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The community for negative entries.

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(no subject) [Aug. 12th, 2006|06:08 pm]
The community for negative entries.

[Current Location |by the window anticipating his return...]
[mood |angrythe winning days are gone...]
[music |the vines, winning days]

i feel like shit. my stomach hurts and tania's ten year plans are irritating because they change every friggin day!!!

i'm hating pretty much everyone in this house right now except maybe my dad who actually pays attension and isn't looking for the first opportunity to drag me down. right now it seems that even if thom yorke or caleb followill offered themselves i wouldn't want to live this stinking life out in full because its really pissing me off.

being a 'moslim' as the bush adminstration calls it is alot more demanding then once perceived as a twelve year old little girl. the concept of turning the other cheek is so hard to do.

also gerry's new girlfriend better stay out of my face because i'm not in the mood for more happy coupling and fuck like that. it's clear to Mister Screwbel (fit bloke across the road) that i'm alive it's just that Mister Screwbel tends to keep himself to himself. and thats just too stinking bad for the girl who just wants to have a conversation outside of her deluded friends.


my feet are cold.
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(no subject) [Apr. 2nd, 2006|09:18 pm]
The community for negative entries.
When did everyone start getting so bitter towards each other?

(no subject) [Jan. 29th, 2006|08:28 pm]
The community for negative entries.
The bitch in my head still won't leave me alone. 'You're too fat' she tells me. and all I can do is say, 'I know, I know, so leave me alone'.
I don't know, I wish this was just hormones so people could say 'stupid teenager' and I could agree.
But I always have to be the awkward one, don't I.

Never mind me :) I'm glad no one else is 'feeling shito'.

Love Teagan xxx
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(no subject) [Oct. 7th, 2005|12:05 am]
The community for negative entries.
I is such an asshole
I really have no self control -_-
I mean it's past midnight and I still havnt done my homework ¬_¬
I'm such a lazy asshole.
Beginning of the year and I say I'll do it the day its set so I can keep up to date with my coursework and stuff. But Muirrrr I'm crap I've been doing it the morning it is set, craply, at that aswell, so i'm gonna get crap marks.
Somebody really needs to un-plug my computer late at night till I've done my h/w. Or I never will, alas!

It's crazy because i often have such good self-control in just about every other aspect of my life- I'm confident that I do not "need" things and that I can give up things if I wanted to and all that. But when it comes to homework I'm such a damn bum!

But hey I'm not sad,
i just needed an exuse to write here cause I felt like it.
Cause I'm just a bit frustrated. But, YEAH. C'est la vie.

*starts to sing*

Always look on th'briiight side o'life. Da-dum. Da-dum-da-dum-da-dum.

Forever love, Luci x
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(no subject) [Sep. 3rd, 2005|08:52 pm]
The community for negative entries.
It starts...

Im so sorry.
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(no subject) [Aug. 23rd, 2005|08:06 am]
The community for negative entries.

hey ive been watching this community for a while now i see my friend christos told of his past in this so i thought i might aswell previously i tried to kill myself with a drugs overdose i had a close shave though so yeah also did cut myself once or twice before hand but nothing major althogh i nearly started this year but refrianed from doing that so that is me add me iff you want all there is to know is in my userinfo
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(no subject) [Aug. 23rd, 2005|01:09 am]
The community for negative entries.

[music |FFVII Main Theme]

hey everybody, felt like introducing myself. i'm chris, just gone seventeen, erm, used to be a self harmer, but haven't done that for a year and fourteen/fifteen days :D. erm, i've had three attempts in the rebuary of last year to kill myself, and was followed as a compromise for not being locked away. err, yeah. to be honest, i'm doing better than i was. not great, but better. and if anyone needs to rant, or just talk to someone, let me know in a comment or something, and i'll give you my msn :)
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(no subject) [Aug. 2nd, 2005|09:15 pm]
The community for negative entries.
[mood |frustratedfrustrated]
[music |The Dismemberment Plan- Gyroscope]

Rawr. I just did it again.
Why do I always make everyone else seem superior to me. Everytime I get invited out, I always question why that person is asking me to go out, and not someone else. I keep putting people before myself and the thing is I don't understand why I do it, it just feels right I guess.

Maybe, it's because they are better than me, socially, economically and physically. I mean my personality will never give a good first impression, and my real friends are only the people who've taken the time to get to know me. But still, I know I will never be as good as anyone else.

Ugh, I sound so angsty...but it's true. I'm not even looking for sympathy/empathy I'm just writing this so I can clear my mind. I would really like to get rid of these thoughts, but every time I get one step closer to over-coming my "put-myself-down" nature, I always have to let my negative feelings get ahead of me.

I guess it's somewhat impossible for me to think highly of myself, but I really want to and the thing that bothers me most is how to change, i mean even if i did gain more confidence...would i be perceived as cocky and up-my-own-arse?

Argh, I just make myself so angry sometimes. I turn to writing to see if I can clarify my thoughts, and all I end up doing is rambling on and just making things more of a mess.
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(no subject) [Jul. 30th, 2005|11:45 pm]
The community for negative entries.
I've been feeling pretty good lately
*bathes in glory*


Does anyone even watch this anymore? XD
~lu xx
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Wow, no-one's posted in here for months. [Jul. 3rd, 2005|07:39 pm]
The community for negative entries.
[mood |stressedstressed]
[music |Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones]

I fucking hate the position I'm in right now.

It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't surrounded by so much positive support, but it just makes me more determined to make myself weaker.

I was easily the smartest kid in my Year 6 class, and one of the smartest in Year 7... then in Year 8 I started slacking, and now I can't believe I've let myself slip down so far. My parents look over everything good I've done, and then say "You could have done better here..."

And in so many classes, people keep saying to me "Don't worry, I'm shit at this subject too..." but the fact is they're fucking NOT, and they know it. I wish people would stop pretending and making me feel good about myself and just tell me the fucking truth, which is "Lily, you're failing yourself and everyone else."

In the grand scheme of things, academics don't matter for shit, and everyone knows it really. But I'm not IN the grand scheme of things, I'm in my scheme of things, which means that it's no use complaining about failing in certain areas because I'm the one who should be putting the fucking effort in.

I don't want to be here.
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