Super Hero Fan Films' Journal
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Super Hero Fan Films

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<3 [20 Jan 2012|06:42pm]

I miss this community.

[05 Aug 2009|06:59pm]

It's SciFi!

Are you like me? Did the name change of the SciFi Channel rub you the wrong way? Still can't “get over it?” Does their bastardization of the genre SciFi make you want to bitch-slap someone every time their new logo flashes on the TV screen? Then this is the place for you.

While I am the creator of this community I believe that there many out there with an equal or stronger drives than myself in this matter, I just beat them to the punch.

I envision this community as a place where like minded people will exchange ideas and formulate plans on how to best intelligently communicate that this misplaced marketing idea should be abandoned. None of the greats wrote SyFy, they wrote SciFi and were damn proud of it!

It's SciFi and the geeks that consume it that truly breathe life into it and the idiots at that Channel need to be reminded of this fact!

Thank you for your time.
2 Reviews| Enter

[06 Jul 2007|05:21pm]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

There is a new all-punisher community! punisher_fans

Seeking Suggestions [28 Jan 2007|12:19pm]

Can anyone recommend some particularly good fan films to me? Superhero ones would be great, but off-topic ones involving Star Wars, Star Trek or Joss Whedon would be interesting as well. Thanks!

fan film [15 Nov 2006|08:43pm]

Wednesday marks the end of the contest and only one person stands between making my dreams come true or turning those same dreams into nightmares. And that person is you!

It only takes 5 seconds and you get a chance to win fifteen-freaking-hundred dollars just for voting. So please, take a moment cast your vote for 'Sock High'. Tell your friends too, they're important people.


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