fantasy_books' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in
fantasy_books' LiveJournal:
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Saturday, March 15th, 2008 | 1:32 am [southern_goth]
| Thursday, March 13th, 2008 | 1:09 pm [africanashes]
Any SRD fans here?
New member, just joined. Looking to find new authors to read and share an interest in Stephen R. Donaldson books. Anyone here read any of his works? I've also created a community to discuss his writings and reviews. Anyone is welcome to join. kevins_watch | Wednesday, November 29th, 2006 | 1:42 pm [serpentpixie]
| Monday, September 4th, 2006 | 8:18 pm [deenie_vendite]
Hello everyone! Seeing as you all like to read, I thought I'd do my wifely duty & pimp my husband's new book ^_^ This has been a long and strange journey to be sure. So here goes! The book is a fantasy novel, the first in five.
A short book description:
All Kyla Thalius ever wanted was to escape from the dull and predictable life of a seventeen-year-old girl of nobility. As she desperately seeks a way to refuse an impending marriage proposal from her childhood friend, her kingdom comes under attack from an army of fierce monsters, devious wizards, and bloodthirsty soldiers. When Kyla uses her special powers to protect those she cares for, she is banished from her home as a witch. Despite that, Kyla embarks on an adventure at the request of her king. To prove herself as the heir to a legendary magic, Kyla must travel far from her sheltered and monotonous life to quest for the sacred symbol of her power… The legendary Staff of Water.
Please check out his myspace where we have more book info up and some preveiw pages.
Thank you all for your time and please mention the book to others if you think it sounds like an excellent read!
Truly, deeniebee
Current Mood: determined
| Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006 | 9:09 pm [blueyedbaroness]
| Monday, July 24th, 2006 | 3:43 pm [richlayers]
Phantom by Terry Goodkind
I finished Phantom, by Terry Goodkind, last night - book 10 of the Sword of Truth series. Let me say first of all that I will try not to drop any major spoilers for those of you who wish to read it... so there shouldn't be anything too horrific that you can read here. As I was reading, there was a certain plot point that I was waiting for, waiting waiting waiting, and I thought that if it didn't happen by the end of the book I was going to be pissed. Well it DIDN'T happen, but something else did, which made me not be pissed off about it. First of all I thought the last scene was damn cool; it made me say "Awesome!" very loudly. And then, down at the bottom of the last page, in all mini caps: BE SURE TO WATCH FOR THE NEXT AND FINAL INSTALLMENT OF THE SWORD OF TRUTH SERIES Bold words, Goodkind, bold words. I'm really excited for the next book, now, and also impressed that he had the cojones to just come out and say that the next book would be the last one. I mean, there's just not a lot of waffle room with a statement like that, and we all know how some of these giant fantasy series can get drawn on and on when the author makes a less distinct claim about the end of a series. All in all, I was pleased. X-Posted to my journal and hopefully not many more communities. Current Mood: busy | Friday, July 14th, 2006 | 3:35 pm [blueyedbaroness]
I know this is a little off-topic, but I thought the members of this community might be interested in a few auctions I've just put up on ebay. They are for 3 dragon sculptures by Michael Whelan. They all have their certificates of authenticiy issued from the Franklin Mint. Here they are: DragonfireDragon LairDragonstormthanks for looking! In other news, I just got Katherine Kerr's new book, The Gold Falcon. Is anyone else reading her Deverry series? I haven't started the new book yet, as I decided to finish rereading the series so I'm caught up. It's been about 4 years since I finished it last time. | Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 | 3:47 am [thewitchesbwew]
Greetings, fellow bibliophiles!
Hey, y'all. I'm not usually good at keeping up with communities, but I'm a big fan of books - especially fantasy - and my attempts to get friends and family to read my favorites have proven fruitless for the most part. So I thought I'd try to find some people who are actually interested in reading and fantasy so I can finally discuss the words of my favorite authors with people who care. So in case anyone's itching to chat about, say, future sequels to soem of those great series that are out there, here's some of my ( current favorites:Collapse )I'll start looking for recommendations from you guys once I make room on my bookshelves, but in the meantime, I'd love to talk with people who've read some of the books I have. Or let me know about books you're reading that I haven't mentioned, maybe I read them and forgot to mention them. So...looking forward to meeting some of you. Current Mood: lethargic | Thursday, June 29th, 2006 | 10:35 am [ex_midnightf139] |
Hi, I'm new to the community! I was looking around LJ to see if there were any communities for fantasy book lovers, and so there was! I'm looking forward to hearing what everybody likes and sharing my own personal favorites, too. :) I looked back through the entries to make sure that I wouldn't be repeating anybody. I'd like to share a couple titles that I enjoyed. 1) "Wit'ch Fire" by James Clemens (I might have spelled his last name wrong) - It's pretty dark, and has a lot of blood and violence in it. But it's fast paced and it really kept my attention. I read through it in only a couple days, where as a lot of times I'll end up not getting through a book for a week or more. It's about a young teen girl who ends up being the wit'ch of an ancient prophecy. The party that gathers with her is certainly a motley crew, but they all have distinct personalities and are quite likable. I'm very much looking forward to the second book in the series. 2) "Inkheart" by Cornelia Funke - This book is aimed more at the target crowd of Harry Potter, but I'd say it's a good read for adults, too. It's another book I went through in only a couple days' time. It's about a 12 year old girl whose father has a special talent for "reading characters out of books" when he reads out loud. It just so happened that he read the villian of a book out into the real world, and that villian wants her father to read out several of his other... companions. Like with the first book I mentioned, I'm looking forward to book two of this series, as well! I hope to be hearing about some more good stories from you guys soon! Take care! Current Mood: happy | Saturday, April 22nd, 2006 | 4:00 pm [romulan_warbird]
New Member!
Hello all! I would like to ask: has anyone read anything by Patricia A. McKillip? If not, I would suggest you give her a try! She writes 'high-fantasy' novels, which if you like dragons and knights and princesses and towers, you'll probably love her work. This is the cover and a brief synopsis of my favourite book by her, The Tower at Stony Wood. Others that I've read are The Riddle-Master Trilogy, In the Forests of Serre, Alphabet of Thorn, and The Changeling Sea. I am currently reading Ombria in Shadow. If you're looking for a small book to start with, The Changeling Sea is the shortest in my little collection. Just thougth I'd drop a line to say 'hi'! See you! | Friday, January 27th, 2006 | 11:31 am [ulaluma]
Hi, Everyone: Letting you know about my new chapbook called 'Mundae', currently available at a pre-order price -- please find more info by clicking the image below.  | Tuesday, December 27th, 2005 | 12:30 pm [unicornldy]
| Sunday, November 20th, 2005 | 10:33 am [achbarr]
Fantasy Novels
I am ou tof the loop...what is good reading these days? | Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005 | 4:36 pm [slow_mo_panda]
I started a community to trade books, stationary and zines if anyone wants to join! read_n_write | Monday, September 26th, 2005 | 8:10 pm [mirkwood13]
Fantasy and Literature
When I was reading only Fantasy as a kid, my mother always wanted me to read something "real" and "important". And that's still somewhere in the back of my head. Can't Fantasy be literature instead of entertainment? Aren't there some books that combine values of art with the genre? I think there are. My mother gave me Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea and The Lord of the Rings and I was lead to Mervin Peake's Gormenghast and Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. And now, I'm asking you what books you consider literature, but with Fantastic content. Either for language or for the plot or for whatever you think that makes writing art. It would be nice if you give some reasons, too. Thanks. | Friday, September 2nd, 2005 | 9:44 am [littlehounddog]
| Sunday, July 24th, 2005 | 8:31 pm [slow_mo_panda]
I recently saw a purse/handbag on Ebay made out of the hardcover and dustjacket of the HBP book, it had a beaded handle. Does anyone have a photo of this, or the link to the ended auction? I would like to make one of my own and would like a photo to use for a general idea. Thanks! | Saturday, July 16th, 2005 | 7:37 pm [slow_mo_panda]
| Tuesday, July 5th, 2005 | 3:34 pm [slow_mo_panda]
I'm new here, and I just wanted to share with you all this amazing book I bought yesterday... It is definately spoilery, so if you don't want to be spoiled for the picture book ' The Fairies', I guess don't click... This book is by Suza Scalora, and all the photos in it are hers, so don't take credit for them please. I am waiting for her other book to be sent to my door so I can share that with you all as well. Enjoy! Part 1Part 2X-posted all over. ~Panda Current Mood: accomplished | Tuesday, June 28th, 2005 | 9:07 pm [mirkwood13]
The Fifth Elephant
I'm just rereading The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett and I'm still so happy that I bought this book years ago... I think, it's one of his best. Only one I can think of at the moment taht could be better still is Witches abroad and that's just because of Greebo being turned into a human. What are your favourites? Current Mood: grateful |
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