The thrust of this paper is to critically examine the level of political participation and voting... more The thrust of this paper is to critically examine the level of political participation and voting behaviour of Nigerian citizens in the electioneering process. The paper also seeks to assess the extent to which participation and voting behaviour contributed to the credibility and success of the polls. To this end, the study applies the system theory as basis of analysis and content analysis in its discussion. The study concludes that effective political participation and the voting behaviour of citizens is critical to the effectiveness of the political process and it is thus recommended amongst other things that for political stability to be maintained, the electoral process must be accommodating, and allow for expression of the electoral freedom of the people as well as giving cognizance to the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. Thus, to avoid dissatisfaction, the political candidate should emphasis and give attention to workable political institution and improve on their official public performances and the political aspirants in all elections should give attention to those factors that influences public perception and improve on them among others.

Civil society has become across the world, the non-state emergent agent for providing critical so... more Civil society has become across the world, the non-state emergent agent for providing critical social welfare, social services, humanitarian services, socioeconomic empowerment, political participation, human capital development and productive economic activities. But more importantly, it has become the popular agent for instituting accountability, transparency and good governance, restraining state abuses, resisting the untamed effects of market forces and strengthening public scrutiny. Thus the critical role of the civil society in the fight against corruption in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. This paper x-rayed the strategic role the civil society had played in the fight against corruption towards the sustenance of our democracy. The paper adopts the advocacy paradigm. The study further identified some of the challenges they faced like intimidation, gagging, funding, compromise etc. The paper recommends among others the need for civil society to remain resolute in their advocacy against government profligacy and continue to act as the mouth piece of the helpless electorate in our democratic experience.

International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, Dec 1, 2022
The impact of the Corona Virus pandemic on the socioeconomic and all spheres of endeavour in the ... more The impact of the Corona Virus pandemic on the socioeconomic and all spheres of endeavour in the society is difficult to quantify. Thus, with the new realities resulting in the distortion of the way things are done no doubt throw up new challenges on how to leave the new normal as a result of the of emergence of COVID-19 pandemic. High adoption ICT emanated as a key means of bridging the gap of challenges caused by the pandemic and responding to the new reality of the everyday life. ICT, with its reach, richness and performances holds great promises in times like this if Nigeria can achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a nation. As a descriptive and qualitative study, the paper attempts to unravel the utility of ICT as a precursor to sustainable development in all sectors of the economy which have been threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. It posits that the use of ICT involves its own set of challenges, especially concerning awareness, availability, accessibility and affordability of data-bundle among others. Therefore, the paper recommends that the governments should ensure that the use of ICT is fair and proportional not only during the times of pandemic, but also in the post-COVID-19 era as it holds the key to the actualization Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria and the world at large.

One of the perennial problems which has not only defied all past attempts at permanent solution, ... more One of the perennial problems which has not only defied all past attempts at permanent solution, but also has a tendency for evoking high emotions on the part of all concerned each time it is brought forth for discussion or analysis is the issue of equitable revenue allocation in Nigeria. It is an issue which has been politicised by successive administrations in Nigeria both military and civilian regimes. It is consequent on this that various regimes had attempted at establishing various commissions/committees on revenue allocations which attempted various criteria for sharing national revenue which have been distilled into a number of principles as enunciated in this paper. The imperative of competition over sharing common wealth in the context of a plural society like Nigeria have resulted into a lot of contradictions despite the plethora of commissions which is the focus of this paper. The paper among other things concludes that an acceptable formula that would foster a more bala...

Manuscript ID: RCMSS/IJPAMR/13015 Abstract This paper examines political groups as an importan t ... more Manuscript ID: RCMSS/IJPAMR/13015 Abstract This paper examines political groups as an importan t element in political decision making particularly in plural and democratic societies. It aligned and relied heavily with the group politics behavioural model of political analysis. It argues that politics generally involves the struggle for the control and exercise of political power within the complex dynamics of group politics. Similarly, it maintains that in a plural democratic society, individual citizens can only best realize their ambition of influencing government policies t hrough group participation in politics. The paper found that political groups influence politic al decision making through variety of ways including public education campaigns, civil disobed ience and violence, civil litigation, lobbying, protests, demonstration and strikes, electoral acti vities as well as control of information and expertise. The paper concludes that through these a ctivities, political grou...

Leadership, democratization and good governance as concepts have assumed prominence in the world’... more Leadership, democratization and good governance as concepts have assumed prominence in the world’s history of both underdevelopment and develo pment discourse. In Nigeria, people have continued to experience a severe economic poverty a nd wretchedness over the years due to leadership that is absence of a moral principle. Th is frightening situation appears nonstop consequent upon the democratic and military rulers who have been advocating for good governance, economic prosperity and establishment o f critical infrastructures since independence in 1960 who are not effective “change agents”. Ther efo e, the main thrust of this paper is to explore the paradox of political leadership and the challenge of good governance in Nigeria in the midst of abundant human and material resources. The paper is divided into six segments: introduction; theoretical framework; methodology, c on eptual debate; the lamentation and ended with recommendations. It adopted transformational l eadership theory ...

The paper posits that fiscal federalism is a partic ular pattern of constitutional division of re... more The paper posits that fiscal federalism is a partic ular pattern of constitutional division of revenue powers and responsibilities among levels of government. Th e federal government however has occupied a very strong position vis-à-vis the State and Local gover nment since the 1970’s in Nigeria. This is because most of the power (financial and legislative) relating t o economic development has been explicitly centrali zed at the federal level. It is the position of the pap er that a high level of fiscal decentralization is required in Nigeria because of the unfair revenue sharing formu la and the need to resolve the controversial issues surrounding the contentious fiscal federalism in Ni ger a. Apart from recommending a substantial review of the fiscal system, it draws attention to the pol itical imperatives of a constitutional modification f the fiscal arrangement and adequate compensation for th ose who produce the ‘commonwealth’ among others.

Over the years, Public enterprises have been adjudg ed to be a critical prerequisite for the deve... more Over the years, Public enterprises have been adjudg ed to be a critical prerequisite for the developmen t of any nation. All nations that are among the league o f developed nations today regarded as world powers, have achieved certain development feats via the est abli hment of these enterprises. Nigeria was no exception in terms of the belief that the state and public enterprises have a role to play in the coun try’s development efforts. The government in conjunction with the private sector, mostly foreign, was direct ly involved in areas ranging from the production of fo od stuffs to assembling cars. In recent years, privatization of public enterprises has preoccupied policy analysts in the search for solutions to imp rove the performance of state-owned enterprises. Several developing countries including most African countries have embarked upon extensive privatizatio n programme within the framework of macroeconomic reform and liberation, revising the e arli r strategy of using p...

The rising profile of poverty in Nigeria is assuming an alarming and worrisome dimension. Nigeria... more The rising profile of poverty in Nigeria is assuming an alarming and worrisome dimension. Nigeria, a Sub-Saharan African country has at least half of its population in abject poverty. It is incontrovertible fact that poverty has been massive, pervasive and engulfs large proportion of the Nigeria society which results in hunger, ignorance, malnutrition, disease, unemployment, poor access to credit facilities and low life expectancy as well as a general level of human hopelessness. Nigeria presents a paradox because the country is rich but the people are poor. Thus, the daunting challenges over the years of nationhood is that of tacking poverty in the mist of abundance of resources that nature and divinity has endowed the country with; hence the proliferation of plethora of programmes to alleviate nay eradicate this hydra-headed monster without any significant evidence. The paper posits that; the poverty alleviation programmes in the country over the years have not impacted the target...

Scientific Research Journal, 2019
The conflicts between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of Nigeria are one of the major nat... more The conflicts between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of Nigeria are one of the major national discourse in recent times because of the security challenges that are involved. This study was carried out to identify the security implications of these conflicts on Kogi State and the nation at large and suggest possible way forward. Data were generated from primary and secondary sources via interviews and literature search derived from earlier research work by these same authors titled "Farmers/Herdsmen Crisis in Kogi State: Security and Developmental Implications". Analyses were qualitatively and quantitatively carried out. Findings reveal gross material, physical and psychological consequences of these conflicts, which suggest that the security implications are alarming. These combine with the existing national security issues facing Nigeria are signs that the country is drifting into a failed state. A policy formulation and implementation that recognizes the role of modernization and political economy to development and good governance are necessary antidotes to this drift.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2018
One major security and developmental challenge that has attracted much national discourse in the ... more One major security and developmental challenge that has attracted much national discourse in the recent past is the conflict between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of the country. The crisis has become a recurring decimal, especially in Kogi State and indeed a time bomb, which appears not to have been given the desired national attention by government at all levels. Irked by the bizarre dimension herdsmen/farmers conflicts have taken in Nigeria in recent time and Kogi State in particular, this research was carried out with a view to proffering solutions that could arrest the ugly situation and prevent it from becoming a monster like Boko Haram crisis. Thus, this research was carried out to achieve the following objectives: 1. Identify the root causes of herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 2. Examine the security implications of the herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 3. Examine the socioeconomic implications of herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 4. Proffer workable solutions that can be put in place by both the Federal and Kogi state Government to resolve the herders/farmers conflict in Kogi State.

Canadian Social Science, Dec 31, 2012
Giving Nigeria's huge natural resource base for which it earned over US $ 300 billion (From crude... more Giving Nigeria's huge natural resource base for which it earned over US $ 300 billion (From crude oil alone) in the last three decades, as well as the promising options available in agriculture and solid minerals, Nigeria indeed should have no business with being poor. Moreso, its 148 million people (47% of the West-African Sub-Region' Population) are known to be very hardworking, innovative and resilient. All major economic and social indicators however paint Nigeria in the picture of one of the world's greatest paradoxes-unimaginable poverty amidst so much. Nigeria is today embarrassingly considered the 25 poorest nations on earth with 70% of its population (As against 15% in 1960), classified as poor and 54.4% vegetating below the bread line of a dollar per day. Life expectancy is barely 50 years (Below those of Egypt, Ghana, Kenya and South-Africa). The government (Federal, State and Local) in the last three decades has reeled out a plethora of policies and programmes aimed at consigning poverty (at least in its alarming dimensions) to history. Though systematic and comprehensive impact evaluation of these efforts is not available, the worsened poverty incidence, depth and severity are evidence that the policies failed. Using secondary data from dependable sources, this paper employs a desk analysis to show that a great deal of poverty policies and programmes in Nigeria tend to undermine the critical input of its primary beneficiaries or targets at the policy formulation and implementation stages, and so they continue to fail. The consequent failure of these efforts to successfully combat poverty, have tended to deepen its manifestations, overwhelm the best of structures, confound policy formulators and frustrate policy implementers. Hence, the unrivalled need for a dispassionate rethink of the traditional but "lame" Top-Down approach. The paper therefore recommends that the primary beneficiaries of poverty reduction initiatives should not just be involved in the bid to tackle their poverty challenge, but should actively participate at all stages of the policy cycle, with the government and professionals playing a catalyzing role. Similarly, since women and children bear a significant portion of Nigeria's poverty burden, poverty policies and programmes should not just be inclusive it should be significantly gender sensitive and particularly pro-women. The paper also recommends that poverty reduction should be institutionalized, thereby removing it from the list of the "charities" of government. It should be enshrined in very carefully thought out and strategic frameworks, among a host of others.
European Journal of Social Sciences, 2010
... Adeniyi (2003:353) has identified violence and other forms of electoral conflicts perpetrated... more ... Adeniyi (2003:353) has identified violence and other forms of electoral conflicts perpetrated ... dominance in political parties, godfatherism, indigeneship, intra-party rigging, political violence, thuggery and ... Despite the argument that political participation of women in Nigeria rose in ...
Journal of Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa, 2014

The place of local government in any federating nation cannot be overemphasized. In a bid to repo... more The place of local government in any federating nation cannot be overemphasized. In a bid to reposition local government in Nigeria to effectively carry out its constitutional functions of providing governance at the grassroots level, successive governments since independence had undertaken one reforms or the other. Despite most of these laudable reforms, the local governments system has continued to be plagued with the problems of funding, undue interference from the state government and as well inadequacy in the provision of social and economic development functions thus, providing the basis for the several reforms. It is against this backdrop that this paper x-rays the trajectory of local government administration reforms in Nigeria over the years and understanding some of the shortcomings of these reforms and proffering suggestions on repositioning the local government for effective grassroots development. The paper concludes that that local government in the country have consistently and shamelessly failed to live up to their expectation in Nigeria over the years despite the laudable reforms that have been undertaken by both the military and civilian administration and thus need a reform that promotes policies that will entrench democratic ethos, good governance, financial autonomy and accountability in order to make it more effective, efficient, responsible and responsive to the people at the grassroots. The paper recommends among others that any reform of the local government must take into cognizance the system of local government administration by democratically elected local government councils as guaranteed by section 7(i) of the Nigerian constitution and that state governments should be prohibited from setting up caretaker committees or appointing sole administrators to run the affairs of local government as obtainable in most states of the federation; and also measures should be taken to make local government elections much more transparent and credible in order to forestall the "complete sham" being conducted by State Independent Electoral Commissions in the country in the guise of local government elections, thus allowing INEC to conduct local government elections.
Nigeria's quest for sustainable development road map has been a tortuous one since independent wi... more Nigeria's quest for sustainable development road map has been a tortuous one since independent with various plans and policies developed to fast-track the economy. Sadly, however no meaningful change had been witnessed thus making all successive government to come up with different development blueprint on how to rejig the economy. The Buhari administration came up

Civil society has become important agents for engendering good democratic governance through the ... more Civil society has become important agents for engendering good democratic governance through the promotion of accountability, transparency, rule of law, curtailment of human rights abuses, and capitalist exploitation. Civil society is seen as the cumulus of voluntary, self-generating, at least partially self-supporting, and autonomous associations different from the state, business and family and bound by a legal order or set of shared rules that is open to the public. Civil society is seen as a sine qua non to democratic governance, which explicitly is about providing social security, expanding and advocating for economic opportunities, rule of law, freedom of press, nipping in the bud ethno-religious violence, provision of basic infrastructural facilities, guarantee of oppositions, and a regular free and fair election. However, because the state represents the interest of the ruling class, whose interest is to perpetually control the apparatus of state power and machinery of government at all cost, the interest of the people especially in emerging democracies in Africa like tends to be disregarded. The paper x-rays the extent to which civil society in Nigeria has been able to stimulate and galvanize the entrenchment of good governance through political mobilization since the return to democratic rule in I999 and concludes that a lot needs to be done to strengthen the capacity of civil society groups for a positive intervention in the democratization process and political mobilization. The paper thus recommends among others adequate funding, unity, transparency and accountability in the cause of their advocacy and campaign.

The conflicts between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of Nigeria are one of the major nat... more The conflicts between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of Nigeria are one of the major national discourse in recent times because of the security challenges that are involved. This study was carried out to identify the security implications of these conflicts on Kogi State and the nation at large and suggest possible way forward. Data were generated from primary and secondary sources via interviews and literature search derived from earlier research work by these same authors titled "Farmers/Herdsmen Crisis in Kogi State: Security and Developmental Implications". Analyses were qualitatively and quantitatively carried out. Findings reveal gross material, physical and psychological consequences of these conflicts, which suggest that the security implications are alarming. These combine with the existing national security issues facing Nigeria are signs that the country is drifting into a failed state. A policy formulation and implementation that recognizes the role of modernization and political economy to development and good governance are necessary antidotes to this drift.

One major security and developmental challenge that has attracted much national discourse in the ... more One major security and developmental challenge that has attracted much national discourse in the recent past is the conflict between herdsmen and farmers in different parts of the country. The crisis has become a recurring decimal, especially in Kogi State and indeed a time bomb, which appears not to have been given the desired national attention by government at all levels. Irked by the bizarre dimension herdsmen/farmers conflicts have taken in Nigeria in recent time and Kogi State in particular, this research was carried out with a view to proffering solutions that could arrest the ugly situation and prevent it from becoming a monster like Boko Haram crisis. Thus, this research was carried out to achieve the following objectives: 1. Identify the root causes of herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 2. Examine the security implications of the herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 3. Examine the socioeconomic implications of herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi State. 4. Proffer workable solutions that can be put in place by both the Federal and Kogi state Government to resolve the herders/farmers conflict in Kogi State. The study was a survey research. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The area of study is Kogi State. Data for the study were generated from primary and secondary sources. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interview. The population for the study was drawn from farmers, herders, traditional rulers, community leaders and security agents from the study area. The data collected were presented and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Descriptive statistics was used with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16. Findings were made based on the tested significance level of the responses as revealed by the standard deviation analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, the study categorized the causes of herders/farmers conflicts in Kogi state into major and incidental factors. The major factor centred on economic use of land resources while incidental factors include policy framework, deficient response and demographic, ecological/environmental factors. Far reaching recommendations were made among which were: the need for definite policy enactment on use of land resources as it relates to grazing lands as well as establishment of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADRM) for resolving disputes between farmers and herdsmen as the conflict groups (farmers/herders) have lost confidence in the Nigerian judicial system, establishment of ranches, combating desertification and mop up of illicit arms amongst others.