The aim of this study is to evaluate four drug regimens for treatment of scabies as regard their ... more The aim of this study is to evaluate four drug regimens for treatment of scabies as regard their efficacy, acceptability and cost effectiveness. Two hundred cases with ordinary scabies were randomized into four groups. First group received ivermectin 200 lg/kg body weight single oral dose, repeated after one week. The second received benzyl benzoate 20% cream. The third received permethrin 2.5%-5% lotion, whereas the fourth group received 5-10% sulfur ointment. Topical treatments were applied for five consecutive nights. Patients were followed up for two weeks for cure rate and adverse effects. At the end of the study, permethrin provided a significant efficacy of 88% and acceptability in 100% of cases, but had higher cost to treat one case (20.25 LE). Ivermectin provided efficacy and acceptability rates of 84% and 96%, respectively, and had a cheaper cost (9.5 LE). Benzyl benzoate provided 80% for both rates and was the cheapest drug. Sulfur ointment provided the least rates, and it was the most expensive. Treatment choice will depend on the age, the general condition of cases, patient compliance to topical treatment and his ability to stick to its roles, and the economic condition of the patient.
Background: Trichomonas tenax, a commensal flagellated protozoan, inhabits in human oral cavity. ... more Background: Trichomonas tenax, a commensal flagellated protozoan, inhabits in human oral cavity. This parasite is cosmopolitan and frequently found in patients with poor oral hygiene and advanced periodontal disease. Objective: Detection of Trichomonas tenax in patients with periodontitis using different methods; microscopy and culture compared to PCR and also determine the frequency of T. tenax in these dental patients according to age, sex, smoking and some hygienic factors (teeth cleaning habit and amount of calculus). Methodology: The study included 50 patients with periodontitis (case group) and 10 subjects with healthy gingiva (control group) of both sexes, whose ages varied between 20 and 50 years. Subgingival dental plaques were collected by sterile curettes from both groups and subjected to microscopic examination, culture on Diamond's medium and PCR amplification using a pair of primers based on 18S rRNA gene for detection of T. tenax. Results: The prevalence of T. tenax infection in case group and control group was 30% (15/50) and 0.0% (0/10) respectively, with a significant statistical difference (P<0.05). Out of 50 samples (case group), T .tenax was detected in 10 (20%), 13 (26%), 14 (28%) by microscopy, culture and PCR respectively. PCR was able to detect T. tenax in 5 , 2 negative samples by microscopy and culture respectively but, not able to detect it in one positive sample by two methods. Using PCR as gold standard method, microscopy and culture showed sensitivity (64.28% vs 85.71%), specificity (97.22% vs 97.22), positive predictive value (90% vs 92.3%), negative predictive value (87.5% vs 94.59%) and diagnostic accuracy (88% vs 94%). PCR has shown high sensitivity (93.33%), specificity (97.22%) positive predictive value (93.33%), negative predictive value (100%) and diagnostic accuracy (98%). T. tenax was correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with the age and poor oral hygiene while it was not correlated significantly (p > 0.05) with sex and smoking. Conclusion: PCR proved to be more sensitive and accurate tool for detection of T. tenax than microscopy and culture.
Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem. Accurate early diagnosis is strongly recommende... more Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem. Accurate early diagnosis is strongly recommended to provide proper treatment before progressing to complications. Objective and methods: the aim of this study was to detect S. mansoni infected cases in two villages at Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, through application of different diagnostic methods. In field, subjects were primary screened by Kato Katz (KK) and Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA). ELISA was performed for antigen detection in both serum and saliva samples. Then conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to examine 366 selected preserved serum samples, and results were compared with earlier tests. Results: Among 1330 subjects completed the study and gave the required samples, KK revealed prevalence of S. mansoni infection among the study population (1.8%). In comparison with the standard KK technique, ELISA detecting antigen in serum and/or saliva samples gave sensitivity rates up to 100% and specificity rates (≥ 99%). PCR sensitivity and specificity were (95.8% & 96.2%) in comparison with KK. Conclusion: S.mansoni is still prevalent in the study areas with low rate of transmission. Sandwich ELISA assay for S.mansoni circulating antigen detection is a sensitive and specific
There is a need to develop new fasciocidal drugs. Several studies have documented efficacy of art... more There is a need to develop new fasciocidal drugs. Several studies have documented efficacy of artesunate and ivermectin against Fasciola hepatica infection particularly when used in combination with triclabendazole (TCBZ). However, there is lack of reports about Fasciola gigantica worms especially on the late immature stage of the worms. 100 µg resulted in efficacy rates of 55%, 51.4% 28.5%, and 22.8% respectively in comparison with control group with concordance of WBRR results with the effect on the worm size and the degree of pathological changes. Conclusion: Triclabendazole 10 mg/kg was the most effective regimen, followed by Combination between TCBZ and ivermectin. However, its combination with artesunate showed poor effect at this early stage of infection.
Oral Ivermectin as a Therapeutic Agent in Patients with Scabies CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION ... more Oral Ivermectin as a Therapeutic Agent in Patients with Scabies CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Oral Ivermectin is effective, well tolerated and simpler to use for treatment of scabies. However, the drug is not fully effective in relieving pruritis.
Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic rep... more Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t ELISA/TL-1 ESA was used for primary diagnos... more h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t ELISA/TL-1 ESA was used for primary diagnosis compared to EITB gold standard test. Sensitivity and specificity of ELISA were 100% & 79.5%. Two types of dot-ELISA were applied, both gave 100% Sensitivity and specificity. 1st was performed with individual separated specific fractions 45, 50, 55 kDa. The 2nd was a typical dot-ELISA using the eluted pooled specific fractions.
Background: Prolonged maintenance of infective Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (T.g.T.) is an impor... more Background: Prolonged maintenance of infective Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (T.g.T.) is an important subject for research purposes. This study aimed to evaluate four serum free fluid media for prolonged in vitro maintenance of T.g.T. Methods: The four fluid media Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.2 and Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI-1640) with or without 3% fetal bovine serum (FBS) were evaluated for maintenance of virulent T.g. T. The four media were tested after incubation at three different temperature degrees in the darkness. Results: Prolonged maintenance period for infective T.g.T. was recorded especially in the absence of FBS supplement. RPMI without FBS was able to maintain infective T.g.T. for 16 days post incubation (dpi) at refrigerator temperature. This period decreased to 10 dpi and 6 dpi after incubation in the same media at 18-22°C and 37°C, respectively. Cultivation of T.g.T. in RPMI supplemented with 3% FBS and in PBS proved to maintain infective T.g.T. for 14 dpi at refrigerator temperature, and for 9 and 5 dpi when the two media were incubated at 18-22°C and 37°C, respectively. Shorter periods for keeping the T.g.T. infectivity were recorded using PBS supplemented with 3% FBS under all tested temperature conditions. Conclusion: This method allows economic long-lasting maintenance of tachyzoites for 16th dpi in RBMI that can be reactivated by reinoculation in mice.
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2017
After infection of three groups of rabbits by 50, 25 and 10 F. gigantica encysted metacercariae (... more After infection of three groups of rabbits by 50, 25 and 10 F. gigantica encysted metacercariae (EMC) for each animal, a rabbit appears as an unsuitable host for the development of this species of flukes. Rabbits need special precautions to help the worms to reach maturity before death of the infected animals. The juveniles wander in the liver tissue away from the main bile ducts, and may accidentally emerge back to the peritoneal cavity and can remain there or return back by chance to the liver. Survival of the infected rabbits, the degree of pathogenisty produced and the number of extracted worms are affected by the dose of the EMC and the general health conditions of the rabbit. Infective dose (ID) of 50 EMC led to mortalities from 28 th to 58 th day post infection (dpi.). This was accompanied by detection of flukes in the peritoneal cavity, and the anterior cones of several worms were found penetrating the liver toward the abdominal cavity. At 58 th dpi, dead animals showed marked liver cirrhosis and adhesions with the surrounding organs. Decreasing the ID to 25 EMC increased the rabbits survived till 74th dpi. The liver looked enlarged and juveniles successfully reached the main bile ducts. Successful fluke development, with low adverse changes in the liver appearance was recorded in the group infected by 10 EMC, and the animals survived till 98 th dpi. The problem, at this low ID, was the decreasing in the infection rate in the exposed rabbits to 37.5%. In all groups, using ELISA technique, IgM & IgG anti-Fasciola antibodies (AFAb) increased gradually in sera. Higher titters were recorded in the group infected by 25 EMC. Prolonged migration and retardation of F. gigantica growth in the infected rabbits associated with either a high or a low titters. this means that the produced AFAb lack the capacity to mediate responses that can influence parasite survival. So failure of development of F. glgantlca growth in rabbit appears to be related mainly to its innate resistance against this Fasciola sp.
Chemical analysis of aqueous extracts of Origanum majorana and Foeniculum vulgare and their effic... more Chemical analysis of aqueous extracts of Origanum majorana and Foeniculum vulgare and their efficacy on Blastocystis spp.
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2019
Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection is a challenge in low transmission regions. Serologica... more Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection is a challenge in low transmission regions. Serological diagnosis proved more sensitive and extensively used to detect anti- Schistosoma antibodies. This study evaluated the immunomagnetic beads-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IMB-ELISA) for diagnosing S. mansoni infection in comparison with the commercial IHA, indirect ELISA and microscopy stool examination. A total of 100 subjects were divided into four groups (25 each). G1: cases actively passing S. mansoni eggs, G2: chronic cases of S. mansoni, G3: cases with other parasitosis and G4: normal healthy subjects. S. mansoni diagnostic rate was 25%, 46%, 48%, & 50% by parasitological, IHA, Indirect ELISA & IMB-ELISA, respectively. In G1, the four tests gave positivity rates of 100%, 88%, 96%, & 100%, respectively. In G2, the four tests gave 0%, 84%, 88% & 96%, respectively. Sensitivity of various tests were estimated in relation to total true positive S. mansoni cases (G1 & G2), and gave ...
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2018
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is still an ambiguous disorder of the gastrointestinal function. S... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is still an ambiguous disorder of the gastrointestinal function. Several theories have been postulated as regard its underlying patho-physiology. Infection with intestinal parasites has been evaluated as a possible etiology with contradictory results. This study compared IBS cases with normal population in Fayoum Governorate as regard infection with parasites, and to detect their possible associated risk factors. Stool samples were parasitologically examined by concentrated sedimentation, stained with Lugol's iodine, trichrome. The RIDA ® QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi kits were applied. Stool samples were cultured on Jones and Loeffler's slope media for detection of Blastocystis spp. & D. fragilis, respectively. Blastocystis spp., D. fragilis & Cryptosporidium were the commonest parasites in the examined samples. Blastocystis spp. was the only parasite significantly associated with IBS. Contact with animals was a common risk factor for the three prevalent parasites. Low socioeconomic standard was a risk for Blastocystis & Cryptosporidium infections as well as consumption of contaminated food and/or drink was associated with Blastocystis infection.
Journal of infection and public health, Jan 28, 2017
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a severe corneal infection that may occur as a serious outcome of ... more Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a severe corneal infection that may occur as a serious outcome of improper use of contact lenses (CL). The study aimed to diagnose AK in soft CL users presenting with infectious keratitis, and to identify the prevalent genotypes isolated from different cases. Another aim was to determine the CL hygiene-related risk behaviors, and to explore the risk of water exposure for developing AK. A cross sectional study was performed. A questionnaire was carried out including 260 clinically diagnosed cases as infectious keratitis (170 females and 90 males); all of them were soft CL users for the suspected risk factors. Corneal scrapes from the affected eyes were cultured to diagnose bacterial and AK. PCR was performed and the amplified products were sequenced and compared with GenBank data. The parasite was positively amplified from 32 samples (12.3%). Acanthamoeba T4 genotype was identified in 27/32 (84.4%) of isolates. Other detected genotypes belonged to T5 an...
Blastocystis spp. is the most frequent infectious unicellular, luminal parasite in all species of... more Blastocystis spp. is the most frequent infectious unicellular, luminal parasite in all species of animals and humans. It has been linked to diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome. Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) is a widely used probiotic that previously showed efficacy against several intestinal pathogens. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic role of Sb on Blastocystis spp. Methods: Five groups of Blastocystis subtype-3 infected rats were treated with either live Sb alone, metronidazole (MTZ) alone, Sb extract, both Sb and MTZ, or placebo-treated besides the noninfected control group. Assessment of treatment effectiveness was done by study of parasitological cure rate, histopathological effect and analysis of the colonic mucosal level of mRNAs expressions for the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (real-time...
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases
Background and study aim: The Oral cavity harbors many microorganisms and their balance is essent... more Background and study aim: The Oral cavity harbors many microorganisms and their balance is essential for its health. Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax are the most commonly found oral protozoa. This study aims to explore their prevalence in patients with chronic systemic diseases and the associated risk factors.. Materials and Methods: This casecontrol study included 150 chronic patients from Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, designated into three groups (50 each). These are; a group of diabetic patients, a group of chronic renal failure on regular hemodialysis, and a group of chronic liver diseases with Child-Pugh Class B and C. In addition to 50 healthy volunteer subjects were enrolled as a control group. A specialized dentist collected dental plaques and saliva samples from all subjects. A designed questionnaire was taken for personal, demographic data, oral risk factors as regular oral hygiene, smoking, halitosis, and history of chronic or recurrent gum and teeth complaints. Oral samples were examined using direct microscopy, saline wet mount, and Giemsa staining. Each sample was cultured on Diamond's medium [TYM] for detection of T. tenax, and on Locke's-egg medium for detection of E. gingivalis. HbA1c as indicator for diabetic control was measured in sera drawn from cases and controls. Results: The prevalence of oral protozoa was significantly increased in chronic diseases, as E. gingivalis was reported in 80%, 76, and 74% of diabetic, renal, and hepatic groups of patients respectively compared to 20% in the control healthy group. While T. tenax was reported in 70%, 62%, and 64% respectively compared to 16 % in the control group. Conclusion: This high prevalence in chronic systemic disease needs more investigations concerning its pathogenesis, immunological mediators that may affect systemic diseases and the interplay between them .
Cryptosporidium parvum is an opportunistic parasite capable of causing diarrhea that is self-limi... more Cryptosporidium parvum is an opportunistic parasite capable of causing diarrhea that is self-limiting in immunocompetent individuals and life-threatening in immunocompromised patients. The present study was designed to compare the sensitivity and practicability of copro-antigen assays; RidaQuick Cryptosporidium strip test and enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) with Kinyoun acid fast stain in diagnosing of cryptosporidio-sis among diarrheic patients. Stool samples were collected from 108 diar-rheic patients and also from 36 control subjects without diarrhea; a part was stained by Kinyoun acid fast stain and the other part was stored at-20°C for RidaQuick Cryptosporidium strip test and copro-antigen ELISA. The results revealed a significant association between Cryptosporidium infection and diarrhea (P < 0.05) as Cryptosporidium was detected in 18 (16.7%) of diarrheic patients while none of the control subjects was found to be infected with Cryptosporidium by any of the tech...
The aim of this study is to evaluate four drug regimens for treatment of scabies as regard their ... more The aim of this study is to evaluate four drug regimens for treatment of scabies as regard their efficacy, acceptability and cost effectiveness. Two hundred cases with ordinary scabies were randomized into four groups. First group received ivermectin 200 lg/kg body weight single oral dose, repeated after one week. The second received benzyl benzoate 20% cream. The third received permethrin 2.5%-5% lotion, whereas the fourth group received 5-10% sulfur ointment. Topical treatments were applied for five consecutive nights. Patients were followed up for two weeks for cure rate and adverse effects. At the end of the study, permethrin provided a significant efficacy of 88% and acceptability in 100% of cases, but had higher cost to treat one case (20.25 LE). Ivermectin provided efficacy and acceptability rates of 84% and 96%, respectively, and had a cheaper cost (9.5 LE). Benzyl benzoate provided 80% for both rates and was the cheapest drug. Sulfur ointment provided the least rates, and it was the most expensive. Treatment choice will depend on the age, the general condition of cases, patient compliance to topical treatment and his ability to stick to its roles, and the economic condition of the patient.
Background: Trichomonas tenax, a commensal flagellated protozoan, inhabits in human oral cavity. ... more Background: Trichomonas tenax, a commensal flagellated protozoan, inhabits in human oral cavity. This parasite is cosmopolitan and frequently found in patients with poor oral hygiene and advanced periodontal disease. Objective: Detection of Trichomonas tenax in patients with periodontitis using different methods; microscopy and culture compared to PCR and also determine the frequency of T. tenax in these dental patients according to age, sex, smoking and some hygienic factors (teeth cleaning habit and amount of calculus). Methodology: The study included 50 patients with periodontitis (case group) and 10 subjects with healthy gingiva (control group) of both sexes, whose ages varied between 20 and 50 years. Subgingival dental plaques were collected by sterile curettes from both groups and subjected to microscopic examination, culture on Diamond's medium and PCR amplification using a pair of primers based on 18S rRNA gene for detection of T. tenax. Results: The prevalence of T. tenax infection in case group and control group was 30% (15/50) and 0.0% (0/10) respectively, with a significant statistical difference (P<0.05). Out of 50 samples (case group), T .tenax was detected in 10 (20%), 13 (26%), 14 (28%) by microscopy, culture and PCR respectively. PCR was able to detect T. tenax in 5 , 2 negative samples by microscopy and culture respectively but, not able to detect it in one positive sample by two methods. Using PCR as gold standard method, microscopy and culture showed sensitivity (64.28% vs 85.71%), specificity (97.22% vs 97.22), positive predictive value (90% vs 92.3%), negative predictive value (87.5% vs 94.59%) and diagnostic accuracy (88% vs 94%). PCR has shown high sensitivity (93.33%), specificity (97.22%) positive predictive value (93.33%), negative predictive value (100%) and diagnostic accuracy (98%). T. tenax was correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with the age and poor oral hygiene while it was not correlated significantly (p > 0.05) with sex and smoking. Conclusion: PCR proved to be more sensitive and accurate tool for detection of T. tenax than microscopy and culture.
Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem. Accurate early diagnosis is strongly recommende... more Schistosomiasis is a major public health problem. Accurate early diagnosis is strongly recommended to provide proper treatment before progressing to complications. Objective and methods: the aim of this study was to detect S. mansoni infected cases in two villages at Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, through application of different diagnostic methods. In field, subjects were primary screened by Kato Katz (KK) and Sandwich Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA). ELISA was performed for antigen detection in both serum and saliva samples. Then conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to examine 366 selected preserved serum samples, and results were compared with earlier tests. Results: Among 1330 subjects completed the study and gave the required samples, KK revealed prevalence of S. mansoni infection among the study population (1.8%). In comparison with the standard KK technique, ELISA detecting antigen in serum and/or saliva samples gave sensitivity rates up to 100% and specificity rates (≥ 99%). PCR sensitivity and specificity were (95.8% & 96.2%) in comparison with KK. Conclusion: S.mansoni is still prevalent in the study areas with low rate of transmission. Sandwich ELISA assay for S.mansoni circulating antigen detection is a sensitive and specific
There is a need to develop new fasciocidal drugs. Several studies have documented efficacy of art... more There is a need to develop new fasciocidal drugs. Several studies have documented efficacy of artesunate and ivermectin against Fasciola hepatica infection particularly when used in combination with triclabendazole (TCBZ). However, there is lack of reports about Fasciola gigantica worms especially on the late immature stage of the worms. 100 µg resulted in efficacy rates of 55%, 51.4% 28.5%, and 22.8% respectively in comparison with control group with concordance of WBRR results with the effect on the worm size and the degree of pathological changes. Conclusion: Triclabendazole 10 mg/kg was the most effective regimen, followed by Combination between TCBZ and ivermectin. However, its combination with artesunate showed poor effect at this early stage of infection.
Oral Ivermectin as a Therapeutic Agent in Patients with Scabies CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION ... more Oral Ivermectin as a Therapeutic Agent in Patients with Scabies CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Oral Ivermectin is effective, well tolerated and simpler to use for treatment of scabies. However, the drug is not fully effective in relieving pruritis.
Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic rep... more Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t ELISA/TL-1 ESA was used for primary diagnos... more h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t ELISA/TL-1 ESA was used for primary diagnosis compared to EITB gold standard test. Sensitivity and specificity of ELISA were 100% & 79.5%. Two types of dot-ELISA were applied, both gave 100% Sensitivity and specificity. 1st was performed with individual separated specific fractions 45, 50, 55 kDa. The 2nd was a typical dot-ELISA using the eluted pooled specific fractions.
Background: Prolonged maintenance of infective Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (T.g.T.) is an impor... more Background: Prolonged maintenance of infective Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (T.g.T.) is an important subject for research purposes. This study aimed to evaluate four serum free fluid media for prolonged in vitro maintenance of T.g.T. Methods: The four fluid media Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.2 and Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI-1640) with or without 3% fetal bovine serum (FBS) were evaluated for maintenance of virulent T.g. T. The four media were tested after incubation at three different temperature degrees in the darkness. Results: Prolonged maintenance period for infective T.g.T. was recorded especially in the absence of FBS supplement. RPMI without FBS was able to maintain infective T.g.T. for 16 days post incubation (dpi) at refrigerator temperature. This period decreased to 10 dpi and 6 dpi after incubation in the same media at 18-22°C and 37°C, respectively. Cultivation of T.g.T. in RPMI supplemented with 3% FBS and in PBS proved to maintain infective T.g.T. for 14 dpi at refrigerator temperature, and for 9 and 5 dpi when the two media were incubated at 18-22°C and 37°C, respectively. Shorter periods for keeping the T.g.T. infectivity were recorded using PBS supplemented with 3% FBS under all tested temperature conditions. Conclusion: This method allows economic long-lasting maintenance of tachyzoites for 16th dpi in RBMI that can be reactivated by reinoculation in mice.
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2017
After infection of three groups of rabbits by 50, 25 and 10 F. gigantica encysted metacercariae (... more After infection of three groups of rabbits by 50, 25 and 10 F. gigantica encysted metacercariae (EMC) for each animal, a rabbit appears as an unsuitable host for the development of this species of flukes. Rabbits need special precautions to help the worms to reach maturity before death of the infected animals. The juveniles wander in the liver tissue away from the main bile ducts, and may accidentally emerge back to the peritoneal cavity and can remain there or return back by chance to the liver. Survival of the infected rabbits, the degree of pathogenisty produced and the number of extracted worms are affected by the dose of the EMC and the general health conditions of the rabbit. Infective dose (ID) of 50 EMC led to mortalities from 28 th to 58 th day post infection (dpi.). This was accompanied by detection of flukes in the peritoneal cavity, and the anterior cones of several worms were found penetrating the liver toward the abdominal cavity. At 58 th dpi, dead animals showed marked liver cirrhosis and adhesions with the surrounding organs. Decreasing the ID to 25 EMC increased the rabbits survived till 74th dpi. The liver looked enlarged and juveniles successfully reached the main bile ducts. Successful fluke development, with low adverse changes in the liver appearance was recorded in the group infected by 10 EMC, and the animals survived till 98 th dpi. The problem, at this low ID, was the decreasing in the infection rate in the exposed rabbits to 37.5%. In all groups, using ELISA technique, IgM & IgG anti-Fasciola antibodies (AFAb) increased gradually in sera. Higher titters were recorded in the group infected by 25 EMC. Prolonged migration and retardation of F. gigantica growth in the infected rabbits associated with either a high or a low titters. this means that the produced AFAb lack the capacity to mediate responses that can influence parasite survival. So failure of development of F. glgantlca growth in rabbit appears to be related mainly to its innate resistance against this Fasciola sp.
Chemical analysis of aqueous extracts of Origanum majorana and Foeniculum vulgare and their effic... more Chemical analysis of aqueous extracts of Origanum majorana and Foeniculum vulgare and their efficacy on Blastocystis spp.
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2019
Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection is a challenge in low transmission regions. Serologica... more Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection is a challenge in low transmission regions. Serological diagnosis proved more sensitive and extensively used to detect anti- Schistosoma antibodies. This study evaluated the immunomagnetic beads-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IMB-ELISA) for diagnosing S. mansoni infection in comparison with the commercial IHA, indirect ELISA and microscopy stool examination. A total of 100 subjects were divided into four groups (25 each). G1: cases actively passing S. mansoni eggs, G2: chronic cases of S. mansoni, G3: cases with other parasitosis and G4: normal healthy subjects. S. mansoni diagnostic rate was 25%, 46%, 48%, & 50% by parasitological, IHA, Indirect ELISA & IMB-ELISA, respectively. In G1, the four tests gave positivity rates of 100%, 88%, 96%, & 100%, respectively. In G2, the four tests gave 0%, 84%, 88% & 96%, respectively. Sensitivity of various tests were estimated in relation to total true positive S. mansoni cases (G1 & G2), and gave ...
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 2018
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is still an ambiguous disorder of the gastrointestinal function. S... more Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is still an ambiguous disorder of the gastrointestinal function. Several theories have been postulated as regard its underlying patho-physiology. Infection with intestinal parasites has been evaluated as a possible etiology with contradictory results. This study compared IBS cases with normal population in Fayoum Governorate as regard infection with parasites, and to detect their possible associated risk factors. Stool samples were parasitologically examined by concentrated sedimentation, stained with Lugol's iodine, trichrome. The RIDA ® QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi kits were applied. Stool samples were cultured on Jones and Loeffler's slope media for detection of Blastocystis spp. & D. fragilis, respectively. Blastocystis spp., D. fragilis & Cryptosporidium were the commonest parasites in the examined samples. Blastocystis spp. was the only parasite significantly associated with IBS. Contact with animals was a common risk factor for the three prevalent parasites. Low socioeconomic standard was a risk for Blastocystis & Cryptosporidium infections as well as consumption of contaminated food and/or drink was associated with Blastocystis infection.
Journal of infection and public health, Jan 28, 2017
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a severe corneal infection that may occur as a serious outcome of ... more Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a severe corneal infection that may occur as a serious outcome of improper use of contact lenses (CL). The study aimed to diagnose AK in soft CL users presenting with infectious keratitis, and to identify the prevalent genotypes isolated from different cases. Another aim was to determine the CL hygiene-related risk behaviors, and to explore the risk of water exposure for developing AK. A cross sectional study was performed. A questionnaire was carried out including 260 clinically diagnosed cases as infectious keratitis (170 females and 90 males); all of them were soft CL users for the suspected risk factors. Corneal scrapes from the affected eyes were cultured to diagnose bacterial and AK. PCR was performed and the amplified products were sequenced and compared with GenBank data. The parasite was positively amplified from 32 samples (12.3%). Acanthamoeba T4 genotype was identified in 27/32 (84.4%) of isolates. Other detected genotypes belonged to T5 an...
Blastocystis spp. is the most frequent infectious unicellular, luminal parasite in all species of... more Blastocystis spp. is the most frequent infectious unicellular, luminal parasite in all species of animals and humans. It has been linked to diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome. Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) is a widely used probiotic that previously showed efficacy against several intestinal pathogens. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic role of Sb on Blastocystis spp. Methods: Five groups of Blastocystis subtype-3 infected rats were treated with either live Sb alone, metronidazole (MTZ) alone, Sb extract, both Sb and MTZ, or placebo-treated besides the noninfected control group. Assessment of treatment effectiveness was done by study of parasitological cure rate, histopathological effect and analysis of the colonic mucosal level of mRNAs expressions for the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (real-time...
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases
Background and study aim: The Oral cavity harbors many microorganisms and their balance is essent... more Background and study aim: The Oral cavity harbors many microorganisms and their balance is essential for its health. Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax are the most commonly found oral protozoa. This study aims to explore their prevalence in patients with chronic systemic diseases and the associated risk factors.. Materials and Methods: This casecontrol study included 150 chronic patients from Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, designated into three groups (50 each). These are; a group of diabetic patients, a group of chronic renal failure on regular hemodialysis, and a group of chronic liver diseases with Child-Pugh Class B and C. In addition to 50 healthy volunteer subjects were enrolled as a control group. A specialized dentist collected dental plaques and saliva samples from all subjects. A designed questionnaire was taken for personal, demographic data, oral risk factors as regular oral hygiene, smoking, halitosis, and history of chronic or recurrent gum and teeth complaints. Oral samples were examined using direct microscopy, saline wet mount, and Giemsa staining. Each sample was cultured on Diamond's medium [TYM] for detection of T. tenax, and on Locke's-egg medium for detection of E. gingivalis. HbA1c as indicator for diabetic control was measured in sera drawn from cases and controls. Results: The prevalence of oral protozoa was significantly increased in chronic diseases, as E. gingivalis was reported in 80%, 76, and 74% of diabetic, renal, and hepatic groups of patients respectively compared to 20% in the control healthy group. While T. tenax was reported in 70%, 62%, and 64% respectively compared to 16 % in the control group. Conclusion: This high prevalence in chronic systemic disease needs more investigations concerning its pathogenesis, immunological mediators that may affect systemic diseases and the interplay between them .
Cryptosporidium parvum is an opportunistic parasite capable of causing diarrhea that is self-limi... more Cryptosporidium parvum is an opportunistic parasite capable of causing diarrhea that is self-limiting in immunocompetent individuals and life-threatening in immunocompromised patients. The present study was designed to compare the sensitivity and practicability of copro-antigen assays; RidaQuick Cryptosporidium strip test and enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) with Kinyoun acid fast stain in diagnosing of cryptosporidio-sis among diarrheic patients. Stool samples were collected from 108 diar-rheic patients and also from 36 control subjects without diarrhea; a part was stained by Kinyoun acid fast stain and the other part was stored at-20°C for RidaQuick Cryptosporidium strip test and copro-antigen ELISA. The results revealed a significant association between Cryptosporidium infection and diarrhea (P < 0.05) as Cryptosporidium was detected in 18 (16.7%) of diarrheic patients while none of the control subjects was found to be infected with Cryptosporidium by any of the tech...
Papers by Eman Meabed