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Boston Red Sox Love

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3rd April, 2008 at 2:56pm]

Does anyone know what happened to the live MLB Gameday? I work a lot of nights and for the last three years, Gameday is how I've been able to see games that are out of my TV market without paying for it, and now it seems to be gone.

02 <<>> Can See October

Good New Sox Site [Thursday
3rd January, 2008 at 9:39pm]

Modern Rooters

Frequently updated, opinionated and informed posts.
00 <<>> Can See October

Photo montage of the big win! [Monday
29th October, 2007 at 5:17am]

00 <<>> Can See October

20th October, 2007 at 5:05pm]

Hey folks, got a question for you (and hoping this community isn't entirely dead). I'm in London, in the worst timing ever for leaving New England, and I'm desperately trying to find a way to watch the games (a way that doesn't involve giving way too much money). Does anyone know of any kind of bootlegged site where you can watch in real-time? I managed to find a Spanish webcast a few games back, but it seems to have been shut down.
05 <<>> Can See October

RED SOX [Friday
19th October, 2007 at 2:56pm]


Heyy, this community.. Is it dead or something?! 

.. I think we should discuss how we beat the Indians yesterday 7-1 and how Manny Ramierez, -although he said  "the world isn't going to be over if we don't win the world series" ...- got one of the winning home-runs. 

Let's not let this community die people!

04 <<>> Can See October

How Old Are You Now? [Wednesday
30th May, 2007 at 2:20pm]

[ mood | hot ]

Happy birthday, Manny.

00 <<>> Can See October

Red Sox Musical! [Friday
11th May, 2007 at 7:25am]


The Curse is Reversed, Book and Lyrics by David Kruh

Music and Lyrics by Steven Bergman

Play opens May 11 and runs through May 26, 2007.

Why pay Boston theater ticket prices, fight city traffic, and pay for parking? Currently in its 71st Season, Hovey Players offers quality theatre, affordable ticket prices, and free parking! Hovey Players presents The Curse is Reversed, directed by Tom Berry, musical direction by Stephen Peters, choreography by Linda Sughrue.

America's favorite pastime takes the stage in this musical. Writers David Kruh and Steven Bergman take us on a nostalgic, 86-year journey from 1918 through 2004, exploring the reasons for the sale of Babe Ruth and its subsequent effects on the Boston Red Sox and their die-hard fans, leading to the ultimate reversal of fortune.

The Curse is Reversed features the acting talents of Kathleen Dalton, Gordon Ellis, John Gorgone, Steve Key, Andrew McKay, Ronny Pompeo, John Small, Mike Soulios, Aaron Velthouse and David Wood.

Performances: May 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 at 8:00 pm and May 20 at 2:00 pm. Hovey Players is located at the Abbott Memorial Theater, Joel’s Way, 9 Spring Street, in Waltham. Tickets are $15, Seniors/Students $13. For reservations, please call (781) 893-9171.

(mods - if this is not allowed please delete, but it's a really funny show and I thought you would like to know about it!)
00 <<>> Can See October

Great Win Tonight [Saturday
21st April, 2007 at 12:01am]

[ mood | okay ]

Here's what I think: Papelbon to start, Okajima to close.

04 <<>> Can See October

18th May, 2007 at 4:17pm]

Here's amusing video from the Red Sox game Monday. Some dude chucked a piece of pizza at another fan for no apparent reason XD I love baseball.

01 <<>> Can See October

So $170 for last row bleecher seats opening day..... [Tuesday
6th February, 2007 at 11:48pm]

Worth it?

P.S. Would anyone be willing to pay that if none of my family or friends would end up going with me? I have to buy 2 tickets.
00 <<>> Can See October

new member, and new gear [Friday
15th December, 2006 at 11:19am]

Hey, I'm ahmee, and currently from RI. The Sox are my only team, and sadly, I only went to 1 game this past year :-( But, they won, the weather was beautiful, so no complaints ;)

Growing up in CT (mixed Yankee and Sox territory...), it was nice to move to Boston for several years and be surrounded by Sox fans.

Now, I'm living in RI, mostly surrounded by Sox fans, but alas, one of my coworkers is a staunch Yankees fan. We don't really let him talk baseball around the office. Even better, the rest of us were really excited and we made him suck it up and help put together some Sox merchandise in honor of Matsuzaka being signed.

If you are interested, or know someone who may be, check out

(and if this isn't ok with the cmmty, let me know, and I will remove the post. What can I say, we're excited! He is HUGE in Japan and my husband saw him there as a rookie. Nothing but good things to say!)
00 <<>> Can See October

Um, anybody? [Friday
15th December, 2006 at 10:42am]

Red Sox sign Daisuke Matsuzaka with a $52million, 6year deal FTW

Big fat article on ESPN

Hahaha, video, too...because apparently I have too much time on my hands.

(I won ten bucks on this one with my Yankees fan of a boss XD *win*)
00 <<>> Can See October

Wake up dead community, I know it's the offseason, but still! LOL [Tuesday
5th December, 2006 at 8:04pm]

Red Sox, J.D. Drew tentatively agree to 5-year, $70M deal

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. – The Boston Red Sox and outfielder J.D. Drew have agreed in principle on a five-year, $70 million contract, Yahoo! Sports has learned. The deal is contingent on Drew passing a physical. All five years would be guaranteed.

The Red Sox plan to play the 31-year-old Drew either in right field, which was vacated by free agent Trot Nixon, or in center field for Coco Crisp.
03 <<>> Can See October

5th December, 2006 at 8:55pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

Any Boston-area college student wanna help me out for a journalism assignment? i wanna talk about the outrageous contracts and deals in this season's hot stove. you can either leave comments with your name/class year/school/and maybe major? if you're uncomfortable with this leave me a comment and i can IM you or you IM me. whatever works. sometime before tomorrow? any questions, drop me a comment.

01 <<>> Can See October

New Red Sox Blog [Thursday
30th November, 2006 at 9:10pm]

Inspired by free time (I only had 1 class today) I created my own Red Sox blog today. I don't know how many of you would be interested but I guarantee that you will find some original perspectives and articles that you won't find anywhere else. Some of the stop I put up there has already been posted in the Red Sox community but I will be writing in the blog fairly frequently. I've decided to save my longer and more in depth analysis for the Red Sox for my blog and keep to mostly posting news, rumors and commenting on other's posts in the Red Sox community. I'd love to see what some of you think. You can just comment in the blog itself.

It can be found here:

EDIT: I had to change the name already. This post is now updated with the new URL.
00 <<>> Can See October

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