Daniela Nunes Pereira
University of Exeter, Department of Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships
Daniela Sofia Nunes Pereira has recently been awarded the prestigious individual Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship under the HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01 programme of the European Union. This fellowship will fund the FORUM project, which will be developed under the supervision of Professor Fabrizio Nevola at the University of Exeter, in the United Kingdom.
Between 2023 and 2024 (24 months), Daniela was also awarded the prestigious Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship at the Complutense University of Madrid, in the Faculty of Geography and History. During this period, she was part of the Department of Medieval and American History, where she taught European Medieval History. She worked directly with Professor María Asenjo González, and her research was linked to the HISEURAM Group – History of Hispanic and European Cities and their Projection to America (1250-1600), with the project "Preparar la ciudad para los novos intercâmbios comerciales e a projeção dos modelos urbanos ibéricos na América Latina (ss. XV-XVII)", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. FJC2021-046573-I; MCIN; AEI; 10.13039/5011000110).
In 2022, Daniela was awarded a 12-month postdoctoral fellowship at the Nova University of Lisbon, in the Institute of Art History, to develop the project "Estaus, Alpendres, Arcadas e Açougues. (Re)pensar os edifícios comerciais portugueses (séculos XV e XVI): herança, inovação e teoria" , under the supervision of Nuno Senos, within the scope of Ref. IHA UIDB/00417/2020 (Refereed Postdoctoral Fellowship FCT).
Daniela obtained her PhD in History in 2021 from the University of Évora, with the support of a four-year doctoral fellowship, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-how: Linking Heritage. Her dissertation, titled "Os espaços de mercado nas cidades portuguesas (séculos XVI-XVIII)" (Ref. ue_unesco_cidehus), culminated in the publication of the book "The Market Space of Portuguese Cities: Urbanism and Commercial Architecture, 15th - 17th Centuries", which will be published by the renowned Routledge in May 2025.
Supervisors: José Eduardo Horta Correia; Renata Malcher de Araujo; João Brigola; Eduardo Duarte; Nuno Senos; María Asenjo González; Fabrizio Nevola.
Between 2023 and 2024 (24 months), Daniela was also awarded the prestigious Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship at the Complutense University of Madrid, in the Faculty of Geography and History. During this period, she was part of the Department of Medieval and American History, where she taught European Medieval History. She worked directly with Professor María Asenjo González, and her research was linked to the HISEURAM Group – History of Hispanic and European Cities and their Projection to America (1250-1600), with the project "Preparar la ciudad para los novos intercâmbios comerciales e a projeção dos modelos urbanos ibéricos na América Latina (ss. XV-XVII)", funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. FJC2021-046573-I; MCIN; AEI; 10.13039/5011000110).
In 2022, Daniela was awarded a 12-month postdoctoral fellowship at the Nova University of Lisbon, in the Institute of Art History, to develop the project "Estaus, Alpendres, Arcadas e Açougues. (Re)pensar os edifícios comerciais portugueses (séculos XV e XVI): herança, inovação e teoria" , under the supervision of Nuno Senos, within the scope of Ref. IHA UIDB/00417/2020 (Refereed Postdoctoral Fellowship FCT).
Daniela obtained her PhD in History in 2021 from the University of Évora, with the support of a four-year doctoral fellowship, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-how: Linking Heritage. Her dissertation, titled "Os espaços de mercado nas cidades portuguesas (séculos XVI-XVIII)" (Ref. ue_unesco_cidehus), culminated in the publication of the book "The Market Space of Portuguese Cities: Urbanism and Commercial Architecture, 15th - 17th Centuries", which will be published by the renowned Routledge in May 2025.
Supervisors: José Eduardo Horta Correia; Renata Malcher de Araujo; João Brigola; Eduardo Duarte; Nuno Senos; María Asenjo González; Fabrizio Nevola.
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Videos by Daniela Nunes Pereira
Book by Daniela Nunes Pereira
Chapter book by Daniela Nunes Pereira
The purpose of this study is to analyze streets not only as passages and connections in the city but as vital hubs for commercial transactions. The analysis focuses on three examples of Portuguese commercial streets, organized chronologically: Rua Nova dos Mercadores in Lisbon, Rua Nova or do Souto in Braga, and Rua Ancha in Évora. The primary intention is to investigate the role of architecture in delineating and controlling urban commercial spaces. At the same time, we will discuss and compare the formal and functional configurations of these streets, providing an understanding of how architecture and the economy intertwined to shape the unique characteristics of each street.
Keywords: Street; Commercial Architecture; Economic History; Early Modern Age.
Papers by Daniela Nunes Pereira
The purpose of this study is to analyze streets not only as passages and connections in the city but as vital hubs for commercial transactions. The analysis focuses on three examples of Portuguese commercial streets, organized chronologically: Rua Nova dos Mercadores in Lisbon, Rua Nova or do Souto in Braga, and Rua Ancha in Évora. The primary intention is to investigate the role of architecture in delineating and controlling urban commercial spaces. At the same time, we will discuss and compare the formal and functional configurations of these streets, providing an understanding of how architecture and the economy intertwined to shape the unique characteristics of each street.
Keywords: Street; Commercial Architecture; Economic History; Early Modern Age.
Silvia-María Pérez-González: The exportation of wine and raisins from Jerez de la Frontera at the end of the Middle Ages
Ángel Rozas Espanol: Portuguese merchants in Castile at the beginning of the 16th century: a perspective from Medina del Campo, Toledo and Seville
David Igual-Luis: Across Borders: Castilians and Portuguese in 15th and 16th Century Trade Networks
Maria Asenjo González: Business Opportunity and Urban Supply Forecasting: Andalusian Cities and the American trade in the early 16th century
Joao Nunes: Cross-border trade between Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) and Portugal in the Modern Period (1500-1640)
Raúl Romero Medina: Toledo and Granada as Paradigm: Artists and Craftsmen in the Iberian Peninsula at the End of the Middle Ages
Pablo Sánchez Pascual: International commerce in the coastal towns of the Principality of Asturias during the Spanish Habsburgs period (1517-1700).
Historia de las ciudades hispanas y europeas, y su proyección a América (1250-1600)
Pádua, 4 de Setembro, 2015.
Daniela Nunes Pereira
University of Évora (CIDEHUS)
In the 16th century new market spaces appear in the urban structure of Lisbon, where the focus functions are concentrated (administrative, religious and economic). In the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century these urban areas are already consolidated, enabling the necessary understanding of the rhythm of the economic activities that engage and differ from market to market, depending on the characteristics of the space. In the second half of the 18th century there is a renewal of the former trading spaces. The reasons that led to the demise of the previous points of sale — many of them destroyed by the earthquake of November 1st 1755 — relate to the need to regulate the market, end the dirty spaces, the clandestine street sales and prevent the opening of unauthorized shops.
How did the different market areas work? Who sponsored and controlled those areas? How were the relations between traders and dealers? How did dealers and customers relate? These and other questions will be answered in the following text.
Keywords: Lisbon; urban design; market; power supply; 16TH-18th centuries.
Bien se trate de reafirmar, construir o borrar identidades, justificar prácticas culturales y religiosas, reivindicar derechos de todo tipo, desde aspectos económicos, dinásticos, patrimoniales, culturales, etc., la memoria es un elemento justificativo presente en documentación de naturaleza muy diversa, emitida en la Edad Media.
La memoria es, entre otros aspectos, sinónimo de poder, y de manera sobresaliente, un mecanismo utilizado en el medievo con objetivos diversos, y la vemos presentes en cuestiones de naturalezas temáticas variadas, que en no pocas ocasiones se hallan interrelacionadas.
A nuestro entender, esta propuesta relativa al “poder de la memoria”, que presentamos como posible temática central del próximo seminario, se caracteriza por tener un carácter abierto y poliédrico, que puede permitir la presencia de ponentes que presenten ponencias de temáticas diversas, enfocadas desde la historia del pensamiento, historia política, historia cultural, historia del arte, historia social, historia económica.
En la historiografía, se han priorizado dos líneas principales en el análisis del privilegio urbano, la jurídico-institucional y el estudio de la política regia en relación con su concesión. En ambos casos, predominan perspectivas en las que ciudades o villas son consideradas principalmente como receptoras y beneficiarias, sin reconocer el papel fundamental desempeñado por los actores urbanos. Estos fueron quienes buscaron la ratificación o la ampliación de los privilegios o bien vieron limitados sus oportunidades de ventaja y recursos de exención. Por lo tanto, la acción de estos agentes resulta determinante en el estudio del privilegio en la construcción del señorío colectivo urbano y sus derivaciones socioeconómicas, que no dejan de ser resultado de sus solicitudes, pactos y disputas.
En este seminario, nos proponemos explorar desde un enfoque novedoso los privilegios, analizando el papel de los agentes urbanos en demandar determinados privilegios, negociarlos con otros agentes o concederlos. Más allá de los aspectos institucionales, queremos acercarnos a los actores sociales y políticos que, a través de los privilegios construyeron jerarquías y distinciones entre personas y/o colectivos privilegiados y no privilegiados, contribuyendo así a dar forma a las sociedades urbanas.
Programa del primer día: El lunes 18 de noviembre, el congreso se abrirá con una presentación a cargo de varios académicos, seguida de sesiones sobre las ciudades europeas y la península ibérica, con ponencias de investigadores de distintas universidades.
Programa del segundo día: El martes 19 de noviembre, las sesiones se centrarán en los reinos hispánicos, abordando temas como la historia urbana medieval portuguesa y la Corona de Aragón, con debates y descansos intercalados.
Programa del tercer día: El miércoles 20 de noviembre se discutirán las élites y jerarquías urbanas, culminando con una conferencia de clausura a cargo de María Asenjo González.
Participación y organización: La participación es libre y gratuita, tanto presencial como virtual, con la posibilidad de obtener un certificado de asistencia. El evento es organizado por varios proyectos de investigación y grupos de estudio.
The International Congress "AN URBAN WORLD: CITIES IN HISTORY FROM 1200 TO 1600" will be held from November 18 to 20, 2024 at the Complutense University of Madrid, in honor of María Asenjo González.
Program for the first day: On Monday, November 18, the congress will open with a presentation by several scholars, followed by sessions on European cities and the Iberian Peninsula, with presentations by researchers from different universities.
Second day program: On Tuesday, November 19, the sessions will focus on the Hispanic kingdoms, addressing topics such as medieval Portuguese urban history and the Crown of Aragon, with debates and breaks in between. Third day program: On Wednesday, November 20, urban elites and hierarchies will be discussed, culminating with a closing conference by María Asenjo González.
Participation and organization: Participation is free and open, both face-to-face and virtual, with the possibility of obtaining a certificate of attendance. The event is organized by several research projects and study groups.