title: and we have just one world; but we live in different ones. author: leriacossato @ ultio_ultionis character(s): France ; Spain ; France/Spain ; mentions and cameos of Rome, Portugal, England, Armenia, HRE, Austria, Holland, N. Italy, S. Italy and Germany rating: PG-13, one scene slightly NC-17 warning(s): Angst and sex summary: Antonio and Francis and the history of Franco-Spanish relations. notes: Based on the song Living in the Sky with Diamonds by Cobra Starship. Title comes from the song Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits. ( ❝ We have fought in the past and we have done terrible things to one another, but I have, and always will consider you my brother. ❞ )
- Tags:ancient rome, austria, england, fanfiction, france, germany, holy roman empire, italy, netherlands, portugal, romano, spain
- Ode to the joy: :The Bureau [Assassin's Creed] - Jesper Kyd
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title: Mare Nostrum author: leriacossato @ ultio_ultionis character(s): France ; Spain ; Greece ; South Italy ; Turkey ; Egypt rating: PG-13 warning(s): none summary: The Mediterranean holds a special place in the hearts of the countries that surround it. notes: a de-anon from the kink meme. original prompt was: "I want to see author anons explore any of the Mediterranean nations's (Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Spain, the Italies, Monaco and possibly France) feelings for the Mediterranean sea. What happened there, what they feel for it, what it means, history, the civilizations that inhabited there, etc. Pairings are not required, but anon is fine with everything involving those characters." original fill here( ❝ Mare Nostrum, Rome had called it. Our Sea. ❞ ) | |
a/n: Made for razzlie as a Christmas gift. title: Without Question [A France/Spain FST] creator/artist: Put together by leriacossato @ ultio_ultionis. Art and Songs belong to their owners. characters/pairings: Spain & France ; Spain/France rating: PG-13 warnings: Suggestive lyrics  ( without question; i love you. ) | |
Title: "Eeeep miii"Author: J.J.Warning: Unbetaed. Notes: Inspired mostly by the movie ‘El Alamein – La linea del fuoco’. And yes, by other assorted books but the movie mostly is what influenced me. You HAVE to see it. Characters: North Italy Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas), mentions of South Italy Romano (Lovino Vargas), Germany (Ludwig), England (Arthur Kirkland) and Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo). Rating: R Time: Autumn 1942. Disclaimer: "Axis Powers Hetalia" belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz. Hey, do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok? Summary: El Alamein. The quiet in between the storms.( Eeeep miii ) | |
Title: "Barbarossa e la Lega Lombarda - Extra: Il Vespro Siciliano (Short version)"Author: J.J.Characters on the whole: Chibi North Italy Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas), Holy Roman Empire (Ludwig?), Chibi South Italy Romano (Lovino Vargas), Roman Empire, Germania, France (Francis Bonnefoy), England (Arthur Kirkland), Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) and an OC, Mafia (Salvatore Martura). Characters in this part: Chibi South Italy Romano (Lovino Vargas), Holy Roman Empire (Ludwig?), France (Francis Bonnefoy), Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) and an OC, Mafia (Salvatore Martura). Warning: There’s lot of history and still this is a very summarized version of the events of that time (things were much more complex and, if you’re interested in knowing more, please read a book). It’s unbetaed and includes cussing in assorted Italian regional languages. Summary: A quick look into how Holy Roman Empire and Italy married and how things went between the two of them during medieval time. Yes, really.Part 1: How Holy Roman Empire and Italy ended up as a married couplePart 2: How Holy Roman Empire and Italy ended up as having a big argumentPart 3: Holy Roman Empire vs. Italy 1-1Part 4: The arguing continuesPart 5: Peace again?Extra: Is Italy suffering of split personality?Preview:  Crossposted | |
Title: [APH] France Creator: Me, leriacossatoCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): France, England, Seychelles, Canada, America, Germany, Spain, Prussia, China, Russia, FrancexEngland, FrancexCanada, FrancexAmerica, FrancexSpain, FrancexPrussia, FrancexGermany, FrancexSeychelles Song: 'Allez, Ola, Olé' by Jessy Matador Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): Tons of pairings, pervy France, France in a dress... Summary: Video made for Bastille Day, commonly referred to as Francis' birthday. Bonne anniversaire~! NEXT UP: Poland~ ( Allez allez allez, allez ola olé! Allez allez allez, ola, olé~Collapse ) If it doesn`t work for you, you can check it out here. x-posted to what_the_fruk , francexspain , veilleamour , thatwinebastard , maplesandroses , a_moveablefeast , hetalia , and about everywhere else in the universe that accepts France. Sorry for this massive spam :X | |