? ?
Journal created:
on 2 April 2005 (#6659557)
on 21 October 2005
Fairy Godsiblings
Posting Access:
Select Members
Info last updated: July 26, 2005.

Currently, this community is under construction (as usual). Thank you for your patience.

The Fairy Godsiblings is a division of the Fairy Godfamily, Inc., a (non-profit) group being formed with the intention of planning fun, safe, substance-free, supervised social activities for sexual and gender minority* teens and their peer supporters**.

This year (our first year), we planned a prom
for sexual and gender minority teens and their peer supporters in our area - Pride Prom (pride_prom). It went very well. :)

Soon, we will begin planning of next year's Pride Prom.

This community, at current, is only for those who are planning said prom. As such, only those helping with or planning the prom will be allowed in. Later, it may be open to others, as the Fairy Godfamily expands to include more Fairy Godsiblings.

Have a nice day. :)

It's a thing called pride.

(The above fabulous colorbar was made by:monday_monday.)

Click me
Click banner for article. Click here for code.

(The above fabulous banner was made by:_secret_fire_.)

This community is currently being maintained by: urfairygodmther.

*This includes but is not limited to: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender(ed),
queer, questioning, intersex(ed) and asexual. (I'll be adding more identities to the list soon... it is by no means complete.)

**"straight allies"
