Papers by Tope Bolanle-Ojo
The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry"

International Journal of Agronomy, 2014
Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchan... more Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchangeable phases in soil. Cation exchange reactions and thermodynamic studies of Pb2+/Ca2+, Cd2+/Ca2+, and Zn2+/Ca2+were carried out on three surface (0–30 cm) soil samples from Adamawa and Niger States in Nigeria using the batch method. The physicochemical properties studies of the soils showed that the soils have neutral pH values, low organic matter contents, low exchangeable bases, and low effective cation exchange capacity (mean: 3.27 cmolc kg−1) but relatively high base saturations (≫50%) with an average of 75.9%. The amount of cations sorbed in all cases did not exceed the soils cation exchange capacity (CEC) values, except for Pb sorption in the entisol-AD2 and alfisol-AD3, where the CEC were exceeded at high Pb loading. Calculated selectivity coefficients were greater than unity across a wide range of exchanger phase composition, indicating a preference for these cations over Ca2+....

International Journal of Agronomy, 2014
Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchan... more Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchangeable phases in soil. Cation exchange reactions and thermodynamic studies of Pb2+/Ca2+, Cd2+/Ca2+, and Zn2+/Ca2+were carried out on three surface (0–30 cm) soil samples from Adamawa and Niger States in Nigeria using the batch method. The physicochemical properties studies of the soils showed that the soils have neutral pH values, low organic matter contents, low exchangeable bases, and low effective cation exchange capacity (mean: 3.27 cmolc kg−1) but relatively high base saturations (≫50%) with an average of 75.9%. The amount of cations sorbed in all cases did not exceed the soils cation exchange capacity (CEC) values, except for Pb sorption in the entisol-AD2 and alfisol-AD3, where the CEC were exceeded at high Pb loading. Calculated selectivity coefficients were greater than unity across a wide range of exchanger phase composition, indicating a preference for these cations over Ca2+....

Seeds of Shorea roxburghii were collected from the premises of Forestry Research Institute of Nig... more Seeds of Shorea roxburghii were collected from the premises of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN). Effect of methods of seed collection and shading was investigated in this study. Both experiments were laid in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with Experiment I having two treatments; collection from the ground after natural fall and the collection from matured seeds on the tree while Experiment II had three treatments which were seeds sown in bed under direct sunlight, bed covered with palm fronds and bed covered with banana leaves. Method of seed collection and shading had significant (p≤0.05) effect on the germination potential of S. roxburghii seeds. It was deduced in this study that S. roxburghii seeds require dense shade for higher germination and seeds collected from the ground after natural fall germinate faster and give higher germination percentage than seeds collected from the tree. Collection and germination of S. roxburghii seeds can be done in the nursery based on the information provided in this study.

This study was carried out to determine the socio-economic importance of Chrysophyllum albidum in... more This study was carried out to determine the socio-economic importance of Chrysophyllum albidum in rainforest and derived savanna ecosystems of Ondo State and examines its level of domestication. From each ecological zone, a local government area (LGA) with good concentration of C. albidum trees was selected. The study covered a total of ten villages (i.e. five from each ecosystem). From each village, five farm households with C. albidum trees on their farms were selected. A structured questionnaire was administered on the head of each household. Results identified evidence of C. albidum trees domestication in the two ecosystems. C. albidum fruit is economically important in the two ecosystems and contributes to the socio-economic life of the people. Factors affecting the price of C. albidum fruits in the two ecosystems were fruit taste and fruit size. Thus, the demand will improve if sweeter and bigger sized fruits are produced through domestication programme.
Domestication of indigenous fruit trees which emerged as a farmer-driven; market -led process has... more Domestication of indigenous fruit trees which emerged as a farmer-driven; market -led process has become an important initiative in the tropics due to their nutritional and socio-economic importance which contributes to sustainable livelihood. This paper presents evidence for the contribution of domesticating indigenous fruit trees (IFTs) to sustainable livelihood. Evidence on the number and types of people involved in the domestication of IFTs and obtaining an income is presented. The contribution on nutritional level of the people and the environment are also discussed. Policy makers should realize the importance of participatory domestication in the development of the community and this practice should be protected. Intervention should be made in other to sustain and increase the already valuable contribution of domesticated IFTs.
Freshly collected fruits were extracted for the seeds and air dried for 3 days. The coat of the s... more Freshly collected fruits were extracted for the seeds and air dried for 3 days. The coat of the seeds were removed and subjected to 5 treatments namely: no soaking (T1), soaking for 24 hours (T2), 48 hours (T3), 72 hours (T4) and 96 hours (T5). The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 10 seeds per treatment inside polythene bags. Germination commenced on the 2nd week for seeds soaked for 72 hours (T4) and 96 hours (T5) respectively. Germination was delayed and scanty in T1 and T2 compared to other treatments. The germination period ranged between 12 to 62 days. Duration of soaking significantly affected the cumulative germination, complete dormancy period, number of radicle, length of radicle, height of plumule and number of primary leaves at (p≤0.05). Germination of G. kola seeds can be done based on the information given in this study.

Despite the high medicinal properties of Kigelia africana to most of the people of Nigeria and ot... more Despite the high medicinal properties of Kigelia africana to most of the people of Nigeria and other nations of the world, it only exist as a protected and semi domesticated species This study investigated the effects of light intensities on the early growth performance of K. africana as an important step towards its domestication. Seedlings of K. africana were monitored under five light intensities namely; 60%, 45% and 30% light intensities, under tree canopy cover (5% light intensity) and control treatment was direct sunlight (100% light intensity). The experiment was laid in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Early growth rate of the species was significantly affected by different light intensities. Seedlings height and diameter ranged from 6.2-30.2 cm and 2-8.98 mm respectively (after 12 weeks) depending on light intensity. K. africana seedlings under direct sunlight did not perform well compared to the seedlings under low light conditions i.e. 30%, 45% and 60% light intensities, implying the seedlings need some shade for the establishment of early good growth while the species performed poorly under forest canopy, indicating that they may not do well under heavy shade. Thus, the species has the potential to survive when transplanted to the field.
Transesterification of Sesamum indicum L. oil was carried with methanol in the presence of sodium... more Transesterification of Sesamum indicum L. oil was carried with methanol in the presence of sodium methoxide and the parameters affecting the reaction; vegetable oil/methanol molar ratio, catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and time were fully optimized by employing Central Composite Design method (CCD). A quadratic polynomial was developed to predict the response as a function of independent variables and their interactions and only the significant factors affecting the yield were fitted to a second-order response surface reduced 2FI model. At the optimum condition of 1:6 oil/methanol molar ratio, catalyst concentration of 0.75% and reaction time of 30 min, biodiesel yield of 87.80% was achieved. The selected fuel properties were within the range set by ASTM and EN bodies. ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.

Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchan... more Conducting binary-exchange experiments is a common way to identify cationic preferences of exchangeable phases in soil. Cation exchange reactions and thermodynamic studies of Pb 2+ /Ca 2+ , Cd 2+ /Ca 2+ , and Zn 2+ /Ca 2+ were carried out on three surface (0-30 cm) soil samples from Adamawa and Niger States in Nigeria using the batch method. The physicochemical properties studies of the soils showed that the soils have neutral pH values, low organic matter contents, low exchangeable bases, and low effective cation exchange capacity (mean: 3.27 cmolc kg −1 ) but relatively high base saturations (≫50%) with an average of 75.9%. The amount of cations sorbed in all cases did not exceed the soils cation exchange capacity (CEC) values, except for Pb sorption in the entisol-AD2 and alfisol-AD3, where the CEC were exceeded at high Pb loading. Calculated selectivity coefficients were greater than unity across a wide range of exchanger phase composition, indicating a preference for these cations over Ca 2+ . The eq values obtained in this work were all positive, indicating that the exchange reactions were favoured and equally feasible. These values indicated that the Ca/soil systems were readily converted to the cation/soil system. The thermodynamic parameters calculated for the exchange of these cations were generally low, but values suggest spontaneous reactions.
Papers by Tope Bolanle-Ojo