Journal articles by Pauwke Berkers

This article addresses the extent and ways in which gender inequality in the newspaper coverage o... more This article addresses the extent and ways in which gender inequality in the newspaper coverage of arts and culture has changed in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States, 1955-2005. Through a quantitative content analysis, we mapped all articles that appeared in two elite newspapers in each country in four sample years 1955, 1975, 1995, and 2005 (n = 15,379). First, despite increasing women’s employment in arts and culture and a quantitative feminization of journalism, elite newspaper coverage of women in arts and culture has hardly changed, making up about 20-25 percent consistently over the last fifty years. Second, our results show surprisingly few cross-national differences in the amount of the newspaper coverage devoted to women in arts and culture. Third, although women are underrepresented in the coverage of all artistic genres, there is some evidence of horizontal sex segregation – particularly in architecture (stereotypical masculine) and modern dance and fashion (stereotypical feminine) – as well as vertical sex segregation – in that attention to women has increased in “highbrow” genres that have declined in status. Finally, as the status of an actor type increases from laymen to artistic directors, the proportion of women decreases in newspaper attention to arts and culture.

International Journal of Consumer Studies 39: 489–494, 2015
This article aims to explain the widespread attention to contemporary protesting artists among We... more This article aims to explain the widespread attention to contemporary protesting artists among Western audiences by focusing on the case of Pussy Riot. Social movement scholarship provides a first step into understanding how Pussy Riot legitimately protests Russian politics through its punk performances. It then turns to the concept of cosmopolitanism as a performance in everyday life to explain Pussy Riot’s appeal among Western audiences. By collecting and analyzing 9001 tweets through a thematic hashtag analysis and topic modeling, this article analyzes how audiences talk about Pussy Riot and shows how Twitter affords users to perform cosmopolitan selves by sharing their ideas and experiences on Pussy Riot with others. Although we distinguish between four types of cosmopolitan selves, the results clearly show Pussy Riot is mainly reflected upon in a media context: Twitter users predominantly talk about Pussy Riot’s media appearances rather than readily engage with its explicit political advocacy.

How can symbolic boundaries in cultural
consumption be simultaneously crossed
and maintained by t... more How can symbolic boundaries in cultural
consumption be simultaneously crossed
and maintained by those with high levels of
cultural capital engaging with low status
culture? We propose that irony, due to its
inherent ambiguity and detachment, is a
consumption style that allows its users to
simultaneously cross and uphold symbolic
boundaries. In this exploratory study, we
analyze nine in-depth interviews with karaoke
performers and link their way of participating
to differences in cultural capital.
While participants with low cultural capital
displayed a straightforward, high involvement
with their karaoke practices, the consumer
styles of participants with high cultural
capital were inclined to be both
‘secretly serious’ and ‘ironic’. Irony provides
a way to distinguish oneself in
today’s ambiguous cultural landscape,
where meanings of both class positions and
consumption patterns have become more
fluid. Indeed, irony allows distinction precisely
through ambiguity, which makes it a
potentially valuable attitude for contemporary
cultural elites.
IASPM@Journal, 2014
The global metal scene is a highly skewed field of cultural production in which women are greatly... more The global metal scene is a highly skewed field of cultural production in which women are greatly under-represented. As tokens, women are likely to be subjected to gender-biased evaluations, the male gaze, and are held accountable when breaking gender roles. This paper investigates the online gender dynamics in extreme metal by conducting a content analysis of the comments on videos of females (and males) performing ‘vocal covers’ on YouTube. Surprisingly, men and women tend to be evaluated along similar lines, suggesting the possibility that women might utilize the Internet for individual music production to circumvent offline gender inequality.

Interactions, 2012
Combining insights from the psychology and sociology of music, this article addresses the extent ... more Combining insights from the psychology and sociology of music, this article addresses the extent to which the listening behaviour of young adults differs between men and women with regard to (1) preferred music genres, (2) gender of music acts and (3) omnivorousness. Drawing on innovative data from the music-based social networking site, the analyses show that young females listen more often to ‘softer’ and more mainstream music genres, to female acts and to a wider range of genres than males. Furthermore, by looking into actual listening behaviour and user-generated genre classifications – instead of self-reported preferences – this study contributes to research on gender stratification in music taste, showing that within male-dominated genres young women have carved out particular feminized niches, that women’s pro-female bias is stronger within male-dominated music genres and that the gender difference in omnivorousness disappears when we examine only respondents’ favourite music genres.

Sociologie 2: 124-146, 2014
Dit artikel behandelt de mate waarin en de manier waarop genderongelijkheid is veranderd in de da... more Dit artikel behandelt de mate waarin en de manier waarop genderongelijkheid is veranderd in de dagbladberichtgeving over artistieke genres in Frankrijk, Duitsland, Nederland en de Verenigde Staten van 1955 tot 2005. Via een kwantitatieve inhoudsanalyse van twee elitekranten per land voor de jaren 1955, 1975, 1995 en 2005 zijn alle artikelen over kunst en cultuur in kaart gebracht (n = 15.379). Onze resultaten laten ten eerste verrassend weinig cross-nationale verschillen zien in de dagbladaandacht voor vrouwen in kunst en cultuur. Ook constateren we dat er in de afgelopen vijf decennia in geen van de onderzochte landen ook maar bij benadering gendergelijkheid is bereikt. Hoewel vrouwen ondervertegenwoordigd zijn in de dagbladberichtgeving over alle artistieke genres, vonden we duidelijke verschillen tussen genres, met name tussen architectuur (stereotypisch ‘mannengenre’) en moderne dans en mode (stereotypische ‘vrouwengenres’). Ten vierde neemt het percentage vrouwen vooral toe in de dagbladaandacht voor in prestige gedaalde genres die behoren tot de ‘hoge’ cultuur. Ten slotte vonden we dat naarmate de status van het type actor toeneemt (van leken naar artistieke leiders) het aandeel vrouwen in de dagbladaandacht voor kunst en cultuur afneemt.
Journal of Popular Music Studies
On November 8, 1980, a collective of women-inspired by the Rock Against Sexism movement in the U.... more On November 8, 1980, a collective of women-inspired by the Rock Against Sexism movement in the U.K.-organized the Rock tegen de Rollen festival ("Rock Against Gender Roles") the Netherlands's city of Utrecht. The lineup consisted of six all-women punk and new wave bands (the Nixe, the Pin-offs, Pink Plastic & Panties, i the Removers, the Softies and the Broads) playing for a mixed gender audience. Similar to the Ladyfests two decades later, the main goal was to counteract the gender disparity of musical production (Aragon 77;

Journal of Gender Studies, 2014
Combining insights from gender, popular music, and celebrity studies, this article addresses to w... more Combining insights from gender, popular music, and celebrity studies, this article addresses to what extent British broadsheets frame Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty differently with regard to their rock and roll lifestyle. Our content analyses of The Guardian and The Independent indicate clear gender differences. First, Doherty's excessive behavior is often framed in positive terms (rock and roll), while the media discuss Winehouse's conduct more negatively (rock and fall). Second, British newspaper journalists admire Doherty's courage to lead such a lifestyle, oftentimes justifying – or even negating – his behavior, arguing he is an independent individual or even a hero. Such adoration is absent when Winehouse's escapades are reported on; most articles treat her as a victim, expressing concern regarding her poor health. As such, our findings show how music journalists use relational complicit practices – admiration/justification/negation of male and victimization of female enactment of hegemonic masculinity – to maintain masculine monopoly over the archetypical rock and roll lifestyle.
Book chapter in P. Koudstaal (2015). Music Brings Us Together. Hamburg: Gudberg Nerger Verlag., 2015

Cultural Sociology, 2014
This article addresses to what extent literary critics in the United States, the Netherlands and ... more This article addresses to what extent literary critics in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany have drawn ethnic boundaries in their reviews of ethnic minority writers between 1983 and 2009 and to what extent these boundaries have changed in the course of ethnic minority writers’ careers and across time. By analysing newspaper reviews, we find that American reviewers less often mention the ethnic background of Mexican American authors than their Dutch and German colleagues refer to the background of Moroccan and Turkish minority writers. While these relatively strong ethnic boundaries become weaker over time in the Netherlands (boundary shifting), Turkish German authors encounter particularly strong boundaries in subsequent book publications (ethnicization). In the US the reverse is true: ethnic boundaries weaken after the debut has been reviewed (boundary crossing). The findings are likely to be the result of national differences in the chronic accessibility of ethnic classifications (US and Germany) and specific field dynamics (Netherlands).
American Behavioral Scientist, 2011
In contrast to most studies on cultural globalization, this article examines the dynamics of cros... more In contrast to most studies on cultural globalization, this article examines the dynamics of crosscultural exchange between and within (western) nation-states. Through content analysis, we study the extent and composition of newspaper coverage given to literary authors of non-western ethnic origin – both foreign and domestic – in four nations over fifty years. Our analysis reveals, among other things, that newspaper attention to ethnic minority authors appears related to various features of a nation’s ethnic minority population, the extent that a given national literary field is receptive to ethnic diversity, and the relative position of that nation in the literary world-system.

Poetics, 2009
This article compares the classification of ethnic minority fiction writers in American, Dutch an... more This article compares the classification of ethnic minority fiction writers in American, Dutch and German literary anthologies and literary history books for the period of 1978-2006. Using content analyses, I show that ethnic boundaries are much stronger in Dutch and German textbooks than in their American counterparts. Whereas, across the entire period, Dutch and German textbooks under-represent ethnic minority authors – relative to the share of ethnic minorities in the population – and emphasize their ethnicity, American anthologies from 1991 to 2006 over-represent ethnic minorities and classify these authors primarily in literary terms. These findings are not due to demographics alone but are also related to differences in the field of textbook publishing (United States) and the extent to which national cultural repertoires vary from moderate ethnic inclusion (Netherlands) to strong ethnic exclusion (Germany).

International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2009
This article addresses the extent and ways in which ethnic diversity has been part of American, D... more This article addresses the extent and ways in which ethnic diversity has been part of American, Dutch and German national literary policy from 1965 until 2005. By analyzing the content of policy documents of the National Endowment of the Arts and the Dutch and German Literary Fund, I found that ethnic boundaries were weak in the USA, moderate in the Netherlands and strong in Germany. First, national literary policy organizations made much, moderate and little use of ethnic discourse respectively. Cross‐national and longitudinal variations were closely related to the need for political legitimacy. Second, ethnic minority granters and grantees were (relatively) the least underrepresented by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Dutch Literary Fund, while the German Literary Fund included hardly any ethnic minority panelists or authors. The differences in the representation of ethnic minorities could largely be accounted for by demographics and variations in the need for legitimacy.

Mens & Maatschappij, 2010
This article addresses to what extent literary critics in the United States, the Netherlands and ... more This article addresses to what extent literary critics in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany have drawn ethnic boundaries in their reviews of ethnic minority writers between 1983 and 2009, and to what extent ethnic boundaries in literary criticism have changed in each country in the course of ethnic minority writers’ careers and across time. By analyzing newspaper reviews, we find that American reviewers less often refer to the ethnic and/or majority background of Mexican American authors than Dutch and German critics refer to the background of Moroccan and Turkish minority writers. But while these relatively strong ethnic boundaries tend to weaken over time in the Netherlands, Turkish German authors encounter particularly strong boundaries in subsequent book publications. In the U.S. the reverse is true: ethnic boundaries tend to weaken after the debut has been reviewed.

Nederlandse letterkunde, 2009
In contrast to most studies on cultural globalization, this article examines the dynamics of cros... more In contrast to most studies on cultural globalization, this article examines the dynamics of cross-cultural exchange between and within (western) nation-states. Through content analysis, we examine the extent and composition of the newspaper coverage given to literary authors of non-western ethnic origin – both foreign and domestic – in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States between 1955 and 2005. Newspaper attention to ethnic minority authors appears to be related to the size of the ethnic minority population, their language proficiency and educational background and the extent to which key institutions in the national literary field are receptive to ethnic diversity, leading to extensive coverage in the U.S. and limited attention in Germany. Newspapers in countries that hold a central position in the literary world-system (United States) appear to be more strongly focused on domestic ethnic minority authors, whereas newspapers in less central countries cover more foreign authors originating in non-western countries, particularly when they have strong geo-linguistic ties with these countries (France). Finally, our results indicate that U.S. ethnic minority authors first gained recognition within the national literary field, and later on, through the centrality of the United States in the literary world-system, also acquired international literary prestige.

Sociologie, 2007
Bethany Bryson 2005. Making Multiculturalism: Boundaries and Meaning in U.S. English Departments.... more Bethany Bryson 2005. Making Multiculturalism: Boundaries and Meaning in U.S. English Departments. Stanford: Stanford University Press: pp. 215. In de jaren tachtig en negentig werd in de Verenigde Staten via publicaties als 'The Closing of the American Mind' van Allen Bloom en 'Illiberal Education' van Dinesh D'Souza een verhit debat gevoerd over de inhoud en educatie van de literaire canon. Conservatieve cultuurcritici als D'Souza en Bloom verzetten zich tegenwat zij zagen alshet opkomen van het multiculturalisme aan de Amerikaanse universiteiten en wierpen zich op als verdedigers van de traditionele canon. Het in toenemende mate 'openen' van de literaire canon voor minderheden en vrouwen en het daarmee gepaard gaande cultuurrelativisme, zou volgens hen de teloorgang van de Amerikaanse cultuuren daarmee de samenleving als geheelinluiden. Maar hoezeer de 'canon wars' tussen conservatieve critici en voorstanders van multiculturalisme ook op het scherp van de snede werd uitgevochten in de media, de vraag dringt zich op welke rol multiculturalisme en de 'canon wars' nu werkelijk hebben gespeeld in de praktijk van het literatuuronderwijs. In Bethany Brysons boek Making Multiculturalism: Boundaries and Meaning in U.S. English Departments staat deze praktische inbedding van de 'canon wars' in het Amerikaanse universitaire literatuuronderwijs centraal. De centrale vraag laat zich kernachtig samenvatten door de ondertitel van de dissertatie waarop dit boek goeddeels is gebasseerd: Why the canon wars did not destroy English literature? Volgens Bryson moet het antwoord worden gezocht in de manier waarop het multiculturalisme in de institutionele onderwijspraktijk werd ingebed en geïnterpreteerd.
Books by Pauwke Berkers

Grondbeginselen der sociologie is al 50 jaar hét handboek op het gebied van sociologie in het hog... more Grondbeginselen der sociologie is al 50 jaar hét handboek op het gebied van sociologie in het hoger en wetenschappelijk onderwijs. Het geeft studenten én professionals inzicht in de sociale relaties en maatschappelijke verschijnselen. Een onmisbaar standaardwerk voor alle maatschappelijk betrokken (toekomstige) professionals.
Grondbeginselen der sociologie bestaat uit vier delen. In het eerste deel staat de sociologie als wetenschap centraal. Het tweede deel beschrijft de omgang van individuen onderling. In deel drie komen sociale kaders, culturen en subculturen aan bod. Deel vier tenslotte bespreekt de dynamiek in de samenleving. Ieder hoofdstuk eindigt met een samenvatting.
Deze veertiende editie is volledig herzien en geactualiseerd. In deze editie is extra aandacht besteed aan het thema socialisatie. De hoofdstukken over cultuur, sociale ongelijkheid en sociale structuur zijn volledig herschreven en aangepast aan de huidige kennis en wetenschap. Ook de interactieve toetsvragen zijn geactualiseerd.
Grondbeginselen der sociologie is met name bedoeld voor opleidingen in zorg en welzijn, maar bewijst ook uitstekende diensten bij economische en pedagogische opleidingen. Ook zeer interessant voor de professional."
Book chapters by Pauwke Berkers
Journal articles by Pauwke Berkers
consumption be simultaneously crossed
and maintained by those with high levels of
cultural capital engaging with low status
culture? We propose that irony, due to its
inherent ambiguity and detachment, is a
consumption style that allows its users to
simultaneously cross and uphold symbolic
boundaries. In this exploratory study, we
analyze nine in-depth interviews with karaoke
performers and link their way of participating
to differences in cultural capital.
While participants with low cultural capital
displayed a straightforward, high involvement
with their karaoke practices, the consumer
styles of participants with high cultural
capital were inclined to be both
‘secretly serious’ and ‘ironic’. Irony provides
a way to distinguish oneself in
today’s ambiguous cultural landscape,
where meanings of both class positions and
consumption patterns have become more
fluid. Indeed, irony allows distinction precisely
through ambiguity, which makes it a
potentially valuable attitude for contemporary
cultural elites.
Books by Pauwke Berkers
Grondbeginselen der sociologie bestaat uit vier delen. In het eerste deel staat de sociologie als wetenschap centraal. Het tweede deel beschrijft de omgang van individuen onderling. In deel drie komen sociale kaders, culturen en subculturen aan bod. Deel vier tenslotte bespreekt de dynamiek in de samenleving. Ieder hoofdstuk eindigt met een samenvatting.
Deze veertiende editie is volledig herzien en geactualiseerd. In deze editie is extra aandacht besteed aan het thema socialisatie. De hoofdstukken over cultuur, sociale ongelijkheid en sociale structuur zijn volledig herschreven en aangepast aan de huidige kennis en wetenschap. Ook de interactieve toetsvragen zijn geactualiseerd.
Grondbeginselen der sociologie is met name bedoeld voor opleidingen in zorg en welzijn, maar bewijst ook uitstekende diensten bij economische en pedagogische opleidingen. Ook zeer interessant voor de professional."
Book chapters by Pauwke Berkers
consumption be simultaneously crossed
and maintained by those with high levels of
cultural capital engaging with low status
culture? We propose that irony, due to its
inherent ambiguity and detachment, is a
consumption style that allows its users to
simultaneously cross and uphold symbolic
boundaries. In this exploratory study, we
analyze nine in-depth interviews with karaoke
performers and link their way of participating
to differences in cultural capital.
While participants with low cultural capital
displayed a straightforward, high involvement
with their karaoke practices, the consumer
styles of participants with high cultural
capital were inclined to be both
‘secretly serious’ and ‘ironic’. Irony provides
a way to distinguish oneself in
today’s ambiguous cultural landscape,
where meanings of both class positions and
consumption patterns have become more
fluid. Indeed, irony allows distinction precisely
through ambiguity, which makes it a
potentially valuable attitude for contemporary
cultural elites.
Grondbeginselen der sociologie bestaat uit vier delen. In het eerste deel staat de sociologie als wetenschap centraal. Het tweede deel beschrijft de omgang van individuen onderling. In deel drie komen sociale kaders, culturen en subculturen aan bod. Deel vier tenslotte bespreekt de dynamiek in de samenleving. Ieder hoofdstuk eindigt met een samenvatting.
Deze veertiende editie is volledig herzien en geactualiseerd. In deze editie is extra aandacht besteed aan het thema socialisatie. De hoofdstukken over cultuur, sociale ongelijkheid en sociale structuur zijn volledig herschreven en aangepast aan de huidige kennis en wetenschap. Ook de interactieve toetsvragen zijn geactualiseerd.
Grondbeginselen der sociologie is met name bedoeld voor opleidingen in zorg en welzijn, maar bewijst ook uitstekende diensten bij economische en pedagogische opleidingen. Ook zeer interessant voor de professional."