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soon. [29.11.2008 6:52pm]
i'll be back.

i-con. [07.04.2007 3:13pm]
i changed server... again! much thanks to emma for hosting me. so naturally all the old links to my icons and layouts are broken. so i have uploaded all my icons (plus a few new ones) for the 19457893475 time. you have probably seen 99% of them already. as for the layouts... i'll get to those eventually.

over 150 icons... some in color too.Collapse )


word. [31.03.2007 3:26pm]
Andrew Bird has a new album called Armchair Apocrypha out and new site. It isn't released here so if anyone (pretty pretty please) would upload me a copy I will love you forever. I wouldn't mind Fingerlings 3 too....

Word on the VIRB front. I finally got an account, and I am very excited. I really need to brush up on the css to make nifty things with it. But I just haven't had the time. And I will make the time soon (within the next month). I keep changing the link because I can't seem to decide where I want to lock it. For now I have decided on a url, not sure if I want to make it public yet though. I'm adding a few people from my flist. It's empty for now so I'll understand if you guys don't add me back... yet. I'll be adding people I know from my flist for now though... I don't want this to start looking like this journal. I don't want LJ talk on there or random strangers for now. Just people I am familiar with and take interest in their work and interests as well. I'd like to have something really separate from LJ... or else, what is the point? So that's why I am not posting my url here, if you are a friend of mine and have VIRB let me know and I'll screen comments. Sorry if this bothers anyone.

And finally... I AM GOING ON VACATION! In a month from now I will be on a warm sunny beach with clear water. I've never done one of those all inclusive get-away vacations, but I really need a break. So hopefully this will give me some r and r.

no i never had myspace [17.03.2007 7:39pm]
i am probablyish most likely going to end up getting a VIRB account. it's like the myspace i never had... but way cooler and filled with loads of talent instead. kinda intimidating at how much pretty is viewable there. worth a looksy.

...hopefully it won't end up like my, what was that thingy called again... VOX! yeah i never really posted on there after the first post. but this will be different i hope. yeah sure. if not, it's still worth stalking the gorgeous portfolios on there.

guilty [04.03.2007 3:26pm]
i have been away from livejournal for such a long time. there were times when i thought..."ugh i really should post..." but the longer i stayed away the harder it was to jump in with something new when i have been m.i.a. for so long. i feel like a terrible friend and apologize to all the amazing people on my friend list. if you haven't gotten rid of me on yours you deserve a medal and i thank you.

so here it is. my guilt post and my promise that i will update from now on. i've been meaning to upload some new photographs, icons and artworks i have been working on. sadly my host has moved so i'm looking to mooch for more free webspace (not much really). i want to thank meg (wooed) & robert for their space and how generous they were with me.

when i find some new space to shove my crap i should have a new layout up and photos/art since i can't find a place that direct links. i hope everyone has been well and haven't missed me too much.


let the festivities begin [25.12.2006 9:47am]
[ mood | festive ]

i feel like it was only yesterday when i was typing up new year resolutions on this very journal. sigh. another year going by. ok, so maybe i never did anything on the list... but i can genuinely look back upon the year and see that i have made some significant changes in my life. so that's gotta count for something right?

merry/happy (enter holiday of choice here).
much luv. xox


i'm back. [19.12.2006 5:59pm]
well i'm back. i kind of missed this place. i see there have been some changes. i quickly slapped together a new layout at my collective. i should work on a new one here too soon.

finally finished exams. went to my first work related "x-mas party." are those sort of things supposed to be awkward? as weird as it was it was interesting to learn a little more about my co-workers while they got smashed. things should be interesting when i get back to work.

temporary hiatus. [18.10.2006 9:22pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

going on a tiny hiatus.

will be back very soon. just until mid-terms are done and i decrease my hours at work. till then i have nothing to update except for rants about work. so i'll spare you and i'll be back with new material soon.

peace. don't de-friend me, i'll still check my f-list here and there.


do this. pretty please. [18.07.2006 10:59am]
[ mood | devious ]

hey, you know what? i kind of realized that i don't know all your names and where you are from. especially people that i added recently. so it would be really nice if my flist, hell even people who aren't on my flist and feel like it... did this.Collapse )


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