failed deal with |
[Oct. 22nd, 2009|10:24 am]
Failed Dolly Deals
12/28 - ETA: On the 8th, after nearly two months without a reply, I left one last message on their board, venting my dissatisfaction regarding the issue and the way it was handled. I was then immediately contacted by the shop's manager who apologized and offered to contact the original designer (again?) for a replacement.
Since I had clearly stated that I considered the issue over I just ignored her email. To her credit, today I received a "click'n'ship" message from USPS regarding a parcel from an unknown sender, which probably comes from boutiquedoll.
Either way, the issue is solved. It's a little sad to see that the only way to force a reply/solution is to raise the tone and 'threaten' to spread the bad word on the community. :/
10/27 - ETA: I checked their site and found a reply (apparently, the only person who speaks english was sick or so they say...); they told me they contacted the designer of the outfit asking for a new one to be made (since they all sold out?).
I do appreciate their wish to solve the situation but I admit I'm not really trustful at this point.
Long story short: I placed an order for two outfits (tiny dolls) on the 12th of July, and received the goods on the 12th of August; at that time I discovered that one outfit had been wrongly/poorly described, so the shoes (that were clearly advertised in the photos) were missing, and the other was not the one I had asked for (there were multiple versions of the same outfit on sale, and I had clearly stated the version I wanted in my order).
I contacted their customer service and they were very apologetic and promised to send me a replacement for the second outfit free of charge. The first one had no shoes to begin with... the photos were misleading and the description didn't say anything about their lack, but they didn't offer a replacement/refund for that. Whatever.
After a month (mid September) I received the replacement and again, it was not what I originally asked for. I contacted them again and, after a little while, they apologised and promised me to send me the *right one* as soon as possible. They told me to keep the wrong outfit as gift.
Now it's almost November and I'm still waiting for the right outfit to arrive. I left a couple other messages on their board but it seems they're just trying to avoid the hassle. Of course I have two outfits I could put on sale to 'fund' the purchase of the right one somewere else (if it's still on sale, that is), but I don't think this is the way things should work. :/ |