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Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan teknik statistik deskriptif, dengan rumus distribusi frekuensi. Sedangkan yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah sinetron Pesantren dan Rock n Roll Season 3... more
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Culture and Indonesia is a thing that will never loose. But cultures that abounds in its development especially in the digital era and the current globalization as pushed the waning cultural premises in indonesia specially in younger... more
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    • Sociology
This article aims to develop an appropriate strategy for halal tourism at the complex of Gus Dur’s cemetery. The aim of the study is to find out an appropriate marketing communication strategy that can be applied for halal tourism... more
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Surabaya had a tourism industry sector that people was often known as Kenjeran Park Surabaya.Kenjeran Park was a potential tourism industry, because there was also a culinary tour thatsupportedpeople in spending holiday with their family.... more
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Indonesia is blessed with a variety of tribes and cultures that abound and have a uniquenessuniquenessof diverse between tribes and cultures with one another. based on this the researcherinterested to study about local culture as activity... more
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Policy is always there in every organization, the policy is the basic guidelines of the process of the passage of an organization, so that the organization can run properly. Based on the foregoing researchers interested in examining the... more
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Sumenep with its cultural diversity has the potential to become a destination visited by many tourists. This is the duty of the Sumenep regional government to be able to better introduce and build an image as a tourist destination in... more
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Nowadays, the globalization era makes the tourism industry got the impact of globalization. The city is as destination that become one of the components can  can attract tourists. An interesting phenomenon arises that there are many kinds... more
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Era globalisasi mendorong menurunnya ekstensi budaya lokal Indonesia khususnya pada generasi millenial. Dampak nyatanya dari fenomena yang terjadi kemungkinan terburuk adalah punahnya budaya lokal akibat tidak adanya generasi millenial... more
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Indonesia is widely known as a country that has various tribes and cultures, among others is saronen music of Sumenep Madura. However, in the current era of globalization many foreign cultures, particulary Western countries, influence the... more
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Sumenep is the easternmost region of the island of Madura which has a lot of potential for both natural and cultural tourism. But behind this great potential, there is one problem that needs to be considered, namely the community's... more
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Indonesia memiliki anugerah besar dalam hal kekayaan budayanya, Tercatat sebanyak 8065 budaya yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu pelestarian budaya sangat di perlukan seiring berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin pesat. Media... more
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The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been going on for almost a year in Indonesia, has forced various fields to adapt. During a pandemic like now, crowds are highly discouraged. This is a big problem, especially for the performers of the... more
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The development of new media that is so rapidly in particular social media at a time when the media makes many overlapping with varying degrees of human life, including use as a branding medium one is personal branding. Jokowi is one of... more
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    • Sociology
 The Sanitation and Green Open Space Department as a communicator, through the Community Empowerment Sub-Division, conveyed a message to the community with one of its messages, namely to build a branding destination in the tourist village... more
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TRAINING OF ONLINE MEDIA CONTENT WRITING FOR SMES GALENGDOWO VILLAGE, WONOSALAM DISTRICT, JOMBANG REGENCY. Galengdowo is a village in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency, East Java. Galengdowo Village consists of 5 hamlets namely Wates,... more
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