Papers by Tamara Iglesias

Zoonoses and Public Health
To investigate seroprevalence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in equines and associated workers in ... more To investigate seroprevalence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in equines and associated workers in Uruguay, 891 equine and 150 human sera were drawn; 212 equine urine samples were also taken for culture. Environmental conditions and equine raising or managing practices were recorded in all 72 visited establishments; epidemiological information was obtained from each worker. Microscopic agglutination technique (MAT) was performed with 10 Leptospira strains for equines and 18 for human sera, that were also studied with IgM indirect immunofluorescence (IgM-IIF). Equine titres ≥100 were considered positive, and human sera titres ≥200 suggested probable recent or past infection. Urines were cultured in Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) media; local identification of one obtained isolate with lipL32 PCR, Multiple Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis and partial rrs gene sequencing, were completed at Institut Pasteur, Paris. Estimated reactivity was 61.3% for equines, which was higher than the studied bovine national levels (21%) and mainly observed with Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup (40.3%), Sejroe, Canicola, Pomona or Ballum. Aged animals from slaughterhouses and cattle farms were the most frequently positive. Multiple regression analysis confirmed a significant association between seropositivity and equine age. Only one positive culture could be fully studied, and confirmed to be Leptospira interrogans serogroup Canicola; it was added to the MAT antigen panel and revealed fairly frequent reaction with equine and human sera. Three workers (2%) showed titres = 200 with Icterohaemorrhagiae or Canicola serogroups, without recent clinical manifestations. Their attended equines reacted with the same serogroups, suggesting common source infections or infection transmitted by equines. Three other humans yielded titres = 100, and none of the 150 showed an IgM-IIF-positive result. Equines seem not to be an important origin of regional human leptospirosis, except perhaps during acute animal infection. More culture work is required to study intensity and lapses of leptospiruria, as well as to further identify circulating strains.
Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia do CRMV-SP, 2019
La leptospirosis equina se cree poco común por ser habitualmente subclínica, pero estúdios recien... more La leptospirosis equina se cree poco común por ser habitualmente subclínica, pero estúdios recientes sugieren que es una infección extendida geográficamente, con diversos perfiles de incidencia y serovares infectantes. Por su elevado nivel poblacional y su empleo en múltiples tareas, corresponde considerar a los equinos como potencial fuente de infección humana. En Uruguay, hasta el momento, no hay registros de leptospirosis en equinos. Esta enfermedad se asocia principalmente con el reservorio bovino, pero determinados equinos comparten espacios con bovinos y otros animales de producción en establecimientos ganaderos, y en establecimientos de cría existen abundantes roedores atraídos por el alimento y forraje.
A traves del siguiente articulo se expone el proceso llevado adelante por estudiantes universitar... more A traves del siguiente articulo se expone el proceso llevado adelante por estudiantes universitarios que deciden integrar una propuesta de trabajo en particular. Ingresar a dos escuelas especiales, llevando las ciencias al aula y favorecer a traves de las mismas la inclusion de las TIC. Esto se logra mediante una serie de intervenciones en dichas instituciones; amalgamando estas ideas al curriculo escolar. Asimismo, el estudiante debe transitar por una formacion integral donde se incorporan nuevos conocimientos por interrelaciones entre saberes, produciendose asi una autotransformacion.

Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 2019
Leptospirosis is important in Uruguay due to the economic loss caused by the diseases of producti... more Leptospirosis is important in Uruguay due to the economic loss caused by the diseases of production animals, mainly bovines, and also due to frequent human infection. We decided to study anti-Leptospira antibodies in the sera of dairy workers, rice laborers, veterinarians, suburban slum dwellers and garbage recyclers. Our aims were to estimate the seroprevalence of infection by Leptospira spp. in these people at risk, the relative importance of the known risk factors associated with infection, and the impact of human infections in each setting. Groups at risk were identified and 35 visits to their locations were made, conducting field surveys and exchange talks for information and education. Simple epidemiological questionnaires were administered and sera samples were taken from 308 persons. The microagglutination Technique (MAT) and the IgM Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF) assay were employed to detect antibodies. Environmental water samples, canine and equine sera were also examined. More than 45% of human sera were reactive and the studied groups were confirmed to be widely exposed to infection. Female sera were frequently reactive, though most illnesses occur in men, and the most severe cases in elderly males; the emergence and evolution of the disease may strongly depend on the host condition and functions. Animal contact and unsafe water usage were the main identified risk factors to be considered in prevention. Fifty per cent of the studied horses showed a positive MAT reaction. The underdiagnosis of the illness and its long-term symptoms require further study, as well as greater health and social attention efforts.
Papers by Tamara Iglesias