? ?
23 November 2011 @ 05:20 pm
I just wanted to pop on and say that I just hit 50k!

I hope you all are doing well and don't give up! I didn't write for about five days, don't let it get you down! Eight days left with the projection word count for today being 38.3k.

Good luck and above all else: have fun with it.
21 November 2011 @ 04:31 pm
Hello all!!
Things have been a bit rusty, not to mention 'touch and go' for me lately when it comes to Nano. BRING ON A NEW WEEK!

I wrote 500 words before work today and am about to try for more. I haven't written since the 15th so this has me at 45.8k.

How are you doing? I hope your Sundays went well and you got time for a few hundred words! If not, there is still time! 10 days left :) Use your time wisely! A few hundred here and there really helps :)
16 November 2011 @ 05:56 pm says today's projected word count is 26.666k!

Just over halfway through the month. I hope today you had time to get in the 1.6! :)

Regardless of word counts, I am feeling a little bit lost myself. I may have finished my fic, but now I have to finish nano by starting something new while mourning the fact that I am done writing characters who I got rather attached to.

This comm is here to help us get through the month, I hope it is doing just that for you! We're in this together!
12 November 2011 @ 02:57 pm

Day 12 and the projected word count for the day is 20k! How are you faring?

I am actually rather exhausted re: nano and finding it difficult to write. I just started writing for today and Xabi just took a turn in my fic without me meaning to but I am just going with it. Not sure how I am supposed to get to the climax to my story with him in the state of mind he is in but we will see what happens. After this it is all resolution and well... I feel like I am treading water now because I know the end is nigh.

I hope you all are having a good weekend!! If you are feeling overwhelmed there is nothing wrong with taking a break :)

How about we do another excerpt today? Give a paragraph or so! Something funny that you liked, or a pivotal sentence or so. Or just something you liked :) The second week is one of the hardest and we are in this together!
11 November 2011 @ 05:19 pm
You know, I should have written 1111 words today.  And finished at 11:11.  While eating 11 chicken nuggets...

Please excuse.  Had a shitty shitty day at work, but managed to grind out about 1,400.  The worst part was that I seriously, stupidly thought that I had my job sorted and was going to break 25,000 because I had AGES to write.

*swears at stupid idiots at work*

Anyway, how was your day?  I know LJ has been a bitch, but hopefully it has forced you all to get off line and WRITE!!!!

09 November 2011 @ 11:07 am
I actually have a day free! My show (peter pan) opened this morning (school shows) and I went in at 10am just to see if I could do anything and was sent home! FOR THE WEEKEND :D :D :D

Now, should I use this time wisely as possible and up my daily goal? Or should I stick to my norm? Decisions!

Today's projected word count is 16.6k! How are you faring?

Would you guys be interested in doing some word warring today? I know a few of you haven't done it, but it really is a good way to get your word count up, fast. There are two ways to word war:

1) set a time limit, the one to write the most in that time frame wins! (ie 10 mins or 15 mins!)
2) set a word limit, the first one to reach that word count wins! (ie 500 words or 800 words!)

the easiest way to word war is via a messaging system. I have MSN, gchat, and AIM. We could also use tinychat which you don't have to have a username to sign in. Let me know!! I think it would be cool to get a few people in a tinychat and do a massive word war with more than two people! Think of all of the writing that would get done!

Alright, enough rambling for me :)

Last night I didn't hit my goal of 25k, but I got to 24.6k which is 600 more words than I normally write per day.

Second day of week two, commence!

08 November 2011 @ 12:40 pm
We've made it a full week!!

Still going strong or tapering off a bit? Have you taken a day off yet?

What are your plans for posting your fic? Are you waiting until it is finished, have you already started posting it? I am going to start posting mine on the 15th, hopefully!!
07 November 2011 @ 12:42 pm
I, for one, do not like Mondays. It makes me wish it was the weekend again but I have the entire week ahead of me! I spend the day thinking about NaNo, and as I sit on my lunch hour I think about how much I would rather be writing.

Almost a week finished, folks! I know only a select few of us have been commenting, which is fine for all of you who are not! Just know that we are here for a shoulder to lean on, if you need it! The second week is usually the toughest to get through.

I desperately await 5pm, it cannot come soon enough!

What are your daily word counts for today so far? Get anything written yet, or saving it for after work? :)
06 November 2011 @ 11:53 am
Happy Sunday! Hopefully you are getting some writing done, final day of the weekend! I am just getting started, myself.

Need a little peptalk? Is it getting harder to get the words out? I am there, right now! Have to keep moving forward! Every word counts :)

The projected word count for the end of the day is 10k, how are you doing with it?

Also, excerpts! Feel free to post a small excerpt from your fic, if you like! Especially if you need a little boost. Anything to get the words flowing ♥
04 November 2011 @ 12:45 pm
Hello, all! I hope your fridays are going well :D
I did a word war last night (after midnight) with snuzzie and got 500 words for today's word count but won't get to write more until after work.

How are you doing? Four days in and still most of the month still left! Still going strong? Need some reassurance? Don't be shy we're all in this together :)