1. Do you shave? Trim? Full or natural? landing strip.
2. Do you consider yourself sexy? Most of the time
3. If you were to categorize yourself as a dancer what would you say you are? Example: Barbie, gothic princess, mature beauty, classy ass, beautiful, white trash sex queen, Latina sexy, exotic, erotic, dominitrix etc... Exotic Latina Sexy
4. What's your favorite costume? Black pin strip dress with pink ruffles that opens up in the back to expose my entire ass with a black thong
5. Favorite strip tease song? Changing Faces - Stroke you up, Marylin Manson - Touriquet, Deftones - My own summer, Duran Duran - Come undone, and Various Reaggeton...I can't pick just one ;x
6. Best feature? Ass and eyes
7. Best personality trait? I'm super laid back and ppl seem to open up to me. I'm really straight up, some men like that some don't.
8. What do you usually say when you approach a man at work? "Hey, how's your night going so far sweetie/hun/handsome/something corny?"
9. Are your lap dances sexy? What's your magic touch, move or words? Lots of eye contant and I put my face real close to thiers to were they're dying to kiss me and pull away a bit to tease them
10. Do you like stage or lap dances better? I have fun on stage but lap dances is where you make all your money
11. What's your best advice for a new dancer? Go to school and use the money your makin to help you plan a future. You can't dance forever.
12. Do you save your money or spend it shamelessly? A little of both
13. Do you drink at work? No
14. Do girls at your work do drugs out in the open? Not really
15. Would you want your daughter or sister to dance? I wouldn't want my daughter to do it but a sister is ok. As long as I can take her under my wing and show her the right way of going about things.
16. Do your parents/family know you dance? Yes
17. What would you like to get out of this community? Just to be able to link up with other dancers and share experiences and get a few tips here and there.
18. Do you do pole tricks? A few
19. What is the most annoying thing girls do at your club? Fight over music
20. If you could work anywhere in the country for a week where would you go? Alaska, I hear the money is great out there.
21. Are you bi-sexual, straight, gay or bi-curious? (you don't have to answer of course) straight