Randy R . Clark
President, and Professor at Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
In Dec. 2019 I received a Doctor of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary. I finished my doctor of ministry degree in 2013 from United Theological Seminary (Methodist); my doctoral thesis was A Study of the Effects of Christian Prayer on Chronic Pain and Range of Movement Loss Due to Surgically Implanted Material. I completed a Masters of Divinity in 1977 from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and my Bachelors at from Oakland City University (General Baptist). My major, minor, and all electives were in Religious Studies. I have a Th.D from Primus University (Charismatic orientation). I have 47 published books.
I am the president and founder of Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. I am the President of Global Awakening Theological Seminary of Family of Faith Christian University, which is accredited by the US Dept. of Education through the Association of Biblical Higher Education. I have been an adjunct professor at Regent University Divinity School, United Theological Seminary, and Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
I have pastored churches in the General Baptist, United Church of Christ, American Baptist, and I planted the first Vineyard Church in Illinois and second Vineyard in Missouri. I was used by God for the outbreak of the Toronto Blessing Revivall in January 1994 in Toronto. This move of God continued 6 nights a week in protracted meetings for 12 ½ years. In January 1995 I was used for the revival that broke out in Melbourne, FL. It lasted 8 months six nights a week. I have ministered in 55 countries most of them many times. I have for the past 25 years led 125 two-three week ministry trips to Brazil. There, I have ministered in many of the largest churches in the nation, working with key apostolic leaders and pastors of churches in the 5,000- 22,000 average attendance range. Presently, I am strategizing with Brazilian leaders regarding training and higher education for their movements.
To view my dissertation, several books, and other rresearch for free, visit https://globalawakening.com/randy- research-give-away or check out the research tab on my profile on Academia.
Supervisors: Drs. Andrew Park and Jon Ruthven
Phone: 717 796-9866
Address: The Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
1451 Clark Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
In Dec. 2019 I received a Doctor of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary. I finished my doctor of ministry degree in 2013 from United Theological Seminary (Methodist); my doctoral thesis was A Study of the Effects of Christian Prayer on Chronic Pain and Range of Movement Loss Due to Surgically Implanted Material. I completed a Masters of Divinity in 1977 from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and my Bachelors at from Oakland City University (General Baptist). My major, minor, and all electives were in Religious Studies. I have a Th.D from Primus University (Charismatic orientation). I have 47 published books.
I am the president and founder of Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. I am the President of Global Awakening Theological Seminary of Family of Faith Christian University, which is accredited by the US Dept. of Education through the Association of Biblical Higher Education. I have been an adjunct professor at Regent University Divinity School, United Theological Seminary, and Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
I have pastored churches in the General Baptist, United Church of Christ, American Baptist, and I planted the first Vineyard Church in Illinois and second Vineyard in Missouri. I was used by God for the outbreak of the Toronto Blessing Revivall in January 1994 in Toronto. This move of God continued 6 nights a week in protracted meetings for 12 ½ years. In January 1995 I was used for the revival that broke out in Melbourne, FL. It lasted 8 months six nights a week. I have ministered in 55 countries most of them many times. I have for the past 25 years led 125 two-three week ministry trips to Brazil. There, I have ministered in many of the largest churches in the nation, working with key apostolic leaders and pastors of churches in the 5,000- 22,000 average attendance range. Presently, I am strategizing with Brazilian leaders regarding training and higher education for their movements.
To view my dissertation, several books, and other rresearch for free, visit https://globalawakening.com/randy- research-give-away or check out the research tab on my profile on Academia.
Supervisors: Drs. Andrew Park and Jon Ruthven
Phone: 717 796-9866
Address: The Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
1451 Clark Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
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Papers by Randy R . Clark
Dispensationalists emphasize how the enemy is gaining ground on the Church, and if there are signs and wonders, they are most often identified as “lying signs and wonders” done not by the Church or churches but by the Antichrist, the Beast, and the False Prophet. Critics often accuse other Christians of being used by the devil, having been deceived by him as working these lying signs and wonders. I prefer to see lying signs and wonders as those worked by the Anti-Christ New Age movement that rejects Jesus as the Son of God and hates Christianity because the Christian faith is a major obstacle to entering the Age of Aquarius.
The victorious amillennial and the post-millennial, as well as the historical premillennial perspectives, have a much more positive view of the Church at the end of time. These views hold that the Kingdom of God will continue to grow on the earth with the Church gaining ground, especially through revival, prayer, and missionary work. This was the belief of Jonathan Edwards, a famous Reformed leader during the First Great Awakening in America. Edwards was not a victorious amillennialist. He was a post-millennialist who believed the Kingdom of God was being established by prayer, revival, and missions.
Instead of a regressive view of history, it has a progressive one. This is a strong view of the Church as the primary advancer of the Kingdom of God, which, as Jesus taught in Matthew 13, is like a mustard seed that begins as the smallest of seeds but grows into the largest plant, and which is like leaven in a lump of dough that starts small but continues to affect the whole. The revivalists and prominent Church leaders of the 17th- and 18th-centuries and the early decades of the 19th- century were post-millennialists who believed the Kingdom of God would be established through prayer, revival, and missions. Dispensational adherents of the premillennial, pretribulation rapture include some members of Biola University, who do not believe in a great end-time revival or a victorious end-time Church.
Dispensationalists emphasize how the enemy is gaining ground on the Church, and if there are signs and wonders, they are most often identified as “lying signs and wonders” done not by the Church or churches but by the Antichrist, the Beast, and the False Prophet. Critics often accuse other Christians of being used by the devil, having been deceived by him as working these lying signs and wonders. I prefer to see lying signs and wonders as those worked by the Anti-Christ New Age movement that rejects Jesus as the Son of God and hates Christianity because the Christian faith is a major obstacle to entering the Age of Aquarius.
The victorious amillennial and the post-millennial, as well as the historical premillennial perspectives, have a much more positive view of the Church at the end of time. These views hold that the Kingdom of God will continue to grow on the earth with the Church gaining ground, especially through revival, prayer, and missionary work. This was the belief of Jonathan Edwards, a famous Reformed leader during the First Great Awakening in America. Edwards was not a victorious amillennialist. He was a post-millennialist who believed the Kingdom of God was being established by prayer, revival, and missions.
Instead of a regressive view of history, it has a progressive one. This is a strong view of the Church as the primary advancer of the Kingdom of God, which, as Jesus taught in Matthew 13, is like a mustard seed that begins as the smallest of seeds but grows into the largest plant, and which is like leaven in a lump of dough that starts small but continues to affect the whole. The revivalists and prominent Church leaders of the 17th- and 18th-centuries and the early decades of the 19th- century were post-millennialists who believed the Kingdom of God would be established through prayer, revival, and missions. Dispensational adherents of the premillennial, pretribulation rapture include some members of Biola University, who do not believe in a great end-time revival or a victorious end-time Church.