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Al fine di garantire la qualità scientifica della Collana di cui fa parte, il presente volume è stato valutato e approvato da un Referee esterno alla Facoltà a seguito di una procedura che ha garantito trasparenza di criteri valutativi,... more
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OpenStreetMap's success continues to grow and contributions are not limited to the collection of spatial data using GPS (Global Positioning System) equipment. A very wide range of software tools developed by, and available to, the OSM... more
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OpenStreetMap's success continues to grow and contributions are not limited to the collection of spatial data using GPS (Global Positioning System) equipment. A very wide range of software tools developed by, and available to, the OSM... more
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Social capital broadly refers to the opportunities an individual has by being part of a network of relationships. Recently organizations started deploying internal Enterprise 2.0 platforms and Social Network Sites (SNS) to improve how... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceKnowledge ManagementOpen Source Software
The important role of open data in emergencies During emergencies, the geographic information plays a very important and delicate role becoming the main tool to understand what happened and to take decisions. The data therefore will play... more
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OpenStreetMap (OSM, is currently the largest, richest, most up-to-date and complete open geospatial database, in the world. OSM is probably the most popular crowdsourced geographic information project in the... more
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      Political ScienceCitizen Science
Availability of up-to-date geographic datasets, including the information voluntarily created by ordinary people, is crucial for disaster management in areas affected by catastrophic events and humanitarian crises. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is... more
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      GeographyVolunteered Geographic InformationNatural disasterGeomedia
The disclosure of data is often accompanied by many promises from an open government standpoint that use catchwords such as transparency, participation and engagement, not to mention innovation, viewing such data as a raw material that... more
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    • Business
Availability of up-to-date geographic datasets, including the information voluntarily created by ordinary people, is crucial for disaster management in areas affected by catastrophic events and humanitarian crises. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is... more
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These slides (in Italian) were presented during the FOSS4G-IT 2017 conference, held in Genova (Italy) on February 9-10, 2017 ( The presentation is about the exploitation of... more
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      GeographyCrowdsourcingOpen DataVolunteered Geographic Information
Digital humanitarians represent the current generation of volunteers providing timely contributions in the form<br> of digital map data in the aftermath of natural disasters. Starting from the tragic 2010 earthquake in Haiti... more
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      GeographyDisaster ManagementDisaster ResponseEarthquake
Il progetto SMASH (, co-finanziato da Climate-KiC ( e in sperimentazione in 12 città tra Italia (Ferrara, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Milano, Rimini, Trento e Rovereto), Regno Unito... more
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Following the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, in mid-December 2020 the Italian government introduced travel restrictions during the Christmas holidays. In the implemented policies there was an exception: citizens of a municipality of up to... more
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      HackerTourismRepresentation PoliticsDecree
Data and digital technologies have been at the core of the societal response to COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. This work focuses on the specific contribution of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project to address the early stage of... more
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      MedicineDataCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)