Books by Roberto Ventresca

L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e... more L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e sanzionate (se non espressamente autorizzate) la riproduzione in ogni modo e forma (comprese le fotocopie, la scansione, la memorizzazione elettronica) e la comunicazione (ivi inclusi a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo: la distribuzione, l'adattamento, la traduzione e la rielaborazione, anche a mezzo di canali digitali interattivi e con qualsiasi modalità attualmente nota o in futuro sviluppata). Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633. Le fotocopie effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale, possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da CLEARedi, Centro Licenze e Autorizzazioni per le Riproduzioni Editoriali (; e-mail [email protected]). Stampa: Digital Print Service srl -sede legale: via dell'Annunciata 27, 20121 Milano; sedi operative: via Torricelli 9, 20090 Segrate (MI) e via Merano 18, 20127 Milano 6 Esperti, funzionari, tecnocrati. I rapporti tra la delegazione italiana all'Oece e il governo di Roma 4.1 Neo-mercantilismo e tecnocrazia: una panoramica 4.2 Delegati «alla garibaldina» 4.3 Un bilancio Conclusioni Bibliografia Indice dei nomi pag. » » » » » » 4. 221 225 238 255 263 275 289 Prefazione di Antonio Varsori
Articles by Roberto Ventresca

European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 2025
This article explores the early history of the Group of Thirty (G30,
1978), which is an economic ... more This article explores the early history of the Group of Thirty (G30,
1978), which is an economic policy body committed to the analysis
and spread of policy prescriptions as regards the evolution of the
international economic and monetary system after the end of
Bretton Woods. In so doing, this work represents the first critical
recounting of the G30ʹs early experience from a historiographic
perspective. The article frames the organizational roots and the
early history of the G30 within the wider economic and political
context that marked the transformations of the international system
between the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Moreover, this
article deals with one of the most challenging policy issues that
characterized the international economic policymaking at that
time: the spread of high inflation rates. The emergence of sustained
inflation trends in Western Europe will receive specific attention.
Finally, the article discusses the relevance that social and political
concerns acquired in the very conceptualization of anti-inflationary
and market-oriented measures, as these were promoted by the
G30ʹs affiliates between the late 1970s and the early 1980s.

Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale, 2024
This article historicizes the role played by the Bank of Italy during the 1980s. In
particular, i... more This article historicizes the role played by the Bank of Italy during the 1980s. In
particular, it explores the strategies and policies that the Bank of Italy promoted
within the wider framework of European integration and the transformations that
occurred in the international economic and monetary system at that time. This
contribution covers a time frame that spans from 1979 to 1992, and sheds new
light on the close interdependence between the domestic and international factors
that contributed to frame the Bank of Italy’s aims and attitudes in those years.
Furthermore, this paper discusses how social and political concerns impacted
on the central bank’s strong anti-inflationary turn that started in 1979-1981, as
well as how European integration embodied the institutional and – to some extent
– conceptual framework that underpinned the strategies and the practices of
the Italian central bank during the 1980s. Finally, this article discusses whether
and how the Bank of Italy achieved its purposes as the Cold War ended and the
EEC morphed into the current European Union.
Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale, 2024

Zapruder, 2023
Bruno Settis e Roberto Ventresca Sismografie del Novecento Luca Timponelli Tra ripresa e riforma.... more Bruno Settis e Roberto Ventresca Sismografie del Novecento Luca Timponelli Tra ripresa e riforma. Keynes e il New deal Duccio Basosi Felice e confusa. L'Urss di fronte allo "shock" monetario internazionale del 1971 Giacomo Canepa Oltre il cigno nero. Sei domande alla storia del welfare dopo il covid-19 Andrea Sawyerr, Bruno Settis Assemblea permanente, vertenza, convergenza. Il Collettivo di fabbrica Gkn Francesca Gabbriellini (Re)TakeThat! Le imprese recuperate e la sfida ecologica Elisa Grandi Grande festa alla banca di Francia. Serie storiche e crisi finanziarie tra Otto e Novecento Simone Polidori Tempi Pesenti. Il piano Marshall e la fine di Bretton Woods negli scritti di un economista del Pci Carlotta Caciagli Sgomberare il locale. Considerazioni e prospettive sulle mobilitazioni urbane in Italia Martina Marchesi Il Nuovo ordine economico internazionale. Una prospettiva italiana

Journal of Contemporary History, 2023
This article focuses on the historical reasons and the main political implications of Italy's ant... more This article focuses on the historical reasons and the main political implications of Italy's anti-inflationary commitment between the mid-1970s and the early-1980s. This study examines the broader climate of opinion within which Italy's economic and monetary authoritiesthat is, the Bank of Italychanged or adapted their main attitudes regarding the existence of high inflation rates throughout the 1970s and early 1980s in accordance with an emergent international (i.e. the European Monetary System) anti-inflationary consensus. This article first explores the main political and social steps of Italy's prioritization of anti-inflationary goals as they were envisaged by the central bank and its governmental interlocutors. Second, it retraces the run-up to the 'divorce' between the Bank of Italy and the Treasury in July 1981. Here the 'divorce' is conceptualized as a counter-reaction of specific strands of Italy's ruling class (namely those who revolved around the central bank) against the volatility of public finance performances and what was deemed as the seeming elusiveness of Italy's governmental parties regarding the need to restore the country's financial stability. Finally, this article reflects on the historical meaning of Italy's anti-inflationary commitment as part of the global emergence of stability-oriented monetary policies.

Ventunesimo secolo, 2021
Questo contributo mira a comprendere in che modo una delle aree politico-economiche più colpite d... more Questo contributo mira a comprendere in che modo una delle aree politico-economiche più colpite dalla Grande recessione, e cioè l’Unione Europea (Ue), abbia risposto al suo urto e ne abbia metabolizzato gli effetti nel breve-medio periodo. Si prenderà in considerazione il periodo compreso tra il 2008, quando apparvero i primi segni delle difficoltà vissute dal sistema bancario europeo, e il 2015, l’anno in cui il referendum greco sulle misure di “austerità” imposte dalla Commissione di Bruxelles, dal Fondo monetario internazionale (Fmi) e dalla Banca centrale europea (Bce) – la cosiddetta troika – mise a nudo le implicazioni politiche, economiche e finanche culturali entro le quali i vertici delle istituzioni Ue e dei suoi Stati membri scelsero di affrontare gli effetti della crisi scoppiata circa sette anni prima. L'articolo si concentrerà inoltre sul ruolo giocato da alcuni dei principali paesi membri dell'Ue, come la Germania federale. I tre paragrafi di questo contributo offriranno dunque una panoramica degli snodi principali che accompagnarono la diffusione e l’aggravarsi della Grande recessione nella zona Ue tra il 2008 e il 2015, tentando di far emergere la complessa articolazione delle scelte e degli interventi che concorsero a orientare la risposta delle leadership europee – Commissione europea, Bce e stati membri dell’Ue, con particolare riferimento al ruolo giocato dalla Germania federale – di fronte al crollo economico-finanziario di quegli anni.

Contemporary European History, 2022
This article explores how a specific strand of neoliberal-oriented intellectuals, namely those wh... more This article explores how a specific strand of neoliberal-oriented intellectuals, namely those who revolved around the Mont Pèlerin Society (MPS), conceptualised the EEC policies between the 1980s and the early 1990s. In particular, this contribution considers two MPS general meetings, respectively held in 1982 and 1990, which were dedicated to the issue of European integration. Drawing on both primary and secondary sources, this article first assesses how neoliberal thinkers commented on and interpreted the EEC transformations during the 1980s. Second, it challenges the assumption according to which the run-up to the establishment of the EU was the outcome of a consolidated project of neoliberalisation of the EEC and EU institutions. Finally, this article shows in which terms these neoliberal thinkers conceived of the depoliticisation of European institutions after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the looming end of the Cold War.

Soft Power. Revista euro-americana de teoría e historia de la política y del derecho, 2020
This article and the related interview aim at exploring the intellectual legacy of Dipesh
Chakrab... more This article and the related interview aim at exploring the intellectual legacy of Dipesh
Chakrabarty’s book Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Though and Historical
Difference (2000). The long-lasting process of “provincialization” of both Europe and
the Western world is analysed in the light of today’s most pressing global challenges.
A particular attention is dedicated to the process of European integration, the ‘colonial
origins’ of the European Economic Community and the reconfiguration of labour subjectivities
within contemporary society in Europe and beyond. In this respect, our aim
is to introduce a fruitful postcolonial perspective into such an intriguing topic, that is
the transnational history and politics of European integration. This article is conceived as a long introduction to an interview with Chakrabarty himself, where we seek to understand
how he conceptualizes the far-reaching transformations that both Europe and
the entire “globe” experienced over the last twenty years in the realm of transnational
social, economic, political, and cultural relations.
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 2020
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 2020
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 2020
Editoriale di Finis Europae, numero 51 di "Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità socia... more Editoriale di Finis Europae, numero 51 di "Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale".
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 2020
Questo numero di «Zapruder» intende analizzare criticamente i
nodi costitutivi del processo di in... more Questo numero di «Zapruder» intende analizzare criticamente i
nodi costitutivi del processo di integrazione europea, indagato nelle
sue declinazioni politico-istituzionali, economico-sociali e filosoficointellettuali.
Finis Europae mira dunque a sviluppare una narrazione
alternativa della storia della “costruzione europea”, insistendo su un
arco cronologico che consenta di individuare i trend di lungo periodo
che hanno informato la realizzazione del progetto comunitario.
Capitalismo, migrazioni, lavoro, neosovranismi, scuola e confini
sono alcuni dei temi analizzati all’interno di questo numero, nel
tentativo di esplorare le contraddizioni del processo di formazione
della cosiddetta Europa unita.

L'articolo prenderà in esame l'esperienza dell'Italia all'interno dell'Organizzazione per la co-o... more L'articolo prenderà in esame l'esperienza dell'Italia all'interno dell'Organizzazione per la co-operazione economica europea (Oece) negli anni della prima legislatura repubblicana. A par-tire da una riflessione sulle motivazioni tanto economiche quanto politico-diplomatiche che si posero alla base dell'adesione italiana all'Oece, questo contributo analizzerà le misure di li-beralizzazione commerciale perseguite dal paese all'interno degli organi decisionali dell'or-ganizzazione. Si darà risalto alla dimensione europea delle iniziative che l'Italia elaborò nell'ambito della progressiva riduzione di dazi, tariffe e contingentamenti alle importazio-ni di beni provenienti dai mercati internazionali. Si passeranno in rassegna le principali ini-ziative presentate in sede Oece dalla delegazione italiana e verranno presi in considerazione i provvedimenti promossi a livello europeo da parte dei maggiori partner della Penisola: i piani Stikker e Pella (1950); la nascita dell'Unione europea dei pagamenti (Uep, 1950); il pacchetto di liberalizzazioni introdotto da La Malfa (1951); la reintroduzione delle restrizioni quantitative da parte di Regno Unito e Francia (1951-1952). Questo contributo intende perciò sondare la natura, i presupposti e gli esiti della "filosofia liberalizzatrice" sviluppata dalle classi dirigen-ti dello stato italiano nel più ampio contesto del processo di integrazione economica del Vec-chio continente e della genesi di quello che sarebbe poi divenuto il mercato comune europeo.

This article deals with the origins, the spread and the consolidation of the so called 'neolibera... more This article deals with the origins, the spread and the consolidation of the so called 'neoliberal school of thought' across the European Economic Community (EEC) area between the 1970s and the 1980s. In order to assess whether, how and to what extent neoliberal-oriented policies emerged and interwove with the making of the European economic and monetary integration processes, the case-study of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) will be analysed. Established in 1955 in London by the businessman Antony Fisher and explicitly endorsed by Friedrich von Hayek, the IEA rapidly became one of the most prominent international think-thanks committed to the strengthening of free-market values throughout the Western world. In this respect, by exploring the scientific and political 'outputs' (such as books, papers, newspaper articles, proceedings, as well as private correspondence of significant IEA's members) that the IEA issued on the subject of European integration , this contribution aims first and foremost at understanding how this think-tank looked at the setting up of the 1970s' and 1980s' EEC monetary and economic poli-cymaking. In doing so, this paper will investigate whether and how neoliberal intellectuals paid specific attention to the 'European project' as a whole and whether the neoliberal school of thought contributed, directly or indirectly, to influence the climate of economic and political opinion within which European integration took shape in the 1970s and the 1980s. Thus, this article will assess whether the IEA conceived the political and institutional framework of the EEC as one of its own areas of intellectual interest and intervention.

The International History Review, n. 1 (2020), pp. 176-194, 2020
This article examines how Anglo-Italian relationships unfolded in the aftermath of the Second Wor... more This article examines how Anglo-Italian relationships unfolded in the aftermath of the Second World War within the framework of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). By analysing Italy's participation in the early stages of the European integration process through the lens of British diplomacy, this contribution aims to shed new light on the international dimension of Rome's post-1945 political and economic strategies. First, the article considers the main concerns that characterized Italy's involvement in the OEEC activities between the late 1940s and the early 1950s: the promotion of the circulation of the intra-and extra-European manpower and the liberalization of trade and payments. Second, rather than making a 'classic' comparison between the divergent policies-particularly the internal and international economic programmes-that Britain and Italy pursued within the OEEC, this article highlights the extent to which an 'asymmetry of power' impacted Italy's ability to realize its strategies. To conclude, the essay assesses how bilateral and multilateral relationships in the OEEC arena mutually contributed to the shaping of Italy and Britain's patterns of post-WWII economic reconstruction.
"Studi germanici", n. 15 (2019), pp. 375-401, 2019
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 162/2000 del 6 aprile 2000 Periodico semestrale «Studi Ge... more Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 162/2000 del 6 aprile 2000 Periodico semestrale «Studi Germanici» è una rivista peerreviewed di fascia A ISSN 00392952
"Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900", 2018
Books by Roberto Ventresca
Articles by Roberto Ventresca
1978), which is an economic policy body committed to the analysis
and spread of policy prescriptions as regards the evolution of the
international economic and monetary system after the end of
Bretton Woods. In so doing, this work represents the first critical
recounting of the G30ʹs early experience from a historiographic
perspective. The article frames the organizational roots and the
early history of the G30 within the wider economic and political
context that marked the transformations of the international system
between the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Moreover, this
article deals with one of the most challenging policy issues that
characterized the international economic policymaking at that
time: the spread of high inflation rates. The emergence of sustained
inflation trends in Western Europe will receive specific attention.
Finally, the article discusses the relevance that social and political
concerns acquired in the very conceptualization of anti-inflationary
and market-oriented measures, as these were promoted by the
G30ʹs affiliates between the late 1970s and the early 1980s.
particular, it explores the strategies and policies that the Bank of Italy promoted
within the wider framework of European integration and the transformations that
occurred in the international economic and monetary system at that time. This
contribution covers a time frame that spans from 1979 to 1992, and sheds new
light on the close interdependence between the domestic and international factors
that contributed to frame the Bank of Italy’s aims and attitudes in those years.
Furthermore, this paper discusses how social and political concerns impacted
on the central bank’s strong anti-inflationary turn that started in 1979-1981, as
well as how European integration embodied the institutional and – to some extent
– conceptual framework that underpinned the strategies and the practices of
the Italian central bank during the 1980s. Finally, this article discusses whether
and how the Bank of Italy achieved its purposes as the Cold War ended and the
EEC morphed into the current European Union.
Chakrabarty’s book Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Though and Historical
Difference (2000). The long-lasting process of “provincialization” of both Europe and
the Western world is analysed in the light of today’s most pressing global challenges.
A particular attention is dedicated to the process of European integration, the ‘colonial
origins’ of the European Economic Community and the reconfiguration of labour subjectivities
within contemporary society in Europe and beyond. In this respect, our aim
is to introduce a fruitful postcolonial perspective into such an intriguing topic, that is
the transnational history and politics of European integration. This article is conceived as a long introduction to an interview with Chakrabarty himself, where we seek to understand
how he conceptualizes the far-reaching transformations that both Europe and
the entire “globe” experienced over the last twenty years in the realm of transnational
social, economic, political, and cultural relations.
nodi costitutivi del processo di integrazione europea, indagato nelle
sue declinazioni politico-istituzionali, economico-sociali e filosoficointellettuali.
Finis Europae mira dunque a sviluppare una narrazione
alternativa della storia della “costruzione europea”, insistendo su un
arco cronologico che consenta di individuare i trend di lungo periodo
che hanno informato la realizzazione del progetto comunitario.
Capitalismo, migrazioni, lavoro, neosovranismi, scuola e confini
sono alcuni dei temi analizzati all’interno di questo numero, nel
tentativo di esplorare le contraddizioni del processo di formazione
della cosiddetta Europa unita.
1978), which is an economic policy body committed to the analysis
and spread of policy prescriptions as regards the evolution of the
international economic and monetary system after the end of
Bretton Woods. In so doing, this work represents the first critical
recounting of the G30ʹs early experience from a historiographic
perspective. The article frames the organizational roots and the
early history of the G30 within the wider economic and political
context that marked the transformations of the international system
between the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Moreover, this
article deals with one of the most challenging policy issues that
characterized the international economic policymaking at that
time: the spread of high inflation rates. The emergence of sustained
inflation trends in Western Europe will receive specific attention.
Finally, the article discusses the relevance that social and political
concerns acquired in the very conceptualization of anti-inflationary
and market-oriented measures, as these were promoted by the
G30ʹs affiliates between the late 1970s and the early 1980s.
particular, it explores the strategies and policies that the Bank of Italy promoted
within the wider framework of European integration and the transformations that
occurred in the international economic and monetary system at that time. This
contribution covers a time frame that spans from 1979 to 1992, and sheds new
light on the close interdependence between the domestic and international factors
that contributed to frame the Bank of Italy’s aims and attitudes in those years.
Furthermore, this paper discusses how social and political concerns impacted
on the central bank’s strong anti-inflationary turn that started in 1979-1981, as
well as how European integration embodied the institutional and – to some extent
– conceptual framework that underpinned the strategies and the practices of
the Italian central bank during the 1980s. Finally, this article discusses whether
and how the Bank of Italy achieved its purposes as the Cold War ended and the
EEC morphed into the current European Union.
Chakrabarty’s book Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Though and Historical
Difference (2000). The long-lasting process of “provincialization” of both Europe and
the Western world is analysed in the light of today’s most pressing global challenges.
A particular attention is dedicated to the process of European integration, the ‘colonial
origins’ of the European Economic Community and the reconfiguration of labour subjectivities
within contemporary society in Europe and beyond. In this respect, our aim
is to introduce a fruitful postcolonial perspective into such an intriguing topic, that is
the transnational history and politics of European integration. This article is conceived as a long introduction to an interview with Chakrabarty himself, where we seek to understand
how he conceptualizes the far-reaching transformations that both Europe and
the entire “globe” experienced over the last twenty years in the realm of transnational
social, economic, political, and cultural relations.
nodi costitutivi del processo di integrazione europea, indagato nelle
sue declinazioni politico-istituzionali, economico-sociali e filosoficointellettuali.
Finis Europae mira dunque a sviluppare una narrazione
alternativa della storia della “costruzione europea”, insistendo su un
arco cronologico che consenta di individuare i trend di lungo periodo
che hanno informato la realizzazione del progetto comunitario.
Capitalismo, migrazioni, lavoro, neosovranismi, scuola e confini
sono alcuni dei temi analizzati all’interno di questo numero, nel
tentativo di esplorare le contraddizioni del processo di formazione
della cosiddetta Europa unita.
sconfitta politica (1956–1966)
by Alessandro Barile, Rome, Carocci, 2022, 265 pp., €32
(paperback), ISBN 9788829018055