Prefer Blog
این پوسته در ۲ سال گذشته بهروز نشده است. ممکن است دیگر نگهداری یا پشتیبانی نشود و ممکن است که برای استفاده در نگارشهای تازهتر وردپرس سازگاری نداشته باشد.

این یک پوسته فرزند از Prefer میباشد.
A perfect theme for blog and magazine site. It comes with Author and contact us block patterns. It will make easy to add the author information in the page and make contact form using contact form 7 plugin. With masonry layout and multiple blog page layout, this theme is the awesome and minimal theme. It is a child theme of Prefer. This theme has search option, off-canvas sidebar, multiple sidebar options, footer options, featured slider, promo boxed, footer widgets and many more. Besides that, this theme comes with added custom widgets for author information, featured posts, social icons, etc. It comes with primary color option to change the whole site color with a single click.
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