Plugin Tag: mobile
GP UX Optimized Mobile Menu
(0 total ratings)Convert the standard GP menu to a UX optimized float menu.
Refreshingly Simple Slide-in Mobile Menu Widget
(0 total ratings)Add a simple slide-in mobile hamburger menu / widget area to your site.
(1 total ratings)Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for only POSTS on your WordPress site.
Pusher – Pushing mobile notification with FCM
(0 total ratings)If your wordpress site has a mobile application, you can push a notification to the users of your mobile application via this plugin.
Mobile WP Security
(0 total ratings)This plugin exposes the rest APIs to be able to control some aspects of wordpress security via the mobile app "Mobile Security for Wordpress" …
(0 total ratings)Releases: V 0.0.3 – Customizable launcher icons. WpMobi provides you a capability to build and publish native mobile app for Android phones and table …
Unreal Themes switching
(2 total ratings)"Unreal Themes switching" allows to swap the active theme to another one, when your website is loaded on mobile devices or desktop browsers …