Papers by Annette Herkenrath

University of Bamberg Press eBooks, 2019
This is a synchronic investigation of the transitional area between clausal and NP-level patterns... more This is a synchronic investigation of the transitional area between clausal and NP-level patterns of junction, based on a corpus of academic writings published in Kurmanji Kurdish. By 'junction' is meant the linking of distinct syntactic units, ranging from NP-internal to clausal (i.e. by subordinators). A number of junctors in Kurmanji are multi-word units that combine a noun with adpositions, case, ezafe, deixis, indefinite determiners, phoric expressions, quantifiers, wh, plural, as well as the semantically neutral complementizer ku, enabling junction at a variety of syntactic levels. Academic writing in general can be assumed to purposefully shift between nominal and clausal patterns: achieving impersonal concision vs. providing slots for verb arguments. The study focuses on lexical nouns with a temporal meaning: dem 'time, period', gav 'moment, time, step', wext 'time, period, season' and çax 'time, age, period, era', which can flexibly change roles between lexical noun and subordinating junctor.
Studies in language companion series, Mar 15, 2023

ürkoloji ve Genel Dilbilim alanlarının önemli isimlerinden Eva Â. Csatö Johanson, 11 Haziran 1948... more ürkoloji ve Genel Dilbilim alanlarının önemli isimlerinden Eva Â. Csatö Johanson, 11 Haziran 1948'de Macaristan'ın Szombathely şehrinde doğmuştur. Bizler, Türkoloji ve Dilbilim alanlarından meslektaşlarının kalemlerinden çıkmış otuz beş makaleyi içine alan bu kitabı, Eva'ya 65. doğum günü armağanı olarak sunmaktan büyük bir mutluluk duyuyoruz. Eva, Budapeşte'de, Eötvös Lorând Üniversitesinde, Tarih ve İngiliz Dili bölümlerini bitirdikten sonra, 1976'da Norveç/Oslo'ya yerleşmiştir. Öğrenimine Oslo Üniversitesinde Genel Dilbilim ve Türkoloji, Uppsala Üniversitesinde ise Macar Dili Araştırmaları okuyarak devam etmiştir. Some aspects ofthe syntax ofHungarian and Turkish. A study in syntactic typology adlı doktora tezini 1985 yılında Oslo Üniversitesinde tamamlamıştır. Bizlerin Eva ile tanışıklığı ve dostluğu, onun 1986'da Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi (Mainz/Almanya), Doğu Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Türkoloji Bölümüne araştırmacı olarak gelmesini takip eden yılla...
Subcorpus of the ENDFAS/SKOBI Korpus.

Türkiyat Mecmuası / Journal of Turkology, 2021
Based on a parallel corpus of contemporary novel beginnings, this study looks at two illocutionar... more Based on a parallel corpus of contemporary novel beginnings, this study looks at two illocutionarily intensified wh-expressions, of syntactic interest in Turkish while morphological in Polish-discourse-pragmatic in both: wh… ki and wh-ż. With an eye on morpho-pragmatic interface discussions, the study explores how morphological marking in Polish helps to identify contexts in the Turkish original that a translator-as-reader interprets as illocutionarily intensified. In a first take, it is quantitatively established that the overlap between the two markers is smaller than expected: most wh-ż-constructions are translations of bare wh in Turkish and at the same time, most wh… ki-constructions in the Turkish originals are translated into Polish as bare wh. Still, a closer look at context reveals that a certain quality of illocutionary intensification is given to all the findings; in many cases, intensification also brings about a dismissal of the question. Structurally, the approach has helped with a closer look at alternative strategies of wh-intensification in both languages, including whfronting and modifiers as well as lexical means and contextual cues. Since the alternative strategies, in particular wh-movement in Turkish, have often been a topic of complex discussions, the parallel-corpus method proves helpful in identifying constructions deserving of a closer look. .
The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Language Education, 2017

Zea mays L. 'Jubilee' E. C. Burkness, P. K. O'Rourke, & W. D. Hutchison, (28E) European corn bore... more Zea mays L. 'Jubilee' E. C. Burkness, P. K. O'Rourke, & W. D. Hutchison, (28E) European corn borer (ECB); Ostrinia nubilalis (Hiibner) Department of Entomology Corn earworm (CEW); Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) University of Minnesota 219 Hodson Hall St. Paul, MN 55108 (612) 624-3670 CONTROL OF EUROPEAN CORN BORER AND CORN EARWORM ON SWEET CORN, 1997: Jubilee' was planted 25 Jun at the University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station at Rosemount, MN. Treatments were arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. Plots consisted of 2 rows, 25 ft long with 30-inch row spacing. A single skip row separated each plot and 10-ft alleys separated the replications. Treatments were applied with a C0 2 -pressurized backpack sprayer using a single nozzle fitted with an XR-Teejet 8002 flat fan nozzle with no screen. The sprayer was calibrated to deliver 20 gpa at 34 psi, both rows of each 2-row plot were treated. Treatments were applied to the ear zone and began at 50% silk. Three applications were made 31 Aug, 5 and 11 Sep. Treatments were evaluated on 23 Sep by selecting 25 ears at random from each plot (100 per treatment) and recording the total number of larvae, larval size and location, and feeding damage (cm 2 ). Total ECB and CEW larval density averaged 30.6 and 19.6/25 ears, respectively, in the untreated check. All treatments provided significant control of both ECB and CEW compared with the untreated check. Kernel feeding damage was significantly lower in treated plots compared with the untreated check. All insecticides also provided significantly higher numbers of marketable ears compared with the untreated check for both fresh market and processing. No phytotoxicity was observed among treatments. CORN (SWEET): Zea mays L. 'Butter & Sugar' Seedcorn maggot (SM); Delia platura (Meigen) Bean seed maggot (SM); Delia florilega (Zetterstedt)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, 2021
This paper investigates phenomena of postpredicativity in a Turkish- Kurmanji Kurdish-German tril... more This paper investigates phenomena of postpredicativity in a Turkish- Kurmanji Kurdish-German trilingual corpus of spoken language. Starting from the assumption that postpredicativity when viewed in this trilingual perspective is an epiphenomenal effect of argument type in Kurmanji, finite verb movement in German and discourse activation status (next to illocutionarily motivated verb fronting) in Turkish, it sets out to explore overlaps and double motivations. Based on a collection of 1,211 findings, differentiations within the categories as well as overlaps at several levels are identified. Central results are discourse-level motivations in Kurmanji, their dependence on syntactic size, and overlaps between illocutional verb fronting and discourse activation status in Turkish.

In: Gündoğdu, Songül & Öpengin, Ergin & Haig, Geoffrey & Anonby, Erik & (eds.) Current issues in Kurdish linguistics. Bamberg: Bamberg University Press (Bamberg Studies in Kurdish Linguistics 1), 169–204., 2019
This is a synchronic investigation of the transitional area between
clausal and NP-level patterns... more This is a synchronic investigation of the transitional area between
clausal and NP-level patterns of junction, based on a corpus of academic
writings published in Kurmanji Kurdish. By ‘junction’ is meant
the linking of distinct syntactic units, ranging from NP-internal to clausal
(i.e. by subordinators). A number of junctors in Kurmanji are multi-word
units that combine a noun with adpositions, case, ezafe, deixis, indefinite
determiners, phoric expressions, quantifiers, wh, plural, as well as
the semantically neutral complementizer ku, enabling junction at a variety
of syntactic levels. Academic writing in general can be assumed to
purposefully shift between nominal and clausal patterns: achieving impersonal
concision vs. providing slots for verb arguments. The study focuses
on lexical nouns with a temporal meaning: dem ‘time, period’, gav
‘moment, time, step’, wext ‘time, period, season’ and ax ‘time, age, period,
era’, which can flexibly change roles between lexical noun and subordinating
Interrogative elements as subordinators in Turkish : Aspects of Turkish-German bilingual children... more Interrogative elements as subordinators in Turkish : Aspects of Turkish-German bilingual children’s language use
Turkic Languages, 2017
This paper investigates morphosyntactic, semantic and functional qualities of the complex verbal ... more This paper investigates morphosyntactic, semantic and functional qualities of the complex verbal forms -mIslIK and -mAzlIK in modern literary Turkish. It discusses their potential to serve as subor ...
This paper documents the empirical use of the Turkish temporal-deictic expression o zaman ‘then, ... more This paper documents the empirical use of the Turkish temporal-deictic expression o zaman ‘then, in that case, at that time’ in narrative discourses by Turkish-German bilingual children, contrasting it against monolingual usages. The main hypothesis is that the procedural micro-structure of functional elements changes under the influence of language contact and that such changes can be observed in discourse varieties of Turkish spoken in Germany. The study conducts a functional-pragmatic comparison of some exemplary uses of o zaman by analysing its communicative potential in the constellations in which it occurs.
Zur Morphosyntax auserungsinterner Konnektivitat bei mono- und bilingualen turkischen Kindern
Corpus Rehbein-SKOBI (Sprachliche Konnektivitat bei bilingual turkisch-deutsch aufwachsenden Kind... more Corpus Rehbein-SKOBI (Sprachliche Konnektivitat bei bilingual turkisch-deutsch aufwachsenden Kindern und Jugendlichen).
This paper investigates the marking of indirect experience in a corpus of conversations recorded ... more This paper investigates the marking of indirect experience in a corpus of conversations recorded in Turkish-German bilingual families. Based on children's retellings of family stories, which necess ...
... 56 Jochen Rehbein, Thomas Schmidt, Bernd Meyer, Franziska Watzke, Annette Herkenrath ... 56 J... more ... 56 Jochen Rehbein, Thomas Schmidt, Bernd Meyer, Franziska Watzke, Annette Herkenrath ... 56 Jochen Rehbein, Thomas Schmidt, Bernd Meyer, Franziska Watzke, Annette Herkenrath Handbuch für das computergestützte Transkribieren nach HIAT ...
Building Bridges to Turkish
Papers by Annette Herkenrath
clausal and NP-level patterns of junction, based on a corpus of academic
writings published in Kurmanji Kurdish. By ‘junction’ is meant
the linking of distinct syntactic units, ranging from NP-internal to clausal
(i.e. by subordinators). A number of junctors in Kurmanji are multi-word
units that combine a noun with adpositions, case, ezafe, deixis, indefinite
determiners, phoric expressions, quantifiers, wh, plural, as well as
the semantically neutral complementizer ku, enabling junction at a variety
of syntactic levels. Academic writing in general can be assumed to
purposefully shift between nominal and clausal patterns: achieving impersonal
concision vs. providing slots for verb arguments. The study focuses
on lexical nouns with a temporal meaning: dem ‘time, period’, gav
‘moment, time, step’, wext ‘time, period, season’ and ax ‘time, age, period,
era’, which can flexibly change roles between lexical noun and subordinating
clausal and NP-level patterns of junction, based on a corpus of academic
writings published in Kurmanji Kurdish. By ‘junction’ is meant
the linking of distinct syntactic units, ranging from NP-internal to clausal
(i.e. by subordinators). A number of junctors in Kurmanji are multi-word
units that combine a noun with adpositions, case, ezafe, deixis, indefinite
determiners, phoric expressions, quantifiers, wh, plural, as well as
the semantically neutral complementizer ku, enabling junction at a variety
of syntactic levels. Academic writing in general can be assumed to
purposefully shift between nominal and clausal patterns: achieving impersonal
concision vs. providing slots for verb arguments. The study focuses
on lexical nouns with a temporal meaning: dem ‘time, period’, gav
‘moment, time, step’, wext ‘time, period, season’ and ax ‘time, age, period,
era’, which can flexibly change roles between lexical noun and subordinating