Papers by Oritsebemigho Ulori

In more recent times, the search for hydrocarbons is geared towards identifying geologically comp... more In more recent times, the search for hydrocarbons is geared towards identifying geologically complex and subtle targets such as channels that the traditional seismic sections cannot display since they are very thin (visually subseismic) to their surrounding geometry. These geologically complex and subtle channels filled with porous rock enclosed in a non porous matrix are important stratigraphic events useful in reservoir studies because they constitute hydrocarbon exploration plays; as such, a handful understanding of their stratigraphic geometry and characteristics is an index for seismic reservoir characterization. In this study, seismic spectral decomposition technique such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been used to decompose a 3D seismic data originally acquired in the F3 block in the Dutch sector in the North Sea from time to frequency domain to delineate stratigraphic channels as possible hydrocarbon traps. A horizon HA extracted along inline 250 at an approximate depth...

An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using ... more An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using solid state discrete components. The result showed that a security system using infrared technology is possible and viable where the breaking of an infrared signal by objects including humans passing or wandering within restricted premises can be effectively monitored. The design was achieved with the help of IR Module and LEDs, a 555IC timer which oscillates at about 38kHz, a regulating IC which regulates a 9V dc to 5V, transistors, and variable resistors that contribute to the strength of the IR signal generated together with some other passive components. The completed device designed only requires an external power supply when the relay is to be used in triggering an external alarm or switching of bulbs. The design results also showed that the 555IC timer can be used to produce accurate timing ranging from microseconds to hours if the variable resistors can be reduced while the capac...

International Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2019
In the interpretation of 3D seismic data for hydrocarbon reservoir delineation, low-frequency sha... more In the interpretation of 3D seismic data for hydrocarbon reservoir delineation, low-frequency shadow zones are observed both at shallow depths from reflectors below gas sands, condensates and in much deeper oil reservoirs on seismic reflections. These low-frequency shadow zones are important in reservoir characterization studies, geohazard analysis and drilling of boreholes, because, they depict the likelihood of hydrocarbon reservoir units in the subsurface. In this study, we have used seismic attribute assisted technique and theoretical approach to delineate a low-frequency shadow zone such as shallow gas reservoir (amplitude anomaly) in a 3D seismic data and predict reservoir properties. The result of seismic attributes analysis delineates an amplitude anomaly (bright spot) at an approximate depth of 525ms close to a major fault line. We interpreted the amplitude anomaly (bright spot) as a major hydrocarbon reservoir at shallow depth in the study area, probably due to the presence of biogenic gas pockets that may have migrated to the reservoir zone from the gas formed by thermogenic process at depths well below 1000ms. In addition, thin bed reservoir thickness is estimated at 12.02m which is under seismic resolution. With the available sonic log data of the well passing the reservoir zone, we estimated the porosity of the reservoir zone at 29%. Thus, the reservoir is highly porous and could vary along the reservoir zone. The most negative curvature seismic attribute delineates shallow channel geometry with strong negative anomalies along channel axis in the reservoir zone capable of trapping shallow gas. These strong negative curvature anomalies are interpreted to be sand filled channels that have probably undergone differential compaction.

Detection Technology and Automation Equipment; Clausius Scientific Press, Canada , 2019
An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using ... more An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using solid state discrete components. The result showed that a security system using infrared technology is possible and viable where the breaking of an infrared signal by objects including humans passing or wandering within restricted premises can be effectively monitored. The design was achieved with the help of IR Module and LEDs, a 555IC timer which oscillates at about 38kHz, a regulating IC which regulates a 9V dc to 5V, transistors, and variable resistors that contribute to the strength of the IR signal generated together with some other passive components. The completed device designed only requires an external power supply when the relay is to be used in triggering an external alarm or switching of bulbs. The design results also showed that the 555IC timer can be used to produce accurate timing ranging from microseconds to hours if the variable resistors can be reduced while the capacitors across it is increased. More so, it was evident from this study that the infrared which has a very small wavelength in micrometers as recorded in the electromagnetic spectrum, can be optimized to travel farther distances of over 250cm.

In more recent times, the search for hydrocarbons is geared towards identifying geologically comp... more In more recent times, the search for hydrocarbons is geared towards identifying geologically complex and subtle targets such as channels that the traditional seismic sections cannot display since they are very thin (visually subseismic) to their surrounding geometry. These geologically complex and subtle channels filled with porous rock enclosed in a non porous matrix are important stratigraphic events useful in reservoir studies because they constitute hydrocarbon exploration plays; as such, a handful understanding of their stratigraphic geometry and characteristics is an index for seismic reservoir characterization. In this study, seismic spectral decomposition technique such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been used to decompose a 3D seismic data originally acquired in the F3 block in the Dutch sector in the North Sea from time to frequency domain to delineate stratigraphic channels as possible hydrocarbon traps. A horizon H A extracted along inline 250 at an approximate depth of 1024ms confirmed using time slice analysis was used for the spectral decomposition process. We also used seismic attributes of semblance and curvature to integrate the results of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and enhance better resolution of channels features. To determine the channels infill lithology, we performed the most positive and most negative seismic curvature attribute on the picked horizon to discriminate sand versus shale lithologies on the basis of differential compaction of the channels comparative to its edges. From the results of FFT, we observed the existence of two definite and curvilinear channel features along the NNE-SSW directions which gradually grow thinner and die out northwards. Furthermore, visibly strong negative curvature anomalies are observed along channels axis probably due to differential compaction of the channels infill sediments. We interpreted these negative curvature anomalies to be the softer shale which corresponds to the syncline or saggy in the channels. The resultant ridges observed in the horizon are probably due to stratigraphic channels edges and levees. Thus, this horizon could be a possible prospective hydrocarbon reservoir in the F3 block.

Apparent Resistivity and Self Potential data were acquired from the study area using vertical ele... more Apparent Resistivity and Self Potential data were acquired from the study area using vertical electrical sounding technique about square grid of 100m size within the academic area of Old Campus of Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. The area is located between Latitude 7 . ′ ′ ′ . The collected data were analyzed using IP12WIN, Surfer version 7.0, and MS Excel. The study enabled us to generate graphical display of groundwater flow pattern and basement rock topography in the study area. Review of past groundwater exploration activities showed that the maximum drilling depth of boreholes within the investigation area was 42.0m. However, this study, based on the acquired data analyzed, recommended for drilling depth of about 60.0 to 80.0m and in addition identified locations of possible higher/sustainable yield. Thus, this study will consequently help in optimized citing of boreholes and curtail unwarranted spending from indiscriminate and shallow sinking of boreholes. The study identified the areas between Biology Department and Central Mosque, and around Sports Complex for groundwater exploitation activities.
Papers by Oritsebemigho Ulori