have investigated a variety of factors affecting use of social networking sites (SNSs), but the investigation of these factors is still under development. In this study, we aim to contribute to the literature by extending and testing an existent conceptual model in a new context, including Life Satisfaction as an independent variable to explain the intention (We-Intention) to use Facebook. The previous models has Subjective Norm, Group Norms, Social Identity, Purposive Value, Self-Discovery, Maintaining Interpersonal Interconnectivity, Social Enhancement, Entertainment Value and Social Presence as the predictor variables. An online survey with Brazilians (n = 1111) was conducted. Our structural equation modeling reveals that Life Satisfaction influence on We-Intention is mediated by Subjective Norm, Group Norm, Social Identity, Entertainment Value, and Maintaining Interpersonal Interconnectivity (R-squared value is 0.36). Our findings, while consistent with existing literature in terms of theories, reveal different arrangements among factors influencing Brazilian consumers’ behavior.

Football (soccer) accounts for 43 per cent of the global market for major sports. 3.4 billion peo... more Football (soccer) accounts for 43 per cent of the global market for major sports. 3.4 billion people around the world watched the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Competition from other sports is increasing. However, little is known about the antecedents of attitudinal and behavioural loyalty for football fans and how these influences diverge in different cultural settings. This has heightened the need in understanding what drives football fans to be attitudinally committed to and exhibit fan-related behaviours for a team, and how this may vary across German, Brazilian and Chinese fans. A theoretically developed conceptual model is empirically tested using survey data from 762 football fans from Germany, Brazil and China. The findings show that: (a) attitudinal fan loyalty is largely determined by motivation and fanship, followed by overall satisfaction with the team; (b) attitudinal fan loyalty drives behavioural fan loyalty; and (c) the model largely holds in different cultural contexts across countries, although differences were found between German and Brazilian fans for the effects of motivation and fanship. This study offers new insights into advancing the discourse in the area of fan-loyalty research in a cross-national context. Managerial implications and recommendations for future research are also presented.
As Internet usage reaches its maturity level across the English-speaking world, the BRIC (Brazil,... more As Internet usage reaches its maturity level across the English-speaking world, the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries are emerging as a substantial population of Internet users, particularly for social media. The context of this study is the use of the Internet by young people, Generation Y, for undertaking routine activities, particularly social networking, at a time when information and communication technologies (ICT) are rapidly transforming and being transformed by individuals worldwide. Social networking has become a global movement and this trend is particularly noticeable in the four BRIC countries. The intention of this study is to provide a snapshot of BRIC Internet user behaviour in order to further our understanding of the various activities pursued by young Internet users in a non-Anglophone setting.

Uma variedade de fatores responsáveis por influenciar o uso de Redes Sociais (RSs) tem sido foco ... more Uma variedade de fatores responsáveis por influenciar o uso de Redes Sociais (RSs) tem sido foco de pesquisa, mas resultados inconclusivos apresentam um corpo teórico em evolução. Neste estudo, extende-se o modelo proposto por Cheung et al. (2011) para explicar o uso de RSs, adicionando-se Satisfação com a Vida como variável relacionada. O objetivo foi analisar a relação entre Satisfação com a Vida e Uso de RSs. Um levantamento on-line com brasileiros (n = 1111)1 revelou influência de Satisfação com a Vida sobre We-Intention do Uso de RSs. Essa relação teve Norma Subjetiva, Normas de Grupo, Identidade Social, Valor de Entretenimento e Manutenção da Interconectividade Interpessoal como variáveis dependentes. Satisfação com a Vida melhorou o poder explicativo do modelo (R2=0,36) e revelaram-se diferentes arranjos entre os fatores influenciadores do uso de redes sociais pelos brasileiros.

This article examines the dialogic communication on the Internet in companies focused on young co... more This article examines the dialogic communication on the Internet in companies focused on young consumers. The website is a way to create and maintain relationships with customers. However, there is no evidence of the importance of relationship quality, loyalty and the impact of these variables on profitability and customer retention through company websites. A wide variety of Dialogic Communication (DC) tools can contribute to create and maintain relationships. DC is any negotiated exchange of ideas and information between parties in a communication process. Then, the objective of this research was to analyze the use of dialogic tools on Brazilian Internship Organizations websites. An exploratory research was conducted, using content analysis and applied an encoder consists of items grouped into four dimensions of CD: Dialogic Loop, Usefulness of Information, Generation of Return Visitor and Intuitiveness/Ease of Interface. Results showed low use of dialogical tools. We found that t...

Several studies have investigated a variety of factors affecting use of social networking sites (... more Several studies have investigated a variety of factors affecting use of social networking sites (SNSs), but the investigation of these factors is still under development. In this study, we aim to contribute to the literature by extending and testing an existent conceptual model in a newer context, with 'We-Intention' as the dependent variable, Social Presence as the predictor variables. An online survey with Brazilians (n=1111) was conducted. Our structural equation modelling reveals that Life Satisfaction influence on We-Intention is mediated by Subjective Norm, Group Norm, Social Identity, Entertainment Value, and Maintaining Interpersonal Interconnectivity (R-squared value is 0.36). Our findings, while consistent with existing literature in terms of theories, reveal different arrangements among factors influencing Brazilian consumers' behaviour. Acknowledgement The authors thank the company Nube -Núcleo Brasileiro de Estágios ( for supporting the conta...
There is limited research into consumer personality and their consumption experience as the drive... more There is limited research into consumer personality and their consumption experience as the drivers of technology use experience sharing in online social networks. The aim of this paper thus is to develop and test a theoretical model integrating consumer innovativeness, subjective knowledge, and technology use experience sharing in online social media. The model was tested using an online survey of the members of online traveler communities, who have experience of using online flight check-in technology (N=212). The empirical results overall support the proposed model. The findings advance our knowledge in explaining consumer experience sharing in online soical media, and have implications for firm's e-marketing strategies.
Esta investigação tem por objetivo identificar os fatores de empregabilidade que facilitam a conq... more Esta investigação tem por objetivo identificar os fatores de empregabilidade que facilitam a conquista de vagas de estágio por universitários. Dois estudos foram desenvolvidos. No primeiro, quantitativo, 302 candidatos a vagas de estágio de uma empresa recrutadora responderam a um questionário. E, dois meses depois, ao final do processo seletivo, obteve-se a informação sobre quais deles haviam sido aprovados ou não. No segundo, realizou-se um grupo focal com 10 universitários sobre o tema empregabilidade, esclarecendo os resultados da fase anterior. Os resultados mostram que a satisfação com a instituição de ensino e o curso são determinantes na conquista da vaga de estágio. Observou-se que os fatores que influenciam na satisfação são: reputação da instituição e oportunidades de carreira.
Papers by Mauro J de Oliveira
attention to sustainability as an interesting research topic. Despite progress in the study of sustainability, there is a lack of research on under the bias of marketing. In this context, the objective of this research was to analyze: i) the relationship between the dimensions (Economic, Social and Environmental) of a corporate strategy based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and consumer Purchase Intention (PI) after exposure two different stimuli communication (sustainable actions/unsustainable actions); ii) the moderating effect Consumer Type (Green/Not Green) in this relationship. We conducted an online survey with 1,703 individuals. Through Structural Equation Modeling and ANOVA tests it was shown there is a Relationship between the Economic and
Environmental dimensions of the TBL strategy and
PI as well as the moderating effect of consumer type. This research generates subsidies for incorporating sustainability into strategic corporate decisions, specifically those related to actions communication based on the TBL.
attention to sustainability as an interesting research topic. Despite progress in the study of sustainability, there is a lack of research on under the bias of marketing. In this context, the objective of this research was to analyze: i) the relationship between the dimensions (Economic, Social and Environmental) of a corporate strategy based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and consumer Purchase Intention (PI) after exposure two different stimuli communication (sustainable actions/unsustainable actions); ii) the moderating effect Consumer Type (Green/Not Green) in this relationship. We conducted an online survey with 1,703 individuals. Through Structural Equation Modeling and ANOVA tests it was shown there is a Relationship between the Economic and
Environmental dimensions of the TBL strategy and
PI as well as the moderating effect of consumer type. This research generates subsidies for incorporating sustainability into strategic corporate decisions, specifically those related to actions communication based on the TBL.