Before you join, please understand: We are a moderated membership community; this means that you must join (then add) the community and then wait for one of the moderators to approve you. A few things that you might be rejected for: a. having no icons uploaded b. having a new journal c. having icons from stolen graphics communities d. having credit for only half/none/some your icons e. not having updated your journal in at least 4 weeks
If you were rejected, please make sure you have done all of the above. If you have, feel free to re-apply!
01) All requests must go in a comment to the maker’s request post. 02) When requesting, you must follow each individual maker’s rules as well as those of the community. Note: If you fail to do so, the maker has the right to deny your request. 03) Always use the form provided & do NOT add or remove things from said form. 04) Provide as much detail as you can, but remember—the maker has 100% creativity on how the graphics are designed. 05) Do NOT hotlink your images. Upload them to your own server. Note: photobucket, tinypic, & imageshack are fine examples 06) Do NOT cross-post your requests!! 07) All finished graphics are posted in a new entry by the maker, so you mustFRIEND the community so you are aware that it has been posted. 08) When picking up your graphics, you must let us know by commenting in the maker’s pickup post. 09) You will have three days from the date of the pickup post to retrieve your graphic. Note: If you fail to do so within the allotted time, you will no longer be able to request until otherwise stated by one of the maintainers. You will be given NO MORE than two reminders. It is YOUR responsibility, not ours. 10) You must upload all graphics you request ASAP, and you mustUSE them for at leastone week. Do NOT waste our time by uploading it once for all of three seconds. 11) ALWAYS credit the maker correctly. Note: If you do not know how to do this, ASK US! 12) ONLY listed makers can fill requests.
If you fail to follow our rules, it may result in your being banned from the community, so ALWAYS double check!