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Hello! [25 Sep 2011|05:09pm]

Hey all! Just thought I'd introduce myself on here. My name is Shelley. I am almost 25 years old, and I'm from New York. I just wanted to say that most of the music in Europe is MUCH better than some of the crap that's on the radio these days.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask if there's anyone here who'd be willing to upload some Boyzone albums for me please? I already have "Where We Belong" so anything else would be fine. Thank you so much!
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[21 May 2007|10:54pm]


Join lounge_54, a new electronic music sharing community.

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Darren Hayes bases [30 Jul 2006|04:51pm]

i wish that there were more HQ pix of him available...

Musician: Darren Hayes
52 bases below


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And nobody knows you like I do, the world doesn't understand, but I grow stronger in your hands
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Icons? [24 Jul 2006|12:19am]

Don't know if these are allowed here, but Global Underground is in the interests so...

74 icons from Sissy's new video "So Long". Watch it here.


Icons here.

I absolutely ADORE the vid.
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[10 Apr 2006|02:18pm]

Thanks for the link. In the sun looks interesting. I saw Justin Timberlink did a remix of the song with
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People of the gulf coast still in need of help [31 Mar 2006|01:17pm]
Chris Martin of Cold Play together with Michael Stipe of R.E.M and other big names in the music industry are lending a hand as well as their voices to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. There’ a short documentary film about it done by the Sundance Channel.
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[11 Mar 2006|04:24pm]

Download my new mix:

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[12 Jan 2006|01:49pm]

Title and Artist: Blu Mar Ten-Made With Love Mix-December 2005
Artist Site:


1. love on a real train - tangerine dream
2. saltwater (thrillseekers rmx) - chicane
3. the date - blu mar ten
4. bypass - mr projectile
5. appendage - future sound of london
6. ain't nobody - chaka khan
7. dirty shadows - future sound of london
8. emw - chris clark
9. black water - blu mar ten
10. a gibbon monkey howling for a bit
11. glory glory (timewriter rmx) - ananda project
12. the map of love - blu mar ten
13. the echo game - shigeru umebayashi
14. dawn of the iconoclast - dead can dance
15. wear your seatbelt - cliff martinez
16. abraham's theme - vangelis
17. altitude - the architex
18. max - future sound of london
19. another moment with minnie - minne ripperton
20. wahmel - blu mar ten
21. 2046 - blu mar ten
22. elysium - hans zimmer
23. section VII - steve reich
24. under stars - brian eno
25. locust songs - blu mar ten
26. blush - blu mar ten
27. glasgow - craig armstrong
28. yearning of the sword - tan dun
29. crouching tiger - tan dun
30. impression - ico (playstation 2 game)
31. castle in the air - ico (playstation 2 game)
32. wicked game - chris isaac
33. memories of green - vangelis
34. un coucher de soleil accroche dans les arbres - gabriel yared
35. chews eye - vangelis
36. simon & lisa - blu mar ten
37. stone lonely - blu mar ten
38. ghost trio - blu mar ten
39. ever so lonely (blu mar ten rmx) - jakatta
40. it's always about the girl (edited excerpt) - autumn
41. breathe - telepopmusik
42. pocket wetty - mr projectile
43. strange & beautiful - aqualung
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Question... [29 Dec 2005|12:06am]

Does ANYONE by chance have an mp3 of the original mix of "Human Touch" by Steps? It was released on the Japanese edition of their album "Buzz", and a while back I actually got the song burned on CD but I have since lost it =( Then earlier this year I imported "The Last Dance" online because it included "Human Touch", but when I popped in the disc I was saddened to hear it was the WIP Mix, NOT the original. So, can anyone help me out? I'd greatly appreciate it.
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old old old song... and imma newbie. [01 Nov 2005|03:35pm]

[ mood | cranky ]

i'm a newbie. i wanted to know if anybody has the song "Discotek" by S Club, because i can't find it anywhere. if you do have it, or can get it, please let me know!!!!!

thank you.

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[10 Jun 2005|06:11pm]

Don't hold back, its time for a love affair...Collapse )
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[30 Mar 2005|03:38pm]

does ANYONE know where I can find a poster or a photo cell from Anastacia's "Love Is A Crime" video????
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Multi-posted [29 Mar 2005|10:53pm]

Could someone "yousendit" IIO's "poetica" (the entire cd). Im not paying 16 bucks for a cd that I havent heard before and the tracks on the MADE site are the singles that have been released already. Greatly appreciated if anyone can help me out.
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[18 Feb 2005|12:25am]

hey everyone,

just joined the community, wanted to say hi.

so i recently bought Steps' The Last Dance online mainly because "Human Touch" is one of my all-time favorite songs, but i haven't heard it in forever because i found it online, like on Morpheus or Napster back when those things were in wide use, and burned it on a CD like 3 years ago, but then LOST that CD =(
so i bought The Last Dance but was SADLY disappointed to find that they include the WIP mix of "Human Touch". not that it's bad, but the original mix totally takes me back. so if anyone knows where i can find an mp3 of the original Human Touch mix...let me know??? thanks
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[30 Jan 2005|03:47pm]

Hey guys! I'm here to tell you about a new forum: MGMVE forums. It's in very early stages. Me and my friend Kim made it. You can come talk about Spice Girls and all your other favorite artists. Don't dismiss it yet, it is going to be a really fun forum. So come check it out! The first few members COULD be made a moderator.

This is YOUR forums, so we will put a forum for whoever you like. There are tons of Euro artist forums!
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[08 Jan 2005|05:15pm]

Hey my name is Katie...would u like to join my new community...its called sclub8reunited...thanks!!
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Jem =) [17 Dec 2004|08:10pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Jem. "Finally Woken"

I picked her cd up after hearing her song "They" playing in American Eagle and now I can stop listening to it!!
Every track on the cd rocks!!
If you haven't picked this cd up yet, please do.

Its well worth it ;)
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Hey im new ! [04 Dec 2004|02:45pm]

Just joined -- looks like a good community!

But anyway --

Anyone that had a chance to listen to Energy 92.7/5 in Chicago before they went off the air in 2003 knows how awesome of a station it was. Help everyone in Chicago to reclaim a dance radio station by signing the petition. Show your support for the dance format! Thanks :-)

Link: ""

It would be awesome if everyone just copied that and put that in their livejournal or sent it to friends over instant messangers. :-)
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Last performer at the EMA's [28 Nov 2004|11:40pm]

Hi, I just recently saw the EMA's here in America and I thought they were great but I want to know who was the last performer of the night. I saw his performance twice and it was a really cool song. Supposedly it was a long running number 1 song in Italy. What was his name and what's the songs name? Does he have an official website. Can anyone tell me of some other good Italian pop music? I know of a singer named Elisa who is really good but that's all sadly. So if anyone can help that would be great.
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dan's vid if you haven't seen it [19 Nov 2004|10:28pm]

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