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Four drying experiments of mate leaves (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire) were carried out in a packed bed superheated steam dryer by varying outlet steam temperature from 120 to 140C and equivalent particle diameter from 4.7 ¥ 10 -3 to... more
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    • Food Process Engineering
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Transmitter power control can be used to concurrently achieve several key objectives in wireless networking, including minimizing power consumption and prolonging the battery life of mobile nodes, mitigating interference and increasing... more
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      Distributed ComputingNetwork CapacityInterference ChannelRadio Transmitters
For pervasive computing performance, exploit the physical limits of these densely distributed networks of embedded sensors, controls, and processors. W ireless integrated network sensors (WINS) provide distributed network and Internet... more
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Even though multiple non-overlapped channels exist in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz spectrum, most IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop ad hoc networks today use only a single channel. As a result, these networks rarely can fully exploit the aggregate... more
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      Distributed AlgorithmsWireless Mesh NetworksMesh NetworksAd hoc network
This report describes a network mesh a n a l y s i s technique which can be used t o c a l c u l a t e t r a n s i e n t o r steady-state eddy c u r r e n t d i s t r i b u t i o n s on a conducting s u r f a c e .
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      EngineeringEddy CurrentSurface Resistance
p-Cycles have been proposed for pre-provisioned 1:N protection in optical mesh networks. Although the protection circuits are preconfigured, the detection of failures and the rerouting of traffic can be a time consuming operation. Another... more
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      Network codingOptical networkMESH NETWORKPropagation delay
Even though multiple non-overlapped channels exist in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz spectrum, most IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop ad hoc networks today use only a single channel. As a result, these networks rarely can fully exploit the aggregate... more
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      Distributed AlgorithmsWireless Mesh NetworksMesh NetworksAd hoc network
Among novel scaffold fabrication techniques, 3D fiber deposition (3DF) has recently emerged as a means to fabricate well-defined and custom-made scaffolds for tissue regeneration, with 100% interconnected pores. The mechanical behavior of... more
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    • Engineering
Esse trabalho discute a interdisciplinaridade entre os cursos de Comunicação Social e os cursos de Design, na qual se busca apresentar uma nova forma de compreender a relação Comunicação/Design, com base nas atividades acadêmicas afins de... more
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Resumo: Este paper visa apresentar uma análise do cartão postal publicitário do carro Citröen Xsara Picasso, partindo do pressuposto que cada elemento que compõe a imagem publicitária do postal carrega um conteúdo informacional que... more
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