Videos by Moh Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro
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Papers by Moh Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro

Mitra Akademia: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pondok Pesantren Uzlifatil Jannah yang baru berdiri beberapa tahun ini membutuhkan sejumlah kegia... more Pondok Pesantren Uzlifatil Jannah yang baru berdiri beberapa tahun ini membutuhkan sejumlah kegiatan yang dapat mendukung perkembangan dan kemajuan pondok pesantren. Salah satunya adalah meningkatkan brand awareness dan kepercayaan baik dari publik eksternal maupun publik internal. Kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah publikasi melalui media. Media yang saat ini digunakan oleh pondok pesantren adalah media sosial, seperti Instagram, Facebook dan YouTube. Media sosial ini bertujuan untuk menjangkau publik esksternal. Namun, Pondok Pesantren Uzlifatil Jannah belum memiliki strategi untuk merangkul publik internal untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan kepercayaan dari publik internal. Atas dasar itu, salah satu tujuan kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah meningkatkan ilmu dan kemampuan civitas Pondok Pesantren dalam mengelola media internal. Program Studi (Prodi) Penerbitan, Jurusan Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan (TGP) bekerja sama dengan pondok pesantren ini untuk melakukan kegiatan pengab...

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education, INCRE 2020, 11-12 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
Narrow mindedness in understanding religious doctrine is widely believed that is taught either in... more Narrow mindedness in understanding religious doctrine is widely believed that is taught either intentionally or unintentionally through religious sermon and preaching. In Muslim society, such religious sermon and preaching presented normally in Islamic religious of worships including mosques. When a clergy man gives sermon to religious service event participants, it is his autonomy to speak up any ideas about Islam according to his own standpoint. In his situation, the mosque management could not control over the content of the sermon itself. This paper is based on a qualitative research to observe the implementation of non-formal education to mainstreaming moderation understanding of Islam in mosque. The sample here is purposively to attempt and to portray the religious tolerant as well as religious moderation in Baitul Maghfiroh mosque in Kampung Padabenghar, Babakan Pasar, Bogor Tengah, Bogor. The final result shows that efforts to make the mosque as a center for religious moderation through non-formal education are still limited to merely local initiatives that have not been systematically planned. In addition, the notion of religious moderation is still widely practiced merely at discourse level.

PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 16, 2021
The learning situation during the Covid-19 pandemic has changed, from primary education to higher... more The learning situation during the Covid-19 pandemic has changed, from primary education to higher education. The learning process usually, face-to-face (offline) became online learning because of the coronavirus transmission impact on health. Issues in the implementation of online education at the kindergarten level have also resulted in the unpreparedness of students and Kindergarten teachers as educational staff to carry out teaching and learning activities through online media, communication used in learning and teaching services that must reflect excellent service. This community service provides training on the concept of excellent service for Kindergarten Teachers in Sawangan District, Depok Municipality, types of communication in the learning process superior-excellent service (service excellence) in helping facilitate online learning to students. The partners involved in this community service are Kindergarten Teachers at TK Al Yazid and TK Aisyaih Bustanul Atfhal 14, Sawangan, Depok. The method used in community service is descriptive qualitative; it provides training and assistance to participants on applying-excellent communication and service through discussion and question and answers techniques during the training. Another result of this community service activity is the realization of great service patterns by Kindergarten Teachers when students experience difficulties following the online learning process through three service concepts: attitude, attention, and action. Another result is communication used during the teaching and learning process using two-way communication, practical, creative, and communicative students become enthusiastic in participating in online learning.

Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Klub olahraga Forum Tenis Taman Melati (FTTM) selama ini menghadapi kendala dalam merekrut anggot... more Klub olahraga Forum Tenis Taman Melati (FTTM) selama ini menghadapi kendala dalam merekrut anggota baru antara lain karena belum memanfaatkan teknologi digital seiring dengan berjalannya revolusi industry 4.0. Di kalangan masyarakat peminat olahraga, khususnya olahraga tenis lapangan, dukungan informasi penting untuk memperkuat kapasitas mereka dalam menekuni olahraga tersebut. Kegiatan pengmas ini dimaksudkan untuk mengaplikasikan kemampuan jurnalistik warga (terutama media sosial) untuk penyebarluasan informasi dan kampanye terkait dengan keikutsertaan warga untuk aktif dalam berkegiatan tenis lapangan di Kota Depok. Pengusul menawarkan untuk pembuatan media online organisasi, dan juga akun media online. Untuk memelihara kelayakan konten, maka pengusul mendampingi dalam pembuatan tulisan dengan kalimat efektif guna ditampilkan dalam tayangan media sosial milik FTTM ini. Kegiatan berikutnya, mitra didampingi dalam menjadwalkan kegiatan pelatihan untuk anak, remaja dan umum, serta m...

PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Jan 16, 2021
The learning situation during the Covid-19 pandemic has changed, from primary education to higher... more The learning situation during the Covid-19 pandemic has changed, from primary education to higher education. The learning process usually, face-to-face (offline) became online learning because of the coronavirus transmission impact on health. Issues in the implementation of online education at the kindergarten level have also resulted in the unpreparedness of students and Kindergarten teachers as educational staff to carry out teaching and learning activities through online media, communication used in learning and teaching services that must reflect excellent service. This community service provides training on the concept of excellent service for Kindergarten Teachers in Sawangan District, Depok Municipality, types of communication in the learning process superior-excellent service (service excellence) in helping facilitate online learning to students. The partners involved in this community service are Kindergarten Teachers at TK Al Yazid and TK Aisyaih Bustanul Atfhal 14, Sawangan, Depok. The method used in community service is descriptive qualitative; it provides training and assistance to participants on applying-excellent communication and service through discussion and question and answers techniques during the training. Another result of this community service activity is the realization of great service patterns by Kindergarten Teachers when students experience difficulties following the online learning process through three service concepts: attitude, attention, and action. Another result is communication used during the teaching and learning process using two-way communication, practical, creative, and communicative students become enthusiastic in participating in online learning.
merupakan sekumpulan artikel hasil fact finding terhadap berbagai kasus keberagamaan di Indonesia... more merupakan sekumpulan artikel hasil fact finding terhadap berbagai kasus keberagamaan di Indonesia tahun 2016 yang sempat dilakukan oleh Puslitbang Bimas Agama dan Layanan Keagamaan, Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama, baik yang berkaitan dengan konflik dan kerukunan, polemik aliran dan faham keagamaan, ataupun kasus aktual keberagamaan lainnya.
Teaching Dhamma in New Lands
Harmoni, Apr 30, 2015
Many scholars carry out studies on the existence of Santri and Abangan in Java. Various books and... more Many scholars carry out studies on the existence of Santri and Abangan in Java. Various books and journals discuss those studies but they just emphasize on debate between Islam and its local context. This paper aims to describe the relationship between Santri and Abangan that can build a tolerance in certain area in Java. This study employs qualitative approach and the data is collected through observation, document, and interview to some Muslims in Laweyan Mosque, Surakarta. The study shows that Abangan and Santri do not have restriction. This condition can hamper the development of Islamic radicalism in this ancient mosque. Keywords: Santri-Abangan, Laweyan Mosque, Negara Mosque, Religious Activities, and Tolerance
Dalam paragraf pembuka di pengantar bukunya ini, Swearer mengemukakan pernyataan taktis, “It has ... more Dalam paragraf pembuka di pengantar bukunya ini, Swearer mengemukakan pernyataan taktis, “It has to be seen to be believed”. Sederhananya barangkali dapat dimaknai janganlah percaya jika tidak melihatnya. Konsisten dengan idiom tersebut, buku ini ia susun dari pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Awalnya ia menetap di Bangkok, Thailand dua tahun lamanya di tahun 1950-an ketika ia ditugaskan menjadi guru di sekolah Kristen dan sebuah universitas milik sebuah vihara di Bangkok. Sejak saat itu dan di waktu sabbatical selanjutnya baik di Thailand, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Kamboja maupun Laos, ia konsisten terus mengobservasi dan mengeksplorasi Buddhisme Theravada. Namun, pembaca akan bertanya-tanya perihal pertimbangan apa di dalam judul bukunya ia menuliskan Southeast Asia, walaupun tentunya Sri Lanka tidak termasuk di dalamnya.

Harmoni, Apr 29, 2016
The Ministry of Religious Affairs through its Directorat General for Christianity Affairs has fac... more The Ministry of Religious Affairs through its Directorat General for Christianity Affairs has facilitated the establishment of new union’s synod. It is the response of the proposal of legalization that has been proposed for establishing new synod by a number of small group of churches. Some new synods are able to accept the policy and collaborate with other new synods to establish a union of synod. One of the examples is Sinode Am GPR located in Manado city and the surrounding area. However, after being legalized by the government, the synod is overwhelmed by internal conflict. As a result, the management of the synod did not work well. To look at internal structure of this synod, this study adopts organizational sociology theory form Max Weber. It is to see to what extent organizational culture as well as organizational structure works in the synod. This study aims at describing how the government has facilitated the establishment of new synod, board of new synod. But it did not show good performance. Besides, internal conflict occurred among the boards. This paper is based on the qualitative research through in-depth interview, literature study and observation. Keywords: new synod, oikumenical, evangelical, organizational sociology, internal structure, and priest role.

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, 2021
Two decades after the abolishment of the banning of Chinese cultural expression publicly in Indon... more Two decades after the abolishment of the banning of Chinese cultural expression publicly in Indonesia’ Post-Reformasi, studies on the institutionalization of Indonesian Chinese including Confucians in Indonesia seem to have been very few if it compared with that of Indonesian Chinese’ freedom expression and state perceived Confucians in general. This paper portrays the revival of Confucians in Indonesia happened in Purwokerto City (Banyumas), Central Java of Indonesia, by looking at the establishment of a new Confucian organization, namely Perkumpulan Rohaniwan Agama Khonghucu Indonesia (Parakhin, or Association for Confucianism clerics in Indonesia). Based on a qualitative research, this paper explores the narration behind the establishment of Parakhin. The paper shows that the democratic society and democratic climate of Indonesia enable any society including Confucian to align with the freedom of expression albeit potentially violating the essential concept, that is loyalty and f...

Implementing protocols in responding pandemic covid19, that are distance learning and work from h... more Implementing protocols in responding pandemic covid19, that are distance learning and work from home, causes an unexpected thing toward academic atmosphere in higher education. Learning process that previously done by face to face interaction is suddenly replaced by online learning. Some difficulties are not merely affected campus’ academia, but also public intellectuals who gather in an association including Indonesia’ Centre of Asian Studies (CENAS). Aside of learning, face to face discussion among lecturers as well as public intellectuals to share some new information about research result could not also be hled. In this sense, there has been a concerned issue about decreasing the spirit of knowledge and information sharing among intellectuals. To respond the anxiety, UP2M as a research centre of the Politeknik Negeri Jakarta in collaboration with its partner, Indonesia’ Centre of Asian Studies (CENAS), hosts an online seminar or widely known as web-based seminar (webinar). All ...

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, 2017
In so far, articles portraying Balinese Hindu who settles in far away from Bali Island are less w... more In so far, articles portraying Balinese Hindu who settles in far away from Bali Island are less widely published. In recent development of Hinduism in Indonesia, Hindus community shows a dynamic process and tries to adapt culture of majority people in some areas. This article tries to explore the dynamics of Balinese Hindu community which is assumed a diasporic Balinese who settle in a small town Cimahi, West Java Province of Indonesia. This article shows that the Balinese Hindu in Cimahi can perform flexibility of Hindu doctrine as well as Hindu ritual which mean they do not totally follow the core of its culture, that is Balinese culture. This article is stemmed from a qualitative research toward Hindu community in Cimahi of West Java province whereby they maintain their religious tradition embedded with an old temple namely AgungWiraLokaNatha temple. This temple is regardedby themselves as the oldest Balinese temple in West Java which was built in 1978. To collect the data, the r...

Dasar Hukum 1945, Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sama. Berdasarkan dasar i... more Dasar Hukum 1945, Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sama. Berdasarkan dasar ini, pada tahun 2012 PNJ telah menandatangani nota undersatanding (MoU) untuk berkolaborasi dengan pemerintah Kabupaten Kaimana, Papua Barat untuk memberikan layanan pendidikan bagi mahasiswa muda dari Kaimana.However, kolaborasi tidak melanjutkan seperti yang diharapkan oleh beberapa guru PNJ serta beberapa pemimpin PNJ. Bahkan, contohnya seperti mahasiswa Kaimanan yang belajar di Grafis dan Jurnalistik Departemen PNJ dikenal karena tidak memiliki semangat untuk menghadiri kelas. Bahkan, beberapa siswa Kaimana diusir (drop out) karena kurangnya kinerja yang baik mereka. Selain itu, beberapa guru serta sesama siswa tidak pernah dibangun hubungan dekat dengan mereka. Akibatnya, fitur ini menarik kritik oleh mereka yang berpikir bahwa keragaman Indonesia works.By menggunakan metode kualitatif, baki kertas ini untuk exprolore masalah berikut. Pertama, aspek ideologi luar kolaborasi antara PN...

Indonesian Chinese with no exception Chinese Muslim in Indonesia has stepped into a considerable ... more Indonesian Chinese with no exception Chinese Muslim in Indonesia has stepped into a considerable freedom during the current Reformation era. As like as many other Chinese Indonesians who take a part in creating integration model without abandoning their ethnic identity, Chinese Muslim have also shown similar endeavor. However, within the context of post-Reformation democracy, it seems that Chinese Muslim solely fights against any other Indonesian Chinese group and other Muslim community in Indonesia at the same time. Study about Chinese Muslim in Indonesia after Reformation is briefly undertaken ranging from its political contexts, cultural, and economy alike. Some scholars who interest in its cultural realm have been dealt with the important role of Chinese in spreading Islam into Nusantara in 14th Century. Here, Admiral Cheng Ho was an influential figure to introduce Islam to local people in northern coastal area of Java Island. It sounds that it is unlike with many other scholars...

Saat ini, masyarakat banyak menggunakan media sosial. Salah satu negara dengan pengguna media sos... more Saat ini, masyarakat banyak menggunakan media sosial. Salah satu negara dengan pengguna media sosial terbanyak adalah Indonesia. Salah satu media sosial yang paling digemari adalah Whatsapp. Kini, media sosial Whatsapp dimanfaatkan oleh klub atau organisasi masyarakat untuk menyelenggarakan seminar. Penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana pemanfaatan sebuah media sosial Whatsapp yang dijadikan sarana untuk menyelenggaran seminar online. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan analisis konten agar dapat menganalisis secara keseluruhan teks yang ada selama penyelenggaran seminar. Seminar dilakukan melalui grup Whatsapp. Seminar online yang diselenggaran di Whatsapp memiliki empat segmen, yaitu perkenalan, pemberian materi, tanya jawab yang terdiri dari empat sesi, dan penutup. Penyelanggaran seminar online dilakukan oleh moderator. Moderator menangani peserta yang akan memberikan pertanyaan. Anggota mengajukan pertanyaan kepada moderator lalu moderator mengumpulkan pertanyaan dan mengiri...

During the last four months of the year 2016 in Jakarta in concomitant with the campaign period f... more During the last four months of the year 2016 in Jakarta in concomitant with the campaign period for 2017 governor election, the supposed hate speeches phenomenon sparkled everywhere either openly uttered or written expressed in social media as well as flyers spreading out in any places of the city. It seems that Muslim population of Jakarta was partly doing such hate speeches against incumbent Governor, a Chinese and a Christian, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), and his Muslim supporters. It is interesting to know how it happened in eastern Indonesia where Muslim is the minority. This qualitative research wants to elaborate and to explore to what extent the Islamic preaching deals with hate speech phenomenon in Kupang city. In order to reach data the researcher applied some methods such as in-depth interview, observation and literature study. In essence, Islamic proselytizing or dakwah in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, has been still persisted today. It targets solely for Muslim. Islamic...

Dalam aspek pengembangan serta penguatan religiusitas masyarakat, peran penyuluh agama Islam yang... more Dalam aspek pengembangan serta penguatan religiusitas masyarakat, peran penyuluh agama Islam yang berada di bawah Kementerian Agama, termasuk untuk wilayah Kota Salatiga, hampir tidak dapat dielakkan. Tugas mereka secara rinci telah dirilis, yaitu sesuai Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam No. 298 Tahun 2017 tentang Pedoman Penyuluh Agama Islam Non PNS yaitu sebanyak 8 (delapan) bidang yang diidealkan melekat pada kepenyuluhan. Kedelapan spesialisasi itu antara lain adalah Baca Tulis Alquran (BTA), produk halal, radikalisme dan aliran sempalan, keluarga sakinah, HIV/AIDS & Narkoba, Zakat, Wakaf, dan Kerukunan Umat Beragama (KUB). Di samping itu, telah menjadi rahasia umum, bahwa Salatiga beberapa tahun ini tergolong kota paling toleran versi Setara Institute. Akan tetapi, bagaimana kiprah para penyuluh agama dalam memenuhi delapan dimensi tersebut serta menyeleraskan pada predikat kota toleran itu sejauh ini masih belum banyak dipublikasikan. Artikel dari hasil penelitian kualitatif ini berusaha memberi gambaran bagaimana para penyuluh Agama Islam di wilayah Salatiga itu mampu memainkan perannya dalam memenuhi delapan dimensi kerja, sekaligus memperkuat religiusitas dan harmoni di tengah masyarakat Salatiga yang plural walaupun menghadapi beberapa tantangan.

Jurnal Komunikasi
In line with the growth of digital technology, according to Nielsen's survey (2020), 67 perce... more In line with the growth of digital technology, according to Nielsen's survey (2020), 67 percent of netizen listening to music or radio through sharing platforms of social media such as YouTube and Dailymotion. However, the existence of analog based commercial radio remains unchanged. Nielsen's survey finds the tendency of the millennial generation to listen to the radio increased, especially during weekend. To prove the Nielsen’ finding, this article tries to uncover the strategy of private radio in attracting their listeners by offering network system in their broadcasting service. By using qualitative methods, this study compares the characteristics of the networked radio stations, namely KBR radio and Etnikom radio network, and their endeavor to maintain the network. The research shows that KBR is more focused on news network, while Etnikom is more tended to the ownership network. However, those radios show the uniqueness of innovation during the era of the current media ...
Videos by Moh Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro
Papers by Moh Zaenal Abidin Eko Putro
tingginya komitmen Pemprov Sulawesi Utara terhadap jemaah
calon haji dan jemaah haji di wilayah Sulawesi Utara? 2).
Bagaimana mekanisme penyaluran subsidi terhadap Jemaah haji
dilakukan? 3). Apa saja jenis bantuan yang diberikan Pemprov
Sulawesi Utara terhadap jemaah haji? dan 4). Seperti apa respons
penerima subsidi, yaitu para jemaah haji yang menerima subsidi
kesamaan kelompok (ingroup). Sebaliknya, orang yang berbeda dikategorikan outgroup. Mempunyai identitas sosial tertentu bermakna menjadi sama dengan yang lain dalam kelompok dan memahami persolan dari perspektif kelompok mereka. Oleh sebab itu dapat diasumsikan bahwa individuindividu yang tergabung dalam keanggotaan akan berpikir dan bertindak serupa. Di sini terdapat keseragaman dalam pikiran dan tindakan sebagai sama-sama anggota kelompok.
main root cause of the communal conflict - rather religion is being involved in the conflict. So, they argue that the religious conflict
never existed.
In addition, it is so long, for scholars who mostly analyze - that the issue of religious conflict in Indonesia seems to have been dominated by the high tension of relationships between Christians and Muslims. They have argued that contests between both groups of followers occurs elsewhere in the country as it connected with the long social and political rivalries - especially in Indonesia’s post-Independence era. One of the most recent books on the interreligious-relations issue in Indonesia, written by Mujiburrahman (2008), shows the relationship between elite Christians and Muslims since Indonesia’s Independence has been covered by warm tension and prejudices. According
to Mujiburrahman, Christians have been threatened by the Islamic state on one hand, and on other hand, Muslims fear the ‘zending’ – or, Christian missionary activities. Hence, it can be assumed so far that interreligious-relations are vulnerable in terms of mutual understanding which is possible, based on social connections. The query that should be addressed here is: is it possible to find other interreligious-relations that shows harmony; and, could we have other religious-relations which are
good and positive connections towards one another?
etnis tionghoa di Indonesia telah memiliki
tempat yang strategis dalam potret demokrasi
dan perjalanan identitas kebangsaan bangsa
Indonesia. Jatidiri bangsa Indonesia yang
majemuk, multikultur dan berlandasakan
masyarakat madani (civil society) melahirkan
sendi-sendi pluralitas yang massive dan
expansif, tidak hanya dari sisi identitas formal
dan sosial seperti suku, ras, bahasa, agama
dan berbagai bentuk perbedaan kultural
lainnya, tapi mencakup juga pluralitas di dalam
pluraitas yang melahirkan hegemoni yang
berbeda dalam nuansa ideologi bangsa yang
kaya akan khazanah budaya dan peradaban
yang unik. Salah satu keunikan kultural
tersebut adalah masyarakat Tionghoa yang
telah menjadi garis historis bagi sebuah
bangsa yang besar seperti Indonesia.