Here's the best before this one before the big event: Earlier on before the Grand Final, Iceland and Mr. Puffin awards the first-ever awardee of the Honorary Mallet to Australia for his efforts and to use it to crush his enemies in a non-violent manner.
And now today, this is it. Our favorite annual tradition ends here in this Grand Final in Tel Aviv!
The Endgame Participants: Malta, Albania, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Denmark, San Marino, North Macedonia, Sweden, Slovenia, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Greece, Israel, Norway, United Kingdom, Iceland, Estonia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, France, Italy, Serbia, Switzerland, Australia and Spain
Make sure to prep some tissues, Graham Norton jokes, shipping fangasms and the drama during the jury votes, snacks and drinks and let's have a Tel Aviv Endgame party tonight on your timeline!
EPILEPSY WARNING: In order to ensure your safety and of your health, some of the performances will contain strobe effects and flashing images. | |
Armenia, Ireland, Moldova, Switzerland, Latvia, Romania, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Croatia, Malta, Lithuania, Russia, Albania, Norway, The Netherlands, North Macedonia (formerly the F.Y.R. of Macedonia) and Azerbaijan are battling for the final ten slots in the second semi-final! | |
Cyprus, Montenegro, Finland, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belarus, Serbia, Belgium, Georgia, Australia, Iceland, Estonia, Portugal, Greece and San Marino are battling out for the ticket to the grand final in the first semi-final! | |
Prepare your port and starboard! Arrange the bows! Fix up your crow's nest and your cockpits! Hands on deck! Move on the rudders and sternposts! Raise up your anchors! Wear your clean sails and arrange your poop deck! IT IS NOW TIME FOR THE GRAND FINAL SHIPPING WARS! Eurotalia's favorite annual tradition will be ended tonight here in the seas of Lisbon, and the winner of this Shipping Wars will received a 1-year repair maintenance from Port himself!
Can Iggy's performance will storm through the battlefield? Can Big Bro France escapes the dreaded Nul points? Will the Italy Bros have the chance to win? Can Doitsu (and Prussia) will stay on the top of his game? Will Boss Spain's romantic entry will win Romano's heart? And can Portugal will have a back-to-back win this year?
Make sure to put your BBC Eurovision tab on your Chrome for some Graham Norton jokes (SBS Eurovision works too!), prepare your snack and drinks armada, and you can fangirled and fanboyed all you like! Some will win, some ships will be destroyed...
The Grand Final Shipping Wars entrants (in running order):
Ukraine, Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania, Austria, Estonia, Norway, Portugal (this year's hosts) United Kingdom, Serbia, Germany, Albania, France, Czech Republic, Denmark, Australia, Finland, Bulgaria, Moldova, Sweden, Hungary, Israel, The Netherlands, Ireland, Cyprus and Italy Starting Time:
Saturday, May 12th at 21:00 CEST (click here for your timezone in your country) Where:
On the official Eurovision YT channel to enjoy some songs in the past (as well as dress rehearsals, post-contest interviews and songs from the past) and you can watch the contest via livestream. Watch it live on your channel if your country is part of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). Note:
Please post some livestream links in the comments section if yours is not available through the US and Canada, as well as South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil. Tip:
Type '?style=mine' at the end of the html to see the party even better with past comments! [ADVISORY] Epilepsy Warning:
In order to ensure safety of your own health, some of the countries' entries (or performances) contains flashing images and strobe effects. | |
Okay, Hetalians! The shipping wars continues in Lisbon, with the second semis! And yet, we can't some some gagging moments as well as some sickening performances from these semifinalists tonight. Ten will punch the ticket to the Grand Final Shipping Wars, while the others will destroy the ships... So, what's gonna happen for tonight's semifinal? Can Norge's 2009 trump card advanced through and break the scoring record again? Is Romania's entry gonna make us cry again? Is Denmark's viking entry be sailing forth? Can Russia's unbreakable entry give redemption and headed toward the Grand Final? Will Moldova be his lucky night with his bag of Doritos? Will Neddy be avenge his sister's non-qualification with his cowboy-themed entry? Can Aussie got the love? Will Polski light up the stage? Is Hungary's rocking entry screamed enough to advance? Is Latvia gonna make it? Will Su-san dancing his ass off to advance? And will Big Sis Ukraine go up into the ladder and burn it down?
Big Bro France, The Italy Bros. and Germany will vote for this one! Let's find out tonight on Hetavision '18!
The roster (in draw number order):
Norway, Romania, Serbia, San Marino, Denmark, Russia, Moldova, The Netherlands, Australia, Georgia, Poland, Malta, Hungary, Latvia, Sweden, Montenegro, Slovenia and Ukraine Where:
On the official Eurovision YT channel to enjoy some songs in the past (as well as dress rehearsals, post-contest interviews and songs from the past) and you can watch the contest via livestream. Watch it live on your channel if your country is part of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). For those who lived in England, go to the BBC livestream! Note:
Please post some livestream links in the comments section if yours is not available through the US and Canada, as well as South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil. Tip:
Type '?style=mine' at the end of the html to see the party even better with past comments! Starting Time:
Thursday, May 10th at 21:00 CEST (click here for your timezone in your country) [ADVISORY] Epilepsy Warning:
In order to ensure your safety of your own health, some of the countries' entries (or performances) contains flashing images and strobe effects. | |
" We make music, friends with every nation and bankrupt the hosting TV station! That's #Eurovision!" "Well, we can promise you a cracking Eurovision tonight." -Graham Norton Are you all ready for this to go all aboard?
It is now time once again to resurrect your LJ accounts and get ready for some shipping wars in this year's Hetavision! Last year, Portugal captured the Eurovision title in the biggest upset ever last year in Big Sis Ukraine's house, and now this year in Lisbon, we have ourselves a party in Port’s shipyard house for a musical party, and the battlefield will be in the sea, only here on Livejournal!
What is Hetavision?
Hetavision is the annual greatest crossover event between Axis Powers Hetalia and the Eurovision Song Contest. This is a annual gathering of APH fans from across the globe to watch Europe's favorite and the longest-running annual international TV song competition since it started in 1956. There are two Semifinals and the Grand Final. In order to make it into the Grand Final, some of Europe's best must place within the top 10 in each Semifinal according to votes with the exemption of the Big Five, which consisting of Big Bro France, Germany, the Italy Bros, England, and Boss Spain, as well as the host country. The best country in Europe who had a combined score based on the national jury and the televotes will win the contest and the right to host next year's Hetavision. I got some shocking news that one of Spain's commentators, Jose Maria Inigo, is passed away on Cinco de Mayo. May his soul be rested in peace. And, for the first time since 2011, no country will be withdraw from the competition!
So, what is gonna happen in the first semifinal?
Can Iceland be the choice to qualify? Can Sis Belgium have a matter of time to advance? Can Czechia intimidate the Backpack Kid? Will Liet's emotional performance can make us cry? Will Belarus have her forever on her big brother? Will Epicstonia have the force to qualify? Can Bulgaria pick up the bones? Is Roddy performed enough to qualify? Can Greece and his cats be qualify? Will Tino and his monsters conquered the stage? And will Vash throws the stones at us? So buy your snacks and drinks early, put the BBC Eurovision Twitter tab into your Chrome, and fangirled and fanboyed all you like!
Portugal (the host), Boss Spain, and Iggy will vote in this semifinal.
The roster (in draw number order):
Azerbaijan, Iceland, Albania, Belgium, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Israel, Belarus, Estonia, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Croatia, Austria, Greece, Finland, Armenia, Switzerland, Ireland and Cyprus Where:
On the official Eurovision YT channel to enjoy some songs in the past (as well as dress rehearsals, post-contest interviews and songs from the past) and you can watch the contest via livestream. Watch it live on your channel if your country is part of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). For those who lived in England, go to the BBC livestream! Note: Please post some livestream links in the comments section if yours is not available through the US and Canada, as well as South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil. Tip:
Type '?style=mine' at the end of the html to see the party even better with past comments! Starting Time:
Thursday, May 8th at 21:00 CEST (click here for your timezone in your country) Hey, if you want to see the number for the past comments, click here to view it better.
[ADVISORY] Epilepsy Warning:
In order to ensure your safety of your own health, some of the countries' entries (or performances) contains flashing images and strobe effects. | |
It's midnight here in my home country, and have a Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms!
And... YES. Because I can. And that post title is paying homage to the first episode title of Yuri!!! on Ice. So, Big Sis Ukraine will turn the stage into an ice rink, and the green room will be the Kiss and Cry, as this theme for the Hetavision Grand Final will be figure skating! So, it is sad for me to end my favorite annual grand tradition (Fear not, I will see you all next year!), but I manage to pull it off for my Tumblr friend, kitty144, because due to the conflicting scheds in her to-do list, I cover both the semis for her. You're gonna be okay, dear! So Big Sis Ukraine's backyard will have a big party with the finalists, and the winner will have dance lessons from Big Sis herself! So...
- Make sure to put BBC Eurovision Twitter page on your browser to copy and paste it on the comments section (Chrome works too!)
- Put Graham Norton jokes on the comments section - Make sure to buy your snacks (or make some for yourself) and drinks at your nearest mini mart - FANGIRLED and FANBOYED all you like! Can the Venezianos pull out the gorilla dance (and Grandpa Rome) to win the title that they desperately deserved for? Will France has the hots for his audience? Will Germany (and Prussia) overcome their performance? Can Iggy have to escape the dreaded Nul Points? Did Antonio's 'Stoned Francis Bonnefoy' plan worked to win the title? And... will Big Sis have to win back-to-back if she's have time? And also... which of the grand finalists will have the eros or some with have the agape?
The Grand Prix Final Participants (in running order):
Israel, Poland, Belarus, Austria, Armenia, The Netherlands, Moldova, Hungary, Italy, Denmark, Portugal (WELCOME BACK!!), Azerbaijan, Croatia, Australia, Greece, Spain, Norway, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Romania, Germany, Ukraine (host country), Belgium, Sweden, Bulgaria and France Starting Time:
Thursday, May 13th at 21:00 CEST (click here for your timezone in your country) Click here to view the posting party better! Please click here to view some of the tweets from BBC Eurovision! Where: Watch it live on your channel if your country is part of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). For those who live in Arthur Kirkland's territory and his fantasy backyard, the BBC livestream goes here! Click this link through the Georgian Eurovision YT channel for non-US viewers. International viewers can watch the livestream through the official Eurovision YT channel here! (Note: The channel is not available in South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil) [ADVISORY] Epilepsy Warning: Just remember, in order to ensure your safety of your own health, some of the countries' entries (or performances) contains flashing images and strobe effects. | |
Eurotalia's favorite annual grand tradition continues with the second semifinal, and let's continue to #CelebrateDiversity with Big Sis Ukraine! But because it's Friday here in my home country (the Philippines), let's make a Flashback Friday special, so we can remember some of the craziest moments of the contest. Oh, and to recap the events of the first semifinal, the qualifiers are (I add the number of finals appearances to be exact):
Moldova (9th finals appearance since 2013) Azerbaijan (10th finals appearance) Greece (37th appearance since he didn't qualify last year) Sweden (56th appearance in the final) Portugal (This is his 41st finals appearance since 2010) Poland (14th finals appearance) Armenia (A grand total of 10 finals appearances) Australia (2nd finals apperance) Cyprus (28th finals appearance) Belgium (She got her 51st finals appearance!) So, we all know what's gonna happen in the second semis. Will Roddy's handmade bomber jacket get it through and running on air? Can Romania's yodeling skills upset Vash? Will Neddy destroy the competition and made Canada proud of himself to cry no more? Will Elizabeta dancing through to the final? Can dear Denmark knows who he is? Can our dear Norge grabbing the moment to the final? Will Vash's performance made it through? Will Belarus dancing to the final for her big brother Russia? Can Bulgaria made a beautiful but scary mess to punch the ticket to the final? Will Liet bring a heavy rain of revolution to see Feliks? And can Eduard found his own Verona? We'll have to find out for tonight! So buy your snacks, put the BBC Eurovision Twitter tab into your Chrome, and fangirled all you like!
So, Big Brother France, Doitsu (and the sneaky Prussia), and the host Big Sis Ukraine will casting their votes, with the exemption of Russia, who is originally planned to perform, but he withdrew from the contest due to the conflict that he caused from entering his big sister's house. That is terrible for him, so he got no choice but to watch at the bar with the non-qualifiers.
The roster (in draw number order):
Serbia, Austria, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Romania, The Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Ireland (current Eurovision King*), San Marino, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia and Israel
* - stating that he has seven Eurovision titles under his belt. Where:
On the official Eurovision Youtube channel to enjoy some songs in the past (as well as dress rehearsals, post-contest interviews and songs from the past) and you can watch the contest via livestream (please post some livestream links in the comments section if yours is not available through the US and Canada, as well as South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil) Watch it live on your channel if your country is part of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). For those who lived in England, go to the BBC livestream! For non-US viewers, you can watch the livestream through the Georgian Eurovision channel! Starting Time:
Thursday, May 11th at 21:00 CEST (click here for your timezone in your country) Hey, if you want to see the number for the past comments, click here to view it better. [ADVISORY] Epilepsy Warning: In order to ensure your safety of your own health, some of the countries' entries (or performances) contains flashing images and strobe effects.
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HEY PEEPS! It's that time again :)! Y'all ready for this!?! XD
Last year Big Sister Ukraine won so the party is at her place~!
Bosnia and Herzegovina will not be returnig due to financial issues. Russia isn't returning due to issues between them and Ukraine.
On the lighter side, Portugal is BACK! Romania is returning too, after their sucessful(although unexpected) naval battle with Russia; and like with the 'naval battle' their act will contain sheep(story of 'battle' here).
As always this is a gathering of Hetalia fans to watch the Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Song Contest is, as mentioned, is a song contest(though not just between European countries, but originally was, hense the name). While this used to be a one night event there are now so many entries that there are 2 Semi-Finals before the GRAND FINAL~. To get to the Grand Final countries must first place within the top 10 of their Semi-Final, those excempt are the Big Five(France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy) and last years winner: Ukraine(as to why the Big Five get this privilege click here). And whoever gets the highest score wins the contest and has the privilege of hosting next years Eurovision.
This year the 1st Semi-Final will happen on May 9th, 21:00 CEST. Click here for the time in your timezone(I couldn't switch the timezone from EEST to CEST so I had to move it up 1 hour, but the time is still right)
The 2nd Semi-Final will be on May 11th(Thursday) and the Final is on May 13th(Saturday) both at 21:00 CEST.
EPILEPSY WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of the country's preformances will feature flashing lights and may cause an epileptic attack on those who are sensitive.
1st Semi-Final Line Up: Sweden, Georgia, Australia, Albania, Belgium, Montenegro, Finland, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Moldova, Iceland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Armenia, Slovenia and Latvia.
Where you can watch it: If you are apart of the European Broadcasting Union you can watch it on your country's channel. If you're not, you can watch it on the Official Eurovision site via the livestream(will post when it's avaliable). Also, if anyone knows/has links to watch Eurovisoin, please post it below and I will update this to include it.
If you want the lastest news in Eurovision check out the official Eurovision Song Contest webpage. If you wish to see the dress rehersals, interviews with the artists or wish to check out/watch previous Eurovision songs - you can check out Eurovisions Offical Youtube Channel.
As I have stated previously I am not very tech-savy so if there are mistakes I apologize and will do my best to fix them.
TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! Hey guys! I would give a partial thanks to kitty144, for providing the coverage of the 1st and 2nd semi-finals of our favorite show. So, as we go down to this, I made a decision that Eurotalia is the official home of Hetavision! Okay enough of this nonsense. As we are going to conclude our favorite annual tradition held in Su-san's house, the winner of the contest will take a beautiful Swedish Smorgasbord. Prep your snacks, drinks, your leftover food, call your besties, and FANBOY AND FANGIRLED ALL YOU LIKE! And also, prepare for some Graham Norton jokes on this (he always doing this every year) so make sure to prep your paper and pencils for this! The romance and the voting drama are here to witness it too! The worst part: someone's gonna award the evil but cursed 'Nul Points' to the country who got last place. The interval act will be even more amazing when special guest Justin Timberlake (with America!) will perform 'Can't Stop the Feeling' in its world premiere performance!So, are you ready to cheer your favorite country? Well fear not, let's get the party started and let the GRAND FINAL TOGA PARTY BEGIN!! EXTRA NOTES: Romania (aka vampire boy) was originally scheduled to be performed in the contest, but he got no choice but to withdraw the competition due to unpaid debts. Portugal also had to withdraw too because his national broadcaster have done a bad job promoting music-based media and of course, a badly structured selection process. So both Romania and Portugal will be in the Green Room. The Toga Party Participants (in running order): Belgium, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany, France, Poland, Australia, Cyprus, Serbia, Lithuania, Croatia, Russia, Spain, Latvia, Ukraine, Malta, Georgia, Austria, United Kingdom and Armenia Hey, go here to make your viewing party better in 'default-style'. Starting Time: Saturday, May 14th at 21:00 (9:00 PM) CEST If you want to find your timezone in your country (e.g. 13:00 in New York and 22:00 in Helsinki), please go here. How Can You Watch (four options to choose): If you want to watch it live on the official Eurovision website, click it here (just in case your country is not part of the EBU). If you want to watch it live on the official Eurovision YouTube channel, click it here. (Want #Throwback? Relive the dress rehearsals, artist interviews and past performances here on the same channel) Bloody hell, mate. If you are living in Arthur Kirkland's luxury backyard, BBC livestream goes it here. Watch it on your channel if your country is part of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). EPILEPSY WARNING: In order to ensure your safety of your health, some of the performances (or entries) will contain strobe effects and flashing lights. | |