برچسب افزونه: permalinks
ACF Permalinks
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Plugin allows to use ACF values in permalink structure by adding %field_fieldname%, for posts, pages and custom post types.
Cyrillic Permalinks
(3 مجموع امتیازها)Automatically transliterates Cyrillic letters in post and page permalinks to their Latin phonetic equivalent. Multi-language.
Hikari Category Permalink
(5 مجموع امتیازها)For each post, author can choose which category is used in permalink.
The Permalinker
(2 مجموع امتیازها)Use short codes to dynamically link to your WordPress pages and posts. All you need is the ID. This can come in handy when developing content for Word …
List Children
(2 مجموع امتیازها)Use an HTML comment to list links of the current page's children or siblings.
Custom Pagination Permalinks
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Custom listing pagination URLs instead default WordPress permalinks like "[..]/page/[number]/"
Plugin Name: RO Slugs
(2 مجموع امتیازها)Cleans up over 30 problematic characters from your slugs that the original wordpress does not clean:
Permalinks to Category/Permalinks
(9 مجموع امتیازها)The plugin automatically redirects users who have accessed a blog post link without the category to the one which has the category and therefore avoid …
WP Hashed IDs
(3 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin adds a new permalink tag %hashed_id% which represents the encrypted
Change Author Base
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Take control of your WordPress author URLs by customizing the default 'author' base to match your brand.
Custom Base Terms
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Modifique las estructuras personalizadas en las URLs para autor, búsqueda, comentarios, página y feed.
WCS Custom Permalinks Hotfix
(1 مجموع امتیازها)After upgrading to WordPress 3.1.x, many installations suffer broken permalinks for categories and tags. This hotfix repairs the problem.
sCategory Permalink
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Plugin allows to select category which will be used to generate permalink on post edit page. Use custom permalink option %scategory%.
Flush Permalinks Button
(0 مجموع امتیازها)A plugin to add a button to flush permalinks in WordPress admin bar.
Pinyin Slug
(1 مجموع امتیازها)The Chinese PinYin Slug Wordpress plugin convert Chinese UTF-8 character into English PinYin character from a post slugs to improve SEO.
Automatic Subdomains
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Automatically maps subdomains to page and post permalinks based on post slug.
Go Live URL Update
(1 مجموع امتیازها)This small plugin will Updates all urls and content links in your website.
Permalink Encoding
(0 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin encodes NON-ASCII characters in pretty permalinks by using Percent-Encoding described in RFC3986.