An exploratory study in the growing fashion-design industry in India, the study focuses on Micro ... more An exploratory study in the growing fashion-design industry in India, the study focuses on Micro enterprises. The research examines brand identity as a potential strategic resource for these enterprises and how it can maximise financial value creation. The relationship between brand identity and financial value creation is a highly topical subject and is entirely unexplored in the context of Indian Micro designer fashion enterprises. Results show that the brand identity of a Micro designer fashion enterprise becomes a strategic resource for the firm by becoming its core competence, unique selling proposition, and source of differentiation and competitive advantage in the market. The Brand Identity interacts with the target customer segment to create brand equity, leading to increased customer retention, sales, and premium market positioning. All this contributes to increased profitability and creates financial value for the firm.
The paper analyzes and explores to what extent internal brand management can lead to stronger and... more The paper analyzes and explores to what extent internal brand management can lead to stronger and more supportive organizational cultures. The research focuses on the value of employees in the organization, on internal branding processes and on the impact of internal brand management. Secondary research is used to create a framework of how internal branding processes can be conceptualized. The primary research, in the form of qualitative interviews, serves to explore how brand consultants experience the reality of internal branding. Both research forms aim to understand the underlying processes of value creation, in order to reveal the importance and relevance of internal brand management for organizations. As an exploratory study, this research utilized the Interpretivist Research Philosophy and a phenomenological research strategy. It incorporates the use of eight semi-structured in-depth interviews with branding experts in London and Amsterdam. Based on secondary and primary research, an internal branding framework was developed that pictures the complexity and relationships within internal branding processes. Internal branding is a complex and continuous process of value-creation that takes place between various internal stakeholders throughout the whole organization and aims at turning employees into brand ambassadors. A brand identity with a clear strategic direction builds the fundament of internal branding. Managers need to understand and implement strategic tools such as HR initiatives, internal brand communication, and brand-driven leadership in order to establish more supportive organizational cultures. The results of the study indicate that identity-driven internal brand management can lead to a stronger and more supportive organizational culture.
publication descriptionInternational Journal of Scientific Progress And Research (IJSPR), 2019
The purpose of this paper was to empirically study the relationship between factors, namely, feed... more The purpose of this paper was to empirically study the relationship between factors, namely, feedback richness, perceived appraisal accuracy, perceived appraisal fairness, and effects of performance appraisal like satisfaction and employee motivation to improve performance. This study seeks to study these factors in the context of the Indian garment manufacturing export industry. A deductive approach was used with a single case study strategy. A quantitative questionnaire was administered to study the different factors by means of multiple item scales. Results indicated that feedback richness has a positive relationship with perceived appraisal accuracy and procedural fairness; perceived appraisal accuracy is positively related with employee satisfaction and employee motivation to improve performance; proved the relationship between appraisal fairness and appraisal satisfaction and motivation.
Indian clothing tradе today in the global contеxt is much differеnt from what it was whеn the Ind... more Indian clothing tradе today in the global contеxt is much differеnt from what it was whеn the Indian markеt was still subjеct to various boundations likе the quota systеm, and the forеign tradе policy was still underdevelopеd. Sincе then, tradе has beеn liberalizеd and the quotas donе away with. The 12th Fivе Yеar Plan furthеr encouragеs this exchangе of goods and еconomy. Elevеn Export Promotion Councils havе beеn set up to represеnt all segmеnts of textilеs and clothing sеctor and promotе thеir growth. Various tradе blocs havе comе up globally, and India's liaison with thеm has grown ovеr the yеars. In this papеr, all thesе multifarious policy changеs havе beеn examinеd in dеtail. The growth of Indian tradе volumе ovеr the yеars has beеn chartеd, and its progrеssion beеn pittеd against thesе various policy changеs. The еvolution of Indian clothing tradе has beеn attributеd to the way the global policy scеnario has evolvеd. A recеnt declinе in tradе growth brought about due to the recеssion in the yеar 2012-13 gavе way to numеrous multilatеral agreemеnts betweеn India and its trading partnеrs. MERCOSUR, ANDEAN, NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, COMESA, SADC, ECOWAS, CEMAC, ECCAS and WAEMU arе various tradе blocs acting as India's trading partnеrs. The tradе betweеn India and thesе tradе blocs has beеn assessеd, and the growth ovеr the yеars chartеd to graphically presеnt the changе in clothing еxports and imports ovеr the yеars. The study provеs that the abolition of quota led to substantial increasе in the Indian clothing tradе. The bilatеral agreemеnts signеd in 2012-2013 led to growth in clothing tradе in the yеar 2013-2014. The study also goеs on to idеntify ASEAN, EU and NAFTA as India's major T&C trading partnеrs.
Before the liberalization of Textiles and Clothing trade, export from developing countries to dev... more Before the liberalization of Textiles and Clothing trade, export from developing countries to developed countries was subject to selective quantitative restrictions to protect the industry of the importing country. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade over a period of 47 years facilitated world trade with a view to bind tariffs and foster liberalization. But as world trade grew complex the General Agreement was found wanting and the Multifibre Arrangement was drafted to carry forward liberalization of textiles and clothing trade more effectively. In 1994 the Multifibre Arrangement gave way to the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, a ten year liberalization process that was undertaken to remove the existing quota in stages. This liberalization of trade altered the level of employment in regions where the textile and clothing industries were important. While certain regions lost, others gained in this arena.This liberalization reshaped trade across the globe in the global textiles and clothing markets. As a leading participant in this trade, India too was directly affected by these policy changes.
This paper traces the foundations, growth and expansion, and future scope of the fast fashion bra... more This paper traces the foundations, growth and expansion, and future scope of the fast fashion brand, Mango. First launched in 1984, Mango today is the second-largest exporter in the Spanish textiles sector behind Inditex. With their Concept, Team and Logistics System the three pillars on which they have built this successful retail brand, their history and evolution is examined. The Mango store and the Franchise system are integral to the Barcelona based retailer, and their metamorphosis into the Megastore, with almost 50 percent own stores has been studied. Mango's global growth and expansion into various emerging and developed economies is examined while its entry into the US market is closely looked at. Mango " s various lines and collections, its two new brands H.E. and Violeta, and its alliances with various international designers is also touched upon. The " What should I wear? " ad campaign in the UK, its first major global branded content initiative, is a novel concept to target 30 something women, promoting Mango clothing as stylish work wear. How Mango survived the 2012 recession and managed to increase its turnover is examined and the Rana Plaza tragedy, considered the industry's worst ever, is also discussed.
This paper reviews literature on Human Resource Management and consolidates the work done on its ... more This paper reviews literature on Human Resource Management and consolidates the work done on its various aspects. The generic and pejorative sides of Human Resource Management have been discussed. Various case studies and their results have been reviewed to critically analyse the various entities that are the building blocks of Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management as a breakthrough in Human Resource Management has been highlighted while debating its nuances. Abundance of Human Resource Practices drawn from the literature have been examined to debate their universal nature.
Supply Chain Managemеnt today is integratеd into organizational processеs and managemеnt function... more Supply Chain Managemеnt today is integratеd into organizational processеs and managemеnt functions and has comе to be recognizеd as the stratеgic advantagе for firms across the globе. Human Resourcе Managemеnt on the othеr hand has comе about as the dеciding factor whеn mapping the futurе scopе of an organization. So much so, that Stratеgic Human Resourcе Managemеnt practicеs havе becomе indispensablе whеn trying to gain competitivе advantagе. A unidirеctional rеlationship betweеn HRM and supply chain is indicativе of the fact that enhancеd focus on HRMwill improvе SCM and contributе to its succеss. HRM factors likе employeе training and employeе support advantagеously activatе SCM in four dimеnsions, namеly, valuе addеd, rarenеss, imitation cost barriеr and organizational structurе. Not only do bettеr HRM practicеs ensurе good communication across the supply chain, thеy also rеsult in cost saving. Thesе two phenomеna whеn combinеd givе the organization an unmatchablе edge.
Profitability of any industry depends on money (Financial inputs), material
(Raw material & othe... more Profitability of any industry depends on money (Financial inputs), material
(Raw material & other store spares inputs), machinery (Technology used and its level of upkeep),
man (Employees - Human Resources), systems / procedures and market (Demand and price
position).[1] Among all these factors, manpower assumes greater significance. Manpower is the life
blood of any industry. Therefore, every effort should be taken on a priority basis to keep this factor
for achieving the main objectives of the industry. The textile industry occupies a unique place in our
country. It is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. The textile industry being
labor-intensive, is a major contribution to the country‟s economy with its vast potential for creation
of employment opportunities in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Business organizations are
made up of people and function through people. Textile industries are no exception to this.(Kumar,
MarimuthuSelva, Subbiah, A. and Krishnaveni, B.)[2]It is thus essential to apply human resource
management in the export sector to retain employees.
An exploratory study in the growing fashion-design industry in India, the study focuses on Micro ... more An exploratory study in the growing fashion-design industry in India, the study focuses on Micro enterprises. The research examines brand identity as a potential strategic resource for these enterprises and how it can maximise financial value creation. The relationship between brand identity and financial value creation is a highly topical subject and is entirely unexplored in the context of Indian Micro designer fashion enterprises. Results show that the brand identity of a Micro designer fashion enterprise becomes a strategic resource for the firm by becoming its core competence, unique selling proposition, and source of differentiation and competitive advantage in the market. The Brand Identity interacts with the target customer segment to create brand equity, leading to increased customer retention, sales, and premium market positioning. All this contributes to increased profitability and creates financial value for the firm.
The paper analyzes and explores to what extent internal brand management can lead to stronger and... more The paper analyzes and explores to what extent internal brand management can lead to stronger and more supportive organizational cultures. The research focuses on the value of employees in the organization, on internal branding processes and on the impact of internal brand management. Secondary research is used to create a framework of how internal branding processes can be conceptualized. The primary research, in the form of qualitative interviews, serves to explore how brand consultants experience the reality of internal branding. Both research forms aim to understand the underlying processes of value creation, in order to reveal the importance and relevance of internal brand management for organizations. As an exploratory study, this research utilized the Interpretivist Research Philosophy and a phenomenological research strategy. It incorporates the use of eight semi-structured in-depth interviews with branding experts in London and Amsterdam. Based on secondary and primary research, an internal branding framework was developed that pictures the complexity and relationships within internal branding processes. Internal branding is a complex and continuous process of value-creation that takes place between various internal stakeholders throughout the whole organization and aims at turning employees into brand ambassadors. A brand identity with a clear strategic direction builds the fundament of internal branding. Managers need to understand and implement strategic tools such as HR initiatives, internal brand communication, and brand-driven leadership in order to establish more supportive organizational cultures. The results of the study indicate that identity-driven internal brand management can lead to a stronger and more supportive organizational culture.
publication descriptionInternational Journal of Scientific Progress And Research (IJSPR), 2019
The purpose of this paper was to empirically study the relationship between factors, namely, feed... more The purpose of this paper was to empirically study the relationship between factors, namely, feedback richness, perceived appraisal accuracy, perceived appraisal fairness, and effects of performance appraisal like satisfaction and employee motivation to improve performance. This study seeks to study these factors in the context of the Indian garment manufacturing export industry. A deductive approach was used with a single case study strategy. A quantitative questionnaire was administered to study the different factors by means of multiple item scales. Results indicated that feedback richness has a positive relationship with perceived appraisal accuracy and procedural fairness; perceived appraisal accuracy is positively related with employee satisfaction and employee motivation to improve performance; proved the relationship between appraisal fairness and appraisal satisfaction and motivation.
Indian clothing tradе today in the global contеxt is much differеnt from what it was whеn the Ind... more Indian clothing tradе today in the global contеxt is much differеnt from what it was whеn the Indian markеt was still subjеct to various boundations likе the quota systеm, and the forеign tradе policy was still underdevelopеd. Sincе then, tradе has beеn liberalizеd and the quotas donе away with. The 12th Fivе Yеar Plan furthеr encouragеs this exchangе of goods and еconomy. Elevеn Export Promotion Councils havе beеn set up to represеnt all segmеnts of textilеs and clothing sеctor and promotе thеir growth. Various tradе blocs havе comе up globally, and India's liaison with thеm has grown ovеr the yеars. In this papеr, all thesе multifarious policy changеs havе beеn examinеd in dеtail. The growth of Indian tradе volumе ovеr the yеars has beеn chartеd, and its progrеssion beеn pittеd against thesе various policy changеs. The еvolution of Indian clothing tradе has beеn attributеd to the way the global policy scеnario has evolvеd. A recеnt declinе in tradе growth brought about due to the recеssion in the yеar 2012-13 gavе way to numеrous multilatеral agreemеnts betweеn India and its trading partnеrs. MERCOSUR, ANDEAN, NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, COMESA, SADC, ECOWAS, CEMAC, ECCAS and WAEMU arе various tradе blocs acting as India's trading partnеrs. The tradе betweеn India and thesе tradе blocs has beеn assessеd, and the growth ovеr the yеars chartеd to graphically presеnt the changе in clothing еxports and imports ovеr the yеars. The study provеs that the abolition of quota led to substantial increasе in the Indian clothing tradе. The bilatеral agreemеnts signеd in 2012-2013 led to growth in clothing tradе in the yеar 2013-2014. The study also goеs on to idеntify ASEAN, EU and NAFTA as India's major T&C trading partnеrs.
Before the liberalization of Textiles and Clothing trade, export from developing countries to dev... more Before the liberalization of Textiles and Clothing trade, export from developing countries to developed countries was subject to selective quantitative restrictions to protect the industry of the importing country. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade over a period of 47 years facilitated world trade with a view to bind tariffs and foster liberalization. But as world trade grew complex the General Agreement was found wanting and the Multifibre Arrangement was drafted to carry forward liberalization of textiles and clothing trade more effectively. In 1994 the Multifibre Arrangement gave way to the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, a ten year liberalization process that was undertaken to remove the existing quota in stages. This liberalization of trade altered the level of employment in regions where the textile and clothing industries were important. While certain regions lost, others gained in this arena.This liberalization reshaped trade across the globe in the global textiles and clothing markets. As a leading participant in this trade, India too was directly affected by these policy changes.
This paper traces the foundations, growth and expansion, and future scope of the fast fashion bra... more This paper traces the foundations, growth and expansion, and future scope of the fast fashion brand, Mango. First launched in 1984, Mango today is the second-largest exporter in the Spanish textiles sector behind Inditex. With their Concept, Team and Logistics System the three pillars on which they have built this successful retail brand, their history and evolution is examined. The Mango store and the Franchise system are integral to the Barcelona based retailer, and their metamorphosis into the Megastore, with almost 50 percent own stores has been studied. Mango's global growth and expansion into various emerging and developed economies is examined while its entry into the US market is closely looked at. Mango " s various lines and collections, its two new brands H.E. and Violeta, and its alliances with various international designers is also touched upon. The " What should I wear? " ad campaign in the UK, its first major global branded content initiative, is a novel concept to target 30 something women, promoting Mango clothing as stylish work wear. How Mango survived the 2012 recession and managed to increase its turnover is examined and the Rana Plaza tragedy, considered the industry's worst ever, is also discussed.
This paper reviews literature on Human Resource Management and consolidates the work done on its ... more This paper reviews literature on Human Resource Management and consolidates the work done on its various aspects. The generic and pejorative sides of Human Resource Management have been discussed. Various case studies and their results have been reviewed to critically analyse the various entities that are the building blocks of Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management as a breakthrough in Human Resource Management has been highlighted while debating its nuances. Abundance of Human Resource Practices drawn from the literature have been examined to debate their universal nature.
Supply Chain Managemеnt today is integratеd into organizational processеs and managemеnt function... more Supply Chain Managemеnt today is integratеd into organizational processеs and managemеnt functions and has comе to be recognizеd as the stratеgic advantagе for firms across the globе. Human Resourcе Managemеnt on the othеr hand has comе about as the dеciding factor whеn mapping the futurе scopе of an organization. So much so, that Stratеgic Human Resourcе Managemеnt practicеs havе becomе indispensablе whеn trying to gain competitivе advantagе. A unidirеctional rеlationship betweеn HRM and supply chain is indicativе of the fact that enhancеd focus on HRMwill improvе SCM and contributе to its succеss. HRM factors likе employeе training and employeе support advantagеously activatе SCM in four dimеnsions, namеly, valuе addеd, rarenеss, imitation cost barriеr and organizational structurе. Not only do bettеr HRM practicеs ensurе good communication across the supply chain, thеy also rеsult in cost saving. Thesе two phenomеna whеn combinеd givе the organization an unmatchablе edge.
Profitability of any industry depends on money (Financial inputs), material
(Raw material & othe... more Profitability of any industry depends on money (Financial inputs), material
(Raw material & other store spares inputs), machinery (Technology used and its level of upkeep),
man (Employees - Human Resources), systems / procedures and market (Demand and price
position).[1] Among all these factors, manpower assumes greater significance. Manpower is the life
blood of any industry. Therefore, every effort should be taken on a priority basis to keep this factor
for achieving the main objectives of the industry. The textile industry occupies a unique place in our
country. It is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. The textile industry being
labor-intensive, is a major contribution to the country‟s economy with its vast potential for creation
of employment opportunities in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Business organizations are
made up of people and function through people. Textile industries are no exception to this.(Kumar,
MarimuthuSelva, Subbiah, A. and Krishnaveni, B.)[2]It is thus essential to apply human resource
management in the export sector to retain employees.
Papers by Aditi Agrawal
(Raw material & other store spares inputs), machinery (Technology used and its level of upkeep),
man (Employees - Human Resources), systems / procedures and market (Demand and price
position).[1] Among all these factors, manpower assumes greater significance. Manpower is the life
blood of any industry. Therefore, every effort should be taken on a priority basis to keep this factor
for achieving the main objectives of the industry. The textile industry occupies a unique place in our
country. It is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. The textile industry being
labor-intensive, is a major contribution to the country‟s economy with its vast potential for creation
of employment opportunities in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Business organizations are
made up of people and function through people. Textile industries are no exception to this.(Kumar,
MarimuthuSelva, Subbiah, A. and Krishnaveni, B.)[2]It is thus essential to apply human resource
management in the export sector to retain employees.
(Raw material & other store spares inputs), machinery (Technology used and its level of upkeep),
man (Employees - Human Resources), systems / procedures and market (Demand and price
position).[1] Among all these factors, manpower assumes greater significance. Manpower is the life
blood of any industry. Therefore, every effort should be taken on a priority basis to keep this factor
for achieving the main objectives of the industry. The textile industry occupies a unique place in our
country. It is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. The textile industry being
labor-intensive, is a major contribution to the country‟s economy with its vast potential for creation
of employment opportunities in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Business organizations are
made up of people and function through people. Textile industries are no exception to this.(Kumar,
MarimuthuSelva, Subbiah, A. and Krishnaveni, B.)[2]It is thus essential to apply human resource
management in the export sector to retain employees.