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Curvature-induced bound-state eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a particle constrained to move on the surface of a torus are calculated. A limit on the number of bound states that a torus with minor radius a and major radius R can... more
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      Constrained systemsBound States
The curvature potential arising from confining a particle initially in threedimensional space onto a curved surface is normally derived in the hard constraint q → 0 limit, with q the degree of freedom normal to the surface. In this work... more
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      Constrained systemsBound States
The Hamiltonian for a particle constrained to move on the surface of a curved nanotube is derived using the methods of differential forms. A two-dimensional Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure is employed to calculate basis... more
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      Constrained systemsBound States
Hadronic form factors for the rare weak transitions Λ b → Λ ( * ) are calculated using a nonrelativistic quark model. The form factors are extracted in two ways. An analytic extraction using single component wave functions (SCA) with the... more
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      Rare DecaysForm FactorsQuark ModelsBottom baryons
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It is shown that the time-dependent Hartree–Fock equations have an unexpected constraint implicitly inherent in them. For the case of two electrons interacting via the Hamiltonian H(1,2)=H0(1)+H0(2)+V(1,2), and described by the... more
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      Hartree fock methodTwo Electron Systems
Lepton polarization asymmetries for the flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) dileptonic decays of Λ b baryons are calculated using single-component analytic (SCA) and multicomponent numerical (MCN) form factors. We show that these... more
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Branching ratios, lepton forward-backward asymmetries, and lepton polarization asymmetries for the flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) dileptonic decays of the Λb baryon to the ground state and a number of excited state Λ baryons are... more
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      Hadron PhysicsHeavy Quark Effective Field TheoryHeavy Quark Physics