Welcome! This community is for mothers (and fathers) who have given birth in February 2008! If you had your child at the end of January or the beginning of March, feel free to join us, too!
-Please be respectful. We don't have to agree on everything, but be nice about it. -The goal here is to be a safe place to ask questions and give advice. -Friends-only posting is the default. -Share the TMI! You know it's going to happen sooner or later! If you want to put it behind a cut, that's your choice. -I think it'd be neat to have a community list of when our children were born. Please click on this post and introduce yourself! If you want to copy and paste your comment to make it a new entry in the community, please feel free. -We don't need drama here, from members or non-members. -If you have any suggestions for the community (fun things to do, profile, layout, etc), please contact me (destinymanifest)!