Plugin Tag: blog
Site Icon Pro
(1 total ratings)Site Icon Pro gives you full control over the exact icons and HTML used to display the favicon and app icons on your Wordpress site!
Ultimate Portfolio – Filter Gallery, Slider & Blog Post
(1 total ratings)Build a responsive portfolio, filterable gallery, slideshow, post slider, and filterable post blocks seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor.
Oswald Lite Extension
(0 total ratings)This powerful plugin lets you extend the functionality of the Oswald WordPress Theme.
Blog Crosspost
(2 total ratings)Automatically add posts from another WordPress website using a shortcode like [blogcrosspost url=""]
Publish Confirmation
(1 total ratings)When you hit the "Publish" button, a small dialog box appears asking you if you're sure you want to publish the post.
(0 total ratings)WP-AutoInsight revolutionizes content creation by harnessing multiple AI platforms including OpenAI, Anthropic's Claude, and Google's Gemini …
Auto Copyright
(0 total ratings)Automatically generates a copyright notice based on the first and last post published in the WordPress database.
Ghost Importer
(4 total ratings)Import posts, images, tags and settings from a Ghost export file into Wordpress.
(2 total ratings)Quicknav a plugin for off-canvas features of WordPress. This plugin allows you to show a menu, WooCommerce product, blog, custom link and much more in …
Block Bloglovin Iframe
(0 total ratings)Stop your blog from showing inside of the Bloglovin iframe. Instead, visitors will be redirected to your actual blog post.
(0 total ratings)WP-CMS is a plugin for Wordpress that changes the functionality of the Wordpress admin backend to act more like a CMS.
AI Blog Generator
(0 total ratings)Short Description: AI Blog Generator quickly creates high-quality blog posts using AI, saving time and effort with customizable outputs.
QuestionPro Surveys
(0 total ratings)QuestionPro Surveys plugin lets you embed surveys into the blog content.