Good evening,
eurotalia I was thinking just about OC nations in Hetalia.
Naturally, with the concept being what it is, Hetalia provides seemingly limitless opportunities for character creation. There are so many nations, and regions, and micronations to choose from that Himaruya simply doesn't have time to create.
The nice thing is that, given the purposefully stereotyped characterisations, it's actually quite easy to create an OC without making them a "Mary/ Gary- Stu". To further add to the fun, it's a rare fandom where the same OCs tend to be very similar to one another, regardless of who decided to create them.
Now for me, as an Anglo, my focus with OCs tends to come in the form of Portugal. Regardless of the fact that he, or she, does not appear in the canon, I have a great deal of interest in a character for Portugal because of my own ethnocentric view on history. To my surprise though, I've found that many people have come up with a similar character to my own interpretation of him. This could only happen in the Hetalia fandom, I think. =)
eurotalia , I propose a question:
Do you have any as- of- yet- non- canon European nations as an OC?2)
Would you be happy to show us, or talk to us about your European OC? Or your thoughts on creating an OC? (If so, please do so! I encourage it <3 <3!)3)
Did you have an OC for a European nation that has now appeared?4)
If you could talk to Himaruya, right at this moment, which European nation would you ask for him to design?And just so I'm not leaving everyone in the lurch here, this is my own Hetalia OC~
( Portu portuCollapse )