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You might be surprised how much of their ass prodommes and webmasters lay on the line to operate.

Currently, in Los Angeles county several Mistresses seem to be the target of a sweep done by police...a true sign of it being election time.

Do you wonder why now, more than ever, Mistresses don't care to go ito detail in emails, instant messages and on the phone. It isn't just that creep that has called ten times today just to beat his meat asking the same questions over and over.

Your simple innocent fetish could easily be used against us by the courts and police. Which has been the case for several practicing Mistresses in Los Angeles county over the last month.

Mistress Sabrina Belladonna was kind enough to go into detail on her post on the discussion board of and was kind enough to provide the link below from the bar-b-que fund raiser held by mistress Torturella this last Sunday evening in Los Angeles.

If you are interested in supporting the legal defense for prodommes
please visit

If you are interested in helping Mistress Torturella's efforts you
may contact her through her website at

And I encourage all to do their part to defend all sex acts between
consenting adults, whether vanilla or kink, by doating to the
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom at

The sexual lifestyle you save might be your own!

Mistress Genevieve Brown-Georgiev
1800-863-5478 extention 0376164
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Heyya everybody! I have a question I am hoping someone can help me with. I have a pair of patent shoes that I loaned to a friend for a special night with her fella. She has a size smaller of feet, but they are wide, and when I got them back they were stretched out around the ball of the foot, which makes them difficult to dance in (they slip around alot now). Does anyone have advice on how to get them to shrink down again?
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Hey everyone. I'm new in the community, and I'm sure this question has been asked before, but have any of you tried brazilian waxing?? Does it prevent the bumpy irritation? I don't really get it that badly when I shave with a nice razor and gel, but I'd like to eliminate it completely. I've heard of putting deodorant on after shaving, but that didn't really do much. Any suggestions will help. Thanks!
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any girls work in or near San Antonio TX? I would like to know what some of the clubs here are like.
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Hey ladies! I was about to apply to get my very first apartment on my own without a roommate. I have two jobs, I work in retail and I am a dancer. On the renters application it asks for my employment information and I don't know what to put. If I just put that I work in retail then they will find out I usually don't work very much and I make probably about 400 dollars a month from that job. I make the bulk of my money from dancing and that how I pay my bills. Do you think the apartment manager would be judgmental if I put my dancing job down as my primary employment? What did you all put down as your primary employment when ya'll were trying to get apartments in you name? Help!!!!

I am: in need of wisdom!

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I am: chipper chipper

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1. Do you shave? Trim? Full or natural? landing strip.

2. Do you consider yourself sexy? Most of the time

3. If you were to categorize yourself as a dancer what would you say you are? Example: Barbie, gothic princess, mature beauty, classy ass, beautiful, white trash sex queen, Latina sexy, exotic, erotic, dominitrix etc... Exotic Latina Sexy

4. What's your favorite costume? Black pin strip dress with pink ruffles that opens up in the back to expose my entire ass with a black thong

5. Favorite strip tease song? Changing Faces - Stroke you up, Marylin Manson - Touriquet, Deftones - My own summer, Duran Duran - Come undone, and Various Reaggeton...I can't pick just one ;x

6. Best feature? Ass and eyes

7. Best personality trait? I'm super laid back and ppl seem to open up to me. I'm really straight up, some men like that some don't.

8. What do you usually say when you approach a man at work? "Hey, how's your night going so far sweetie/hun/handsome/something corny?"

9. Are your lap dances sexy? What's your magic touch, move or words? Lots of eye contant and I put my face real close to thiers to were they're dying to kiss me and pull away a bit to tease them

10. Do you like stage or lap dances better? I have fun on stage but lap dances is where you make all your money

11. What's your best advice for a new dancer? Go to school and use the money your makin to help you plan a future. You can't dance forever.

12. Do you save your money or spend it shamelessly? A little of both

13. Do you drink at work? No

14. Do girls at your work do drugs out in the open? Not really

15. Would you want your daughter or sister to dance? I wouldn't want my daughter to do it but a sister is ok. As long as I can take her under my wing and show her the right way of going about things.

16. Do your parents/family know you dance? Yes

17. What would you like to get out of this community? Just to be able to link up with other dancers and share experiences and get a few tips here and there.

18. Do you do pole tricks? A few

19. What is the most annoying thing girls do at your club? Fight over music

20. If you could work anywhere in the country for a week where would you go? Alaska, I hear the money is great out there.

21. Are you bi-sexual, straight, gay or bi-curious? (you don't have to answer of course) straight
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hey guys, on saturday night i'm going for my first audition. i'm so nervous, but i think i'm pretty well-prepared. i've got shoes, outfit, make-up, etc... so i was just wondering...

what does a new exotic dancer actually wear for an interview?

preferably, i would like to come off as a classy lady, but i would also like to highlight my features. any suggestions? thanks.
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It seems that instead of waiting the preferred month or so to dance again I might have to do this a lot earlier than planned. Like in the next week or so. Needless to say I'm terrified. Mostly because I'm afraid of looking like I don't know what the heck I'm doing because I don't but equally as scared because I do not have the body type IMO to do this. What clothing is out there to wear on stage (more or less the undergarments...thongs) that can be somewhat flattering to a person with a somewhat thicker mid section? Basically I have baby belly. Not too bad but enough for me to want to cover it up.

Thanks a million.

By the way, I found the slingshot I was looking for!
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I started this link page a long long time ago when I first started this community..I don't run this community anymore but I thought some of you might dig this link list. The topics are:

Fun/ Crazy
Strip Clubs/Directories
4 Dancers
Adult Sites/free
Adult Sites/pay

Exotic Dancer Link List

So if you have a dancer themed website or your just looking for the best dancer links..check it out or add your own link to the list. No spam allowed only sites that dancers would enjoy! Please!
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I also figured I would ask here, because I've lost all my connections regarding costume ladies / house moms / dressmakers. And I need a good set of hotpants/boycut shorts.

Last night I was shopping at The Crypt (on Park) - and it sort of pissed me off. Don't get me wrong, I still like the atmosphere and such ...and I did get a very nice flogger & skirt out of it. However it's gone from a great all-purpose fetish store to an overpriced, mainly-centered-around-gay-male store. Their female clothing collection has gone down drastically, and unisex just isn't cutting it (I tried).

So - any good shopping ideas? My co-worker pointed me here, but I'd love to hear your favorite places. I need good shoes, and decent ...devious inventory.
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I had to pass this along and if it's already well known then just ignore me. I haven't danced in about 6 or more years.

I came across a dancer the other night at the new club I'm *trying* to waitress at.

She was talking about these new shoes she had bought. They were the platform close-to-9-inch heels open toed white shoes. Very nice. I asked her that since they were new, didn't her feet hurt?


Apparently where the shoe covered her feet she put duct tape around her foot extending maybe 1/8 of an inch past where the top of the shoe covered her foot (if that made any sense). She also taped her big toe with a small strip and then her last two toes. You could not see the tape at all even when standing there in front of her feet on stage. Apparently this keeps your shoes from rubbing against your feet and causing blisters.

I imagine if you have clear shoes you can't use the silver tape, buy packing clear tape...but anyways, it was a pretty nifty idea. She said she never gets blisters this way because the shoes never rub against her skin.

Just an idea to pass along.
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hey girls thanks for the advice on that ad, I got a hold of Craig from Craigslist and he is going to try to remove it. =) Craig is so great
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