I was looking at that wishlist meme -- a couple of people wanted foreign coins, I had no idea that foreign coins were interesting to people! .... And then I started thinking about all the odd little things that I have, and don't use, and *someone* might like.
So there you go. See if your clutter maybe someone else's treasure and vice versa! Reduce the amount of stuff you need to throw away by finding likeminded fans who may be looking for the very item you are now eyeing with a view to throwing it away.
fan_freecycle operates on a minimum of rules, allowing you to dispose of unwanted items (or indeed obtain items you want) all for free! Well almost free.
Where postage costs may be incurred please make sure you obtain clear agrrement as to who will pay (the fan sending the item on or the fan receiving).
Everybody welcome as long as all involved stay within the limits of the law, and the rules of the community.