I am in no way the owner of the brilliant Fairy Lights BBS It belongs to Ingrid and Hannah <33333333. I just made the community and am a member of the BBS
well, you have to be nice to everyone, and try to post regularly
here and on the the BBS we know its hard but take the time to let us know what your up to once in a while, believe it or not we care
to join you must be a member of FL and have a livejournal obviously
I (deviouz) will also be giving away lj layouts (like I'll make it then send you the code,) to anyone who asks or comments in my journal (_lemonicetea)
well we have our mod(s):
(**any FL mods can be mods here)
(***a mod will have say in alerting the members to be more active, promoting, etc.. just comment or post let me know and I'll make you a mod/maintainer